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Philadelphia Church of God: John Amos Equal To If Not Greater Than Christ

His Holiness Saint John Amos

The Philadelphia Church of God has reposted a mind-numbing post on why PCG members MUST remember John Amos.  Forget Jesus Christ, John Amos deserves your reverence!

Everything about this article is truly disgusting!

Gareth Fraser is the author.  He is the son of the legalistic tyrant Ron Fraser who died in 2013.

Gareth  starts his article off by quoting Gerald Flurry who made the claim that John Amos had attained the highest success possible that any man on earth has ever had.  That relegates Jesus Christ back to the corner as the weak, impotent, effeminate grace-ite that is ignored.  Besides, Amos is better than Jesus Christ.
“John Amos has just achieved the greatest success attainable on Earth!” wrote editor in chief Gerald Flurry on the cover of the June 1993 Philadelphia News. The article recounted the biblical promises to those who die “in the faith,” such as this man born in 1929.
He then closes the article with the belief that Amos will be sitting on the same throne as Jesus Christ.
And finally, in his booklet Who Is ‘That Prophet’?, Mr. Flurry fittingly remembered his loyal friend and confidant: “Mr. Amos has these words written on his gravestone: ‘To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne’ (Revelation 3:21). I know Mr. Amos is going to be there with Christ on that throne. Will we be there with him?”
You can read the rest of this disgust display of bullshit here:  Why You Must Remember John Amos 

Also check this out:

What Did John Amos Really Die Of?

LCG Member on Egypt Air Plane That Crashed


This was sent to me from several LCG members this morning.  An LCG member from Paris was killed in what looks like a terrorist attack upon an Egypt Air flight heading to Cairo.

Egyptair flight MS804: 'Terrorism more likely than technical failure', says Egypt – live

(CNN) EgyptAir Flight 804 vanished off radar on its way from Paris to Cairo with 66 people aboard, an airline official said Thursday. The plane was flying at 37,000 feet when it disappeared with 56 passengers and 10 crew members, the airline tweeted. 

Monique Dalle, member of the Paris congregation, wife of Jean-Jacques DALLE, is on the flight MS804 that disappeared en route from Paris to Cairo. Monique was to see their daughter Esther. Jean-Jacques and their son Nathan are at home in Paris without news from the authorities. Please pray for the family.

It Takes 3 1/2 Years to Complete Holy Orders In Bizarre COG Splinter Cult


Its been quit some time since we have heard about Eric King.  He has been busy making thousands of predictions,  searching for UFO's, communing with extraterrestrials, and working on his psychic powers.  King is so attuned to his extraterrestrial Anoh that he now has developed an intense study program for his acolytes.  Acolytes may now take "Holy Orders."

This extraterrestrial that regularly talks to King is also a follower of "Jesus." Anoh is part of the angelic beings that did not follow Satan in rebellion. Now they fly around the world in UFO's delivering "human potential" messages.

“The knowledge that you receive at SOCT is important knowledge because it leads you to master your own consciousness. Through the power of Yeshua Hamashiach you are transmuted, forgiven and strengthened to become a New Creature in Christ. All socters have the Holy Spirit working in and through them. We must always stay concerned about personal advancement according to the Divine Precepts of the Order. We are interested in regeneration.” ~ 

“We begin to understand how our thoughts and actions influence all that surrounds us. We are wise in that we seek not only spiritual but scientific methods of dealing with problems. We experience self-transformation on all levels. We manifest the White Light of our bodies. It surrounds us and all socters become awake, aware and alert of the presence of this Great Power. As we move into the New Year [2016] let us continue steadily on our path and in so doing remember….Peace, Tolerance, Truth; Salutation on All Points of the Triangle; Respect to the Order.” ~ Anoh (December 2nd 2015)

Part of the ritual in King's Holy Orders is celebrating the "Lord's Supper."

As Christians we partake of the “Lord’s Supper”. This ritual was instituted by Jesus Christ Himself and is a powerful transformative experience when one truly understands what all the symbols used mean. We also use symbols and objects in ritual to strengthen the over all experience. Sacred material tools are used. ~  

When a socter performs a ritual he or she comes to a higher awareness. The student is no longer in his or her home while doing this but instead the student is in a Sacred Temple, a Holy Place. Visualization is extremely important while in ritual. The student now is in direct contact with Divine Intelligence. The rituals help one to “Know thyself”. The student develops a different feeling about him or herself and their relationship to all that surrounds them. A more holistic view of life becomes a reality. ~ 

All of you acolytes out here had better start putting your brains to work!

In ending this paper I will say that if you study with us here you will learn a lot about yourself. We have wonderful Human brains. We have so much potential to create a better world and collectively we have not succeeded thus far in doing so. SOCT teaches the Seventh Message which contains the necessary knowledge and practices to create a better world. Won’t you join us in our efforts? Together we can achieve amazing things. ~
Peace Profound,
Sir Eric William King

 Sir Eric in intense study draped in his prayer shawl

Gerald Flurry, Beggars and Lives of Excess


The Philadelphia Church of God recently ran an article by a young woman from The Compound about how her life was "touched" by a poor beggar boy in South Africa while she and her privileged white family celebrated the Feast of Excessive Spending.

She writes:
That was at a Feast in South Africa in 2005. I was 11 years old and quite selfish, but that incident changed the way I looked at life. Living such rich lifestyles—as we do in America—can make a person begin to feel entitled to things, just like I felt entitled to a bigger, nicer vehicle, but we cannot think that way. It has all been given to us, and it can all be taken away just as easily, especially now in this end time. Mr. Gerald Flurry has even warned us be prepared to lower our standard of living because it is not always going to be rainbows and butterflies like it is now. 

Gerald Flurry and other  Church of God leaders have been touting Herbert Armstrong's "lower your standard of living" mantra for many decades now.  While Flurry, Pack, Thiel, Kubik and others spout the same drivel, they demand that their members continue to send in as much money as possible to keep their rich white lives maintained in their current standard of living.  Not once has Gerald Flurry, Dave Pack, Bob Thiel or any of the other so-called leaders ever lowered their standards of living.  Herbert Armstrong never set the example for them, so they have no idea how.

UCG and LCG are prime examples of that.  Both of these churches were started in order to maintain the current lifestyles of their leaders and ministers. Of them both, UCG was the most flagrant in their desire to maintain their ministerial perks.  Knowing that they were to to soon lose their jobs due to the doctrinal changes and the dramatic drop in income to WCG, ministers met and conspired in Kubik's and other ministers homes on campus plotting and scheming on how to take as many members and as much tithe money with them as possible.  Their new church they started was not so much over doctrinal changes, as most of them were the major enforcers of Tkach Sr. changes, but was really about the money.

When has Gerald Flurry ever taken a pay cut?  When has any of his intermarried family members ever taken away cut?  Instead, a million dollar facility is being built so that his grand-kids can practice Irish dance while PCG members struggle to make ends meet.
In the Church, we not only have many physical blessings from God, but we also have His truth and His protection. We have the hope of the World Tomorrow that is coming so soon. 
Whenever I feel down and discouraged, I always try to count my blessings. It actually does work! If you are sad like I was, it might be a result of selfishness and ingratitude. You cannot be unhappy if you are truly thankful. If that little boy had the blessings and truth we have, he would never be unthankful. 
Truth?  What truth?

Those "physical blessings" would all dry up the second members stopped sending in their
hard-earned money.  God isn't blessing the PCG, members are propping up.  If they all stopped sending in money for one month, the entire family enterprise would collapse.

