Dave Pack: New York, the "most dangerous Neighborhoods on earth!"
It has been reported many times that New York scared the crap out of Dave. Here he talks about his time in New York having to venture into the "gentile" neighborhoods of some of the church members.He...
View ArticleDave Pack: Big Bad Meanie Tkach Demoted Me And Deliberately Tried To Ruin My...
Uncertain of the future, the Packs returned to Buffalo. Weeks later, on a Friday afternoon in August 1985, they received a telephone callthat would dramatically alter their lives.It was from Mr....
View ArticlePre-Adamic Man: Falsely Called "Christian" Splinter Leader Has The Final Answer
Why is it that the Church of God had to weigh in on every matter under the sun and attempt to provide an answer?Today the leader of the improperly named "continuing" Church of God, and a so-called...
View ArticleDoes Jim Franks Think UCG Is Not As Unified As They Keep Proclaiming?
Ever since the United Church of God ruptured with an appalling number of ministers and members jumping ship to join Church of God a Worldwide Association, it has been going overboard on how "unified"...
View ArticlePhiladelphia Church of God "No Contact Policy" Causes Another Suicide
This was sent to us by a reader and is from the Facebook page of a former Philippines member of the Philadelphia Church of God.Another PCG member has committed suicide due to the obscene and vile "No...
View ArticleGrace Communion International May Be In Hot Water In Australia
Grace Communion International (former Worldwide Church of God) seems to be holding on to some of their old ways.GCI may be in hot water because its Australian branch still advocates for conversion...
View ArticleUCG: Why are Kubik and others in Cincinnati turning a blind eye to problems...
Like normal in may COG's, the membership see what is going on and yet the leadership are so set on their agenda's that they ignore the debacles they have created. UCG has had to do a major amount of...
View ArticleDave Pack: I was so good as a minister that it made other ministers jealous
What else could we expect from the most superfantabulous man who has ever existed in human history!Jealousy Breeds ResentmentThere was another reason the transformation of the Rochester and Syracuse...
View ArticleDave Pack Exposes the Duplicitous Actions of United Church of God Leaders As...
After Dave Pack rebelled against Pasadena and WCG due tot eh doctrinal changes he decided to join forces with Rod Meredith. What he describes below proves once again how duplicitous the leadership of...
View ArticleAdult Sabbath School: Romantic Relationships in the Bible.
2 Samuel 12: 1 "And the LORD sent Nathan unto David. And he came unto him, and said unto him, There were two men in one city; the one rich, and the other poor. 2 The...
View ArticleThe Great Monarch In Prophecy
God's greatest self-appointed prophet who knows everything about everything, is letting the world know that there is a Great Monarch coming along with 50 other Beasts. Oh, noes! What will we do?????...
View ArticleDave Pack on how two-faced the new leader of United Church of God was (and...
After Dave gave his farewell sermon and scores of Akron members reported him to Pasadena, Dave began the process of joining up with Global, Church of God and Rod Meredith. After Pack was...
View ArticleUnited Church of God: Chief Pharisee Has Melt Down Over Perceived Doctrinal...
A sure indication that a Church of God may be potentially heading in the right direction regarding "grace" is when you see the Official Pharisee of the Church of God get his Levitical bloomers all in a...
View ArticlePCG Suicide: More Information on Errol Concepcion and the Disastrous PCG "No...
The Philadelphia Church of God's NO CONTACT POLICY has just pushed over the edge a young member after having cast him out of the fellowship and mandatorily shunned by his own family for around 5...
View ArticleLiving Church of God Finally Admits A "Worldly" Education Is Not Wrong
Living Church of God has now decided that it is not always wrong to get an education in so-called "worldly" colleges and institutions of higher learning. Now that LCG's so-called university has had to...
View ArticleChurch Science Falsely So Called: : A Whale of a Tale Revisited and Updated
Ambassador College and all offshoot versions were not and are NOT places to learn anything about how the real and natural world works. Ambassador did not teach one how to make a living, how to think...
View ArticleDesperately Searching For Jesus In The Improperly Named "continuing" Church...
Where's Jesus in the improperly named "continuing" Church of God?Below is the latest list of non-salvation topics that Almost arrested, but not arrested Bob Thiel has posted on his site. Not one...
View ArticleIt's "Extremely Unlikely", but "Possible", but really "Impossible"....
Below is a prime example of what some men in the COG do to bastardized the law to fit their absurd and idiotic belief that the law is more important than Jesus, grace, justification, and mercy. They...
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