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Why Does The Church of God Ignore Amos, Who Is In Our Midst?


The one thing that Armstrongism was able to do rather efficiently was give space for a myriad of men (and a couple of women) room to take on Old Testament personalities.  Over the decades we have seen men declare themselves Abraham, David, Joshua, Elijah, Habakkuk, and the Two Witnesses. Not once did they ever try to emulate Jesus Christ.

Prophets and sages galore have run off at the mouth over the decades with one failed prophecy after another. From Herbert Armstrong to Gerald Waterhouse; Rod Meredith to Dave Pack; Gerald Flurry to Richard Ames, very single thing these men have predicted has failed to come to pass.  One lie after another.

Now we are blessed with Amos in our midst.  Though this false prophet doesn't come out and directly say he is Amos, he implies it.  This lying false prophet has a unique way of manipulating his readers into believing he is talk about himself even though he never directly claims he is.  This lying false prophet is Bob Thiel, or Amos if you want to call him that.

The doubly cursed agent of deception writes:
Amos was a prophet of God, but will you pay attention to the message?
Here is some information about him from Wikipedia
Amos, an older contemporary of Hosea and Isaiah,[1] was active c. 750 BC during the reign of Jeroboam II,[1] (786–746 BC) making the Book of Amos the first biblical prophetic book written. Amos lived in the kingdom of Judah but preached in the northern kingdom of Israel. (Book of Amos. viewed 02/22/2014)

Before becoming a prophet, Amos was a sheep herder and a sycamore fig farmer. Amos’ prior professions and his claim “I am not a prophet nor a son of a prophet” (7:14) indicate that Amos was not from the school of prophets, which Amos claims makes him a true prophet (7:14). His prophetic career began in 750 BCE out of the town of Tekoa, in Judah, south of Jerusalem. (Amos the Prophet, viewed 02/22/2014)

It is interesting that he had to tell people that one becomes a true prophet in a manner that most did not expect. The Apostle Paul attempted to defend his apostleship that type of way (2 Corinthians 11:5, 22-29)–and that was to people who were supposedly in the Church of God.
So just who is the wanna-be Amos being talked about here?  Who is the only true prophet today that the people do not expect to be?  What group of people ignore this modern day Amos?  Who ridicule and revile him? Its the brethren's fault, as usual. Church of God members and ex-members.

No one expected Bob Thiel to be "double blessed." No one expected him to stab Rod Meredith in the back, but he did.  Bob Thiel is the man of the unexpected.

Bob Amos Thiel continues:

One of the messages that Amos proclaimed is that the time would come when people would not be able to find the words of God: 
11 “Behold, the days are coming,” says the Lord God,
“That I will send a famine on the land,
Not a famine of bread,
Nor a thirst for water,
But of hearing the words of the Lord.
12 They shall wander from sea to sea,
And from north to east;
They shall run to and fro, seeking the word of the Lord,
But shall not find it. (Amos 8:11-12)

I believe that the above warning is a reference to a coming internet censorship. And in the Continuing Church of God, we have already experienced some of this (see Letter to the Brethren: January 14, 2016).
What so-called "persecution" has the lying prophet received?  YouTube took down one of his malignant videos.  Because of that extreme persecution has hit the Church of God.  The end is truly here!  Brethren wake up!!!!!

Bob Amos Thiel then finishes with this:

Amos is giving a warning to those called by Jacob’s name (which was also Israel), whom according to Jacob himself, would seem to be a reference to the descendants of Ephraim and Manasseh (Genesis 48:16). In modern times, this would be the Anglo-Saxon nations such as Canada, the UK, Australia, and New Zealand, and also the United States of America. The reference to trusting Mt. Samaria in Amos 6:1 could be a reference to trusting the USA to defend in the end. That will not end well for the USA or its allies of the Anglo-Saxon nations. 
Of course, few in those nations believe that they will be taken over and have such calamity. But that will come to pass. Most would not listen to Amos then, and most, sadly, will not listen to Amos now.
Amos Thiel is the ONLY true doubly blessed prophet on the earth today.  His is the ONLY Church of God doing anything of significance, even though an infinitesimal percentage of the world's population has ever heard of the deceiver.   A few hundred in the poor regions of Africa and a few hundred white Americans.

Oh but I keep forgetting,  a prophet is always without honor in his own country.

Why Are Church of God Members Treated Like Adolescents?


There was an interesting comment on a Facebook page the other day about Church of God members and how they are dull to be around and how sabbath keepers are the biggest bores.

In another discussion someone brought up the fact that most COG members have an adolescent theology.  They need to be told what to believe, how to act, and who they are to associate with.  Free thinking is NOT a hallmark of the Church of God.

Just look at the latest hysteria over Easter, April Fools Day, Halloween, Christmas, Purim and other days that send some COG leaders into fits of hysteria.  They trot out the same old silliness that Herbert Armstrong and others taught 60-70 years ago. Viewpoints dug up out of obscure books, poorly researched and never "fact checked" by church leaders.  Prank someone on April 1st and you are part of the synagogue of Satan.  Bob Amos Thiel can't stand April Fools Day, so he must really have been pushed over the edge to know that the younger staff at LCG HQ were pulling jokes on each other on April 1. How dare people have fun!

That aodlescent mentality carries over into the latest issue of Bob Amos Thiel's rag that claims to restore the "truth once delivered." It the latest issue he has to tell his very few members how they are to dress.  These are adults, mostly in the 50-70 years of age range and mostly black African's.  All people who know how to dress, yet apparently too stupid to know how to in Amos's sight.

Amos Thiel writes:

As far as dress for church services goes, basically, the historical Philadelphia era view has been that since we are to be God’s ambassadors and a royal priesthood, that the way one would dress as such is appropriate. This has had side benefits as well. Historically, this helped the church to be able to rent places for meetings as well as for the Feast of Tabernacles as communities feel better about those who dress in a more professional-appearing manner. 

While the Continuing Church of God (CCOG) does not mandate suits and ties, that is the normal attire for those males who attend the Feast of Tabernacles or other services in Western societies. Women normally wear skirts or dresses, and of course should not be wearing ones that are excessively short, or otherwise be dressed immodestly (1 Timothy 2:9). Immodest clothing is clothing that tends to be sexually provocative (such as being too sheer, too tight, or not covering enough skin) or intended as an excessive display of wealth (like certain outrageously-priced custom-designer items or excessive jewellery). The Bible, in Deuteronomy 22:5, also forbids what is known as ‘cross- dressing.’ 

Again, we do not mandate a suit and tie for males in CCOG, but we do believe that such dress in certain Western cultures is consistent with the scriptures that I have quoted here.

Let it also be stated that some people WANT to look poor and unkempt. Notice also the following: 
18 Let no one cheat you of your reward, taking delight in false humility and worship of angels, intruding into those things which he has not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind, 19 and not holding fast to the Head, from whom all the body, nourished and knit together by joints and ligaments, grows with the increase that is from God. (Colossians 2:18-19)

While no one in the CCOG could be a true member if they worship angels/demons, people also need to guard against false humility.

