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Did Your Children Turning Into Zombies After They Ate Some Bacon?


Did you know that your chidilren will turn into zombies if you let them eat any kind of food they want?  Did they have a ham sandwich today?  They will now be confused and start to have mental issues.  They will start shooting and stabbing people.  They will then become drug users, kill people and set off bombs before they become zombies and die.  So says a splinter cult leader that broke off from Armstrongism and started the House of Yahweh.  Yisrayl Hawkins says:

When Yahweh’s health Laws are not taught to the children, their minds are shown to become confused. The older they live, the more confused they become. Some become like zombies until they succumb to death. Others are declared to be mentally-ill after they commit a foolish shooting, stabbing, or bomb- ing. Many take their own lives. Many others turn to drug-use trying to find what the Inspired Scriptures would give them, had they been taught by the parents, teachers, judges, ‘Supreme Court’ or religions.  The Roman Catholic Church, Vatican and Muslims.

Living Church of God: Robber's of Joy


Here is a comment from a reader that explains exactly why Living Church of God and most other Churches of God are having issues right now.  Dave pack's cult is rupturing at the seams as numerous splinter groups have stolen members an resources, United has huge credibility issues, Gerald Flurry is losing members, David Hulme's group is almost nonexistent now, Living is on the verge of a huge rupture when Meredith dies...on and on the list can go.

From the posting about LCG complaining members are marking LCG emails as SPAM.
It IS spam. And some of us are tired of the pleas for money and money and then of course, money. We are sick of the "times are getting worse and worse"; and talk about the headlines and etc. We are sick of fear porn religion that fails to ever speak of the mighty things done by Christ and the glorious return. They focus on the tribulation and will you "Make it" into the kingdom, as if you can get there under your own steam. This is soul killer stuff. It robs you of any assurance and fills you with dread and self doubt because you can never measure up. Sermons are not about how to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ but about tragedy and doom and esoteric nonsense that does not lift up but drags down. Where are these men helpers of our joy? They are robbers of joy. Scriptures used are only those that bolster the party line and things that do not line up are scraped. We are sick of a self appointed royal priesthood ministry that has no connection to the levitical 

Dennis notes and recommends ... UNDERSTANDING ACTS 15


Dennis notes and recommends ...


In any class or sermon I never heard a good explanation of the implications of the conference portrayed in Acts 15.  It was simply written to show that Paul was on board with Peter, James and John in all things and they all got along just fine. They actually did not and this is obvious in Galatians 1-2.  Paul went on in his correspondence with the Corinthian Church to negate much of what he promised in Acts 15 to pass on to the churches.

At issue here was the simple question raised in the Book of Acts of  "How does a Gentile become a Christian when Christianity seems to find it's roots in Judaism?"  The answer in Acts 15 was..."The same way a Gentile becomes a Jew."

I'd also like to note that in the COGs, 

21For Moses of old time hath in every city them that preach him (Moses), being read in the synagogues every Sabbath day.

was explained to mean that the Gentiles could get all else they needed to know about tithing, Sabbath, Holy Days and all other details of COG beliefs when they went to Church on the Sabbath. 


This point is really the answer to the fears the original complainers about some (like Paul) teaching against the "Law of Moses" and simply was a reminder that they should not worry, Moses and Judaism is not in danger as it will always be taught in the synagogue every Sabbath forever.  The article also gives a nice intended meaning as well and neither of these means what the COG made it to mean.

Why do I care?  Because I will always want to know a better explanation for what used to clearly be a very bad one and while not attached emotionally to the Bible any longer, it's all fascinating.



By Robert Clanton

In order to correctly understand Acts 15, one must first understand two terms used in the scriptures to define two different types of gentiles. The term "God Fearer" or "one who fears God" was a term that was used to describe the gentile who believed in the one true God and denied the idols and foreign gods of the gentile world. The New International Standard Bible Encyclopedia says, "No difficulties were put in the way of those strangers who wished to settle down in the land of Israel. All strangers, the third generation of Egyptians and Edomites included, and only Ammoniites and Moabites excluded could enter "the congregation of God" without circumcision and without the obligation to keep the ceremonial law. The stranger within the gate was free to eat meat which was prohibited to the Israelite (Dt. 14:21). If, however, the stranger wished to take part in the Passover, a feast that permeated with the national ideals, he must be circumcised. The keeping of the Sabbath and other feasts was regarded rather as a privilege than as a duty (Ex 23:12, Dt. 16:11, 14) but according to Lev. 16:29 he was obliged to fast on the Day of Atonement." Page 2468. However, he did not become circumcised and neither was held to observe the entire Law of Moses. This type of gentile was one that did observe the moral aspects of the Law and was considered righteous by the Jews and God, although he was not held to be obligated the weekly or annual Sabbaths, clean and unclean meats or the other ceremonial aspects of the Law of Moses. * (see note at the end of document regarding the Noahide Laws)

