Dave Pack, the ever compassionate and merciful one, thinks you should not mourn for the three dead COG leaders next month. Many, many more laodicean COG members will die soon after, so why mourn for them?
Sadly, loss of life—in this case of wolves, but this would be true of any deaths—becomes a topic of sensation. But should it be? Think! God’s purpose before the age is complete will bring vastly more deaths than three. Consider. ALL Laodiceans—every one of them—will die (horribly) in the Great Tribulation, and these are all converted people (not wolves). Next, the four horsemen of Revelation 6 will take one-quarter of all mankind (vs. 8). Still further, many millions of the modern descendants of Israel will lose their lives, with the “lucky ones” entering captivity. Then there is the Day of the Lord—and the armies that Christ destroys coming from Armageddon. At the beginning of the Millennium, there will even be plagues and droughts on nations who will not keep the Feast of Tabernacles (Zech. 14:16-19)—and at the end of the Millennium sudden destruction will fall on the masses who rebel (called Gog and Magog) and attack God’s people in Jerusalem (Rev. 20:8).