Who in there right mind would want to live in a "world tomorrow" that is managed by PCG tyrants?  Imagine what a hellish life it would be with Wayne Turgeon lording himself over you and your family!  The lake of fire would start to look like a much better alternative.
As sad as that story is, God made it happen to teach me a lesson about gratitude. And maybe one day in the World Tomorrow, when we are teaching all the people, He will let me scoop that little boy up in my arms, squeeze him tight, and tell him that I love him—that everything is going to be okay, and that there are people out there who want the best for him. I’ll share the hope we have with him. And I will thank him for the valuable, life-changing lesson he taught me about being thankful.
For the sake of the world, may the day of PCG's "kingdom" never come!

How Not To Be Discouraged...According to the Philadelphia Church of God


Leave it to a fun loving privileged little white boy at the Edmond compound to tell the struggling Philadelphia Church of God members how not to be discouraged.  Discouragement can be eliminated if PCG members support the church.  Their spiritual lives will improve too.

Michael Cocomise writes:

Hearts in the Work 
If we lack vision, we lack hope. If we lack hope, we cannot do God’s Work. If we fail to do the Work, we fade spiritually. Hold on to the vision God gives us in the Bible by doing the Work. In the process, we will increase our depth of vision, and that will give us greater hope. 
Sometimes “put your heart into the Work” can become cliché and we shrug it off. You might be thinking right now, We hear that all the time! Just put your heart more into God’s Work. I am not at headquarters; I am not a staff member. How can I put my heart more into God’s Work? 
No matter where you are, you are involved in the most crucial aspect of God’s Work. The Work does not thrive at headquarters or in the field because of new machines or clever thinking. It thrives because of God’s people pouring their hearts into it through prayers! It advances because of God’s people deeply studying their Bibles, fasting on occasion, raising strong families, sharing godly conversation, raising funds together, spending time together. 
Cocomise then continues with this little list of vital things that you can do to stop discouragement.  As usual, Jesus is nowhere to be found.
Do not believe that you are not a vital part of God’s Work! That belief does not come from God. If you would like some specific ways to pour your heart into God’s Work more, here are three:
  • You can listen to KPCG.fm 
  • Read The Philadelphian (members only) 
  • Listen to Stephen Flurry on the Trumpet Daily 
Doing these three things will eliminate most discouragement, however deep discouragement requires something harder.  You must FAST!
None of these tips replaces or comes before our most important tools in battling discouragement: prayer and study. Fasting may even be necessary from time to time depending on how discouraged we may get. Nevertheless, these additional tools can serve as a great method to boost our resistance to discouragement when it arises.
Cocomise can't bring in any scriptures by Jesus on how he makes burdens light and carries the weight, instead he has to resort to an Old Testament hero that PCG places more significance upon.
Baruch was right there serving as secretary to God’s prophet, Jeremiah. He was right at the center of God’s Work. They had the vision, yet Baruch still found a way to fall into discouragement. No matter who we are, we can get discouraged. Baruch became selfish, and God had to remind him that even though life might have been easier if he were in a different situation, the only thing that would save his life for all eternity was holding on to the vision and delivering God’s message. Our situation is no different. If we deliver this message, hold on to the vision, and faithfully support God’s Work, we will defeat Satan and his effort to crush us through discouragement. God is ready and waiting to encourage you through His Work!
Big bad meanie Satan is out to discourage PCG members.  Apparently that discouragement never comes from the perverse teachings of Flurry, the abuse of Wayne Turgeon, the arrogance of the ministry, and much more.  Great would be the day any of this "men" ever took responsibility for anything.

PCG Suspends Convicted Felon Mark Nash


Things are not too rosy on The Compound lately.  The PCG recently suspended PCG minister Mark Nash.  Nash has a rather dubious background in the PCG. He went to prison for defrauding the IRS and through it all the PCG kept him on salary.  We now have two felon's in the Church of God sent to prison for the same thing, Ron Weinland and Mark Nash.

Exit and Support has this:
Another person of interest is Mark Nash. He is a former Navy Seal or Green Beret, with all the "talents" taught to them. He went to prison for defrauding the IRS, and yet was not even suspended while in prison. In fact, he was allowed to give sermons while on leave for "good behavior." If any member on the bottom level was similarly put away, he would be put out for putting the "church" in a bad light. After all, even deacons are supposed to be "blameless" in the world and of "good reputation." What gives? What do these men know that keeps them in the "good old boy network"? These two men, at least, have knowledge that keeps them on the "inside." Otherwise, Flurry would have disposed of them long ago. Mark Nash now teaches Physical Ed and who knows what else.
It doesn't take much to realize that Gerald Flurry is over a barrel with at least these two men. --Former member WCG/PCG 
Update: We were told the following by a PCG exiter: "Mark Nash received full pay as a minister and office manager while he served his time in prison." See: "Transfer All Your Assets to Gerald Flurry After You Die" about an article Mark Nash wrote in the Royal Vision, January/February 2004. Update: In 2012 Mark Nash was a PCG HQs preaching elder and Festival Dept. Manager. In 2016 he was suspended.
On May 19, Exit and Support received this letter:
Mark Nash Suspended:
May 19, 2016
I wanted to let you know that I heard about a month ago that Mark Nash, a minister at HQ, has been suspended. It was announced at services by Wayne Turgeon. It did not say his wife, just him. Wondered if you knew this or had heard anything? --Anonymous
All of the articles Nash has written over the years are still posted on PCG's web site.  Since one of them deals with PCG members making the church beneficiary in their wills, Flurry cant have it disappear until he has one of his boys rewrite it.

This is an earlier article I had on Mark Nash:  Philadelphia Church of God's Mark Nash 

The Signs of a Sick Church


There is a fair probability that nearly every week, amongst every single COG congregation, there is at least one member who stops listening during the sermon to entertain that element of doubt that rises to the surface now and then.  Next come the questions... "Am I really in the right place?  Is this really the one true church?  If not, why do they continue to state this directly or indirectly so often?  How can it be the true church when there has been so much division?  How can it be if the leaders seem more interested in tithes than the members?  How can it be where so many 'truths' have changed over the years?"

Well, for anyone that may wonder whether they should continue attending their specific congregation(or organization), the folks at Bible Study.org have identified three signs that identify sick churches (which should be avoided).  The following comes directly from their website (posting titled "Signs of a Sick Church"):

1. Separation

The first characteristic of a sick fellowship, church or even religion is that it tries to separate people from one another or even tries to separate themselves from the world. One way a separation of people takes place is when a church disfellowships a member or members (throws them out and tells them never to return). Those remaining in the group are then strictly warned to STAY AWAY from the disfellowshipped or else THEY TOO will be thrown out!

2. Taking more than giving

The second characteristic of a sick church is that it TAKES more than it GIVES. I have witnessed people who were so pressured by religious leadership to give, give, GIVE that they gave to the point of poverty. Members may be harangued to 'sacrifice' for a denomination all the while the leadership leads a life of relative luxury. There have also been cases where brethren were encouraged to donate such a significant amount of their time in order to "serve" the church that it jeopardized their marriage, family, finances and even their health.

The purpose of a true God-focused church is to ENLARGE and ENRICH the lives of those they are blessed to serve. Jesus made it crystal clear that those who are TRUE leaders in God's eyes are those who serve the needs of others (Luke 22:24-27). One of the purposes of Jesus coming to the earth was to show humans not only how to live, but to do so more abundantly (John 10:10). One must be very wary of sick churches or groups who take far more than they give.