The other term, which is used in the scriptures, is the term, "proselyte," (which means in Greek, "to sojourn") is a term for a gentile who became circumcised and thereby bound to the Sabbaths and all of the 613 laws under the Law of Moses. Most "proselytes" became God Fearers, first and then from there they would become proselytes. Because not all gentiles could be free enough to rest on Sabbaths, clean and unclean meats and the other non-moral requirements of the Law of Moses, most of the gentiles remained "God Fearers". The term proselyte is used in the follow verse by Christ himself when he rebukes the self-righteous Pharisees, Matt 23:15 "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves" Now we can proceed to the 15th Chapter of Acts.
1And certain men which came down from Judaea taught the brethren, and said, Except ye be circumcised after the manner of Moses, ye cannot be saved. 2When therefore Paul and Barnabas had no small dissension and disputation with them, they determined that Paul and Barnabas, and certain other of them, should go up to Jerusalem unto the apostles and elders about this question. 3And being brought on their way by the church, they passed through Phenice and Samaria, declaring the conversion of the Gentiles: and they caused great joy unto all the brethren. 4And when they were come to Jerusalem, they were received of the church, and of the apostles and elders, and they declared all things that God had done with them. 5But there rose up certain of the sect of the Pharisees which believed, saying, That it was needful to circumcise them, and to command them to keep the law of Moses.
[It is impossible to emphasize how important this line is in the understanding of the council of Jerusalem. It is not just circumcision but also the COMMAND to tell the gentiles to keep the LAW OF MOSES. In order to truly understand this phrase, we must realize that any part of the law of Moses can be referred to as the law of Moses. For instance: circumcison was a part of the law of Moses as was sacrifices and the weekly and annual Sabbaths. So in attempt to corrupt the actual meaning of the Law of Moses many of the Sabbath keeping churches will go to reference that on pertains in part to the law of Moses instead of the whole. The best reference to the Law of Moses in total is Mal. 4:4. It reads, "4Remember ye the law of Moses my servant, which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel, with the statutes and judgments". It is clear from this verse that the Law of Moses includes all of the Law from both Mount Sinai and the statues and judgements. Why does circumcision enter the picture ? Because the scripture says in Ex. 12: 47 "All the congregation of Israel shall keep it. 48And when a stranger (gentile) shall sojourn [from which we get the Greek word "proselyte"] with thee, and will keep the passover to the LORD, let all his males be circumcised, and then let him come near and keep it; and he shall be as one that is born in the land: for no uncircumcised person shall eat thereof. 49One law shall be to him that is homeborn, and unto the stranger that sojourneth among you.". So that if any gentile wished to observe the feast of the Passover he had first to be circumcised and by circumcision be willing to keep the entire Law of Moses. As this reference makes plain. Gal 5:3 puts it this way, "3For I testify again to every man that is circumcised, that he is a debtor to do the whole law" ]
6And the apostles and elders came together for to consider of this matter. 7And when there had been much disputing, Peter rose up, and said unto them, Men and brethren, ye know how that a good while ago God made choice among us, that the Gentiles by my mouth should hear the word of the gospel, and believe. 8And God, which knoweth the hearts, bare them witness, giving them the Holy Ghost, even as he did unto us; 9And put no difference between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith.
[this is a direct reference to the events in Acts the 10th where Peter after seeing the vision of unclean animals is told to go and preach to the gentiles, specifically, Cornelius the centurion soldier (Acts 10:21 "Then Peter went down to the men which were sent unto him from Cornelius; and said, Behold, I am he whom ye seek: what is the cause wherefore ye are come? 22And they said, Cornelius the centurion, a just man, and one that feareth God, and of good report among all the nation of the Jews, was warned from God by an holy angel to send for thee into his house, and to hear words of thee." Again it is of utmost importance to recognize the importance of the use of the term "one that feareth God" because it show that Cornelius was not bound to the restriction of the weekly Sabbath nor annual Sabbaths nor clean and unclean meats when the Holy Spirit comes upon him. Please take time to read Chapter 10 and 11 of the book of Acts.). The argument here is that God purified their hearts by faith and gave them the Holy Spirit just as he had done those who were circumcised and keeping the Law of Moses. God was not purifying their hearts by Law but by faith. By faith he was giving the Holy Spirit to them and thus it was evidence that of salvation. Acts 13:47 puts it this way, "47For so hath the Lord commanded us, saying, I have set thee to be a light of the Gentiles, that thou shouldest be for salvation unto the ends of the earth. 48And when the Gentiles heard this, they were glad, and glorified the word of the Lord: and as many as were ordained to eternal life believed."
10Now therefore why tempt ye God, to put a yoke upon the neck of the disciples, which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear? 11But we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved, even as they.
[This verse is the crux of the entire matter. Where Sabbath keeper or not, circumcised or not, God fearer, gentile or bond or free, Jew or gentile salvation and the Holy Spirit comes by faith through grace. To add the Law of Moses to the faith tempt God because God did not require Sabbaths first upon the gentiles and THEN give them the Holy Spirit, but freely gave them the Holy Spirit. Rom.8:8 says this, "8So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God. 9But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his" IT IS NOT SABBATHS THAT MAKE YOU CHRIST'S BUT HIS HOLY SPIRIT.]
Acts 15:12Then all the multitude kept silence, and gave audience to Barnabas and Paul, declaring what miracles and wonders God had wrought among the Gentiles by them.
[This short verse is of major importance. Why? Because the scripture say that God gave his stamp of approval on a ministry buy miracles that follow the preaching. Acts 2: 22 "Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by him in the midst of you, as ye yourselves also know"]
13And after they had held their peace, James answered, saying, Men and brethren, hearken unto me: 14Simeon hath declared how God at the first did visit the Gentiles, to take out of them a people for his name. 15And to this agree the words of the prophets; as it is written, 16After this I will return, and will build again the tabernacle of David, which is fallen down; and I will build again the ruins thereof, and I will set it up: 17That the residue of men might seek after the Lord, and all the Gentiles, upon whom my name is called, saith the Lord, who doeth all these things. 18Known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world.
[James agrees with Peter, Paul and Barnabas that God was at work in giving the Holy Spirit and Salvation to the gentiles apart from the Law of Moses and so he quotes the only scripture the is used in the entire debate]
19Wherefore my sentence is, that we trouble not them, which from among the Gentiles are turned to God: 20But that we write unto them, that they abstain from pollutions of idols, and from fornication, and from things strangled, and from blood.
[Is it so important to understand the back ground of this statement. The four things that are given to be WRITTEN to the gentiles were known as the "Noahian" or "Noahide Law". It was considered to be the moral law given orally to Noah and that if a man kept it he would be considered righteous and inherit eternal life. None of the Jews believed that the Sabbath was made "binding" to be kept until the time of Moses. Why did he want to give these commands in WRITING. THE ANSWER IS IN THE NEXT VERSE.
21For Moses of old time hath in every city them that preach him (Moses), being read in the synagogues every Sabbath day.
[When the gospel was preached among the gentiles Christ had commanded that the gospel first go to the Jew and then the gentile. The Jew in the synagogues had made a 2,000 year old HABIT of trying to convert the gentile and thus make THE GENTILES become circumcised and "COMMANDING HIM TO KEEP THE LAW OF MOSES". They were preaching Moses and this is what started the entire problem. After God had given salvation and the Holy Spirit by grace through faith as Peter declares, some of the Sect of the Pharisees began PREACHING MOSES. Let me post verse five of this chapter here, "5But there rose up certain of the sect of the Pharisees which believed, saying, That it was needful to circumcise them, and to command them to keep the law of Moses. IN ORDER TO AVOID ANY CONFUSION THIS LETTER WAS SENT TO THE CHURCHES SO THAT THERE WOULD BE NO MISUNDERSTANDING. THE GENTILES WERE NOT to be made BOUND TO THE LAW OF MOSES. The whole point in verse 21 is to say that it was necessary to write to the gentiles because in every city was a synagogue where the Jews would preach Moses (not Christ, not the gospel, but MOSES AS THE WAY TO SALVATION) and the apostles wanted no misunderstanding that the gentiles were not to be circumcised and commanded to keep the law of Moses BECAUSE FAITH IN CHRIST IS THE WAY UNTO SALVATION]
22Then pleased it the apostles and elders, with the whole church, to send chosen men of their own company to Antioch with Paul and Barnabas; namely, Judas surnamed Barsabas, and Silas, chief men among the brethren: 23And they wrote letters by them after this manner; The apostles and elders and brethren send greeting unto the brethren which are of the Gentiles in Antioch and Syria and Cilicia: 24Forasmuch as we have heard, that certain which went out from us have troubled you with words, subverting your souls, saying, Ye must be circumcised, and keep the law: to whom we gave no such commandment: 25It seemed good unto us, being assembled with one accord, to send chosen men unto you with our beloved Barnabas and Paul, 26Men that have hazarded their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. 27We have sent therefore Judas and Silas, who shall also tell you the same things by mouth. 28For it seemed good to the Holy Ghost, and to us, to lay upon you NO GREATER burden than these necessary things; 29That ye abstain from meats offered to idols, and from blood, and from things strangled, and from fornication: from which if ye keep yourselves, ye shall do well. Fare ye well. 30So when they were dismissed, they came to Antioch: and when they had gathered the multitude together, they delivered the epistle: 31Which when they had read, they rejoiced for the consolation. 32And Judas and Silas, being prophets also themselves, exhorted the brethren with many words, and confirmed them. 33And after they had tarried there a space, they were let go in peace from the brethren unto the apostles. 34Notwithstanding it pleased Silas to abide there still. 35Paul also and Barnabas continued in Antioch, teaching and preaching the word of the Lord, with many others also.
[Reading Acts 16:4 4 "And as they went through the cities, they delivered them the decrees for to keep, that were ordained of the apostles and elders which were at Jerusalem. 5And so were the churches established in the faith, and increased in number daily." All of this caused considerable confusion. As Paul preached the gospel in the synagogues first to the Jews and then to the gentiles, questions came up continually. Paul stuck to his guns as did the Apostles. When he would tell the gentiles that they were not to make themselves under the Law of Moses, the Jews among the gentiles would hear and then begin to wonder, if the gentiles receive salvation and the Holy Spirit and were not under the Law of Moses, then why should they be under the Law of Moses? Hence you have the problem in Acts 21 when Paul goes back to Jerusalem. Some of the Jews among the gentiles reported that he had preached to the Jews as well as the gentiles that they should not circumcise their children nor follow the customs of the Moses. You find this in Acts 21:15"And after those days we took up our carriages, and went up to Jerusalem. 16 There went with us also certain of the disciples of Caesarea, and brought with them one Mnason of Cyprus, an old disciple, with whom we should lodge. 17And when we were come to Jerusalem, the brethren received us gladly. 18And the day following Paul went in with us unto James; and all the elders were present. 19And when he had saluted them, he declared particularly what things God had wrought among the Gentiles by his ministry. 20And when they heard it, they glorified the Lord, and said unto him, Thou seest, brother, how many thousands of Jews there are which believe; and they are all zealous of the law: 21And they are informed of thee, that thou teachest ALL OF THE JEWS which are among the Gentiles to forsake Moses, saying that they ought not to circumcise their children, neither to walk after the customs. 22What is it therefore? the multitude must needs come together: for they will hear that thou art come. 23Do therefore this that we say to thee: We have four men which have a vow on them; 24Them take, and purify thyself with them, and be at charges with them, that they may shave their heads: and all may know that those things, whereof they were informed concerning thee, are nothing; but that thou thyself also walkest orderly, and keepest the law. 25As touching the Gentiles which believe, we have written and concluded that they observe no such thing, save only that they keep themselves from things offered to idols, and from blood, and from strangled, and from fornication. 26Then Paul took the men, and the next day purifying himself with them entered into the temple, to signify the accomplishment of the days of purification, until that an offering should be offered for every one of them.
[It now becomes easier to understand the entire New Testament. When Paul makes statements like that of Rom 10: 12 "For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. 13For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

A major complaint from Sabbath Keeping churches when showing them these scriptures is to say, "well then you think it is ok to murder, steal, or commit adultery." This is to imply that the only thing that keeps them from doing such things is the law. Paul answered that when he says in 1Tim.1: 9 "Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers, 10For whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind, for menstealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine;" but also he answered that by faith and the use of the Holy Spirit men would walk in the following manner, Gal. 5:22  "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, 23Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. 24And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts." It is not the law which keeps us from sin but the Holy Spirit. Therefore the gentiles were not made to be under the Law of Moses.]

