I remember hearing sermon after sermon about what a spiritual giant Richard was and that if he had not died because a car accident [because his own father had refused medical treatment that would have saved his life] he would have been the COG's greatest leader. GTA was known early on to be a rebel while Richard was a "stalwart in the faith."
Richard apparently had a lot of issues in his life given some of the sermons he is on record as giving.
Here is a quote that Richard Armstrong gave in one of those sermons. This just goes to show that Richard was as big a spiritual degenerate as his father was. Here is a man who claims to represent God, yet takes great delight in child abuse. Even worse is the church members sit there and chortle at the story. The brainwashing was complete.
Here is this sick little anecdote he relates. Strangely enough, he and the audience, seems to think this is quite amusing. He is describing what one little boy did with his father. Just take a look.One of the cutest things I've ever seen....And I've seen, and it's fantastic. I've never seen anything like this before. I've seen that boy ... take off his belt, hold it up to him, and say, Daddy, I was supposed to get a spanking this evening. (Audience laughs.) I'm not lying either. That's a fact. I've seen it happen. I've seen him remind his father that he had a spanking coming. I never did that. (Laughter.)
From: Richard David Armstrong's Sermon on Child Rearing