Why Are So Many COG Members Attracted To Such Crazy Men As We Have Leading...
When Herbert Armstrong was alive, the church had its fill of crazy men rising up with all kinds of lunacy, BUT they never gained much of a following due to Armstrong's threats, his magnetic...
View ArticleWe All Wonder: Why Are So Many COG Members Attracted To Such Crazy Men As We...
Why People Believe Weird ThingsAbout the bookIn this age of supposed scientific enlightenment, many people still believe in mind reading, past-life regression theory, New Age hokum, and alien...
View ArticleLCG Assures Us That They Have The Most Humble Leaders Who Never Seek Personal...
It is such a relief to know that there is at least one COG movement that has no one in leadership positions that seek self-aggrandizement. They have the most humble men who serve with such humility...
View ArticleWhen Bible Prophecy is Your Thing...
Finding the Path Back to the Present Sam Harris“All negativity is caused by an accumulation of psychological time and denial of the present. Unease, anxiety, tension, stress, worry - all forms of fear...
View ArticleDave Pack: Part 144 of the Craziest Sermon Series Ever Given
Below is the latest that was sent to me about Dave Pack. It contains part of Dave's sermon from the Feast, #144. In that sermon he said that he knew for a fact that there were only 2 weeks to 6...
View ArticleWes White: Lesson From Albert Speer’s Daughter
Lesson From Albert Speer’s DaughterBy Wes WhiteDuring World War II, Albert Speer (German Armaments Minister) was known as Hitler’s Architect. He and the Fuhrer spent countless hours poring over their...
View ArticleGerald Flurry's Wastes Well Over $80,000 In Tithe Money On 8 Prospective Members
Even Flurry is saying this now. That they have a little time left and that members should get their affairs in order. It’s amazing also to note that his last flight to Tampa for a Public Appearance...
View ArticleIs Herbert Armstrong Necessary For Salvation?
According to the Kitchen's, Yes!If you go to God in prayer and Bible Study, and fasting, you can have a relationship with God! What Mr. Armstrong taught will bring you closer to Christ and God the...
View ArticleWas visiting world leaders one of the most ineffectual things HWA ever did?
The strong hand from someplace Church of God the Eternal has admitted one thing about Herbert Armstrong's trips to world leaders that I have never seen other COG's admit. This will sure frost the butts...
View ArticleConcerning Herbert Armstrong
There have been a lot of comments regarding the influence of HWA based on a posting by Church of God the Eternal - which stated a position concerning Herbert Armstrong that has not been, so much as we...
View ArticleAdult Sabbath School: Bronze Age NIGHTFLIX or How You Decide What a Cherub...
As Above, So BelowThe saying means that man is an unfinished world that only partially mirrors the neighboring cosmoses. Man, therefore needs to look upward that he may learn to look downward -...
View ArticleTwo Witless Witnesses Will Be Here Within 2 Years
Are you ready for the two witless witnesses to arise within the next 2 years? They are coming this soon, claims the Chief Pharisee and bastardizer of the law, James Malm. As he begins the new year he...
View ArticleUCG 20+ years on and it still is struggling to find its focus as ministers
It has been 20 some years since UCG declared itself the new and improved "Worldwide Chruch of God". It actually had a good chance to do something great by correcting abusive errors and bad treatment of...
View ArticleFormer Church of God (Seventh Day) president discusses Church of God history...
Robert CoulterFormer Church of God (Seventh Day) president discusses Church of God history and Herbert Armstrong "...Mr. Armstrong and the CG7Mr. Coulter talked extensively about Worldwide Church of...
View ArticleOf Battles and Boils: What Would REALLY Happen if the Earth Suddenly Stopped...
2 Kings 20:1 In those days Hezekiah became ill and was at the point of death. The prophet Isaiah son of Amoz went to him and said, “This is what the LORD says: Put your house in order, because you are...
View ArticleSelf-righteous COG Hypocrite of Arroyo Grande Makes A Fool of Himself Again
It is a rainy day in California today and our resident lying false prophet of Arroyo Grande is making an ass of himself yet again, all at the expense of Christians who are better Christians than he...
View ArticleCommentary: On Blackface
On September 28, 2018, I submitted a picture here to Banned of an incident that happened at Ambassador College back in the 1950s - of four early Students at the College who were wearing heavy blackface...
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