It is such a relief to know that there is at least one COG movement that has no one in leadership positions that seek self-aggrandizement. They have the most humble men who serve with such humility that even Jesus is least when they take the time to talk to him.
But of course, what Winnail is talking about below is actually aimed at the members to encourage them to not seek lofty positions, because we all know that not one single man in leadership positions in LCG have EVER sought self-aggrandizement. Nope! Never has the church seen such humble men than those in LCG. Woo Hoo!
What Motivates You? In our world today, many people are motivated by a personal quest for a position, power, prestige, pleasure or a paycheck—and failure to be acknowledged or acclaimed is hard for some to deal with. Sometimes this attitude even spills over into the Church and local congregations when individuals jostle for positions and seek to be noticed or be given positions and responsibilities. However, Jesus sternly admonished the religious leaders of His day against seeking prominent positions and relishing public recognition (Matthew 23:6–7). In place of these self-seeking motives, Jesus emphasized to His disciples the importance of genuine humble service, “whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant” (Matthew 20:26). The Apostles Paul and Peter also warned against seeking offices in the Church for personal aggrandizement, and instead, they urged Christians to be examples to others by serving with humility (1 Timothy 6:5; 1 Peter 5:2–6). As we strive to come out of this world, we need to understand that when we eliminate selfish motives and develop a genuine desire to serve others as Jesus Christ did, then God can use us to be more effective instruments in His hands (Philippians 2:3–12).
Have a profitable Sabbath,
Douglas S. Winnail