This was sent to us by a reader and is from the Facebook page of a former Philippines member of the Philadelphia Church of God.
Another PCG member has committed suicide due to the obscene and vile "No Contact" policy that Gerald Flurry instituted several years ago in PCG. His various goons around the world wreck peoples lives as they enforce this unchristian lie. This is the 4th suicide by Philippine members in the last few years.
We took Errol in our group and provided him all the help we can give: a home, a foster family, encouragement, and our love. But because he misses his family, we tried to turn him over to his grandparents who were acting as his former guardians. The Concepcions were initially reluctant to take him back because of fear of the repercussions of acting against the counsel of Mr. Cara. Eventually, Errol was taken by his grandparents only to bring him to his uncaring relatives in Lucena. With that, his situation became even worse. He was a lot better off when he was still with his foster family in our group. But we are not blaming the Concepcions. They are mere victims of deception in the PCG.
Actually, it was Mr. Cara who made the situation unbearable for the physically sick young man by preventing his being reunited with his family due to his strict and uncompromising implementation of the irrational, illogical, Satanic NO CONTACT POLICY! That same policy has already claimed the lives of two other Filipino PCG members, namely: Mr. Rodolfo Marquez and Mr. Orville Lilangan. Errol Concepcion is now the 3rd victim of the murderous NO CONTACT POLICY of the PCG Ministers in the Philippines.
By God's words, what Mr. Pedrito Cara and his fellow ministers in the Philadelphia Church of God are doing in implementing their NO CONTACT POLICY is MURDER. Notice this:
1Jn 2:9 He that saith he is in the light, and hateth his brother, is in darkness even until now.
1Jn 2:10 He that loveth his brother abideth in the light, and there is none occasion of stumbling in him.
1Jn 2:11 But he that hateth his brother is in darkness, and walketh in darkness, and knoweth not whither he goeth, because that darkness hath blinded his eyes.
Brethren, please use some common sense and let the Holy Spirit of God guide you so you can see what's going on in the PCG with true WISDOM FROM ABOVE!
CAN YOU SAY THAT SEPARATING A VERY YOUNG MAN FROM HIS GRANDPARENTS-GUARDIAN BY THROWING HIM OUT OF THE HOUSE AND CUTTING HIM OFF COMPLETELY AND LETTING HIM LIVE LIKE A PAUPER IN THE STREETS AN ACT OF LOVE? Where in the Bible can you see where it says that you can show your love for your son, daughter or even your parents by CUTTING THEM OFF COMPLETELY like what they have done to Errol Concepcion, Rodolfo Marquez, and Orville Lilangan? How many more ex PCG members will they kill? Who will be the next victim?
Just knowing the 10 commandments of God without truly understanding the intent of His law is useless knowledge! You have to use GODLY WISDOM to see through the lies you have been made to accept and practice like the NO CONTACT POLICY. It is premised on HATRED which is the exact opposite of God's love.
Your unrepentant ministers are all going to be burned in the Lake of Fire. Why should you give your support to the men who are worse than criminals since they are causing people to die the eternal death. That's where they are taking you!
On another entry on the same Facebook page is this story that continues the repercussions of the "No Contact" policy of PCG:
A request should be submitted to the Department of Foreign Affairs and the Bureau of Immigrations to declare Mr. Alex Harrison as "persona non grata" in the Philippines which will mean the inclusion of his name in the list of persons blacklisted from entering the country.
Under his term as Regional Director of the Philadelphia Church of God in the region including the Philippines, we have proofs that the church’s irrational, unconstitutional, and criminal NO CONTACT POLICY has caused the physical death of 3 members namely: RODOLFO MARQUEZ, ORVILLE LILANGAN and ERROL CONCEPCION. Despite the wicked nature of the policy which he would not apply to his own disfellowshipped son Paul Harrison, resulting in the earlier death of Messrs. Marquez and Lilangan, he still encouraged the continuing application of the policy in the Philippines. The death toll from this cultish practice has increased to 3 with the inclusion of Errol Conception who just recently committed suicide by hanging himself to death.
The ministers of the Philadelphia Church of God in the Philippines are going over and above the level of wickedness of their fellows in other parts of the world, as they continue to follow the examples set by John Macdonald whose heart is rotten to the core. The continuing influence of this man has remain strong due to the support of Alex Harrison who took over when the former fled to Australia to avoid his accountability in the death of another PCG member, Liza Fe Columna. Alex Harrison’s right hand man in the Philippines, PEDRITO CARA, is not using his own brain as he just follow the examples of John Macdonald and the guidance of Alex Harrison. PEDRITO CARA has lost his self-respect and considers himself a robot or a yes man in following these men. He has stopped using the guidance of the Holy Spirit in discerning between good and evil.
One day, Mr. Alex Harrison will find himself being held by Immigration officials at the airport and being deported back to his country.