Below is a prime example of what some men in the COG do to bastardized the law to fit their absurd and idiotic belief that the law is more important than Jesus, grace, justification, and mercy. They never talk about Jesus but come up with this asininebullshit to manipulate their followers into believing they are actually following some creature they claim is god. Even Herbert Armstrong finally realized that this idiocy was unnecessary!
This is the latest from the Chief Pharisee and bastardizer of the law, James Malm. It is more important for him to weigh down his followers with heavy yokes of burden than it is to revel in grace.
If that is not confusing, get a load of this legalistic mumbo-jumbo where the Chief Pharisee expects his followers to set aside TWO days to keep the Feast of Trumpets, just in case. Seriously? Jesus weeps!The next High Day is the New Moon Feast of Trumpets. The first possible date that the New Moon could be observed from Jerusalem is after sunset ending 10 September. It is impossible that the Feast of Trumpets 2018 could occur before 11 September by the calendar that God gave to Moses. Please see our articles on the Biblical Calendar which God gave to Moses and how HWA accepted that calendar but was later led astray, believing that the modern Rabbinic Calendar was scriptural when it is not; go ahead and read his own words on the subject!In fact a sighting at sunset ending 10 Sep is extremely unlikely and if not seen that evening the Feast of Trumpets will be on 12 Sep. I will have more information about local conditions closer to the anticipated date.
What to do?Since the first day of the seventh month is a high day I always recommend that two days be set aside ahead of time. First the expected day and second the next day, just in case the moon is not seen as expected.The High Day is still only ONE DAY, but for advance scheduling it is prudent to set both days aside, unless the day happens to be the first day after a 30 day month; and then to observe only the one day as the sighting is confirmed.This year I think that the chance of a sighting on the first day is improbable and the second date is the most likely, but I must cover all the bases to avoid misinforming people.Personally I do expect Christ to restore the planetary cycles with the original creation of twelve 30 day months making one solar year when he comes, as part of the restoration of all things [again please see the calendar articles for more on this]. If that happens all of this difficulty will vanish and if not I am quite certain that he will instruct us further.
Galatians 5:4 Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace.
Acts 15:10 Now therefore why tempt ye God, to put a yoke (the law) upon the neck of the disciples, which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear.
Galatians 5:1 Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled in the yoke of bondage. [the law]