The Noahide Laws

* In reading regarding Jewish teachings and the law, specifically the Sabbaths, ceremonial and moral laws for the gentiles, the major schools of Judaism taught the following. This is the teaching regarding the obedience of the laws for the gentiles from the Noahian period until this day. (Quote in blue) "Jewish tradition holds that non-Jews (GENTILES) are bound by seven laws, presumed TO DATE FROM THE TIME OF THAT MOST RIGHTEOUS OF THE GENTILES, NOAH. There are six negative laws and one positive on:1. Not to deny God (for example, idolatry)
2. Not to blaspheme God
3. Not to murder
4. Not to engage in incestuous, adulterous, bestial, or homosexual relationships
5. Not to steal
6. Not to eat a limb torn from a living animal
7. To set up courts to ensure obedience to the other six laws.
Since each law has extensions and interpretations (see number 4, for example) there are in fact more than seven laws that gentiles are commanded to observe.
Judaism regards any non-Jew (GENTILE) who keeps these laws as a RIGHTEOUS person who is guaranteed a place in the world-to-come." This is taken from the book; "Jewish Literacy, The Most Important Things to Know About the Jewish Religion, Its People, and Its History" Chapter 263 "THE SEVEN NOAHIDE LAWS" page 509. The author is Rabbi Joseph Telushkin and author of two of the most influential Jewish books of the past decade; "The Nine Questions People Ask About Judaism" and "Why the Jews? The Reason for anti-Semitism

In the book, "EVERYMAN'S TALMUD", by Rabbi Abraham Cohen, (a summary of the teachings of the oral interpretation of the Mosaic Law), Page 65 we read, "To the Gentiles who were not prepared to enter the fold of the Judaism, a moral code, known as the seven commandments of the Sons of Noah, was offered. It consisted of the precepts: "The practice of equity, prohibitions against blaspheming the Name, idolatry, immorality, bloodshed, robbery and devouring a limb torn from a live animal" (Sanh.56a). By righteous conduct, based upon these fundamental laws they would earn the divine approval." Even the strict Jews believed that the Sabbaths were not necessary as binding on the Gentiles. Circumcision of the flesh is necessary before any person is required to observe the any Sabbath.

Letter to a Church of God Minister


Excerpts from a letter to a Church of God Minister:

What many of you in such vaulted, authoritative positions never seem to understand, is that we’re not leaving the Body of Christ, but rather an imperfect, often misguided, confused or arrogant leader or organization, that have become more “hireling types” or now miss or abuse the point of their perceived calling on some or even many levels.

Quite simply, people are desperately looking for someone whose proper servant’s voice and life they recognize, who is a true, well rounded, serving shepherd, as designed and dedicated as Jesus Christ, revealed and showed through his own exemplary life and the subsequent apostle’s example.

What we’ve gotten instead, are many Korah, self-aggrandizing types, who’ve become almost papal like figures that one dares not question anything they say or do, as though God only fully answers their prayers and, anyone who follows them, must recognize they do so, in great trepidation, within God’s full authority.

I never thought I’d see in the aftermath of the demise of WCG such a menagerie of misguided and self-serving individuals, who seem to clamor for so much personal attention, as though they individually are the cream of the crop, and the absolute apple in God’s eyes.

Yet the focus is to continue to blame the members for their indiscretions and lack of faith, and not a self-serving ministry who treat the people like merchandise, usually for their own personal use or benefit.

In essence, we are seeing naked emperors, pseudo apostles, prophets, witnesses, trainer of witnesses or other “look at me” roles, which must have the fawning few who worship their every word or deed.

Select few seem to fulfill the complete “job descriptions” given in Titus and Timothy; instead they seem to see it as a buffet of sorts, picking and choosing what they best like to do, rather than honoring the “complete and God centered calling”, even going above and beyond it, like a profitable servant should.

But even more sad, is most members can’t for the life of them ever see any of you who are in these prominent authoritative roles who demand our total loyalty, compliance or acceptance of all things taught or believed by you, ever coming under someone else’s human control or influence again, in true humility, because each in your own way have become a pious authority unto your selves.

I guess what’s good for the goose (us) isn’t what’s good for the gander, figuratively or physically or especially spiritually speaking. What a mockery of the responsibility, actually required by God!!

We hear many excuses, threats and convoluted reasoning’s why the average Joe Christian should remain faithful to you or men or groups like yours (where you hasten to include or infer God’s presence or his authority given to such an esteemed group when threats of disloyalty are often felt by you).

But I guess a taste of ultimate power (as we are often accused of desiring) is such a strong aphrodisiac, that many excuse your own behavior with misguided, often self righteous objectives and viewpoints.

I have been told numerous times over my XX years in the church, that just being right on a given point MUST always be tempered or proven with an appropriate and right and humble attitude.

Most likely, this letter could very well be a waste of my time writing it, as I’m sure there’ll be a collective collaboration to pick apart my “misguided and misrepresented” points (shared by more people out here than you know) with your more “learned, converted, closely related group”, you rely on for approval.

My question is, must we out here, be the only ones that must have the right attitude in receiving or accepting something from you or do you in your collective mindsets also share in that responsibility, to have the right attitude in giving it or even broaching such a subject, especially when it can cause confusion, doubt or even angst on people’s part?

When even, might something perceived or taught as new or non-salvational, become salvational for someone, becoming a stumbling block or a point of needless confusion and you are held accountable?

The ultimate question is; what do you and men like you really owe to the flock God has seen fit to give (and take) from you?

I’ve often said there are 3 things you hardly ever hear a minister affiliated with the church of God over the year’s state or admit, are “I’m sorry”, “I’m wrong” and “I don’t know”. That mold is certainly still intact.

I know as members we have been taught, almost ad nauseam, that we are the weak of this world and might barely make it to God’s Kingdom if we don’t fall in line behind the authority of God (via the ministry). But I’d have to say, the ministry as a whole, has certainly led the pack, backwards.

But I really do wonder how God perceives today’s “ministry”, who can’t seem to find any common spiritual ground with fellow, “well trained???”, extensively experienced men who should be able to rise above it all; especially with the double portion of help that everyone feels they have, directly given by God…..

Maybe the tares aren’t exactly who we have all thought they might be, but those who have done more of a disservice to God’s calling and accountability, because they merely have lost sight of the goal themselves or they have simply been ordained of men, but never of God.

I truly wonder if any of the various COG group’s leaders understand exactly what God does want and expects, not just from the lowly member, but doubly more from those who relish in authority and supreme governance, who have picked up the mantle of a minister or leader of one of these various, fractious groups, that now make up the church of God today?

And please spare me/us the dire warnings and the “minister is always right” proclamations that so many ministers over the years have used to neutralize the not so enlightened or rebellious member.

Maybe for a change, it’s time to look in the spiritual mirror your selves instead of always imputing motives toward everyone else.

I think I am really starting to understand, why God said in Matthew 24, that his love would wax cold.

Certainly it has to do with all of us disobeying his laws, but since Christ clarified it as the two great commandments (loving God and in essence, loving each other as we would God), we see the results we see today, when we lose that agape focus for all of God’s people.

Unfortunately, with the lack of real, true, humble Godly leadership all these years, with so many people following their leaders missteps or self-serving beliefs and actions, they will unfortunately start acting and reacting exactly as we see today.

Philadelphia Church of God Causes Another Suicide


Blood is once again on the hands of the Philadelphia Church of God.  The PCG has directly and a hand in another PCG suicide.

How could any parent allow these sick men in PCG to tell them to kick their chid out of the house?

How many more need to die in the PCG before people do anything about it?

The Philadelphia Church of God and the Restored Church of God are nearing the border of another Jonestown and yet church members and leaders of other Churches of God refuse to do anything.  Why won't any of them speak out against Gerald Flurry and the PCG?

They do not because deep down they know they are just as sick, even though the lipstick on their own pig is severely smeared.  As Bereans Did is reporting:

The Letter Kills: PCG Claims Another Life
Unfortunately, we recently learned about a heart-breaking situation that demonstrates why strivings over the law can be so destructive. We take no joy in reporting this situation. Rather, we hope that bringing to light issues and consequences like these can  help prevent future tragedies in the Armstrongist community.