As far as dress goes, basically we expect people wear clean clothes (not improperly sheer or tight) and dress nicely, though not more nicely than they can reasonably afford. If you are doing that, you meet what the Bible teaches (though I would add that most can afford to buy used ties, which is part of Western culture). 
Church of God members have never been given credit that they know how to think, act, and dress.  Some one mightier than they has always felt the need to tell them what to do and they do it, like adolesecents.

Even the basic theology of most church members extends no further than adolescent theology.  They rely solely upon booklets, articles and sermons to get their theology from.  If the booklet or correspondence course said it, it HAS to be true. The church leaders and ministry are inspired directly by God and it is the only "truth." Just look at the hysteria that Rod Meredith and Richard Ames gets into when LCG Members what to have Bible studies in their homes with friends.

The problem is that almost all Church of God leaders have a theology that is adolescent in belief.  They got their theological base from someone one who had it passed down to them and which ultimately came from a guy who sat in a public library for six months while not supporting his family.  An entire belief system is built around books from a public library that was filled with tomes from the late 1880's.  It's a well establish fact now that Herbert Armstrong was theologically bankrupt in his understanding.  While many have been able to disprove his theology with a minimum of research, most COG members still do not do that.  Its not right to question the leader because in doing so you are questioning God. Just as an adolescent isn't supposed to question their parents, COG members are not to question their leaders.

America's Fate and Hope Lie Squarely in the Hands of the Two Witless Witnesses: Ron and Laura Weinland

The boozy witnesses

Relax everyone!  Our savior are in our midst.  Thanks to that amazing ministry of the recently released felon Ron Weinland and his money laundering wife Laura  America's salvation rests in their hands.

God has now placed the main hope of the United States squarely in the hands of His two witnesses who alone are given the power to help deliver them. The extent of destruction that each of the trumpet blasts and thunders can inflict upon her depends solely on the extent that she will humble herself and listen to God’s two witnesses. If she will not listen, she will not only suffer from great destruction inflicted by a powerful military strike against her, but catastrophic events from natural disasters and plagues can have just as massive of an impact. These actually have the ability to become far more destructive than the weapons that will be used against her. It all depends on her response toward God and those whom He has sent to them. The fate of the people of the United States rests fully in their own hands and whether they can be humbled quickly or not.  Chapter 6, Part 3
Dingy Ron and his equally dingy wife are our new saviors.

Dave Pack can't help us.  He can't even gather tens of thousands of COG members to jump over to his group, so why would we ever believe him? Gerald Flurry won't help, between paying for operetta's about sex and his grand-kid's Irish dance lessons, he cant afford to help us.  And Rod Meredith is so preoccupied by gay sex that he can't help.  Bob Amos Thiel is a fraud, so there is no help coning from him.  Herbert is dead, so that help is long gone...though he may be resurrected to come back and whip the church and the country into shape.  All of this epic failure only leaves two ideal people. Ron and Laura Weinland, our saviors.

But how much faith can we put in felon Ron Weiland?  Every single prophecy he has ever uttered has been a complete and well documented failure. Ron is a liar and Laura is a liar.

The prophecy schtick that the ministers of Armstrongism trot forth day by day is a failure also.  Hundreds and hundreds of uttered and worsen properties have failed.  Not one thing they have said has been true.

Living Church of God Uses World Vision Canada In Order To Make Itself Look Christian


Living Church of God is trying to use the name of a prominent Christian charitable organization as an attempt to legitimize its self as a Christian church.  For decades Meredith and the church has mocked "worldly" Christians as "so-called" and fake Christians.  Yet when the COG wants to make its self look legitimate, they will readily use other Christians to their advantage.

The question lies in why did not the facilities manager at World Vision check out the organization renting their space?  Just because it has the name "God" in its title does not make a legitimate Christian organization.  LCG's nonChristian behavior over the last couple of decades proves that.

March 28, 2016
Since membership is in decline in the HWA offshoots, I believe they are getting more desperate. World Vision (Canada) is allowing Living Church of God (Roderick Meredith) to use its headquarters for LCG's upcoming seminar. "Tomorrow's World" (produced by Living Church of God) will conduct their seminar on Saturday May 16th. Just think of those who will attend this seminar, thinking they are hearing Biblical truths, since this seminar is at World Vision.  Exit and Support

Another writer comments:

March 29, 2016
The previous letter is definitely right! LCG is hiding behind a legitimate religious organization. They will not admit it is an Armstrong cult. And unfortunately, there are Biblical illiterates who will think they are hearing "new truth." I will warn about this on my Facebook page, and it should reach quite a few, so I can give them a heads up on this. That was an HWA tactic from the get go! --Former member of WCG 

This is sure to send false prophet Bob Amos Thiel into a fit that LCG is cavorting with "so-called" Christians.

Deceitful COG Leader Dares To Lecture Members On Being Deceived


Only in a Church of God will you find a self-appointed deceitful leader dare to claim church members can be deceived.  Of course they are being deceived by everyone but himself.

This comes from a man who is so deceived that he takes a simple prayer of blessing by Gaylyn Bonjour as an apostolic ordination prayer that sets him apart as the ONLY true church leader on the face of the earth today. Where would the church be without Prophet/Apostle Bob Amos Thiel in its midst?????

Prophet Amos Thiel has this to say about deception in the church which he ironically titles: Self Deception Can Be Quit Costly

Jesus taught that Satan was a liar and the father of lies:
44 You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it (John 8:44)
Of course, Satan takes advantage of deception and encourages humans to deceive themselves. Recall what happened to Eve:
14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression. (1 Timothy 2:14)
6 So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate. She also gave to her husband with her, and he ate. (Genesis 3:6-7)
But what about Christians? Can Christians fall victim to self-deception?

Jesus warned that most Christians in the end times would be deceived:
14 “And to the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write,‘These things says the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God: 15 “I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. 16 So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth. 17 Because you say, ‘I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing’ — and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked — 18 I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich; and white garments, that you may be clothed, that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed; and anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see. 19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Therefore be zealous and repent. (Revelation 3:14-19)

Although most Laodiceans do not believe that they are deceiving themselves, Jesus said that they were. Jesus said that Laodicean Christians needed to repent–they need to change. 
In addition to doctrine and how they lead their lives, there are serious prophetic deceptions that the Laodiceans have fallen for. A list of 30 prophetic deceptions that various Laodiceans believe is in the article The Laodicean Church Era. Believing several of these will insure that Laodiceans will not realize that the Great Tribulation is here until it is to late for most to flee (cf. Revelation 12:14-17). 
Self-deception is common. Try not to fall for it. The word of God is truth (John 17:17), hopefully you will believe it enough so that you will resist Satanically-encouraged self-deception (cf. James 4:7).
In addition to the church era malarkey, Amos Thiel is the king of lies and deception in the church right now.  At least Flurry and Pack just put themselves in their positions, not through someone  blessing them with a prayer that was NEVER meant what Amos Thiel claims.

Bob Thiel has a long string of deceiving utterances since his self-appointment as God's most highly favored.

He tacks on his title the name of "Dr." Most never bother to check that he got his "Dr." title from an pseudo-university in India.  He also trots forward that he took classes at Fuller Seminary and other places as to give the impression he graduated from these institutions.