The Fear factor

The third and final characteristic of a sick church is that it encourages fear more than courage and even love. When was the last time your pastor or minister encourage you to do great things for others? A true godly group appeals to your love so that you are motivated to feed those in need, clothe those who are in want, visit and take care of the sick and do good to your neighbor (Luke 10:29-37; Mark 12:28-31).

Beware of any church, fellowship or even religion that appeals to fear. The only 'good" fear is that of God.

The three cures for a sick religion:

1.    Do not let a religious leader or church separate you from those you love, such as spouses, friends, family, or whomever.
2.    Do not let a group make you worse off than when you arrived! If you find that they are taking from you far more than they are giving back then it might be time to leave.
3.    Love is the cure for fear (1John 4:18). Do not let fear discourage you from fulfilling your responsibilities as a believer in Jesus Christ. A church or group is SICK if it feeds you more fear than the love of God.

 Guest column by Alan

Patriarchy in UCG Not Happy With Women Writing Biblically Based Articles


UCG has been letting women write articles for blogs and their main web site for some time now.  Some men in the church have been highly offended with this over the years and now it has reached a boiling point. How dare women write articles based upon bible teachings!  Men are only allowed to do that!
Chairman Webber welcomed those that joined the gallery for this discussion. He welcomed the media department and the women who came in to hear this session. Mr. Webber mentioned concerns had been raised in the Media and Communications Committee (MCC) regarding the role of women writers dealing with certain biblical subjects. His desire with the Council’s approval was to keep this in open session. 
Rex Sexton led the discussion as the chairman of the (MCC). There have been articles written by women in our official UCG publications (Beyond Today and United News) and that have appeared in our blogs (unofficial) on specific subjects that have been raised as whether being appropriate for women to address. The question was asked if there were any written policies for what kind of articles can be written. Currently there are no specific policies written up. One of the Council’s responsibilities is to have oversight and write policies when questions and needs arise. Input was already received from the media department, and Mr. Sexton thanked them for it.
Its a fact that there are many women in the Church of God who are better educated and understand scripture than many of the men.  This does not sit well with some of the men who feel that no woman should ever tell them what to believe.
Peter Eddington, operation manager of Media and Communications Services, mentioned the August 1999 Council report under the media section that was discussed by the Council. It was a non-issue for there to be women writers. Mr. Sexton asked if the substance of the content had changed over the years since then. Mr. Eddington said since 1999 we now have more women writers, and one of the reasons is because the media department wants more ways to relate women to women in our writings.
Robin Webber then enters the fray:
Chairman Webber desired to establish focus of what was being discussed. We are discussing the role of women in media, so we are looking at what might women do with our understanding of Scripture. We are not talking about women ministers or preachers or getting up now to give messages in services. We understand there is a structure in the Church that has been recognized through the ages, so we are not going there. We all agree with that. Now we are dealing with comments by Paul about women being silent in the Church. How does that apply to teaching through writing? Culture needs to responsibly move forward, and we have to look at the context of the Scriptures. What was the apostle Paul addressing, and why was he saying it? If we use our heads and hearts and trust the administration with monitoring, the one article that came to our attention on repentance was dealing with the heart and the approach. It wasn’t dynamically preaching to the world to repent. We need to use wisdom. He was concerned that we need to take our time with this. A year or two ago we had a policy on the role of women in the Church that was not complete in tone and emphasis, so we withdrew that paper. We need to be very careful about the policies we might possibly create.
Don Ward then weighs in with at lest a slightly more enlightened point of view

Don Ward advised that we be circumspect with what commentaries might be used and their rendering interpretations towards explaining the culture of Paul’s day. He advised some interpretations convey that Paul didn’t really mean what he said because of the culture of that particular time. We see the culture has shifted as a result of the Industrial Revolution and many other things that have come to pass. Dr. Ward does not see the Word of God shifting with the culture. Dr. Ward read from 1 Timothy:2:11-12 (KJV). The Bible does give clear instruction why Paul wrote that, and it wasn’t based on the culture of the day. The question is not if they can teach. Women teach in Sabbath school. Titus 2 gives clear instruction that the older women are to instruct the younger women. 
Mr. Bradford raised the questions we need to be asking ourselves are: 1) What are the unique reasons that women do not preach at church and, 2) Do the same principles apply in writing corrective articles? 
Then to backpedal and blame the woman who wrote the article, Rainer Salomaa  says it could have all "been a mistake or poorly written", all of which ignores the fact that a MAN approved the article to be printed in the first place.
Rainer Salomaa was asked if he had any comments. Mr. Salomaa said nothing really jumps out at him that has been a problem. Regarding the article in question there shouldn’t be hours and hours of time put into policy for one article. The article could have just been a mistake. It could have been stated better perhaps. He would just trust those in that position to monitor it. He’s not sure there needs to be a Council-driven policy. He then asked if they could get the input from some of the women in the audience. Robin Webber agreed that he was going to do that. He asked for a few comments from the women or media department in the audience. 
Then Beverly Kubik dared to rock the boat and asked some pointed questions:
Beverly Kubik asked if there was a well done study paper on the verses brought up today about women not speaking at church, because if you take these verses literally then women have to put gags in their mouth when they enter the building. She asked if there was a study paper and said we should have that when addressing this topic. Robin Webber agreed that there are many commentaries on this, and they could be put together. Mrs. Kubik said she would like to see an unbiased study into those scriptures. 
She went on to comment that we encourage discussion of the sermon after service and, if we take those verses literally then women can’t talk about the sermon after services. She didn’t feel that interpretation of those verses make sense with the context of rest of the entire Bible. When Christ came He showed more respect to women than had been in the culture prior to that. She asked why that was. She asked why some women are called “prominent women.” Why were they prominent, and what were they doing in the churches there? She feels we are so fearful of anything that comes near preaching for women, yet we have no problem with women singing scriptural words. She would like to understand why these lines are being drawn, and she wants to know what is right or isn’t right. She isn’t trying to promote any idea over another. 
It will be interesting to see if the men can do what is right.  But this is the UCG after all.

You can read the entire March 2016 report here.


A Child Speaks: By Former COG Minister


Here is an excerpt from a blog entry on The Painful Truth site by John O (a former WCG minister).  It is typical of what went on in many families in the Church of God.  Remember, this is the church with all "the truth once restored."

April 20th. Two men arrived at our house this evening. I don’t like them. They’re not happy people like we remember mom and dad once were. They are stern and cold. These men are not loving. They tell mom and dad to send us to our rooms. Mom and dad obey and then talk to these men alone for about an hour.
April 25th. It’s a Saturday and Becky and I wanted to go play today, but dad said no. Mom said to go get dressed in our best clothes because we were going to a meeting that was ordered by God. We go to the meeting and listen to some men yelling at us. We’re no good, they say, we’re sinners and need to go to God to get forgiven. They alone will tell us how. I’d rather be playing. What’s tithing?
May 16th. Dad said that we’re taking these services of God too lightly. We’re old enough, he said, to listen to the speakers who are anointed of God. We can finally learn something from these men about how evil our lives had been, and how we are now learning not to be pagans. What is an apostle?
September 12th. Tonight we listened upstairs as dad told mom that their bills were getting too high. He said that tithing and offerings came first, but after all that was paid, there was little left for anything else except food. He said he owed a month’s mortgage on the house. He’s going to sell mom’s car so he can continue to tithe.
September 25th. We were sent to bed at seven o’clock at exactly the time when those two ministers came to the front door. I still don’t like them. Becky and I listened, as always, and we heard a lot of yelling from the men. Dad answered a couple of times quietly and mom said nothing. They needed his finance statement, they said, with a list of all the money he spent every week. Then they said that they would show dad and mom how to tithe properly. What does “carnal” mean?
October 15th. Today a woman, called a realtor, came to our home and looked around. We heard dad tell mom that the only way we could reconcile with God is to sell the house, and with the little profit remaining, send in that money to church headquarters to pay for back tithes owing. We are going to lose our home. I don’t think I like this God.
December 13th. We’ve now started to live in a small, cheap apartment. It’s not all that clean. I don’t like our neighbors because they’re always picking fights with us. Becky and I share a bedroom. Mom and dad are fighting. Becky is crying. I am hurting.