Once upon a time, a kind, loving couple who desired to serve God raised their children diligently in the Worldwide Church of God. In 1995, they left for one of the larger, more moderate splinter groups, and the whole family stayed there for years. Their children grew up. One child stayed in the same group as the parents.  Another decided that the lukewarm splinter they attended was not zealous enough for God's law. He and his wife took their young children with them to the Philadelphia Church of God and cut off all contact with their COG family.

Fast forward several years. It is reported that, in their desire to obey their church leaders, the younger PCG couple kicked one of their children out of the house because he had a girlfriend and wasn't spending enough time reading his Bible. Disfellowshipped from PCG, that child moved in with his COG grandparents, whom he hadn't seen in years. He took his own life during the Days of Unleavened Bread, at the age of 21. Not surprisingly, PCG is telling its membership that the young man was mentally ill. Later reports included details that muddy the picture of whether mental illness or PCG's no-contact policy is to blame for his suicide. Some who knew him say they doubt PCG's story. At the very least, the no-contact policy no doubt exacerbated the pain for someone with few emotional and spiritual supports. 

UCG: Its All Fluffy Cotton Candy Except in Canada Where Another Church Has Split Off


When you read the United Church of God web site and the members updates you will never see a more unified Church of God in existence.

We value the current period of peace in the Church and need to constantly remind ourselves it is only in this environment we can have of the growth and forward movement we all desire   United News May/June
Viktor Kubik wrote May 5: “Several of our home office ministers visited local congregations. We have received several reports about how encouraging this has been to the brethren as well as our pastors. We had cut back on these visits because of cost, but realize that they are valuable for the Church, just as were the apostle Paul’s visits in his time to ‘see how the brethren are doing’. Church of God News
The cotton candy is all fluffy and sweet, except in Canada were Bob Berendt's North Battleford, Saskatchewan congregation that he is over, ruptured in a split with 1/3 of the congregations leaving with lay pastor Boyd Yahn.   While the North Battleford congregation is not large, its just the tip of the iceberg on the discontent that so many in Canada feel with Bob Berendt and the UCG hierarchy.

Berendt stirred a up a stink a few weeks ago when he said that that Moses made a few marks on the clay tablets and that much of Jewish history was oral tradition.  This has sent the diehard legalists in to a frenzy.  How dare he say that much of the Bible we have was oral tradition that was passed down over the centuries.  According to the legalists God spoke every single word in the Bible that we have today and to say otherwise casts a dark shadow upon the laws they bow down to and worship.  It is a well documented fact that most of the stories that were had written in the scriptures were of oral tradition.   Berendt sermon link.

The legalists who worship the law and the tablets get pushed over the edge by this.  The law trumps everything.  Jesus Christ is so inconvenient to them.

Living Church of God: Is Rod Meredith Negotiating With COGWA Again?


Things just get curiouser and curiouser in the Living Church of God as Rod Meredith takes a trip to Texas to meet the the Church of God a Worldwide Association (COGWA).  This is the second meeting that LCG and COGWA have had together.  COGWA representatives traveled to Charlotte recently for several days of talks and to talk about thier common bonds.

Most LCG members know nothing about this because LCG doesn't bother to tell them.
As we keep the Holy Days, many from the Charlotte office have been travelling, including Dr. Meredith to Houston, Mr. and Mrs. Ames to Michigan and Ohio, and Dr. Winnail to Northern California. All told, we are blessed to have 238 ministers conducting Holy Day services for 375 congregations spanning the globe! Rod McNair
While LCG members seek to understand what REALLY is going on, this has also created disconcerting speculation  in UCG.  COGWA is made up of huge break-off of ministers and members from UCG who because disgusted by the shenanigans that Vic Kubik, Webber and others were pulling.  Now for these former brethren to be saddling up beside Rod Meredith as a slap in the face to the most perfect Church of God this side of Wadsworth.

Many in LCG think Meredith is trying to do all he can to forestall a major split in LCG once he dies.  LCG members can's stand this son who was at one time was the heir apparent but who has now turned out to be a bumbling money squandering dolt.  LCG members are not fans of Richard Ames or Gerald Weston.  Many see Ames as getting old and senile like Meredith while others see Weston as perched and waiting to usher in a hardline stance that makes Meredith's legalism pale in comparison.  LCG members have chaffed under this abuse for two decades and they won't put up with it much longer.  With membership and income in decline, a unification with COGWA may just be the lipstick the pig needs for a couple of years.

Rod Meredith Tries To Deal With Scarborourgh Lawsuit Blowback


From an LCG source:

Rod Meredith has called a meeting this week of his Counsel of Elders in an attempt to mitigate the blowback from the Scarborough/ LCG lawsuit. It seems many of the ministers in the field and several of the Counsel members are having a difficult time understanding why Rod Meredith  and Rod McNair would risk hundreds of thousands of tithe-payer dollars and a ton of negative publicity instead of working for a peaceful resolution outside of the courtroom.

They will also discuss the defection of a number of the European brethren following the departure of the Swiss minister Roland Lecocq.

Of course, none of these bad things are happening as a result of LCG's bad behavior! Instead, it will be old Satan who gets the blame once again. Satan loves nothing more than to attack the only and greatest church on earth.

We can only hope that Counsel members have the courage to hold a mirror up to Rod so that he can finally gain the insight he needs to realize that he is merely reaping what he has sown.

Let's not hold our breath though. A bunch of "yes men" blowing smoke up their king's arse is much more likely as history has shown us!

Rod Meredith Letter To Executive Staff Justifying His Hiring of David Meredith


From an LCG source (Meredith letter at the end)

Rod Meredith truly lets his arrogance, superiority complex and ego shine in this memo.

It is of note that many of the people RCM mentions in this letter like Tom Baca, Lara Prejean and the Bryce family no longer work for or even attend LCG.

Although RCM tries to downplay David's job (and it did start out as he describes), new, more important/ higher paying "jobs" with titles were quickly invented for David . Ultimately he ended up with a cushy corner office with a $5000 couch on which he could take his afternoon naps. His office was much nicer than many other HQ's employees who were also serving as full time ministers (and not without causing contention amongst those ministers). David was no where near qualified for the positions he held. Yet his opinion on IT issues and other things was always taken over the opinions of employees that actually knew what they were talking about, creating even more contempt and disharmony as a direct result of David's employment. This ultimately led LCG's Director of IT, Charles Ogwyn, to "resign".

The two ministers (Charles Ogwyn and Davy Crockett) that had the nerve to complain about David's poor work quality were,  in true Rod Meredith form, were both gone not long thereafter. You can't complain about the bosses kid and remain unscathed. Especially in a corrupt organization like LCG!

It was common knowledge that RCM only wanted baptized members working at LCG headquarters in an effort to prevent many of the problems he saw in Worldwide as a result of "unconverted" people being given jobs. That is, except in David's case. He wasn't/isn't baptized and has never remotely tried to act like he was converted or making any effort to leave his "worldly ways" behind. He drinks excessively, curses without shame, talks about porn, smokes pot and has a history of cheating on his wife (whom he impregnated  before marriage on the couch at a drunken young adult Feast party in a room full of people).

When David came to Charlotte in 2009 to live with his dad and mooch off LCG, it was because his wife kicked him out for drinking, drugs, porn addiction and adultery and he had nowhere else to go. So daddy gave him a place to live and work instead of making him face the consequences that might have actually inspired change in his behavior.

Getting kicked out was nothing new to David though. Gerald Weston once kicked him out of church (in Kansas City) for the same type of behavior (although the  subsequent fury of Mr. & Mrs. Meredith - that someone would DARE kick their precious baby out of church -  later forced Weston swallow his pride , recant and apologize like a good puppet).

Let's not fail to notice the not-so-veiled threat in RCM's last paragraph, "My thoughts and prayers are with you - as I do not want to lose any of you..." In other words, if you dare to voice disagreement with a decision made by RCM, you are going to get yourself fired. Disagreeing with RCM is like disagreeing with Jesus Christ Himself after all!

I especially like how RCM attempts to define and then negate the rampant nepotism in LCG. All of his children and at least one of his grandchildren have been or are currently on the LCG payroll. Lil Jimmy Meredith makes more money than anyone in LCG except his own greedy daddy WHILE expensing luxury vacations in the name of "looking for Feast sites" (he just loves to serve). His daughters married men who RCM promoted into the full time ministry and then gave them territories like the Caribbean (hey, somebody's got to do it ). 

