Spiritual organism? Organism???? That has always been one of the stupidest catch phrases that Armstrong came up with. It always sounds like some dirty infectious germ in a petri dish.
I have been cursed so many times of the last 20 years by God's most perfect "christian" church members that I should have been fried to a crisp decades ago. For 5 years straight I was guaranteed to be killed on Passover eve by the idiots in the Neville Stevens splinter cult. Not a thing happened! Not even a skin rash. Nada! Zippo!
Whether I die tomorrow or 30 years down the line, I am secure in my standing with God. If it is tomorrow it is not by the hand of some magical god sitting up there constantly pissed at exmembers or so-called pagan humanity.
Alas, it is not my fault that there are well over 600 splinter cults out there all preaching a different gospel, lead by men who say some of the most idiotic things imaginable.
TWT, if you would please contact them all and let them know that they should stop doing so, I would greatly appreciate it.
Peace, brother
From: TWT <theworldtomorrow2012@gmail.com>
Date: February 26, 2013, 7:33:02 PM PST
Subject:Your defamatory blog
If you grew up in The Worldwide Church of God as my brother, sisters and I did - and you grew bitter over splits, doctrinal changes, personal sins of others which they committed against God - not you; the misuse of monies; whatever - you should just let it go and move on.
Rather, you've dedicated a great deal of your time in hostile satanic attacks and bitter angry resentment against a lot of guys who have been dead for many years. Just go take a piss on their graves why don't you. You'll feel better if you make a trip to HWA's grave in LA, and GTA's grave in Big Sandy, and relieve yourself - really. Then you can take down your hate fueled website, stop name calling and making fun of folks, and maybe check into some nice Sunday church on your local street corner.
I'd go to a nice false pagan Babtist church or any of the other pagan churches out there if I were you. so you can overcome your hatred and put it all behind you and put a smile on your face. Otherwise your just going to die young of a heart attack or something. God may curse you for attacking HIS spiritual organism, His people, His TRUE Church. I believe you're already under a curse having left your first love, the truth of Gods word, and HE has given you over to a reprobate, backward, satanic mind - as His word says will happen to those who fall away from the truth of the Bible. It would be better of you never knew the truth - so help you God.
Repent. Before you wake up some day being thrown alive into the lake of fire!