It has been 20 some years since UCG declared itself the new and improved "Worldwide Chruch of God". It actually had a good chance to do something great by correcting abusive errors and bad treatment of members. But where are those changes? The same men who abused members and kicked them out of the church when they disagreed with the changes were coming down the pipeline simply jumped ship for a continuing paycheck and continued on being the jerks so many of them were.
So here we are in 2019 and the United Church of God is not so united. It files to attracted new members, like most of the other COG's. They still cannot adjust their message to 2019 minds and still rely on old models and preaching from 30-40 years ago. Just how many times so members need to hear the same canned sermon?
These are some of the topics being examined by the boys in Cincinnati in their conference:
What impedes us from being “joined and knit together?” Are there things that we can do now to change that?
Do you feel valued for what you personally “supply?” Are you given opportunities to contribute the skills you have to offer?COG members were always considered "commodities" for what they could supply and contribute towards the church. Never once were members ever considered equals and children of God. Rarely were members talents out to good works. The church had a great way of devaluing talents and many times deliberately berated members at what they were good at and often forced them to give it up, including jobs and education tracks.
What is currently in place that helps you work most effectively? Is there anything that could be improved upon or added?
Are we growing in love as a home office staff, within our church, and within our community at large? What specific things can you point to? What barriers do we face?
Are there things we do that are inconsistent with our Vision statement?
Is the home office team conveying the vision of the Church to all our members effectively and does the message we send encourage and enable them to fulfill it?
Are we conveying God’s vision for humanity in a loving, genuine, and compelling way?
Do we have a culture that is welcoming and loving to new believers?
How do we as individuals fulfill the vision of the Church?”