Read the entire story here:  A Child Speaks

Mark Armstrong Weekly Melt Down...You Won't Find Him Riding In A Gay Parade!


Mark Armstrong is following in his daddy and grand-daddy's shoes.  The world is going to hell in a hand basket and its his duty to wake every one up.

The entire country's falling apart and he's not able to say the things he wants to say.
If you don't despise the authors of our Constitution; hate our national history; root for the eradication of our traditions; support an unlimited and unlawful influx of foreigners from central America, the Middle East and northern Africa; agree with the socialist mandate of Obamacare; believe in man-made global warming and unlimited spending on “green energy”; support the "right" to same-sex homo-mony; and agree with whatever the first black president says or does, then you're a bigot, racist homo-phobe. This stance of "liberal progressivism" has been pretty clear for some years now, and has been one of the subjects covered in numerous monthly letters, weekly updates and articles.
Before Mark spouts his nonsense about racism and bigotry, he had better examine his own worthless thoughts and imaginations and especially those of his daddy that he just cannot ever seem to imitate.
This organization was founded by Garner Ted Armstrong to educate, to witness and warn our peoples of the curses for having turned away from God and His laws; if you're waiting for us to hop aboard the anti-American bandwagon and ride down Broadway in the "gay" parade, it may come as a surprise, but you've come to the wrong place.

Church of God Pedophiles and the Cover Ups.


For many decades the Church of God has had a string of child abuses cases that were quietly hushed up by the ministry and the administration.  Only when the police or child protective services got involved did the stories ever make headlines.  "What child abuse cases" you may ask, "I never heard of any." There is a reason for that.

Negative publicity was anathema in the Church of God.  No one dared bring ridicule or scorn upon the church.  The ministry and the administration made that well know.  Those that did so were immedialty put out of the church for doing so.  This included families who reported the child abuse.  Somehow it was their fault it happened.

The Jehovah's Witnesses are reeling from child abuse accusations right now that involve cover ups of the abuses by their ministry and leadership.  The excuses are the exact same ones the COG  ministry used and STILL uses.  This should not be surprising since we all share the same religious heritage dating back to the Great Disappointment with William Miller in 1844.  That is the root of our religious heritiage corruption.

Over the last several years I have reported on several of the high-profile cases on this blog.  Click on the links under the pictures for the previous stories.

KENNESAW, Ga. -- A pastor was sentenced to prison Thursday when a jury determined he molested at least two young girls and took "no responsibility whatsoever" for his actions. 
Jurors deliberated half an hour before convicting 78-year-old John Aubrey Pinkston of two counts of child molestation. Pinkston is the founder and former leader of Congregation of God Seventh Day in Kennesaw. 
"Mr. Pinkston, you've been convicted of the unforgivable sin of molesting the most vulnerable members of your flock. You've taken no responsibility whatsoever," Cobb County Superior Court Judge Robert D. Leonard II said before sentencing Pinkston to 20 years with 10 to serve in prison.

A former Auckland teacher posed as a God-fearing churchgoer but behind closed doors molested children while reading passages from the bible, a court has heard.
Stephen Gough - who can be named for the first time after name suppression lapsed - was jailed for three and a half years at Waitakere District Court yesterday after admitting nine sex charges.
The 79-year-old man, who propped himself up in the dock with the aid of a walking stick, committed "persistent, relentless and repeated" offences against three girls and a boy between 1976 and 1987.

The Eastbourne Herald is reporting about a former deacon in the Worldwide Church of God who was convicted  for child molestations. Koeneke is a minister in the Church of the Eternal God, also known as Global Church of God in England and the Church of God, A Christian Fellowship in Canada.  He has ties to Raymond McNair, Wray Zehrung, Rod Meredith,  Norbert Link and Ed Pope.  He has also co-authored bookletspromoting the myth of British Israelism and the supposed prophecies in the book of Revelation, among many others.Abused in Everyway  in the Worldwide Church of God
United Church of God and Church of God a Worldwide Association 
A former UCG member who jumped ship to the Church of God a Worldwide Association (COGWA) has been sentenced to life in prison after being found guilty of raping two little girls.  The judge in the case is quoted as saying:
The judge also told the defendant the sexual abuse was similar to a life sentence for      the girls. Binette said he took into that consideration plus a woman's testimony who alleged Wagner abused her decades ago -- and possibly at least five other victims -- when he decided the defendant's sentence. Child Rapist Gets Life Without Parole
Binette, according to the Sandusky Register, told Wagner he groomed the victims "in your own sick ways" and made his bedroom "a torture chamber for those two children."

Worldwide Church of God

The court was shocked yesterday by at the presentation of an audio tape, recorded in secrecy by the oldest son, in which the six year old daughter was allegedly beaten severely with a fiberglass tent pole with a knotted cord dangling from it for over two minutes, while a voice of a woman, identified as Robyn Kay Drown chatted in the background. According to the tape, at no time during the beating did anyone come to the defence of the little child who screamed and cried while her father called her "rebellious" and mentioned "the promised land". There also appeared on the tape to be at least one other child present during the beating. 

Robyn Drown was indicted with her husband Graydon Drown on 25 counts of second-degree assault and criminal mistreatment of nine of their children. Alleged weapons of abuse include a metal pipe, a switch, 2-by-4 boards and other household objects such as a fiberglass tent pole with a knotted cord, and wooden spoons. 

Wanted Fugitive

  • Description: Caucasian man; 5-feet-11-inches tall and 175 pounds; brown hair and hazel eyes.
  • Last Known: Kennesaw, but Dean owns Imperial Medical, a business in Cartersville.
  • Accusations: Dean is wanted to stand trial on aggravated child molestation and 12 additional charges. Authorities say he avoided the first trial by "running from the courtroom," an offense for which the judge issued a bench warrant. Dean is out of jail on a $75,000 bond.  
Anyone with information on Dean's whereabouts should call  BCSO's dispatch, non-emergency line at 770-382-5050, option 7. Cartersville-Bartow County Crime Stoppers accepts anonymous information on its tip line at 770-606-TIPS (8477). It gives cash rewards for tips the lead to an arrest in some cases. 

