Fake Prophet Thiel: Thinks the Great Tribulation Will Begin If Hillary Is...
There has been speculation swirling for several years, though more so lately, that Hillary Clinton might run for the presidency in 2016. Armstrongism has been particularly perturbed that women rule...
View ArticleApostle Malm: Intensely Watching Barley in Israel and for A New Moon
Apostle Malm, God's greatest living theologian (after non-ordained false prophet Thiel) is back blowing hot air again on how intensely important the requirement that TRUE Christians will be seeking to...
View ArticleBob Thiel: Shocking News! One Youtube Viewer Liked My Video
The non-ordained and self appointed false prophet Thiel is having fits of ecstasy today that ONE viewer liked a video he put up in 2009 referring the present Pope resigning. That was such an earth...
View ArticleApostle Malm: Majority of COG Scoffers and Those That Ignored Me Will Run to...
Go ahead and mock apostle Malm. Ignore his warnings. Laugh at his law keeping silliness. Come the tribulation you will come running to his door as fast as you can. You will suddenly realize that...
View ArticleProphet Thiel: The Germans Are Coming! The Germans Are Coming!
The non-ordained and self appointed false prophet is all a dither today about the rise of Germany and how he expects it to lead to World War III. The prophet starts out by quoting from a web site...
View ArticleConvicted Felon Ron Weinland Speaks From Prison Again
Ron Weinland, the Church of God's only leader currently serving a prison sentence is letting the world know that the end is here. As usual, the world and the Church of God has ignored Rod's end time...
View ArticleE. W. King Acolytes May Only Marrry Within His Group
E. W. King lays it on the line for all true believers in the TRUE Church of God - the Worldwide Church of God/Speaking to the Remnant. Since Speaking to the Remnant is miniscule in nature this will and...
View ArticleRod Meredith's Latest Letter: Satan Is Waging War Against LCG in Canada and...
Things are not looking well for the Living Church God Satan seems to be on a rampage against the LCG. The big bad meanie has gotten them kicked off the air on the two largest stations there. They are...
View ArticleDave Pack Takes Advantage of LCG's Financial Crisis
Dave Pack got the best of Rod Meredith today and is proudly boasting about it. Ever since he was banished from Meredith's presence he has been on a warpath trying to outdo Meredith in everything he...
View ArticleMartyr Thiel Claims Vatican Will Soon Be Contacting All of Us That Pick on...
The non-ordained prophet and soon to be witness/martyr Robert Thiel has sent a letter out to his minuscule group of followers today. The prophet is really excited! It seems he has been recording his...
View ArticleAnother Letter From Rod Meredith: "Please God! Look at Us Suffering In This...
Rod Meredith has written three letters in the last few days referring to the church wide fast on February 23. The fast was called specifically for God to intervene in political issues at LCG HQ, for...
View ArticleWhich is More Evil: Disney and Harry Potter or National Geographic and Rotary...
According to Apostle Malm the answer is ALL of the above! In the eyes the self righteous holier-than-thou modern day Pharisee who is incapable of keeping all of the law, it is easy to accuse others of...
View ArticleRod Meredith Says: The Pope is Resigning, the Gays are Marrying, and Here is...
Always one to take advantage of a news event, Rod Meredith sent out a letter on Valentines Day to fill the Church coffers with more money. This Valentines Day letter included an envelope for members...
View ArticleDennis on Dave Pack's 'Clarion Call' - Send It In!
Send It In!All churches require money to operate their ministries. All churches have come to realize that just depending on "give as you are able" or deciding for oneself what they can afford to...
View ArticleE. W. King: Animals Are Not Human and Vegetarians Are Killers!!!!!
More wit and "wisdom" from the end time prophet and leader of the restored Worldwide Church of God, E. W. King.The prophet is ticked off at vegetarians.He says that the Bible COMMANDS people to eat...
View ArticleIs God Going To Curse Me For Attacking His Spiritual Organism?
Spiritual organism? Organism???? That has always been one of the stupidest catch phrases that Armstrong came up with. It always sounds like some dirty infectious germ in a petri dish.I have been...
View ArticleUCG: Dennis Luker Announces He Will Not Accept A Second Presidential Term
February 27, 2013Dear Fellow Ministers and All Brethren,I am writing this personal letter to you to make you aware of an important decision that I have made in my life. My three-year term as president...
View ArticleThe Laodicean Church of God
Here's a splinter group that I missed out on joining. It is called the Laodicean Church of God. It was started in 2001 by Jim and Peta McGinnIn 1999 they discovered "new" knowledge and attempted to...
View ArticleUCG Finances Still Taking A Hit
FYI to any splinter groups that needs some HQ property. UCG still is trying to sell the land boondoggle in TexasFinances—Aaron Dean As treasurer, Mr. Dean reported that the current income fiscal year...
View ArticleUCG Admits It Still Cannot Impress The World
Poor UCG. Try as they might, they still cannot seem to make much of an impact in the world. Even though they are now a streaming presence on Roku they still are an unknown church. It seems that the...
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