Church of God Perspective calls him out on that, as has Gavin Rumney and many others.

Take his “doctor” title. Doctor of what? If I came to you and said I was a doctor and gave medical advice, wouldn’t you assume by my actions I was a doctor of medicine? Likewise, if I went around putting “Dr” on my books, and the books were on religion, would you not assume my doctorate was in theology? And, if those things turned out not to be true, wouldn’t you believe I was a fraud? And, rightly so! [Update: Thiel now claims to have a ThD; see “Doctor” Thiel Responds
Buried deep within his website is the admission that “I have studied graduate level Early Church History from Fuller Theological Seminary and other schools in and out of the USA, and after a lot of writing, was granted a foreign Th.D. in early Christianity. A doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.) degree was earned from the Union Institute and University (1993) where I studied various biological sciences and research methodologies.”Bob Thiel is still a liar and false prophet 

Church of God Perspective has also taken lying Bob "Amos" Thiel to task over his deceitfulness:

Bob Thiel has yet to deliver a real message to anyone, except supposedly about himself. Obviously, this is a narcissistic view of how God speaks to His people. Bob Thiel has yet to speak a message, declare it a message from God and then have it come to pass! 
Here are the “Four Tests” COGWA wrote about with my rebuttal to COGWriter Bob Thiel’s self-aggrandizing article: 
1. Does the conduct of the prophet reflect godly character? 
Absolutely not! COGWriter Bob Thiel’s arrogance in rebelling against his former organization (after praising them so long in public, BTW) is reminiscent of Satan’s rebellion against God. His finger-pointing and judgmentalism towards others proves he is the quintessential Laodicean (the people judge — others, that is). 
2. Do the predictions of the prophet come true? 
What predictions? All Thiel does is rehash a mix of biblical prophecies intermingled with pagan prophecies to create an abomination of predictions. Yet, where is the “thus saith the Lord…”? To be a prophet, you have to prophesy, and he has yet to do so. 
3. Are the words of the prophet consistent with Scripture? 
No. His organization, as well as his parent group LCG, add all sorts of traditions of men to their beliefs, including but not exhaustively forms of government (idolatry of men), criticisms of observing the anniversary of one’s birth, laxity on the sanctity of marriage, church eras, and more. 
Worse, he includes many pagan and un-Christian prophecies as part of his message. A true prophet of God would not need to do this to the extent he engages in it. 
Essentially, his emphasis upon being a “Philadelphian remnant”, a self-contradiction that a school child can see, means he is preaching a different message, a different gospel, than the NT does. 
For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit [such as an attitude of judgmentalism], which ye have not received, or another gospel [such as the message of being “Philadelphian” rather than a message of what Christ will do when He returns], which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.

12 But what I do, that I will do, that I may cut off occasion from them which desire occasion; that wherein they glory, they may be found even as we.
13 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.
14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.

2Co 11:4,12-15
4. Do the people benefit spiritually from the prophet’s ministry? 
No. The only benefit is Bob Thiel’s enrichment and supposed elevation of status. The people he leads will be lead into the wilderness of false teaching and idolatry that characterizes so many that Satan has grabbed ahold of before they could see the truth (Cf. Lk 8:5, 11-12). 
Simply put, too many church organizations take on titles of prophet, apostle and even sillier terms jerked out of context from the Bible in order to entice you and I and anyone else who will listen to follow them rather than God.
Bob Amos has sadly fallen for the exact same self deception that infects Gerald Flurry, Rod Meredith,  Dave Pack, Vic Kubik and all the other mini-wanna-be's that have set themselves up as power leaders.  Every single one of them lie to the brethren, preach false heresy and utter idiotic prophecies and warnings.  Not a single one of them even attempts to be a servant that stoops down to wash the feet of their members.  None of them have any humility.  Arrogance and self-aggrandizement is the order for the day.

Herbert Armstrong has been brought back from the dead and has been reanimated to speak


Stephen Gildbreath runs one of the most pathetic Church of God "ministries" out there in the internet.

He puts up HWA on his "screen" as if HWA was actually preaching in his studio living room.  Gilbreth has even animated Herb to move his mouth and head in order to make you feel more inspired.  You really should listen to at least the first10 minutes of Herb's bombastic rant.  Screaming and shouting at the DUMB brethren who are ignorant morons.

Gilbreath self-appointed himself as a minister just like Bob Amos Thiel did.  Both "preach" equally bad; who after they finish, you have to stop and wonder what the hell did I just listen to? Both "preach" on topics that have no relevance to human kind.

Why Rod Meredith and Herbert Armstrong Treat/Treated Members With Such Disdain


Link to article this is from is at end.

Those without structural visualization, including Herbert Armstrong, Garner Ted Armstrong, Roderick Meredith and a whole host of others, simply do not understand the universe or the world around them. They are linear abstract thinkers. They have no need of science. Their universe is magical — filled with all sorts of miraculous things which defy logic and science. There is a tenuous connection for them between cause and effect. This partly explains their lack of any concept of being a false prophet will lead to the lake of fire (with the caveat that the Bible is true). It makes no sense to them. They completely compartmentalize the consequences of their actions against the future in the universe and their world. They believe in potions (anointing oil), incantations and magic spells (prayer, fasting and prayer). They believe that the can change the world with the power of their mind (meditation). They can do the same things under the same conditions and positively expect wildly differing results. 
With Herbert Armstrong, there was an additional problem: His father had high structural visualization — he even, apparently, had a patent for a type of furnace. Ironically, it appears that Herbert worked for his father in a factory at one point in his youth. Understand though, Herbert Armstrong could never understand his father: It was problematic, because Herbert Armstrong lived in a universe quite different from his father. He could not visualize the things his father could; he could never do the things his father did. On the other hand, since his mother had no structural visualization, Herbert could certainly relate to her much better. 
Herbert Armstrong could never respect what he could not understand. He could not understand professionals, technicians and technologists with structural visualization. He devalued them. Their only worth to him was if he could use them and manipulate them so he could get what he wanted. This also contributed to his narcissism because he could never really relate to those farmers in the 1930s that became the backbone of his Radio Church of God. Later, in the 1970s, the image and perception of wealth attracted those without structural visualization into the Worldwide Church of God which aggravated the problems for those mechanics, farmers, technicians and technologists who entered into the WCG. Herbert trivialized them. He treated them with contempt. He saw them as lesser lights. The important people to him were those rich and famous who bolstered his image, both to others and to himself. He had to have photo ops with people who were just as deficient in talent as he was, but who had style and image over substance.
When Herbert Armstrong had his psychotic break and spent whole days in the Central Library in Portland, Oregon, he had found the writings of Greenberry George Rupert, which he found so compelling that he, through his magical thinking, believed that Jesus Christ was personally teaching him through the works of G. G. Rupert. He adopted them all in totality with no attribution, teaching them as his own — the tithing system, the feasts and… wait for it… British Israelism. Because he only understood magic and not science through his lack of structural visualization, he fell for British Israelism, hook, line and sinker. He would not have been able to understand DNA evidence, even as those today without structural visualization also cannot understand the DNA evidence, which utterly refutes British Israelism. It should also be seen that the other proofs that British Israelism is a kook idea would not have been understood as well. Archaeology debunks British Israelism, but because Herbert Armstrong and the Armstrongists don’t have structural visualization to understand archaeology, they are completely mystified as to why anyone would reject it. It’s because some of us have superior talent, that’s why. It doesn’t matter though, because who respects superior talent these days: It’s the rich, famous and well-connected that have the respect — it is those who possess style over substance and a lot of it. Smell nice, look good, sound right, and the world is yours. Well, not the world… society is yours. Society runs on magic not science, the same way Herbert Armstrong did. 
Read the rest of the story here:  2 of the 10 most horrible things about Herbert Armstrong