Click on the above link to the story on Silenced and how UCG covered it up.
Several years ago there was an entire UCG congregation in West Virginia which seceded from the mothership after a local elder molested a young lady in the congregation. The local elder had a history of doing this sort of thing. He had repeatedly been admonished by church leaders to stop, but as is so often the case, he didn't because he knew they would never discipline him. Keep in mind, this was back around 2004 - 2005 when all the leaders of COGWA were still running United. Doug Horchak, Jim Franks, Richard Pinelli, Clyde Kilough, etc., were all aware of what had taken place with this elder and how he had molested a young girl. 
Nathan Albright, who is not shy about publicly addressing problems in the COGs, sent Richard Pinelli an email about the problems created by the Council's lack of action to resolve the situation: 
Dear Mr. Holladay and Mr. Pinelli The attached message concerns a lively thread about the alleged fondling of a young lady in [...] by a local church elder. The situation has led to a lot of discussion, not all of it friendly, and the situation needs to be dealt with, as some people are threatening to call the police on the situation. Some of us know some (or all) of the parties involved in this particular situation, and I hope that the case is dealt with fairly and faithfully (and, at this point, quickly). Nathan Albright

Worldwide Church of God 
and present day leader of the House of Yahweh Cult

The House of Yahweh compound in Abilene, Texas has been in the news countless times for child abuse and bigmay accusations.  Pedophilia has been reported to be rampant on the compound.

The House of Yahweh is referred to many times as the "Sex Cult."  In fact, Yisrayl Hawkins himself was arrested for bigamy.  Hawkins first wife Kay Hawkins has written a book about her life in the HOY and how Hawkins,  a serial adulterer, took another wife before casting her aside.  See The House of Yahweh: My Side of the Story.

The few public cases presented here are just the tip of the iceberg of what really has went on over the decades.  Child abuse was rampant in the church and yet was little known because church leaders covered so much of it up.  It still goes on to this day in most of the larger Church of God splinter groups, including UCG, PCG, RCG, LCG, COGWA, CGI and others.

All of this from a church that claimed to be the "restored faith once delivered." We mocked and ridiculed "worldly" churches because of their scandals, yet we were just as sick, if not more so.

Living Church of God: A Series Of Unfortunate Events


Living Church of God has had a rough patch lately with one mishap after another.  While this has been a long term problem in the LCG, it has been pronounced over the last few weeks, leading many to ponder whether God is displeased with the church and its leaders.

An LCG  source reports:
Two Sabbaths ago, Rand Milach (Kansas City pastor and member of the COE) passed out during his sermon as if he were being struck down. That same Sabbath Mrs. Byersdorfer, wife of another LCG minister fell at Sabbath services and fractured her hip. Last Sabbath, Bruce Tyler (head of LCG's work in Europe, Australia and Asia) had a major stroke and is not expected to recover. Then a couple of days ago Scott Winnail (son of Doug Winnail, LCG headquarters minister) fell and broke one of his legs in 3 places. All of this on top of LCG member from Paris dying on her flight to Egypt.
Mishaps happen every day in life, but when one thing after another happens in church leadership members start taking notice.  Many are asking, "How could God be letting this happens to his "True Church?" Many members know first hand how dysfunctional the church has become over the last few years as Rod Meredith ages and how he has lost the capacity to make sound leadership decisions.

This dissatisfaction has carried over into the ministry and church leadership too. In the past the ministry got up at the following Sabbath service after the COE meetings and reported on the "best COE meeting ever" and that the "COE has never been more unified." That has not been the case this time around.  One individual remarked that the COE was a compete mess.   One COE member said that the the COE was NOT unified and another said that there were a lot of "issues" right now.
The COE meeting that took place in Charlotte a couple of weeks ago was a total disaster as tensions mount over doctrinal changes and budget cuts due to LCG's failing income. Normally after a COE meeting, the ministers talk about how unified and wonderful everything was. This time, there were no comments from the pulpit. 
Things have become so dysfunctional that members and ministers are leaving LCG congregations.  There have been several ministers of late that have left LCG and taken their members with them.  This has been confirmed by more than one person.  The Charlotte Boy's are keeping a tight lid on this.  They are concerned that if word leaked out about these defections that it would cause more division in the lay membership.  Roland Lequoc's defection is just the tip of the iceberg.

The disunity of the ministry and membership of the LCG is having huge ramifications right now.  Reports of coming doctrinal changes, possible church mergers, the appointment of rules enforcer extraordinaire as Meredith's successor, issues with financial abuse and waste in the Charlotte offices, the purchase of new luxury homes for the useless Living Church of God "university", and Rod Meredith's rapid mental/physical health decline, are creating a coming hurricane of upheaval.

Persecuted Bob Elijah Elisha Amos Thiel "Nearly" Jailed

Jailed French Adventists 1917

Its so comforting to know that God's most important Church of God leader in these last days was nearly jailed for his refusal to work on Saturdays.   Elijah Amos Thiel has added this little tidbit to his roster of "Why I Am The Most Logical Choice To Be A Church of God Leader EVVVVVVER" profiles.

We have double blessings, double anointing, double dreams, various prophet monikers, and other delusional self describing fantasies.  Now we can add "Nearly Jailed" to the list.

I personally was nearly jailed (while working for the government) and threatened with job loss throughout my earlier careers, because I kept the Sabbath.  As it turned out I was not jailed nor fired, but there still is a risk for many.

"Nearly" Jailed Bob Elisha Elijah Amos Thiel is reacting to an article published in COG7's magazine Bible Advocate on  Keeping the Sabbath and Keeping Your Job

What title is left for Nearly Jailed Elisha Elijah Amos Thiel to take?  One of the two witnesses? Since he claims to be a god in training he might as wells add "God" to his title.

Dave Pack Can't Afford To Pay His Ministers

The Leadership Chart
for the
Restored Church of God

Money has always been an issue in the Church of God.  There never seemed to be enough.  Leaders were constantly begging or guilt-tripping the members into sending in all they had to keep the "work" going and the leadership in their high lifestyles.  This is the case for Dave Pack, isolated on his Wadsworth compound as membership and income dwindle down, as he struggles to make payroll.

After producing the most superfantabulous web site the world has ever seen, Pack next dumped millions of dollar into building a physical plant that is unmatched in the entire world or at least in Ohio.  Nothing compares, nothing is as magnificent or is as beautiful as the Wadsworth compound that sits between a gas fume belching freeway and a huge big box cement wasteland.

All of that beauty, the mismanagement of money, and dwindling tithe base is sinking Dave's awesome dreams.  Pack is struggling to pay the few remaining ministers he has. Only those in the upper echelons, HQ employees or are intermarried into the cult leadership families are getting full salary.  The further down the hierarchy you are the less money you make, if at all,

If Dave Pack would learn to keep his narcissistic mouth shut and stop making such exaggerated claims he might be able to retain his members.  Nearly Jailed Bob Elisha Elijah Amos Thiel should take the warning to heart.

Exit and Support  has this letter up:

May 23, 2016
Dave Pack is pressed for money, as he still is not paying lower ministers for their full time work. At most, he is paying half pay. Many ministers are working for no pay. I do know that he has lost a big chunk of members by now claiming to be the "Elijah." Anyone, who takes time to check out HWA, especially if they followed him, just won't buy it. --Impacted by RCG

Dennis muses on..."Please Apostle Pack...Please Take Me Back!" 35 Irrefutable Ways to Attract a Brain Dead Ministry


Dennis muses on..... 

"Please Apostle Pack...Please Take Me Back!"

