COGTV - The Creepiest Splinter Group Yet!
There is a "new" splinter cult out there in COGland called COG Ministry or COGTV. It is lead by Steven Gilbreath, a former perpetual bachelor from Pasadena. That name alone will ring alarms for a lot...
View ArticleBob Thiel: I Am An Ordained Prophet of God and Am Ignored Just Like John the...
Bob Thiel has a long post up today where he quotes an article that Norm Edwards had in the Shepherd's Voice magazine put out by Chicagoland Church of God.Edward's writes about the history of prophets...
View ArticleChurch of God Powder Kegs
Silenced has a great post up about the current state of affirs in COGland and it is NOT pretty!The State of the COG 2014 It lists the Dead COG's, the Dying COG's and the Powder Kegs. IN addition,...
View ArticleThin Skinned Bob Strikes Back
Poor Bob Thiel. He cannot take criticism from anyone without having to publicly correct it. Every time he does so he makes himself look nore foolish.For several years now James Malm has been pointing...
View ArticleThe COG's Use of "...inappropriate, psychologically depressive and...
For many years now in the distance by learning class I facilitate for a major university in the Southeast, on Hebrew and Christan scripture and church history, the reaction of people when they start...
View ArticleE. W. King: Pot Users Are NOT Welcome In My Church!
Ghastly Days! Whats a poor COG member in Colorado and Oregon supposed to do now????? They can't smoke pot and be part of King's personality cult!King writes: No pot user is a member of the true...
View ArticleThe COG's Biggest Chief Overseer; Apostle; Grand Chief of State; Permanent...
The Sovereign Church of Elohim Official WebsiteThere has been several conversations going on about this guy in Facebook. It seems that Apostle and Chief Overseer Jackson Sr. is a former Worldwide...
View ArticlePhiladelphia Church of God "Flee Twice" Program Moving South Africa Members...
This letter was up on Exit and Support the other day:January 27, 2014 I have heard from an inside source that the South African PCG members are being encouraged to emigrate to Australia. The ministry...
View ArticleRon Weinland: When I Disfellowship People I Remove God's Grace, Help,...
Dingy Weinland assumes more power than he actually has when it comes to God's favor. Weinerdude thinks that he is so powerful that when he disfellowships a person they are immediately cut off from...
View ArticleDennis Announces: That's me on the right with the Fish Hat
As Pastor of the Banned HWA Church of God....Gentlemen, I have some bad news for you.Sometimes it becomes necessary for the preservation of the Body of Christ to dis-fellowship and dis-member those who...
View ArticleBob Thiel: Apostle and Chef Overseer Claims He Uses Truthful Logic Unlike...
Sketch ComedyGod's greatest gift to the Churches of God, Dr. Apostle and Chief Overseer Bob Thiel, says that Steven Hawking is not as intelligent as he is. Hawking came out recently with an article...
View ArticlePeter Nathan on Sweatpants and Proper Sabbath Dress at Home on Saturdays
Some things never change even after splintering and splintering. Knowledge seems to be stagnate or decreasing.Mr. Nathan:A question was asked, If we are going to have Friday night Bible Study, what...
View ArticleDennis says: Let's compare Wanna-Be Theologians with Real Ones
Let me weave a tale for you...VSLet me explain something to youorElaine Pagels-Let me explain Revelation to youorDr. Bart Ehrman-What constitutes proof?
Comical ArmstrongismI love the "remnant" Fine Arts Hall window casing. They way some are acting on Facebook you would think teh abomination of desolation had happened!
View ArticleYisrayl Hawkins House of Yahweh Cult Starts New Organization To Brainwash...
The House of Yahweh cult in Abeline, Texas has started a new "educational" branch of the cult that is seeking to brainwash children and their parents into their wacky ways. Their new outreach program...
View ArticleSamuel Martin's Former COG Babysitter Says: "...we were empowerd to use the...
Samuel Martin, son of the late Earnest Martin of COG fame, actively works to stop the age old practice of corporal punishment on children.Martin writes: I post a fair number of testimonies of my FB...
View ArticleDennis Muses: "Otherness and Chosen are Illusions"
"Otherness and Chosen are Illusions"There are no Chosen People in reality. There are no special groups ethnically or spiritually. For every chosen people there are all the rest in the "unchosen"...
View ArticleEven as a kid...Dennis mused about Sunday School stories.....and I know you...
If Jesus is the 'God' of the Old Testament, YHVH Had an Amazing Transformation Between the TestamentsAlthough it could have been better thought outJesus Blesses the Children15And they were bringing...
View ArticleBob Thiel: Jesus HATES the Super Bowl and it's Nearly Naked Cheerleaders!
Bob Thiel presumes to speak for the guy that he claims to follow but can never talk about except when it come to using him as a prop to promote a pet topic.Thiel has been on the warpath against...
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