God's Most Important Doubly Blessed Mouthpiece Has Decreed The Final Word On Pre-Adamic Humans


One must never forget that God only reveals secret or hidden knowledge to Church of God ministers.  Whether this knowledge be on rather mundane subjects or the origins of the human race, COG ministers know it all.  As we were taught to believe, Church of God ministers are the most highly educated men on earth.  They have advanced degrees in studies of the fields they proclaim to know everything about.

Bob Amos Thiel has the facts regarding pre-Adamic humans.  Pre-Adamic creatures was Armstrongism's way of dealing with cave men that date back hundreds of thousands of years.  With a literal 6,000 year earth age, it is impossible in Armstrongism for anything to exist that early in history.

Did God make ‘prehistoric’ human-like beings prior to Adam
Many have wondered about this as various scientists and others have made claims.
But notice a couple of observations: 
Modern humans (Homo sapiens or Homo sapiens sapiens) are the only extant members of the hominin clade, a branch of great apes characterized by erect posture and bipedal locomotion; manual dexterity and increased tool use; and a general trend toward larger, more complex brains and societies.Early hominids, such as the australopithecines whose brains and anatomy are in many ways more similar to non-human apes, are less often thought of or referred to as “human” than hominids of the genus Homo (Human. Wikipedia, viewed 02/21/15)  
Scientists admit that all humans have the same mother, though they often consider that mother was older than Eve of the Book of Genesis.

Amos Thiel's DOCUMENTED PROOF is this:

Now, as used by critical historians, “prehistoric time” is said to refer to earliest antiquity nowhere documented in written records. But the Bible records, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). Here is a documented account reaching back to the beginning of the physical universe. “Prehistoric time,” in that sense, is therefore irreconcilable with Scripture. It should come as no surprise, therefore, to learn that biblical passages reveal occurrences prior to the time of man.
So prehistoric time is incompatible with scripture?  Seriously?   I guess that means none of it ever happened.  Dinosaurs bones were created in the various layers of stratus because we all know Dino dinosaur never roamed the earth.  The bones were placed there by God.  But, if dinosaurs did roam the earth then they must have frolicked with Adam and Jesus.  Some Armstrongites actually believe this.

Amos Thiel declares that no humans that knew how to write existed before Adam.

If however, we define prehistoric as the time before humans began to write, then we can speak of prehistoric creatures and events. 
There were no prehistoric humans prior to Adam. Including others of the ‘genus Homo.’
As modern humans are concerned, the Bible plainly states that Adam was “the first man” (1 Corinthians 15:45), and he named his wife “Eve because she was the mother of all living” (Genesis 3:20). Adam and Eve were therefore the first humans.
What reason would Adam and Eve had to have had to be writing in the Garden of Eden?  Who was going to read it?   Was God delivering a daily newspaper so they could catch up on all the news?

Scientists and anthropologists are ignorant compared to the extensive research and knowledge that Amos Thiel has.

While there are fossil records of apes and other creatures that predate Adam, these creatures were not the same as modern humans as far God is concerned. 
But many scientists have tried to teach otherwise. The Bible reveals that they should know the truth, but do not: 
18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19 because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. 20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, 21 because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23 and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man — and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things.
24 Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, 25 who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. (Romans 1:18-25)

According to Armstrongism, all higher education is of of the devil and therefore Amos Thiel is declaring that scientists are followers of Satan.

Many scientists have served the creature and would not accept the truth about life and humanity which they clearly should know 
It must really humiliating to possess a so-called "PhD" and yet have so little knowledge.

Satan Attacking God's Prophet: Bob Paul Micaiah Elijah Elisha Amos Jeremiah Thiel and He is NOT Happy!


Satan has launched an all out attack on the most important Church of God on earth today, particularly against it's leader, Bob Amos Thiel.  Satan is attacking his crediticals, his degrees, his ordination, his dreams, and much more more.  This attack is on par with the beginning of the famine of the word.  Satan's current attack is vicious and unrelenting. 

Prophet Amos Thiel writes:
There have long been false statements about me (Bob Thiel) on the internet.
Many come from people who completely fell away from the truth. Some, like fools, even claim that there is no God (Psalm 14:1).

Yet, there are others who claim to still be part of the Church of God.
On the internet, sometimes when lies are repeated often by various sources, many accept lies as facts.
Where has there ever been false statements about the lying prophet who took a simple ministerial blessing as an excuse to start his own splinter personality cult.  Its all a fact. 

Amos Thiel cannot stand the fact that other Church of God members find him to be a liar and a false prophet. From Rod Meredith and on down the denial of Amos Thiel's qualifications as a Church leader has been called into question. Everyone knows he is a liar and a fool, except for a few hundred opportunists that are interested in his money in Africa.  

Amos Thiel is particularly upset at John Carmack, whom I quoted in an earlier post.  John has correctly called Thiel out as an imposter and a fraud.  John calls out Amos Thiel's justification of using dreams to support his standing as a prophet and church leader.

Amos Thiel responds with a long post that actually never says much of anything.  But just for fun I'm going to post some of his silliness.

Amos Thiel compares himself to Joesph who dreamed dreams about himself.  Just as Joseph had dreams that came true, all of Amos Thiel's dreams have all come true...at least according to him.  Just as Joseph was mocked, so has been Amos Thiel.
First, if John Carmack would have paid more attention to the Bible, he would have realized that Joseph had dreams from God about himself (Genesis 37:5-10) and that he past on to others who criticized him for doing so (Genesis 37:10-11). Yet Joseph, and not the criticizers, was proven correct. Isaiah also had a vision/dream about his commission (Isaiah 6:1-8). So the idea that prophets cannot get messages about themselves to pass on is not true.
Next the prophet claims that he had a dream about Rod Meredith not talking to him.  What?  Who in the hell dreams about Rod Meredith not talking to them??????  Seriously?!?!?!?!  Dude...SERIOUSLY!!!!!
Second, in terms of results, one the of dreams I had clearly began to come to pass. I had a dream where Dr. R.C. Meredith, who at the time told me he considered me to be a personal friend, stopped talking with me–and this happened...
Like any good biblical prophet, the dreams of Bob Amos Thiel are so true that he dreamed that God was going to strike down Rod Meredith when he refused to listen and follow the prophet's admonitions.  Amos Thiel knew that God was going to strike down Rod and kill his wife.
Third, I did deliver a message to LCG minister (and then Council of Elder’s member, etc.)  Davy Crockett in August 2008 that one of the top leaders in that church was about to be struck with something if his word was not kept. Several weeks later, Dr. Meredith was struck with his first significant ministroke. I also attempted to convey a message to Dr. Meredith on December 19, 2011 that it seemed God was telling me that his wife was about to be struck with something serious. A few weeks later (per Dr. Meredith’s letter dated 1/12/12), Dr. Meredith reported that his wife (who was much younger than he) was stricken with stage four cancer (she later died on November 29, 2013).
There is one thing for sure about the god of Amos Thiel, its a magical god that COG members were taught to believe in. It does all kinds of fun cool things, like give strokes to people and kill them with cancer for ignoring the chosen prophet.  Can Thiel truly be this stupid?