35 Irrefutable Ways to Attract a Brain Dead Ministry 

An Open Letter To All Splinter Ministers
Special Announcement #22 July 2013
By Dave Pack 

Important Questionnaire

A crucial series of questions present themselves before every shepherd of any rank. As you read, think hard—very, very hard!—about your original calling to serve in one or more offices under the sure guidance and direction of Christ as Head of His Church. Ask yourself each difficult question today’s circumstances require you to answer. Do not permit yourself to look away from hard realities now confronting all of God’s ­people.
In every age of His Church, Christ’s sheep have needed shepherds. Those with special leadership training and experience from the past will be held accountable in a greater way than all others (Jms. 3:1-2). Dereliction of duty by those “to whom much was given” will mean that “much will be required” of them some day (Luke 12:48). Take a deep breath and think of yourself standing before the “judgment seat” of Christ (II Cor. 5:10). You will be FORCED to give answers to HIM then if you are unwilling to demand them of YOURSELF ­now.
The millions constituting the physical remnant of modern Israel returning from captivity are foretold to come “weeping and loathing themselves” for having rejected God’s Way (Jer. 50:4-5Ezek. 6:8-9). What about the spiritual remnant, who once knew that Way, but largely left it? Will/does this describe you? Read the above verses, and then read the following questions slowly, carefully and prayerfully. They are the biggest way that the ministry should “consider their ways.” Consider writing out the answers:
(1) Retirement—Mr. Armstrong taught that retirement is not an option for a true minister.
  • Did you retire? If so, when, and why did you think yourself an exception?
(2) Non-Career—Mr. Armstrong taught that “going non-career” is not an option for a true minister.
  • Did you do this? If so, why did you think yourself an exception?
(3) Established Doctrine and Tradition
  • In what doctrines or traditions do you believe Mr. Armstrong “got it wrong”? (Include all areas—bespecific.)
(4) Did you actively resist false doctrine in your ministry?—or give safe sermons where you disagreed? (Be specific.)
  • During the liberal years of the 1970s?
  • In the WCG in the late 1980s and early 90s?
  • In your splinter or splinters?
(5) On each doctrine where you came to agree with God’s enemies—either Joe Tkach, those who assisted his destruction or your splinter leader—why did you agree?
(6) Why should you still be considered for the ministry in God’s Church?
  • Why should God’s flock ever again be entrusted to your care?
  • Are you prepared to re-win brethren’s trust, including brethren now here whom you will likely also pastor? What about re-winning the trust of Headquarters?
(7) Did you actively pursue where God’s Truth, Church, Work, College and Government were found?
  • If not, why not? Be specific.
  • If so, how hard? Be specific.
(8) Have you read or viewed any of our Splinter Explanation Packet material?
  • What items? Ÿ Did you at any time hear my “30 Reasons” sermons of 1993 and 1994? (Parts 1, 2 or 3?)
(9) Do you now believe again that Christ works solely through one unified organization?
(10) In light of government(s) you followed, how do you see God’s government today?
(11) Have you returned to believing that Mr. Armstrong was the final Zerubbabel?
(12) Have you returned to believing that truth only enters the Church through apostles as Mr. Armstrong said so often?
(13) Do you believe I Corinthians 12:18 applies to you with no qualifications added?
(14) Do you believe there can be exceptions to I Corinthians 1:10 and 13—regarding members or ministers in the Church?
(15) Are you willing to temporarily or permanently become an associate pastor?
(16) Are you willing to be excluded from the ministry until you requalify?
(17) Are you familiar with the new teachings that God has added to His Church on top of what Mr. Armstrong taught?
  • Which ones?—and do you agree?
(18) If your ordination(s) is(are) invalid, are you interested in being re-trained for Christ’s true ministry?
(19) Do you believe ministers should be able to voice opinions to others about:
  • Where Headquarters is “wrong”?
  • What Mr. Armstrong taught/said/did “wrong”?
  • What Mr. Pack teaches/says/does “wrong”?
  • Where your boss is “wrong” or harsh, etc.?
  • Where you disagree doctrinally?
(20) Do you consider yourself as having been (rate yourself from 5 being best to 0 being worst):
  • Weak
  • Cowardly
  • Slothful
  • Covetous
  • Confused
  • Compromising
  • Foolish
  • Political (And did you ever “run for office” in a splinter?)
  • Heretical
  • Deceitful
  • Easily deceived
  • Betrayed your calling
(21) Why did you lose the ability to “discern good from evil” (Heb. 5:13-14)?—and for so long?
(22) What do you consider to be your ministerial rank?
Ÿ Evangelist Ÿ Pastor Ÿ Preaching Elder Ÿ Local Elder Ÿ Local Church Elder Ÿ “Elder” Ÿ Ministerial Assistant
(23) Are you prepared to dedicate the rest of your life to serving God’s flock and fixing completely the horrific mess you helped cause in so many lives?
(24) In light of how you once saw Mr. Armstrong, do you still recognize the fruits of a true apostle when you see one?
  • If you say yes, why did you follow Joe Tkach until he destroyed everything?
(25) Describe your spiritual condition today. (Also, rate your temperature from 0-10, with 10 the highest.)
(26) What 5 biggest lessons did you learn from and since the apostasy? (In order of importance.)
(27) How many times did you fast for 24 hours (or more) before answering these questions?
(28) How many times have you prayed over Psalm 51 on your knees?
(29) Having now long abandoned many doctrines you said you would never leave, how would you convince Headquarters that this time you “mean it” if you intend to now “hold fast” (Rev. 3:11)?
(30) What have been your pastoral actions during the troubles of recent weeks and months?
(31) Are you prepared to spend a full year (or more) catching up with all you must unlearn, relearn, and learnnew?
(32) What personal responsibility do you feel for the deplorable condition into which God’s people have sunk?
(33) How would you prove that you are still Spirit-led?—or were ever Spirit-led?
(34) What date did you leave the WCG, and why did you remain beyond May 1995, if this is the case?
(35) What did you do after reading the article “God’s People Back Together—SOON!”?
In due course, you will be asked to fill out a questionnaire that looks very similar to this list.
*No answers that are blank“I’m not sure” or short responses will then be permitted.
*All wives should answer the questions, including every point applicable. (Some are obviously to be skipped.)
*Aware of recent history, and the lies and deceit of so many men and leaders, DO NOT LIE TO YOURSELF!
*You are encouraged not to discuss or in any way share your answers with anyone other than God and your spouse.

Your Leaders

If you want your ministry to continue, think carefully about the men you currently support. To pooh-pooh this announcement is to risk your calling. Think it through. The leaders of your organization cannot give you eternal life. They will soon be unable to even continue your employment as a pastor or associate pastor. I will reference in the final two announcements how God will deal with certain leaders. As we leave Haggai for other books and passages, the prophecy is about to grow MUCH more serious.
Be careful you do not write me off as another “prophecy kook.” I am not a prophet and have never claimed to be. The fruits of my office show it to be different. With the passing of years, most ministers have grown confused about even some of the very biggest points of prophecy. Almost all have grown even worse with the details. Be careful you do not quickly dismiss a complex prophecy, one you are no longer equipped to readilygrasp. Just think about how you probably could not even remember that Mr. Armstrong was the Zerubbabel of Haggai and Zechariah 4—never mind WHAT THIS MEANT.
Some or many ministers may be torn over these announcements, wondering if I could be right. Haggai is a book in your Bible! His prophecy WILL soon come to pass. No other explanation of it fits—and none but Gerald Flurry is even offering an explanation. (When has that man gotten ANYTHING about prophecy right?)
Your leaders once claimed to be searching for God’s servant. One was sent! Yet humanly I am no more special than any of you. God’s pattern of government starts with ONE LEADER. You once believed this. You also once professed to know an apostle when you saw one—meaning by the fruits. Just like you did not ask to become a minister of Jesus Christ, I did not ask for my responsibilities. Who would? But God’s flock is before us, along with the greatest Work the world has ever seen.
Will you rise to the challenge?
You may soon find yourself pastoring larger or much larger numbers of brethren after reunification. God’s Church will again enjoy more and larger congregations around the world. This means greater service and greater reward—for you and those you serve. Do not jeopardize this!