Ego and self will. Abuse of power and delusions of grandeur. Seldom is such a total and complete display of poor character available for all of us to enjoy




DATE:            JULY 20, 2009

To all directly concerned:

Knowing that many of you have already heard about this situation I am addressing, I am sending this to a number of you so we all can be “on the same page.” I pray that you will see this with an open mind and heart – as it comes from the Presiding Evangelist of God’s Church and the one whom Christ used to raise up the Church and therefore make possible your job in the first place.

I received a personal memo just as I was leaving the office late Friday afternoon. The writer acknowledged that he knew that I had “given the order that David Meredith is to be hired.” So he knew that the Presiding Evangelist had already decided on a policy and a decision was made. The memo concerned my decision to hire my son David into a very basic, low-level job in the Media Department. I had previouslytalked with Mr. Tom Baca, Lara Prejean and others in the department regarding a genuine need I had heard about for a few weeks in an area that was needed in a number of areas there. One job involving a somewhat “grubby” job of cleaning old tapes so they can be reused and another which Mr. Baca himself proposed was helping him catch up on a number of filings and office type work that required no special skills. Mr. Baca sent Mr. Ames a note on this and – at the time - Mr. Ames and I approved the hiring of David Meredith who is in a real “tough spot” in his life and in desperate need of a job to even be able to keep himself, his wife and his little three-year-old daughter together. I felt at the time that this was an act of compassion and was going to help us fill a need that would have to eventually be taken of anyway.

Then- all of a sudden- the “static” began! Comments were made regarding “nepotism,” a “Public Relations disaster,” and the brethren possibly being upset if they find we are helping our own children, etc. I am going to take time to address, in general, these accusations and unkind comments so all of you can understand the way God has always had His people act, and the way the Work of God did act under His Apostle, Herbert W. Armstrong.

In ancient times, as you all know, God did work through families, we are told about the “fathers” – Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. We find as an intrinsic principle in the statutes of God – statutes which we are preparing to teach, indecently, that ownership of the land was to be carried down through the sons and daughters of the owner. The older sons were expectedto help carry on the family business, farm or enterprise. All over the earth– as most of you know – this has been a custom for centuries. But now, with the break down of the family and the rise of the “corporate structure” type of approach this is often being denigrated- partly, of course, because a number of executives have grossly abused this. Nevertheless the basic principle of God working through families is well established in scripture without me going through a whole lecture on this.

In the Worldwide Church of God – under the direct control of God’s Apostle, Herbert W. Armstrong – it was common practice that we would hire our young people coming along in the college and often through our families to give them an opportunity to function, carry on responsibility and hoping that most of them would finally become converted and part of the Church and the Work fulltime. All of Mr. Armstrong’s four children were on the family payroll at one time or another plus his sons-in-lawand later, some of his grandchildren. These grandsons were not converted at the time but were given an opportunity.

No one, so far as I know of, objected to this because of the deep respect they had for the fact that God had used Mr. Armstrong to raise up the Work and that they were – in a sense – an extension of the Armstrong family and we knew it was a help to him and an honor to him to help work in his children and grandchildren and  give them these opportunities – along with hundreds of young people in college, graduates of the college, and others who had come in to work on the grounds, in Imperial School, in publishing in television, etc. During those years, a very few disgruntled brethren might have talked about “nepotism.” And certainly, some of Mr. Armstrong’s children and grandchildren were very carnal as many realized. Yet some of them did work hard and accomplish for the Work in spite of their lack of conversion.

Incidentally, “nepotism” is a term derived from a Latin word “nepos” usually referring to a nephew receiving favoritism by Medieval prelates who often appointed some of their children or even nephews to be bishops in the Catholic Church even before they were out of their teen years! The dictionary relates that this term is used “especially” to appointment to desirable positions. As I am sure you can gather, I have no interest in appointing my son David or anyone else to a “desirable” position in opposition to the principles in God’s Word. His job in the Media building will be perhaps the lowliest position over there and he will be starting at a very base salary – far below what most of you are making! So to anyone who properly understands the English language, the “charge of nepotism” is indeed showing a lack of understanding about the work itselfplus a disrespect to the Presiding Evangelist of God’s Church.

As two or three who have heard about all of this have told me, “There will be no public relations disaster unless some of these people who try to criticize try to bring it about!”

Obviously, such a move as that which would undermine the respect for the office Christ has set me in and would be causing division in God’s Church and Work– and mentally and emotionally upsetting to others who were given a negative and completely wrong “spin” on what is actually being planned. Contrary to what some have indicated, most of our loyal members would be happy to see that some of our children are being used in the Work and that our sons and daughters are indeed being allowed to “fit in” and help carry on the Work of God as long as it is done in a reasonable manner and without high salaries, high titles, etc. being involved. Again, the vast majority of the field ministry will feel the same way – as we hope that manyof their own sons and daughters may be “part of the Work” as time goes on. Certainly Jonathan McNair, Rod McNair, Charles Ogwyn and Scott Winnail are all fine examples of young men in their 30’s and 40’s who have matured and are now being used in a very fine way – among other relatives of God’s people whom we have hired through the years.

When the time came, we hired Angie Pyle, Deborah Lyons and others of our children when they were able to “fit in” and have an opportunity for a part-time or fulltime job – which we often modified to fit their schedule of classes, and etc. as you know. When Mr. Charles Bryce came here as Director of the Ministry, I certainly tried to help him – because of his grave responsibilities and the service he was then rendering – by allowing the Work to hire his daughter and his son, Scott, who had a mental handicap and – as Mr. Bryce explained to me himself – had a situation where he would some times “forget where he was” or what he should be doing and simply drive around in circles, etc. Yet he was not a danger, had a good attitude and could accomplish certain things under direct guidance from others. So, because we honored Mr. Bryce, we all pitched in to help Scott, encourage him and hope that his family situation could be strengthened by this action – thus helping Mr. Bryce to concentrate on his job and helping the thousands of brethren around the world – which Dr. Winnail is now doing so well.

The charge has been brought that there has been a “hiring freeze” at this time. In actual fact, it has been a very limited hiring freeze – since the decision to have such a freeze was made in early May and we hired Laura Denny on June 1st and Susan Corbett on June 22nd and have been in the process of hiring one or two ministers or elders in the field ministry beside. Therefore, since my son is being brought in at the very lowestlevel, it is certainly not going to “hurt the Work” and is not inconsistent with what we are already doing.

Brethren, I have put David on notice that he is on “probation” in the first 90 days with his work for the church – as are all of our employees. I will be checking regularly with Tom Baca and others in the Media Department to make sure that he does his job properly, causes no problems, etc. But I am charging you– as you all profess to be Christians – to try to give him the same support, the same help and encouragement that you did these other individuals that I have mentioned and that the vast majority of us tried to do with those young people – hundreds of themwho were brought along while still unconverted back in the days of the Worldwide Church at Ambassador College.

I realize that we are not the Worldwide Church or Ambassador College. But both of my sons had expressed a fervent desireto attend Ambassador College some day. They were deeply hurt when Ambassador closed its doors. They never had the opportunity to go to Ambassador College or to be surrounded by God’s people and be a part of God’s Work in that way. They both had to sacrifice in a number of ways that I will not go into here because of their father being sent “in disgrace” – so to speak – into a kind of internal exile in Glendora and having other young people in the Church ask them, “What is wrong with you father? Why isn’t he preaching anymore? We thought he was and Evangelist?” Some times they would come home crying and wondering, “What is wrong with the Church? Why are they treating you this way?” So it hurt them deeply. And I would like to help them understand that the Church can be helpful and loving!

In the earlier days of this Work, my son David helped out in the office in San Diego for two or three months with no salary – helping run errands, handle the mail and personally put the stamped addresses from the address cards on the envelopes by hand – as we had to do in those days. David helped in Bill Brazil’s printing work – which was also considered “part of the work” as Bill was printing all of our booklets and magazines at that time. Bill liked his work, and told me so a number of times. So David has been “part of the Work” before most of you were ever employed. But I want all of you to know that in the last eight weeks when David has been living in our home, I have had several longtalks with him and he has responded very well. He has come to realize that he did a lot of immature – and using his own words – “stupid” things. He is certainly in the process of repenting about these things, wanting to be more mature in every way and to serve the Creator God. I sincerely feel that he is making good progress and now has a right attitude which I want to continue.

So I ask all of you in Jesus’ name, to join with me, as Christians, in welcoming David Meredith into our office, giving him encouragement and support. I am also instructing you not to join any others who might be so inclined to “make an issue” of this and thereby cause and “public relations” problem. As I said before, this would certainly be divisive and I don’t feel that any of you really want to do that.