Of course not!  God's spirit caused Amos Thiel to dream this!  It's a fact!
For these predictions, and others, I believe I was led by God’s Spirit to make them...
John Carmack correctly points out that Amos Thiel rebelled against Rod Meredith and the Living Church of God.  Amos Thiel is not happy with that statement.  He is incapable of doing anything wrong.  It's all LCG's fault that he left.
There was no ‘rebellion’ on my part. I asked the leadership of LCG to keep its word on many promises, and when it became clear that they would not do that, there was no alternative for me to do anything but leave LCG. I repeatedly tried to work with LCG, but as its leadership reneged on agreements and promises, it became clear to me that I had to distance myself, and I did prior to leaving–while still hoping that they would have the integrity to do what they promised and not teach errors that they knew their literature contained. But LCG did not have the integrity to lead the end time work (cf. Jeremiah 48:10) and since “the word of the Lord is right, And all His work is done in truth” (Psalms 33:4), I truly had to depart from LCG.
Two guesses as to who he now brings in to justify his actions...he's just like Herbert!  Just as Herbert went into a rebellious fit against Church of God 7 Day, so did Amos Thiel rebels against LCG.  Oh wait, that never happened.
What I did was reminiscent of what the late Herbert W. Armstrong did when he left CG7 
Amos Thiel claims that everything he has said is sound PROOF that the is not a liar.  How dare we be dismissive of this divisive fool! 
In this post, I have provided facts, scriptures, and links to back up my responses. John Carmack and others should realize that the Bible teaches: 
16 The sluggard is wiser in his own conceit than seven men that can render a reason. (Proverbs 26:16, KJV) 
I have provided many facts and reasons to back up my writings. John Carmack and others should ask themselves if they can accept reason or if they prefer dismissive conceit. 
Amos Thiel then goes into a long tirade about his bromance buddy Baron Karl-Theodor zu Gutenberg.  The good Baron is soon to be the leader of the Holy Roman Empire that will defeat America.  At least this is what the lying fool Amos Thiel keeps belching out.

Amost Thiel claims he is just like Apostle Paul and others:
What I have tried to do is follow Paul, Micaiah, Jeremiah, and others who have done this, though some have condemned me for this and use this as an improper reason not to believe what I say or write
I guess we can now call the prophet:  Overseer, Doubly Blessed, Bob Paul Micaiah Amos Jeremiah Thiel.

John Carmack also takes aim at Bob Paul Micaiah Amos Jeremiah Thiel establishing his personality cult for the money:
Here is another point John Carmack brought up:
4. Do the people benefit spiritually from the prophet’s ministry? 
No. The only benefit is Bob Thiel’s enrichment and supposed elevation of status. 
The innuendo from him is that I do this for money–which he calls enrichment.  That is completely and utterly false.  I do not take a salary from the Continuing Church of God, nor did I take one from the old Global or Living Church of God despite the over a decade of volunteer work I did. 
Bob Paul Micaiah Amos Jeremiah Thiel claims that he has 2,000 members around the world and has taken the gospel to all the earth. Yes he has, when pigs fly and Herbert comes back from the grace to whip the COG back into shape.  The delusional minds of Church of God psychopaths are endlessly entertaining.
As far as spiritual benefits go, around 2000 people say they are part of Continuing Church of God. I have personally baptized people from all the inhabited continents on the earth, except South America (and even there, I preached in Brazil). We may also have more materials in more languages than any other COG whose leaders were once part of the old WCG. Our magazine has been produced in 12 languages, in addition to English, to cite one example. And we are engaged in a project to get our booklets in several times that many languages.
That delusional mind is what makes absurd statements like these complexity false statements:
We in the Continuing Church of God are leading what I have termed ‘the final phase of the work’ (details are in the article The Final Phase of the Work). Also as far as spiritual benefits, in addition to our ministers, hosts, printed materials, and internet articles to support our members, we also produce sermons (ContinuingCOG channel) and sermonette (Bible News Prophecy channel) in English and African (CCOGAfrica channel) languages online. 
Also, I have done about 63 radio interviews since the formation of the Continuing Church of God in order to reach the world (Matthew 24:14; 28:19-20). And this does NOT include our Bible News Prophecyonline radio, which features both myself and John Hickey. Perhaps I should mention that I scheduled to do a two-hour radio interview today from a secular internet radio channel. We are doing the ‘Philadelphia‘ work (Revelation 3:7-13). 
Philadelphia work???????  Dave Pack is doing that!   
The Continuing Church of God has been the fastest growing COG since its formation in late 2012. It has exceeded the 30% growth in both membership and income in each of the years since it formed that the late Herbert W. Armstrong often pointed to as a proof of a blessing from God. While our growth rate will fluctuate, the Continuing Church of God is the only one of the ten largest COGs whose leaders had origins in the old Worldwide Church of God to do so. And we are on track for this growth in 2016 as well. 
Bob Paul Micaiah Amos Jeremiah Thiel's church is so mind boggling amazing that Dave Pack's superfantabulous Restore Church of God pales in comparison!  Never in human history has a Church of God gown so fast!  Even Herbert Armstrong was incapable of pulling such a feat.

Those that ignore Bob Paul Micaiah Amos Jeremiah Thiel are turning their backs on the spiritual food and nourishment that he has to offer. 
The fact that people like John Carmack do not want to get spiritual benefits from this work is sad.  Especially, because we can demonstrate how the Sardisian and Laodicean churches have serious errors in their respective prophetic understandings 
Next the prophet claims that Rod Meredith elevated him to the status he now claims. He now take son the mantle of prophet Elijah and Elisha.
As far as “elevation of status” goes, it was LCG’s Dr. Meredith who telephoned me and told me that God may consider me to be a prophet on October 3, 2008 and he told me in January 2009 if he was ever to appoint himself an apostle that he may ordain me a prophet, shows the view he himself once had. The fact that an LCG minister was later inspired to pray that God would grant me a ‘double-portion’ of His Spirit on December 15, 2011, and told me  that this was reminiscent of the passing of the mantle from the prophet Elijah to Elisha (2 Kings 2) then as well on on March 23, 2012, shows that this was not simply me taking a title, but accepting what happened 
Just how many titles can the prophet take on?  Every single one of them are delusions rolling around in his mind.