Because Daddy Rod Meredith Rejected Me I Had To Start My Own Church


Why is it that so many look up to Church of God leaders as father figures?  Many think this is the case with Nearly Arrested Elisha Elijah Bob Thiel.  Have you ever noticed that Thiel never talks about his birth father?  Nothing is ever said. All he ever mentions his "spiritual" father Rod Meredith.  Thiel used to wax eloquent on Meredith all the time.  Daddy could do no wrong.  Daddy sat and ate lunches and dinners with him.  Daddy had him over for cocktails   Daddy personally had an audience in his office with him. Then his daddy had to go and reject him.  Daddy publicly humiliated him in church, a double whammy. His father figure Rod Meredith rejected him and refused to listen to him when he approached him with concerns that the church was preaching the wrong things.  Now Thiel has lashed out once again bemoaning the fact that Meredith ignored his silly recommendations.

The problem this time is that Thiel is attempting to use an article from Living Church of God to prop up his absurd belief that he is a prophet.  The only true prophet in the church now.

Sometime back, Dexter Wakefield wrote an article on "spiritual gifts." Thiel quotes Wakefield:
Statement on 1 Corinthians 
Let’s look at some of the statements in the order Dexter Wakefield wrote them. Let’s start with the following:
To serve the needs of the Church, God—through His Spirit—gives different members different gifts. “…to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits … the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually … (1 Corinthians 12:4–11) 
Yes, as it states in 1 Corinthians 12:4-11, there are differing gifts AND prophecy is one of them. But also notice that the discerning of spirits IS NOT taught as being given to all as he seemed to imply. 
Gift of Prophecy 
Let’s look at another of Dexter Wakefield’s statements:
Similarly, the gift of “prophecy” is primarily the gift of inspired speech, and can be exercised in a strong sermon that covers no “new ground” but simply explains with clarity and power the meaning of Bible prophecy and end-time events. 
Dexter Wakefield is correct that most of the time, one with a prophetic gift is properly explaining biblical prophecy and end time events. That occurs in the Continuing Church of God.
Apostle Thiel is working up to the point that he is a prophet because he has the gift for inspired speech which leads him to preach sermons with the only accurate interpretation of prophecy and end-time events. 

No other man outside of the Continuing Church of God has the correct interpretations:
It should be noted certain leaders of other COGs (including in LCG in several instances) have disqualified themselves on certain matters of prophecy, especially when they insist on matters that are wrong, or at best questionable...

Thiel clans that Rod Meredith personally said that his god "might" consider Thiel a prophet.  
The Apostle Paul makes it clear that not all are prophets. Prophet is an office and prophets are to prophesy. LCG’s position is that it has NO prophets (which is likely the case as I stopped attending late on 12/28/12).
But it should be noted that its top leader had repeatedly taught in the past that God may consider Bob Thiel to be a prophet...
Thiel then set himself up as the third Elijah  The problem is that Gerald Flurry, Dave Pack and Ron Wienland have already claimed that they are.  How can the "true church" have sooooo many end-time Elijah's?

Dexter Wakefield continued with:
“Prophets” in the sense of Elijah are rare, 
True. But rare does not mean that there are not and cannot be any. Now while Dexter Wakefield did not make that error, many in various COGs have concluded that rare means none. The New Testament is clear that God has prophets who prophesy (1 Corinthians 12:28-30) and will do so in the last days (Acts 2:17-18). Those in LCG and all other COGs need to realize this. 
As far as ‘Elijah,’ the position of the Church of God since the beginning is that there would be three biblical ‘Elijahs.’ The original Elijah (e.g. 1 Kings 17:1), John the Baptist (Matthew 7:12-13), and an Elijah to come at the very end of the church age (Malachi 4:4-6) to restore all things (Matthew 17:11).
Thiel continues:

CG has taught that Elijah will either be a man younger than its Roderick C. Meredith (Meredith, Roderick C. The Elijah Question. VTE 131, May 19, 2001) or that the Elijah is not a person but an “Elijah-type work” which fulfills the Elijah prophesies in Matthew 17:10-11 and Malachi 4:4-6 (Winnail D. The Mission of the Church. Living Church News, March-April 2006, p. 7). The Bible shows that ‘Elijah’ will be a person (see also The Elijah Heresies). 
As far as rarity goes, I would ask, “How many people were told by an actual top evangelist in the Church of God that God may consider him to be a prophet?” In the 20th and 21st centuries, there is only one who comes to mind. So, while prophets are “rare,” and being told one is a prophet by an ordained evangelist is also rare, rarity does not mean that there are none. 
As far as “Elijah” goes, he is to “restore all things” (Matthew 17:11).
One guess as to who that third Elijah is... 

We also get to the point where we see what is really still eating at Thiel's soul.  He was rejected by his daddy, Rod Meredith.  Because of that rejection Thiel HAD to start his own church.

The truth about early and apostolic Christians is that it is PROVABLY NOT IN LCG AND IS FAR MORE IMPORTANT than Dr. Meredith realizes. When I was in LCG in 2011, I was trying to help them restore much of it; Dr. Meredith agreed, but then failed to keep his word. Dr. Meredith’s failure to keep his word on that and other matters was a major reason that the Continuing Church of God had to form.
I used to think Dave Pack and the Flurry clan were the biggest liars in the Church of God, but no longer. Everything that comes out of Thiel's mouth is a lie.  God no more appointed Thiel to lead a church than he did Dave Pack or Gerald Flurry.  No double blessing, no dreams, no prophetic truth, no mindless rants of of assumed titles.  Nothing credible comes from this delusional man.

Evil Jesuits and IBM are Collecting Church of God Members Names for Database


Did you know that Church of God members are currently being rounded up, tortured and killed today.    Well, not actually, but spiritually and metaphorically.
Yes!!! Just as God's Church was rounded up, hunted and TORTURED and KILLED during the middle ages, we are facing similar tactics being used on us today!
We are living in dangerous times!  Various Church of God groups are out there robbing the gullible members of their money and spiritual lives.
We all have seen websites claiming to be God's Church, trying to sucker you into handing over to them your name and location, using the promise of helping you find fellow brethren in your area. Isn't that wonderful?
Well don't be so sure. We are living in trying and dangerous times! How do you know if such a group isn't scamming you for your information? Jotting your information down in a log, creating a database out of your information, and anyone else who fell prey to these people who "claimed" to have been fellow members of God's Church.  
Are they conceded about Bob Thiel, Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry, Rod Meredith and Ron Weinland?  Are these the "false brethren" that are taking tithe money that doesn't belong to them?  Are these the men on power trips rung members lives?
Revelation 3:9, reveals that what we are facing today are FALSE BRETHREN who claim to be God's Church but DO LIE! They want your money & God's Tithes. They want your information, your name and location. They want the power, to govern God's people, but they can't receive that authority and rank, because they simply are not in God's Church! Jesus Christ is the head of the Church of God and He will perform His righteous duties! And they can't go around Jesus Christ! 
These men are all cunning and manipulative as they sway members to believe their lies.  They are right when they refer to Thiel, Flurry, Pack and others with their perverted doctrines.
These false brethren however want the opportunity to sway you over into their perverted doctrines and heresies, playing the part of a minister of God, but being a minister of Satan the Devil. 
Never fear though, there are a group of church people out there that are the preservers of the truth once delivered, true 1st century church beliefs.
We are mirroring the first century Church. Do you realize that these same tactics were used against God's Church in those days? 
Thiel claims to be doing this, as does Flurry, Pack, Wienland, Meredith, Kubik and others.  Who is right?

