Is Hillary Clinton the antichrist? Does Bible prophecy foretell of a woman ruling over this nation? Is she about to bring down the United States so that the rampaging Germans, Muslims and Chinese can come over and put us all in concentration camps or ship us off to be slaves in Europe?
Chief Overseer, Doubly Blessed Prophet, God's Most Highly Favored Son, Bob Elijah Elisha Amos Joshua Thiel has all the answers. But first he has to consult his pagan, Buddhist, Muslim and Catholic sources to find the truth he needs to deliver. Bob Amos Thiel's sources are sooooooooo reliable that he has the "where,""why,""when" and how this woman is supposed to bring death and destruction to the country...all from pagan sources.
The review (which he wrote) of his book selling on Amazon says this:
"Hillary Clinton, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States" explains about how, by virtue of her background and policies, Hillary Clinton is fulfilling, and will continue to help fulfill, various prophecies that will lead to the destruction of the United States. Not intended as an anti-Democratic nor pro-Republican book, "Hillary Clinton, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States" also tells the truth about Republican leaders and why their practices would also lead to destruction. It answers questions many question. Is Hillary Clinton apocalyptic? Does Bible prophecy warn about a woman leading the USA? Could Hillary Clinton be the Antichrist? Citing Islamic, Buddhist, Catholic, Byzantine, Native American, and Bible prophecy, as well as the writings of Nostradamus and others,"Hillary Clinton, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States" explains from many sources where, why, when, and even some of how, the various aspects of destruction will come. Since Dr. Thiel first wrote about the Obama Administration in his 2009 book, it has taken steps to fulfill, at least partially, at least a dozen predictions that Dr. Thiel recorded. More will be fulfilled as well. Would you like to learn more about what Hillary Clinton has done and the real direction that the United States and its British-descended allies such as the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are really going? This highly referenced book documents the truth about this.With Hillary in the news a lot lately, the False Prophet of Pagan Mysteries, has started promoting his book again. Today he writes:
Hillary Clinton was born of parents who were basically of English, Welsh, Scottish, and French descent. Her heritage is of interest biblically. A reading of the Book of Genesis shows that Israel specifically placed his name on the two sons of Joseph named Ephraim and Manasseh (Genesis 48:14-16), neither of which were Jewish.
What does any of this have to do with Hillary Clinton?
Well as it turns out, since everyone had to descend from someone, ultimately their progenitors are somewhere listed in the Bible. Hence, biblical writings and prophecies can often be tied to descendants of those progenitors the Bible discusses.
Why is it that Church of God false prophets and liars have to drag British Israelism into every one of their propehcies? Hillary Clinton is so far removed from Biblical progenitors that it is an impossibility to make such a claim. Myths in Armstrongism are hard to shatter.
Then he says this:
Now, because the U.S. has already had women rule in high positions such as U.S. Supreme Court justices, senators, Chair of the Federal Reserve, and U.S. Secretary of State, it may not be prophetically required that a woman be its president to fulfill part of the prophecy in Isaiah 3:12. But since the Anglo-Saxon nations have all had females as their top executive, it would follow that the U.S.A. likely could as well. Could that be Hillary Rodham Clinton?then he makes this claim when Americna chose to rebuild building sin New York after 9/11. That pr0ehcy is also in the Bible...well, may the WorldNetDaily bible, but not in any one else, even though he tries to claim so:
How could this be related to Hillary Clinton?
Notice some of what Mrs. Clinton stated in 2007:
More than five years after 9/11, we still have not secured our borders, our railways, our mass transit systems, our ports, our chemical plants, our nuclear facilities and more…You know, one of the most discouraging aspects of the Bush-Cheney Administration is the way they have talked down America. They have been fatalistic. I reject that out of hand. We can do whatever we set our minds to. We can roll up our sleeves. We can be problem solvers again. And I have faith that we will answer that call. With your help we will rebuild America. (Clinton, Hillary: “Remarks on Infrastructure,” August 8, 2007. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project.)
At least one prophecy-watcher has believed that American politicians making statements like “we will rebuild” are taking defiance types of positions that Isaiah warned against (‘The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment’: U.S. in crosshairs. WND, February 2012). Like ancient Ephraim and Manasseh, God was left out of the equation.
Since certain prophecies about Samaria appear to be directed towards the U.S.A. of the 21st century (e.g. Isaiah 10:4-11; Hosea 7:1-3), and this makes those ties to Isaiah 9 potentially stronger.
Hillary Clinton has been one of several leaders to at least partially fulfill this because of how she has called for rebuilding. And she may do more along this line.Talk about taking something out of context!
You can read his latest illogical tirade here for other fun things, nothing biblical, but fun.