But never fear, God's prophet is just like Jesus, Paul, and Moses.  People criticized them all, just like they do Bob Paul Micaiah Elijah Elisha Moses Amos Jeremiah Thiel.
John Carmack and others seem to have little problem publicly bearing false witness. But we who will stand for the truth realize that many made false accusations against Jesus, Paul, Moses, Jeremiah, etc. 
We should all be blessed to have in our midst such an outstanding man of God.  It might make me reconsider about going back to the truth once delivered, now that I know exactly here it only resides.  
You too can read all of this wondrous truth here:  Bob Thiel Addresses Some False Statements From Accusers of the Brethren

Instead of reading Thiel's bullshit, check out Gavin Rumney's brilliant take down of Thiel's duplicity:  Bob Throws his toys at John

The Booklet By Rod Meredith That A Few Rebellious Members Did Not Throw Out


Check out the "inside" story behind the early days of the church.  It's Rod Meredith at his bloviating finest worst.

This story was so secret that the church demanded that all the members destroy their copies.  Like good Christians should do, many did not.

The arrogance and superiority drips from Meredith's pen.

Read it here in Flip Book format:   The Inside Story of the World Tomorrow Broadcast 

Herb's office is the top right of the building and Ted's was top left.

Rod Meredith Names Gerald Weston As His Successor


Living Church of God members are reeling at the announcement that Gerald Weston has been named as Rod Meredith's successor.  Weston has a horrible reputation that has carried over from his days in the Worldwide Church of God.  Whether in WCG or LCG he has had a horrible reputation in regards to his mistreatment of members.  

With the rapidly advanced deterioration of Rod Meredith's health, the idea of Weston taking over has upset a lot of LCG members.  When Weston official takes on that mantle will be the start of an exodus of LCG members.  Bitter Bob Amos Elijah Elisha Thiel should not get his hopes up that LCG members will flock to him.  LCG members think Bitter Bob Amos is a complete moron.

Interesting days are ahead for LCG members.  The trail of bodies from his days in the WCG will now be littered with LCG members.

Rod Meredith sites the following in a letter to only this baptized in LCG.

April 6, 2016
One of the main reasons I wanted to write all of you members directly is that I want all of you to be fully aware and “on board” about the coming transfer of Mr. Gerald Weston here to Headquarters to become President and COO of this Work. I will remain as the Presiding Evangelist and human “head” of the Church as long as God gives me strength. But Mr. Weston will be in charge of running the physical day to day operations. Many of you know of Mr. Weston’s 47 years of service in God’s Church. He is not an “unknown quantity” as was a man who took over the Worldwide Church a number of years ago when thousands of brethren were asking us older ministers:  “Who is this man?” Mr. Weston has pastored churches all over the United States, pastored and served as Regional Pastor of the Kansas City area for 13 years, pastored the churches and directed the whole Work in Canada for 13 years, and is now effectively running the churches and Work in Britain, Europe and the Middle East. Also, as most of you know, Mr. Weston was ordained as an Evangelist of Jesus Christ several years ago. He has served faithfully as an Evangelist and key leader of the Church in this office alongside of Mr. Bruce Tyler, Dr. Douglas Winnail, Mr. Richard Ames and me. 
 In all these years, he has been tried and tested and has been constantly loyal to the Truth, to God’s leadership in this Work and to all the things that matter. I have talked to literally scores of ministers and brethren from all over and not one has ever raised a big “issue” with Mr. Weston! I want to share this with all of you—in case some of you feel that you do not know him as well as you would like. Thousands of you in the Midwestern areas have seen him over and over as he was your Regional Pastor coming out from Kansas City to visit churches in Joplin, Springfield, Wichita, Des Moines, etc. Many others of you from various parts of Louisiana, Texas, Michigan, North Carolina and certainly up in Canada will remember him as your own pastor who served faithfully—along with his faithful wife—for so many decades. He has always been a faithful and dedicated minister of Jesus Christ. 
 Also, Mr. Weston has very capably run our Youth Camps for about eleven years! He has a very good reputation among the young people—who deeply respect him. In addition, as you know, he has now made a number of very effective telecasts and is turning into one of our capable television presenters for the whole Work. Also, he authored the recent booklet we just sent out on “Easter.” So he is an extremely effective individual, overall. Most especially regarding my selection of him as the next President and COO of this Work, he has proved himself as a capable administrator. He is able to “get all the facts”—see through peoples “situations” and problems—and make a fair and just decision. He confronts problems and solves these problems in an equitable manner. His “fruits” along these lines have been outstanding—as many of his fellow ministers have seen and agree. For I have counseled with them about this over the last few years. 
Lest any of you think about not accepting Weston as your new leader, you had better think again.  Meredith has brought Jesus Christ into the equation.  In the name of Jeeeesuuuus, he has been appointed!
So it is after much prayer and Bible study and “multitude of counsel” that I have decided to select him and appoint him—in the name of Jesus Christ—as the next administrative leader over the Work here. I hope all of you will join me in being totally loyal to Mr. Weston in helping him, in supporting him and praying for him that God will guide and use him in every way. Please also pray fervently for Mrs. Weston in her responsibilities of helping him, encouraging him and giving him genuinely good advice as she has done over the years. Often, a woman is almost “half” of her husband’s ministry—as Mr. Armstrong explained to us so many times!

Living Church of God Treading Water Because Members Are Not Sending In Enough Money


Rod Meredith has sent out a letter to his baptized LCG members shame/blaming them about the decline in LCG's revenue stream.  LCG members have been sending in less and less over the last couple of years as they witness the complete corruption in Charlotte and the financial abuse dished out by Lil Jimmy Meredith.  Whats the point in sending in hard earned money when the Charlotte crowd spend it on redecorating offices (multiple times), taking extravagant trips and watching it being dumped in to a fraudulent "university." Add to this the rapidly declining health of Rod Meredith and you have the perfect storm starting to gather power.

My source from LCG writes:

Trouble in paradise?
It's really unfortunate that Rod Meredith can't draw the connection between his own horrible behavior and mistreatment of the members and the decline in LCG's income. I have seldom encountered someone with such a gross lack of personal insight. 
This letter is emailed to active members. It's different from the co-worker letters which are posted on their website. RCM really seems quite desperate.

Rod Meredith writes:

 Greetings from Charlotte, NC! Although I will be writing the monthly co-worker letter early next week, I wanted to especially write all of you brethren directly before the Passover. As Passover approaches, it is incumbent—as we all know—to genuinely “examine” ourselves to see whether Christ is in us and we are truly walking with God (2 Corinthians 13:5). Each one of us—as we grow older—need to face the fact that thousands of our former brethren have left the church—many of whom we thought were “faithful” members. Therefore, with terrible world events beginning to unfold and a genuine “testing time” just ahead, we really need to be sure that we are fully within God’s will and actually doing what Christ would do as He lives within us.   (i.e. God's will is that you give money)
 So I hope all of you will genuinely do this—and pray for one another, sincerely—and hope that each one of us draws truly close to God in the way we should before this Passover. Also, I hope all of you will try your best to “give generously” in the upcoming Holy Day offerings. As Mr. Armstrong used to tell us, God does not “expect us to give what we do not have.” But on the other hand, we should be as generous as we can as we realize the regular “daily income” is “dragging” at this time. So I ask all of you to think about this deeply and go “all out” to give as best you can so that God’s Work may move forward and not just tread water!