But perhaps, so many years after Mr. Armstrong’s death and the constant bombardment of the “worldly” approach to things and the distancing of our entire society from the kind of family structure we ought to have been learning, we forget how God often operated through a family. God Himself is building a family. And, as long as our children do not cause and problem and are genuinely trying to grow, to overcome and to help – we should give them every opportunity that we rightly can, under the circumstances, to be part of the Work through various part-time jobs or activities as the Work grows and increases in years to come.

So if you have even part of the respect that all of used to show Mr. Armstrong, I hope that you would respect the office God has given me by trying to respond in a positive way to this employment in a very base, entry level position in God’s Work at this time. I will appreciate and pray for your positive response and your prayers for me personally – for this has certainly brought a certain amount of stress upon me at a time I do not need it.My thoughts and prayers will be with you – as I do not want to lose any of you – as long as you remain in a right attitude and are genuinely loyal and supportive to the human leadership Christ has placed in His Church.

In Christ’s name,
Roderick C. Meredith

Self Appointed COG False Prophet Getting Ready For Facebook To Censor Him


Ever since Bob Thiel self-appointed himself as God's most highly favored church leader in the end times, he has been warning about the eminent persecution his church will soon experience because of his awesome message.  His message is the only truth out there now.  Meredith, Flurry, Pack and Kubik are heretics that ignore the "whole truth" that Thiel preaches.

Like his surrogate Daddy, Rod Meredith, Thiel is claiming rampaging gays and pesky Muslims will soon make the lives of Church of God leaders one miserable mess.  Persecution will be coming because these "men" are speaking out on the truth.

Paranoid Bob Elijah Elisha Amos Thiel believes the government is watching him intensely and will soon step in to stop him from preaching, using Facebook or the internet.  Famine of the word will soon be upon us.  No more Church of God leaders will be able to run off at the mouth.  Just think,  no more Bob Thiel, James Malm, Rod Meredith, Vic Kubik, Gerald Flurry or Dave Pack.  What a glorious day that will be!
For years, this website has warned of civil unrest in Europe and the USA and has mentioned that Islamic issues will be a factor in both those regions. 
Many in and out of the government have plans and are watching the internet with plans to deal with materials that they some day hope to silence. 
Notice the following from the Bible:
1 Hear my voice, O God, in my meditation;
Preserve my life from fear of the enemy.
2 Hide me from the secret plots of the wicked,
From the rebellion of the workers of iniquity,
3 Who sharpen their tongue like a sword,
And bend their bows to shoot their arrows — bitter words,
4 That they may shoot in secret at the blameless;
Suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear.
5 They encourage themselves in an evil matter;
They talk of laying snares secretly;
They say, “Who will see them?”
6 They devise iniquities:
“We have perfected a shrewd scheme.”
Both the inward thought and the heart of man are deep. (Psalms 64:1-6) 
And while you might think that if you have done nothing wrong, you have nothing to fear from surveillance, consider that many in the government of the USA consider that not supporting homosexual marriages, etc. are extremist. I also saw someone once on a documentary that stated that people who believed in the millennium could not be trusted and should be considered as potential terrorists. The fact that we in the Continuing Church of God would be considered pacifists, does not change the fact that since we hold to millennial and other biblical views that we will not be improperly classified by government employees with various agendas. 
The Prophet Amos was inspired to record the following:
11 “Behold, the days are coming,” says the Lord God,
“That I will send a famine on the land,
Not a famine of bread,
Nor a thirst for water,
But of hearing the words of the Lord.
12 They shall wander from sea to sea,
And from north to east;
They shall run to and fro, seeking the word of the Lord,
But shall not find it. (Amos 8:11-12) 

Notice that the Bible tells of a time that will come when the word of God will not be found. And that would seem to be because truth from it will be taken off the internet. In the 21st century, the internet is accessed by people in every country, and thus some type of internet restriction/suspension/site removal is coming. 
We are getting closer to this time. 
That is part of why we in the Continuing Church of God are preparing for the ‘short work’ (Romans 9:28) and the coming ‘famine of the word.’ 
Despite the first amendment to the US Constitution, more censorship on the internet is coming.  The ‘famine of word’ will hit. But Jesus’ message of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God will reach the world as a witness

Church of God Idolatry


This picture was taken by a person on a COG Facebook page.  It is located in the Sevierville/Gatlinburg, TN area.  It amazes me the lengths that people go to to preserve the heretical teachings of a man who caused so much damage in peoples lives over the decades.  That legacy now carries over to the mind numbing perversions of Flurry, Pack, Thiel, Meredith and others.  Broken marriages, suicides, unnecessary deaths, pedophilia, false doctrine...on and on the list could go.  There is nothing exciting about that.

This is what the site says

Mr. Armstrong trumpeted the truth of Almighty God for over 53 years. His voice sounded the alarm for the American, and British peoples. Explaining the prophecies of the Bible as they relate to the times we are living in today, when we are surrounded by war and appalling evils. Mr. Armstrong touched many lives in his service to God, and brought hope to a confused world, as he preached the Good News of The World Tomorrow . The creators of this website desire to continue this wonderful message, serving those who are searching for the answers mankind has been asking ever since creation. Continuing to bring meat in due season to the Household of God, and to whomever the voice of Jesus Christ may reach in this end time. Ladies and Gentlemen, we have entered into a time in this century in which we have passed the point of no return. One in which terrorism, escalating wars, failing economies, devastating storms, and appalling evils are rampant. One voice has told us these days were approaching. Now we are living in the very times he warned us about. The Eternal God tells us in the book of Amos, that He will allow nothing to occur until he reveals his secrets to his servants the prophets. God, in his great love, is giving mankind one more chance to take the warnings seriously before the terrible time of the end, prophesied in your Bible. Will we LISTEN? Will we take HEED? Will we OBEY? Our future is in our hands! Mr. Armstrong always said, " DON'T BELIEVE ME, BELIEVE YOUR BIBLE" - prove these things to yourself.
Ladies and Gentlemen!  Run for your lives!

UCG: Static-cling Car Stickers Latest Gospel Tool.....WINNER!!!!!!!!


See the absolutely mind boggling static-cling sticker here.  
This will make the other COG's super jealous!

These wildly playful folks in the public relations area of United Church of God have come up with ANOTHER fail-safe way of getting the gospel out the world.  They want UCG members to take their amazing Beyond Today static-cling car stickers and plaster them all over their cars!  Your neighbors will be impressed!  Your high school friends with be intrigued and want to know more about your church. The world will be in awe!

And, here is a new project: we would like our brethren to help us bring more attention to the work of the Church. At the GCE meeting we are distributing Beyond Today car-window static-clings that can easily be put onto everyone’s vehicles. We are asking that all pastors and elders return home with enough clings for everyone in their congregation. If your pastor is not at the meeting this year, we will make arrangements for the clings to be shipped to your church areas.

The next thing we will see will be Jelly sock puppets or antenna balls.  Let the gospel roll forth!

Deluded Church of God False Prophet Looking to Apparitions of Mary


Why is a Church of God leader, though a deluded self-appointed one, placing so much emphasis upon wild fantasies of the visions of Fatima and other apparitions that a few in the Catholic church place significance upon? Why is he so obsessed with a topic that 99% of the world could care less about, including most Catholics?

Its the same old story in the Church of God that has made it it's mission to obsess of the insignificant things while ignoring the bigger things.  The Church of God has been one big conspiracy factory for many decades.  Every crazy out-of-this-world phenomenon or conspiracy theory has found fertile ground in the minds of Church of God people.  Of course these are the same people that take great delight in reading Daniel, Ezekiel and the Book of Revelation and using them to create scenarios of destruction that is unimaginable.  They take great pleasure in creating scenarios of famine, death, and war; preaching everything from concentration camps, rampaging Muslims and Chinese armies to parents eating their children and being hung up on meat hooks.

Bob Elisha Elijah Amos Thiel, a former Catholic, still places great significance upon these wild stories just like he finds significance in Mayan mythology and Christian myths.  All of these things t are far more significant to him that anything about Jesus Christ.

According to the latest from the self-appointed one,  apparitions of Mary will soon be visible signs all over the world.