Dangerous times are ahead.  Rome is rising again in Europe. Concentration camps, torture, murder and unbelievable atrocious are in store for he United States and all COG member who follow the false teachers of the church.
Rome sent spies to search out brethren. They hunted your fellow brethren, and then when found, use them to hunt other brethren.And all at the bequest of the Roman Catholic Church.  
We are coming to a time where the resurrected Holy Roman Empire will rise up as the United States of Europe, and will do FAR MORE ATROCITIES THAN HITLER in World War 2!!!
Did you know that evil Jesuits are starting to gather the names of Church of God members in preparation of the evil atrocities to happen?  They are starting data banks on church members names.

This all reminds me of the garbage floating around Pasadena in the late 70's and 80's.  If it was not the evil Zionists it was the Jesuits and Catholics.  Forget about Germany, Jesuits were the ones to kill us all.
DO you realize that Hitler, with his Jesuit gestapo, went around before time and cataloged all of the people? They went around creating database after database, with help of IBM, and look at what happened after that! 
That is exactly what is happening now. 
Websites, ran by non-members of God's Church are looking to gain your information to log you into their database. They lure you with the Church's material, but they are not of God's Church!
They pretend to be ministers, and they set up Sabbath services, and they collect God's tithes as if they were, BUT THEY ARE NOT MINISTERS OF GOD! Their heart is with the apostates who left God's Church in the 1970's! Their hearts is with the false COG groups out there, and what they are trying to do is to CAPTURE YOU BRETHREN, who have escaped from the hands of these false COG groups, so you can be bound under their corporate umbrella as sureties, and then the resurrected Holy Roman Empire can come back around and find you in corporate CHAINS, unable to leave the country! Left behind while God's Church is protected in a place of Safety. WATCH OUT BRETHREN! 
Whats going to happen 60 years fro now when these men are old and Europe has not invaded the U.S.?  We have been hearing this malarkey for 80 years already.

This inspiring message is courtesy of Church of God Archives 

Living Church of God Pastor Commits Suicide


Such a tragedy and such a waste.

From an LCG source:
Today it was announced in the Charlotte LCG congregation that LCG Joplin, Missouri pastor Karl Beyersdorfer has killed himself on 5/27/2016. Recall that his wife Gaylon fell and broke her hip two weeks prior on Saturday 5/14/2016 and had to have hip replacement surgery. 
Here is a sermon by Beyersdorfer given shortly after he left WCG. https://archive.org/details/AudioSermon.YouAreCausingDivisionByKarlBeyersdorfer

Book: Bad Faith When Religious Belief Undermines Modern Medicine


The Churches of God have a dark history of deaths caused by lack of proper medical treatment because of the extreme devotion to "faith healing." Scores of children and adults have died as a direct result of this belief system, many who could have been saved by the simplest of procedures.  But pressure from the ministry or other church members prevented many from seeking proper treatment.

This is not isolated to Armstrongism though, it is a belief held by many conservative religious groups and cults.

This book looks into the mindset of the people who refuse medical treatment for themselves and their children.

When Jesus said, “Suffer the children,” faith healing is not what he had in mind. 
In recent years, there have been major outbreaks of whooping cough among children in California, mumps in New York, and measles in Ohio’s Amish country—despite the fact that these are all vaccine-preventable diseases. Although America is the most medically advanced place in the world, many people disregard modern medicine in favor of using their faith to fight life-threatening illnesses. Christian Scientists pray for healing instead of going to the doctor, Jehovah’s Witnesses refuse blood transfusions, and ultra-Orthodox Jewish mohels spread herpes by using contaminated circumcision tools. Tragically, children suffer and die every year from treatable diseases, and in most states it is legal for parents to deny their children care for religious reasons. In twenty-first century America, how could this be happening? 
In Bad Faith, acclaimed physician and author Dr. Paul Offit gives readers a never-before-seen look into the minds of those who choose to medically martyr themselves, or their children, in the name of religion. Offit chronicles the stories of these faithful and their children, whose devastating experiences highlight the tangled relationship between religion and medicine in America. Religious or not, this issue reaches everyone—whether you are seeking treatment at a Catholic hospital or trying to keep your kids safe from diseases spread by their unvaccinated peers. 
Replete with vivid storytelling and complex, compelling characters, Bad Faith makes a strenuous case that denying medicine to children in the name of religion isn’t just unwise and immoral, but a rejection of the very best aspects of what belief itself has to offer.

UCG Women: Be Seen, Don't Preach, Be Silent and Above All Don't Write In Case A Man Reads Your Article


It's hard  believe in 2016 that UCG still can't get its act together in regards to women writing for church publications.  The patriarchal hierarchy of UCG seems miffed that women are writing better than they are.  It continues to be such a sore spot that it had to be brought up AGAIN by whiney little men in the church.

From the latest Council of Elders Report:

Role of Women in Media—Rex Sexton 
Rex Sexton, the chair of the Media and Communications Committee (MCC), led the discussion on the role of women authors in media publications. The discussion began on March 1 and is continuing as a discussion with the Council to see if there is anything to be remanded to the MCC or not. The genesis of this discussion was raised by someone on the committee during a standard editorial review.
Mr. Sexton began by mentioning the importance of God’s love and God’s laws. God’s laws are to guide in making correct judgments.
Since when?
There is a form letter response that the home office has been operating from for over 15 years, and the discussion today was to find out if further official review was warranted and if it would possibly be remanded to the committee for recommendations, including the possibility of a policy statement. There was much discussion from the media department to give their input and, there was discussion from the Council as well.
Scott Ashley, as a key member of the media department, explained his review process for many years and shared a letter written by one of our women contributors regarding why and how she wrote.
Why do women have to write letters to DEFEND why and how they wrote something?  Has any man in UCG ever had to do that????
There was discussion regarding the possible “blurring” of what is doctrinal and what is “Christian living” type of articles and appreciating the fine line that needs to be considered by reviewers in regards to editorial contributions submitted by women.
Silly women!  How dare you "blur the line" between doctrine and Christian living!  How theological immature and bankrupt that kind of reasoning is, but that is what UCG does all the time.
Robin Webber thanked everyone for their comments. His personal thought was to avoid a policy at this time. We currently have a form letter that is in place, and we have a structure that has oversight in the standard review process, which includes the Council at this time. Mr. Webber emphasized placing trust and confidence in the administration and not to create a policy at this time.
Bill Bradford commented that guidelines were mentioned, but he isn’t sure that those guidelines are understood. The Council should be able to create a policy based on God’s laws, and it can be done if we need it done in the future.
The Council settled for simply the discussion, and no formal action was rendered beyond the ongoing editorial review with every article that is submitted by everyone, whether man or woman.
Rex Sexton thanked everyone for their discussions and input. This discussion is very valuable to clarify for everyone on the editorial team what guidelines we are following and the process when questions come up.
Mr. Webber felt that both discussions on this subject were useful in moving forward towards adhering to biblical principles as well as appreciating the contributions of women.
The Council went into scheduled executive session to discuss ordinations for about an hour.

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