No matter now Meredith and crew spin doctor this, the income of the LCG has dropped sharply.  Failed personal appearance campaigns that do not bring in money-gives,  financial abuse by HQ staff, nepotism that involves unqualified family members running the family business, horrendous public humiliation of church members, and a looming lawsuit because Meredith could not keep his vengeful  mouth shut.

Could this be the start of the exodus to Davie Pack?  Dave prophesied that his god was going to strike down LCG, UCG and PCG.  Is Dave's god pulling the strings right now?

LCG HQ Hides From Members That Rod Meredith Was Hospitalized and Now Has To Use Wheelchair


From our LCG source:

LCG is trying to keep it under wraps but their elderly dictator spent a few nights in the hospital recently. He looks thinner, smaller and weaker as each week passes. RCM now needs to be pushed around in a wheelchair. 
Thankfully, he has an entourage of suck-ups doting over him so he hasn't had to go to one of those demon-filled nursing homes (yet). 
It seems the end is near for the Rod of God. 
It's sad that Rod Meredith literally spent decades with his nose in the Bible and he still doesn't get it. A more love-less, narcissistic, power hungry, greedy man would be hard to find. 
Maybe if we all pray for RCM, he will wake up and repent for all the mean, spiteful things he's done; for all the abuses of  power and all the lives he's ruined before he kicks the bucket.

Jokester God Plays Trick On James Malm


God, the eternal jokester play a cruel trick on the followers of James Malm tonight.  The Chief Pharisee has been predicting that the "new moon" would appear tonight in Jerusalem.  The Chief Pharisee was adamant that the new moon would be sighted on Friday:
April 7, 2016
New Year Update:   Update on the Barley in Jerusalem. This update is only referring to Jerusalem. About 40% is abib, and about 10%, or maybe a little less, has jumped all the way to being ripe in the last few days. With hot dry weather predicted for the rest of the week, there should be no problem for the majority of the barley to be abib by the sighting of the new moon on Friday.    
Since the Jerusalem barley is the last to ripen the entire harvest will be ready to be reaped after the Feast of Unleavened Bread.

April 8, 2016
Announcements:  The sighting of the new moon will be reported in a special post with extensive study material as soon as the moon’s light is sighted at Jerusalem; expected this evening.

Between looking for ripe barley on the roadside or neighborhood park to standing outside in the cold to be the first to catch sight of the slightest sliver of the moon rising, the legalists will go to any length to devalue the work of Jesus so that the law trumps.

God must have been having some fun tonight when thongs  did not go as planned for the Malmites.

NEW MOON UPDATE 13:15 EDT:   There is heavy haze over Jerusalem and a sighting of the new moon this evening is in doubt.  We will continue looking in hopes the haze will open up long enough for the moon’s first light to be seen.  As this is day 29 of the 13th month and no month may be longer than 30 days, if the new moon is not seen tonight then tomorrow night will begin the new moon by default.
Already having some fun with the legalists, God takes it even further.  He decides to send a dust storm to totally obscure the "new" moon.

The new moon would normally be easily seen this evening, however a dust storm covered the entire region and the first visible light of the new moon was NOT seen by anyone at Jerusalem or anywhere else in the region this evening. 
  God has power over the weather and atmospheric conditions and God could have caused conditions to remain normal and  allow the moon to be sighted, but God chose not to do so.  
Since this was the 29th day of the 13th month and no month can be longer than 30 days, sunset tomorrow evening will end the 30th day and a new month will automatically begin at sunset ending Saturday 9 April, 2016, and Sunday 10 April 2016 is the first day of the first month of the Biblical year.   
Because weather conditions do occasionally cause a delay in beginning new months after 29 day months, it is always very important to confirm by actual sightings, and it is also very important to schedule the expected day and the following day just in case the moon is not sighted as expected.   
Please note that this year the Feast of Trumpets is also after a 29 day month and should be booked for the expected day and also the following day just in case the moon light is not seen as expected. 

Does Dave Pack Have Six Fingers On His Hand?


Double click to enlarge

From a reader:

Dave wrote this almost 5 years ago and said fewer years than can be counted on one hand.  Maybe he has 6 fingers?  Guess he might need to explain, again, how his god has not shown up.  

Dave has been really quiet lately instead of his usual bombastic in-your-face prophecy belching.  After a string of EPIC failures, Dave is keeping his head down...at least a little. He has also become rather sedate after loosing several HQ staff/ministers and a drop in income.  His vision of building his mini-me version of the Ambassador Auditorium is now on hold as members struggle to meet Dave's finanical demands.

Why Did The Living Church of God Lie To World Vision?


After news broke on Exit and Support that Living Church of God was going to hold a campaign in the office building of World Vision in Canada, concerned people have been working over time to alert World Vision as to the duplicity of LCG in their deceptive actions toward them.

Living Church of God apparently told World Vision that they still had ties to Grace Communion International.

As Bereans Did has this to say:

What do Whoopi Goldberg, Justin Bieber and Rod Meredith all have in common?
All three have spoken under the banner of the Christian humanitarian organization World Vision. 
Hold on, that can't be right. World Vision International is an evangelical Christian aid organization. Rod Meredith has expressed, on multiple occasions, his distaste for these “so-called Christians." 
But wait. Rod Meredith's Living Church of God is holding an upcoming Bible seminar at World Vision Canada's headquarters in Mississauga, Ontario. LCG's upcoming presentation, “Has God Abandoned Mankind?” is slated for 2 p.m. on Saturday, May 14, at World Vision Canada's headquarters at 1 World Drive in Mississauga, Ontario.
Meredith has always had disdain for Christians who live better lives than he has.  For decades I heard him mock and ridicule Christians around the world.  He loved to call them "so-called" Christians.   That blasphemy has carried over to Bitter Bob Amos Elijah Elisha Thiel.  He regularly uses that derogatory phrase to smear real Christians while he himself is one of the most deceitful fake Christians in the Church of God today. But that's another story.

As Berean's Did correctly points out that LCG probably did this in order to add legitimacy to their message.  They are incapable of holding seminars in their own "churches" since inviting the public to the local high school gym, dining hall, movie theatre, or Masonic Lodge turns people off right away. Coddling up to a well know Christian humanitarian organization adds legitimacy to the Living Church of God sect, at least in their blinded eyes.
We suspect that LCG chose the World Vision facility to lend an air of Christian legitimacy to unsuspecting outsiders. To cloak itself in the skirts of the very evangelical Christian groups they mock. To lure in moral, God-fearing folks and disarm them with images of smiling African toddlers. 
And this isn't the first time. LCG held a similar seminar at World Vision Canada headquarters back in 2011. Despite the fact that LCG's Official Statement of Fundamental Beliefs violates World Vision's Statement of Faith six ways to Sunday, oops, I mean Saturday. Did this ever come up during contract negotiations? Application for a rental space? Anything?
LCG was so slick in their negotiations that they totally hoodwinked World Vision into believing they were no longer a heretical church and were actually tied in with the changes brought down by Joe Tkach. Living Church of God is pretending to be Protestant!
“In fact, the Worldwide Church of Tomorrow (sic) (founded by H W Armstrong) had a radical shift after Armstrong’s death and has become thoroughly evangelical and renamed their movement as Grace Communion International. This denomination is a member in good standing both with the National Association of Evangelicals (USA) and the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada,” World Vision Canada stated in their communication with ABD.  “Given this outcome, we do not have any concerns with their use of our facility.”
So there you have it, Rod. World Vision Canada is letting you use their facility for your Bible seminar because they think LCG is an evangelical Christian church. Or what you like to call “Protestant.” They are letting you use their space because they believe LCG descended from Grace Communion International. Because they believe your mentor was Joseph Tkach, not Herbert W Armstrong.