I wrote a book titled Fatima Shock! to warn people that in the future apparitions that most people will think are Mary will likely be part of the signs and lying wonders that the Bible warns will deceive the world (it also gives more information of what the Fatimists really think of their previous pope as well as their view of what the so-called undisclosed portion of the “third secret”) contains. 
Although most non-Catholics do not think that Fatima can affect them, if they live long enough this century, they will find that this is not the case. Fatima is a much bigger deal than people realize and seems to tie into a variety of prophecies throughout the Bible (e.g. Isaiah 47, Matthew 24, 2 Thessalonians 2, Revelation 17). How apparitions are likely to affect the world at the end seems to be a missing dimension in understanding prophecy by most who profess Christ(see also the video Marian Apparitions May Fulfill Prophecy).

Ron and Laura Weinland soon to "Shut the Heavens" to stop all rain so Christ can return on April 21, 2019 and June 9, 2019


Ever since the Church of God's highly favored felon was released from prison after his prophetic 3 1/2 year jail term, he has been working diligently upon his newest book.  That new book lays out how his god was such an impotent fool that it could never get it's timing right or change the minds of humans so they could return to the truth once delivered that had somehow been allowed to get lost for 1,900 years.  With every single date that Weinland has set being an epic failure, he has had to rewrite each scenario every year.
Within this extension to Christ’s coming, the first of these two new periods is from May 27, 2012 to November 7, 2015. God revealed early on that this first additional period of 1,260 days was the 42 months mentioned in Revelation 11 that is about the “measuring of the temple” of God that would occur within that period of time, which is about the final preparation of God’s Church for the final work leading up to Christ’s coming. 
This second additional end-time period of 1,260 days runs from the 8th of November 2015 to the 20th of April 2019. This count concludes on the weekly Sabbath that is in the midst of the first Holy Day season of that year, the Feast of Unleavened Bread. This period is now recognized as the time for God’s two witnesses to complete the physical fulfillment of their witness to the world. Revelation 11:3-6 reveals that for a period of 1,260 days God will send his two end-time witnesses to prophesy with power throughout this time. Much of that witness and the power given to it is the writing that is contained in this very book. Toward the end of this period of time, they will be able to shut up the heavens so it will not rain wherever and for however long they say. They will strike the earth with plagues as often as they choose. Much of what is fulfilled during this period will have to do with the Thunders of Revelation that will be more completely fulfilled by those things they proclaim.
It is during this time that Ron and Laura will be in Jerusalem stopping the rain and doing what ever it is that witless prophets do.

Then Jesus Christ appears in the sky and waves to Ron and Laura as they are prophesying.

That 50-day period has already been mentioned. It is the time when God begins to pour out the Seven Last Plagues, which will lead to Christ coming to a world that has been humbled and ready to listen to him. As it has been stated, the day when his coming will be manifested in the atmosphere above the earth is the 21st of April 2019. It appears that this manifestation will be at the moment that the Wave Sheaf would have been waved before God on that day, which was in the midst of the Holy Day period of the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Lev. 23). This manifestation of Christ coming will be on the morning of the 1st day of the week that follows Passover that year. 

Then soon after this Jesus Christ will pop down to the Mount of Olives on April 21, 2019, where he will be met by Ron and Laura waving loaves of bread after they have spent 3 1/2 nasty days being dead and bloated in the streets of Jerusalem

Pentecost is the day that the Wave Loaves were offered up and they picture the firstfruits (the 144,000) being offered up before God to be received by Him in the same manner that the Wave Sheaf was offered up before God for acceptance of Jesus Christ. 
Yet there is even more meaning contained in this, as Pentecost reveals the command God gave for how to determine when that Holy Day should be observed. Pentecost literally means “count fifty.” It is that final 50 days that ties together, in an incredible manner, the great meaning of Jesus Christ as the first of the firstfruits, along with the rest of the firstfruits—the 144,000—who all come down to this earth on that final fiftieth day—Pentecost 2019.

What fun it is to be called out from world and to have the exclusive knowledge that Church of God leaders pass off as truth.  We are so blessed!

Wild Fires, Drought, Rain and the Gays...Just Another Day in LCGland


Its just another typical day in Charlotte with the Living Church of God. Horrible events and gays, two things that LCG can't start any article with without mentioning them both in the first sentence.
Greetings from Charlotte
World events today are sobering to behold: an out-of-control fire in western Canada destroying a town of 80,000 people, torrential rains and droughts plaguing various parts of Africa and Southeast Asia, armed struggles tearing apart countries in the Middle East, ambitious politicians promoting themselves and assailing their rivals—while America and other “nominally” Christian nations fight over issues of “gay” rights and who is allowed to use which public bathrooms. The world certainly needs the return of Jesus Christ to restore peace and sanity to this suffering and mixed-up planet. Here in Charlotte, Dr. Meredith has returned from a profitable trip to Houston and is busy writing a semi-annual letter that will go to more than 500,000 subscribers. Latest figures on the Spanish language YouTube channel, El Mundo de Mañana, show the channel now has more than 18,000 subscribers and more than four million visitors. The Days of Unleavened Bread have been a very profitable time for God’s people around the globe. Traveling speakers from Charlotte have returned with very positive reports from congregations they visited. Members of the Council of Elders will arrive this weekend for meetings that begin on Monday. Your prayers will be appreciated for these meetings.—DSW

Never fear though, LCG is here and has the truth to restore "peace and sanity" to the world.

Who really can believe LCG when it is filled with the most corrupt leadership imaginable? What truth does it have that the world needs when its headquarters is filled with nepotism, financial abuse and spiritual abuse?

LCG To Run "Training Camp" So Their Weak Men Can Be He-Men Again


With all of those pesky gays, effeminate liberals, and "graceite's" out there robbing the men of LCG of their masculinity, the church has finally decided to do something about it. They will be running a "training camp" for their men to become men again. We can be guaranteed that their standard bearer of masculinity will be Rod Meredith, Mr. Golden Gloves himself, a man's man. Sinless Rod.

Men will be trained to rule their households with rod's of iron.  Wives will need to submit and children tremble in their presence.  After all, authority is from the top down with women and children  are at the bottom of the heap.

If Jesus Christ is even mentioned at all during the entire "training camp", you can be guaranteed he will be pictured like this:

Northeast Men’s Training Camp 2016August 26-28​We live in a time of crisis for men. The role, identity and the very purpose for being a man is being called into question. How do we fight the demise of men... as a man? Here’s one way. Come and be part of this unique program this summer. Our spiritual “boot camp,” August 26-28, is specifically designed to build and strengthen men through eye-opening and interactive learning. We’ll learn what it takes to build bonds of brotherhood, serving God, our family and our brethren. It’s time to stand in the gap and take action against the tide of cultural correctness sweeping over our nation.

"We Found A Gold Mine"


Guest column:

For years, like many others, I had concluded that Herbert W. Armstrong (HWA) had done well under Loma D. Armstrong's influence but then, after she died, HWA went off track.  This made sense as this period after Loma dies is when he began to purchase the real expensive planes and spend much of his time traveling in luxury.

However, after reading more of HWA's earlier writings and by re-visiting his autobiography, it became clear that the duplicity went much further back in time and that Loma was in on it too (at least passively). It was clear that even as early as 1947, that both of the Armstrong's were enjoying life at a standard of living far above the average church member.  Few members could have afforded a 7 bedroom, 4,169 sq-ft home on 0.4 acres adjacent to Cal Tech, nor could they have afforded a 6-week first class luxury tour of Europe.  Most still can't 
After realizing how HWA lived while simultaneously claiming one financial crisis after another (even while the income was growing at around 30% per year), comments that I had previously discounted about HWA being largely motivated by money began to make perfect sense. 

One example:

"Honey, I know how we're going to get rich"
Gene Scarbrough, who was an elder in YEHOVAH's Church for over forty years, was ordained in 1967, and came out to Pasadena, California, in that year to serve full-time in the ministry. He told me that years ago his daughter Peggy, spent some time visiting with Mrs. Loma D. Armstrong, who took a liking to her. While they were together one time, Mrs. Armstrong reminisced about how the Work and Church began. While reflecting on how the ministry of her husband Herbert and his eldest son, Richard David Armstrong, originally got started, Mrs. Armstrong told Peggy, "They got into it for the money!"

This type of candid statement would not be surprising if heard from the lips of an enemy of the Church. But, coming straight from the lips of Mrs. Loma D. Armstrong, it packs a wallop!

Another friend corroborates the above story in part. According to his information, Garner Ted Armstrong once told a teacher in the church at Big Sandy and a personal friend that when his father was in the aluminum siding business back in Oregon, he got a call from far away to make a bid on a job. Herbert jacked up the price because he didn't want the job, the location was so distant. To his surprise, the customer said, "When can you get started?" It turns out the customer was the minister of a Seventh Day Adventist Church, and had plenty of money from tithes and offerings. According to Ted Armstrong, upon returning home that evening, Herbert -- who all his life wanted to be considered successful in business and make lots of money -- told his wife, "Honey, I now know how we're going to get rich!"

