Philadelphia Church of God: God Has Placed A Big Bullas Over Edmond, Oklahoma.
Armstrongism has always thought its self to be special and called out from the rest of the world. The church was always so special that God had placed special protection over Church properties and...
View ArticleRoyal Baby: King David's Great, Great, Great, Great, Great...Grandchild Will...
Just when you think COG members can't dream up another stupid theory, along comes Geoff. Why the new Royal baby may be a sign of things to comeOn 18th July 2013 (10th Ab), the British...
View ArticleBob Thiel: Is He Ready To Declare Himself Another Elisha?
God's most important man (after Davey Pack), worlds foremost authority on prophecy, all things Mayan and Chief Overseer of the Continuing Ed Church of God is all excited that recent excavations may...
View ArticleRon Weinland: God is Going to Reveal the Mockers of the Church
While Ron Weinalnd is sitting in a jail cell with Big Bubba, his little henchmen are out trying to deliver sermons. Apparently Mrs. Weinerdude, the second half of the Two Witnesses is not smart enough...
View ArticleDave Pack: Is He Getting Ready To Flip Us All Off On September 1?
Secret hidden road sign that Dave Pack is planning on using on September 1 when all the COG's refuse to join up with him. This was discovered behind Dave's new TV studios where it is being stored till...
View ArticleDennis on Dave Pack: "Intuition Tells Me.......?"
"I don't share my thoughts because I think it will change the minds of those that think differently. I share my thoughts to show the people who think as I do they are not alone..."Someone The...
View ArticleDave Pack: Why Does He Deliberatly lie On His Web Sites?
Dave Pack, the leader of the worlds most superfantabulous COG ever to exist in 6,000 years, the reincarnated Joshua/Elijah/Jesus, God's most trust banker of all money in existence, and failed health...
View ArticleDave Pack: Astounding New Development - - We Bought More Land....Building A...
Dave Pack, God's most important human to ever exist since Jesus and leader of the most superfantabulous Church of God EVER is pleased to announce that he has bought more land so he can enlarge his...
View ArticleDave Pack: I am Not A Prophet! These Are God's Words. If It Doesn't Happen It...
Dave makes another claim that he is not a prophet. These are not his words but God's. He claims he has not interpreted anything privately into these scriptures on Haggai. But, since he is God's...
View ArticleDave Pack: God Has Selected Someone From Someplace To Explain God's...
Davey Pack is vainly trying to assert his supremacy as God's personal mouthpiece. Davey thinks he is the ONLY person on the entire earth that understands God. Because Davey understands God he is now...
View ArticleDave Says He Knew Something Had To Be Done About These Bad COG Leaders
Davey is once again asserting that God is going to kill off the three top COG ministers so that the members can be free to join up with Davey. Davey claims they are an impediment to the reunification...
View ArticleDave Pack: Rightful Sequential Heir
Dave seems to think his is the rightful heir to Herbert Armstrong. He claims that HWA was Zerubbabel while he is Joshua and that the Bible foretold their separate times in history. One followed the...
View ArticleDave Pack: The Incoming Remnant Are to Obey and Fear
Ultimately it is not about Dave's members fearing God. They are to fear him. Given his abysmal track record of spiritual abusing members, there may be a great excuse to fear Davey. All of this great...
View ArticleDave Pack: My Damnation Truly Slumbers Not
Dave writes about what he assumes is a description of the top three CO Leaders. What he has done is perfectly describe himself! Dave has become personally rich off of the backs of his poor members....
View ArticleReader Here is Sick Of The Negative Comments. Says, "Get On Your Knees And...
A reader here did not like the comments about COGWA and particular was disgusted by reader comments. You are all such bad boys and girls! COGWA: Can It Really Deliver Life, Hope, Truth? Charles...
View ArticleDave Pack: Talks About His "...false “Works” palmed off as God’s Work"
Dave talks about himself again. Is he really to stupid to understand what he writes? Dave is just as corrupt as many of the other COG leaders are, even the three he has damned to death.For decades,...
View ArticleDave Pack: The Three Will Be Cut Off, Concealed, Hidden and Made Desolate
Dave said many weeks ago that three COG leaders would all be killed buy God on August 31, 2013. Now he seems to temper that remark by saying they can be hidden, made desolate or concealed. If death...
View ArticleDave Pack: Jesus Will Actively Start Shepherding His Flock on August 6/7, 2013
I guess the wimpy dude has not been taking care of his flock for the last couple thousand years, but now will decide to return rather pissed off.Jesus Christ is a shepherd. He is about to again...
View ArticleDave Pack: Church of God Members Have 24 Days To Make Up Their Minds
Be forewarned COG leaders, Dave's god is sooooooooo ticked off that he may kill you BEFORE August 31, 2013 It could happen at any time! All I can say is, PLEASE...........DO NOT....have a heart...
View ArticleDave Pack: Should You Mourn The Three Dead COG Leaders?
Dave Pack, the ever compassionate and merciful one, thinks you should not mourn for the three dead COG leaders next month. Many, many more laodicean COG members will die soon after, so why mourn for...
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