Read the entire article here:  World Vision to host LCG Seminar; Believes Meredith followed Tkach

Gavin has more here:  World Vision Conned

Dave Pack and Thousands Who Leave Church of Gods Will Convert the Jews To the Darkside of RCG


Old Davey Boy is up his delusional tricks again.  He still imagines thousands will be leaving various COG's to jump ship to his organization where they will all convert the Jews to the dark side.
However this conversion will be happing prior to the millennium.  There is a new era that Dave has dreamed up, "The First Dominion." This is a time period prior to the tribulation where God ha delayed the trip so that Dave and his crew can convert the Jews and do other fun things.

Overtime Dave's prophecies fail, he come sup with  new ideas on why God has delayed the endgames.  Of course this si something that all the various splinter grouse do when they lie to their men era.  From Bob Amos Elijah Elisha Thiel to Gerald Flurry and Rod Meredith.  Everyone of them liars make excuses as to whyGod has delayed the return of Jesus.  One lie after another.

Also the saints (The members and those that have returned to the Restored Church of God from the “splinters”) will join Christ in a semi-spiritual state. In splendor or “resplendent” Matthew 13:43 (still flesh yet in a spiritual state of glorification) and assist Christ in converting the Jews first, Micah 4:5, saying the lower case g in the word god, means judge, yet in Hebrew means “Elohim” or God. So they will be Godlike, Exodus 18:19, 20, 21. Isaiah 1:26, 27. God will supercharge them with gifts, 1 Corinthians 12:8, 9, 10. The saints will have to go through judgement before this. Psalm 50:3, 4, 5, - 1 Corinthians 3:13, 14, 15, and 1 Peter 1:7 -4:12 -4:17. David Pack is saying this is not Christ returning in glory to reign for a thousand years. This is before that. Christ will be in this first dominion for an unspecified number of years. David Pack also says in his sermon, events and situations in the world are not really near the full time of the end, and this first dominion will give the world more time, before the tribulation starts. One important detail should be mentioned here. We could say there is the scripture that says, flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, 1 Corinthians 15:50, the scriptures he uses when referring to the first dominion, say “the kingdom” only, not the Kingdom of God yet. That is Christ’s millennial rule. However, he does make a revealing error when he uses Matthew 13:43 in describing the saints flesh/spirit condition. In this it says, Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the” kingdom of their Father”, which would be the same as saying the kingdom of God. He says the saints will all live in Mt. Zion with Christ, John 14:2.

World Vision Canada Cleans Out Living Church of God Crumbs Before Spring Holy Days


As the spring "holy" days are fast approaching for Church of God members, it looks like World Vision Canada did some spring cleaning and got rid of some "crumbs."

People who claim that the various Church of God blogs and web sites out on the Internet have no power, should think again.  After news broke that Living Church of God was holding a seminar at a World Vision Canada office, former COG members jumped into action.  After repeated contacts with WV Canada, they have announced they are having a "cleaning day" on LCG's planned meeting date.

As Berean's Did reports:

World Vision Canada has informed LCG that it cannot use the building for its scheduled May 14 seminar, according to As Bereans Did's communications with the humanitarian organization. 
"The Living Church of God will not, in fact, be using our building on May 14. The Facilities team is cleaning the building on that date and they have already advised them of this," according to World Vision Canada. 
It's unclear whether the date was awash from the start; or whether this planned "cleaning" is World Vision Canada's response to ex-Armstrongists concerns that the evangelical Christian organization was being played by LCG officials insinuating they traced their origins to Grace Communion International. 
The seminar has been on LCG's web site since late March, and we find it curious that World Vision knows the building suddenly needs a thorough scrubbing. Especially more than a month out. 

Dave Pack and his "Four Carpenters" to destroy Dome of the Rock


God has apparently been really busy in Wadsworth delivering messages to the leader of the most superfantabulous Church of God leader EVER!  No Church of God leader has ever dreamed up such a ludicrous scenario such as this, though many have tried in the past.
In this series of sermons and videos, David Pack states the building of the third temple In Jerusalem will be started by four angels called four carpenters, Zechariah 1:20 – 2:2. He says in the sermon, they will literally smash the Dome of the Rock, and lay the foundation and the inner room for Christ to come, Zechariah 2:1 – Revelation 11:1, and dwell in this “first dominion”, Micah 4:8. This will cause the rupture, or the breaking of “bands” stated in Zechariah 11:7, 14, because the world will be so angry with the Jews, especially the United Sates, because they will think they did this. He says when Christ comes to this temple laid down by the angels, he will come in great darkness, Isaiah 60:2. This he says, means a literal darkness. The whole world will go black and Christ will descend to this new temple as a shining light, Isaiah 60:1. He stresses the term, “in the last days” in Micah 4:1 and Isaiah 2:2, as proof this is before Christ’s second coming. In other words there is a “third” coming when Christ comes to the Mount of Olives in full glory. The second coming will be to this new temple in Mount Zion, Jerusalem. He also states many people (mainly the rich Jews of the world) will come to finish the temple in its full glory. Zechariah 6:12-15. In this first dominion, Christ will establish peace and harmony on earth. He will re-do the earth and make it like the Garden of Eden, using Isaiah 60:2-4, the scripture used to describe the actual millennium. In other words, God will give people a taste of the millennium first, a kind of preview, where He will give everyone on earth a chance to live God’s way, before bringing the great tribulation. He also sites Isaiah 11:6-9, and Isaiah 35:1, 2, as this first dominion, more millennial scriptures. He uses many of these.

Dave Pack is starting to sound as delusional as Bob Elijah Elisha Amos Thiel!

"We Rejoice When Persecuted By Others. Take Care..."


From a loyal reader here:

I don't know why you do this blog, you obviously believe in God. Don't you fear that you may well be fighting against Him. The Devil believe in God, and tremble. I don't mean to be rude, but are you too simple minded to tremble? Have they deceived you to believe that you are going to be ok. I do hope you are deceived,for your sake because God is very forgiving and merciful. He forgave Ahab and what he did eclipses this blog. If you once knew God and have turned away, then you may feel comfortable with no concern about how God views this. (Even in that He is merciful}. Still I feel sad for you, and I hope that repentance is still available to you. I won't defend anyone you have disrespected here, God takes care of His own, but also we rejoice when persecuted by others. It strengthens us. We will be ok. I will mention you in my prayers though and pray that you have not sinned a sin that leads to death. Take care.
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