The above comments may be found at the Hope of Israel site:

And just yesterday (5/14/16), from Art Mokarow...

"We found a gold mine!"
While speaking with Mr.Mokarow about how my views regarding HWA had changed after examining his earlier writings, and how I began to question if he had ever been sincere, Art shared the following, "Before GTA was even preaching, HWA had told Loma that 'We found a gold mine!'"

The Failure of COG Media


A reader here sent the following observations and questions regarding how Church of God leaders portray themselves as great stalwarts of truth, yet when you check out the number of readers and followers, the numbers are minuscule even among their own membership.

I noted, for example, that Pack is on Twitter.  Not too surprising I suppose, and 100% of his tweets consist of announcements of his stupid RCG videos. 
.But one thing struck me as odd.  His number of followers 
Don’t they have some thousands of members?  Then why does he only have less than 900 followers?
(Incidentally, browsing through his followers just to see if I knew any of them, a lot are obviously not members – some are typical automatic follower accounts, follower fishers (uninterested parties that follow solely in the hope of getting followed back) and such  -- it’s probably less than 700 actual members that actually follow him, maybe even less.
Is he not considered important enough by all of the members to just follow him?
To me, that speaks volumes about his power even in his own church. https://twitter.com/davidcpack/followers Along the same lines....
Then there is David Hulme and his "Vision" 
Hulme’s videos are posted on YouTube, where the average number of views is somewhere around 700-800 per video.  
https://www.youtube.com/user/videosbyvision/videos Now, most have them been sitting around for 1 or 2 years, and most of those from the past year have less than 1000 views, which is pretty pathetic.  I have Youtube videos that have been around that long and accumulated more views than that!
It’s more pathetic considering COGIA also has some thousands of members, you would think at least the membership would definitely view the videos to have a base line of at least that number of views.  But apparently much of the membership can’t even be bothered to view them, so why would anyone else?

Herbert Armstrong's "Failed Business Man" Home Street: Klikitat Street in Portland

Neighboring house on Klikitat Street in Portland, Oregon 
where Herbert Armstrong lived with his family 
while failing to support them as he spent 6 months in the local library.

Dennis made a visit recently to the area of Portland where Herbert Armstrong moved his family.  This is also the area he was living in when he was without work and spent 6 months parked in the library instead of supporting his family.

He loved to portray himself as a "failed business man" yet for someone who was such a failure he lived in an upper class home in Portland.  Just how truthful was Herbert in how description of the life of his family while living on Klikitat Street.

I happened to cross Klikitat  St. coming home the other day and realized it was where HWA lived and where Richard was born.  I went looking for 1831 but there was no such address between 17th and 18th that crossed Klikitat.  Close but not 1831.  I was impressed however with the homes.  Really large classy and I am sure the originals from the 1920's.  For being a "failed businessman" just three years earlier, he still had expensive tastes it seemed if that was the correct area of Klikitat.   ......photos of the homes closest to the address.  The homes put me in mind of smaller versions of those on the AC campus

In Fall 1926 while visiting Armstrong’s parents in Salem, Oregon, Herbert's wife Loma was introduced by her in-laws’ to Emma Runcorn. Mrs. Runcorn and her husband O.J. were lay leaders in the Oregon Conference of the Church of God, Seventh Day. They introduced Loma to the Saturday Sabbath doctrine. Hearing about Loma's new found religious fanaticism, Herbert became incensed. Loma challenged him to find biblical support for Sunday observance. Armstrong began an extensive study of scripture too prove Loma wrong.  
In Spring 1927 after spending many weeks at Portland Public Library, to his astonishment, his study revealed that the Sabbath was the seventh day of the week. As a result both Herbert and Loma began keeping the Saturday Sabbath. Armstrong frequently consulted with an evangelical minister and was then baptized in May/June 1927 by the Pastor of the Hinson Memorial Baptist Church in Portland, Oregon. Herbert once said of this Pastor, "The man is the most godly man in all of Portland." Shortly after that, Armstrong and Loma began fellowship with a Church of God (Seventh Day) group in Salem, Oregon.  
On October 13, 1928 Herbert & Loma welcomed their first son Richard David "Dick" Armstrong. The Armstrong family was living at: 1831 Klickitat St. in Portland. On February 9, 1930 Herbert & Loma welcomed their second son Garner Ted Armstrong. The Armstrong family was now living at: 839 E. 75th St. N. in Portland. In Spring 1931 the Armstrong family moved from Portland to nearby Salem (Mulino? Armstrong's parents?).  
In June 1931 Herbert W. Armstrong was ordained by the Oregon Conference of The Church of God, which took place in Eugene, Oregon but the Great Depression was beginning and he was later temporary laid off as a Minister. In December 1932 Armstrong took a temporary advertising job in Astoria, Oregon with "The Morning Messenger" newspaper. In February 1933 Herbert got his full time ministry back but was paid only $3.00 a week salary. Local membership, mostly farmers supplied the Armstrong family with vegetables and grains for meals and paid their house rent. Herbert W Armstrong: His Eugene and Portland Radio Days
But if these were the lean years finan- cially, they were years of coming into the true riches. Yet, I still had many lessons to learn. 
Not only was TRUTH to be discovered and dug Out of God's spiritual gold mine-the Holy BIBLE-but there was much character to be developed through hard, cruel ex- perience, the dearest teacher of all. 
I should not have thought so at the time-but God knew that I needed much more humbling-much more chastening and punishment at the hands of God! 
I had been humbled! 0 yes! And still, I know now that had God allowed me to have prospered financially at that stage of spiritual experience, self-pride once more would have seized me and the humility would have fled! The les- sons so far received by all this chasten- ing would have been lost! I was to have to suffer much more-and my family to suffer it with me! 
Gagging on Macaroni 
At this time, during 1928, we were living on Klickitat Street in Portland, Oregon. We were falling dangerously behind in paying the rent. The real- estate agent who collected the rent came very frequently to the front door. To others he was a kind and pleasant-look- ing man. He taught a Sunday-school class. But to us, he was a dark, fore- boding, frightening, almost devilish-appearing man, when, of evenings, he so frequently stood at our front ent a number of times out of his own pocket. 
At one time we were in darkness nights against our will. The electricity was shut off because the bill was de- linquent. My wife did her cooking on a small gas stove, and our gas was shut off. Only the water was left running. We were out of food, and out of fuel. Our heating stove was one my father had made, shaped something like an old covered wagon-with rounded top. 
The children were crying with hun- ger. My stomach gnawed with pain. Like old Mother Hubbard's, our cup- board was bare, save for a little maca- roni. But there was no cheese or any of the ingredients used in baking maca- roni. There was not even a grain of salt. AND, there was no money to buy any. door, demanding in a deep, bass, stern tone: "Can I have the rent?" 
We simply didn't have the rent! We began to live in darkness, without lights, in hopes he would think we were not at home. Whenever he came, we knew just how a whipped dog feels when his tail is between his legs. Actually, this man, who appeared to us almost as an enemy, was kind enough to pay our  rent.  Plain Truth September 1959

UCG/COG Suicides


The Philadelphia Church of God is not the only Church of God group that is having suicides because of church actions.  The United Church of God is also dealing with suicides of youth and younger members.

From an earlier thread related to PCG recent suicide.

Since the young man was cut off from most friends and family, we'll never get a 100 percent accurate picture of what happened. But we've seen enough similarly tragic stories in COG groups to connect the dots fairly well. In 2014, 30-year-old Janet Privratsky committed suicide after PCG's no-contact policy cut her off from her family. Last year, a 27-year-old David Ekama – a member of the United Church of God – took his own life. We have personal knowledge of another UCG teen who ran away and left his parents a suicide note after being pressured by tent-mates at UCG summer camp around the time of the UCG-COGWA split. What were they pressuring him to do? Leave UCG for a more conservative splinter that kept the law and Sabbath closer to the way WCG founder Herbert W Armstrong taught. Thankfully, his story had a happier ending. But the pattern is clear.

Suicides have been another sad legacy of the Church of God movement over the 8 decades of its existence.  From church members to college students and to the son of a "popular" evangelist the sickening trend has seen no end.  When the message offered has no hope attached to it because of heretical and deviate teachings of church leaders, its no wonder people have no hope.  When the message is totally devoid of Jesus and focused upon a "stronghand from someplace" that is ready to beat the crap out of humanity, where is there hope?
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