Ghastly Days! Whats a poor COG member in Colorado and Oregon supposed to do now????? They can't smoke pot and be part of King's personality cult!
King writes: No pot user is a member of the true Church of God.
And just where does King get his authority to ban pot in the COG? From this forty-four year old booklet by HWA which quotes from studies in the 1930's!
When I came to Pasadena there were many parties off campus where pot was smoked in spite of the following from Herb's booklet:
At no time did I see huge orgies of sexual debauchery. Maybe in Garner Ted's home, but not in the students parties.Many myths have grown up associating marijuana and sex. Anti-marijuana propaganda has in time past suggested that the cannabis drugs trigger sexual debauchery.On the other hand, pro-marijuana propaganda has intimated that "the high" induced by the cannabis drugs enhances the enjoyment of sexual intercourse. Again, there is no scientific evidence to back this up.-We do know, however, that marijuana intoxication, during which a person's control of his or her own mind is loosened, breaks down moral barriers which would ordinarily stand unbroken. It contributes to immorality!
Apparently King doesn't want people high to come and sing songs of revenge and war in his services. Who knows that they might be inspired to do!