Poor Dave. One of the problems of continually running off at the mouth is that it is now recorded for history. Besides making stupid statements about Satan, he also made a false statements about the stock market.
In all honesty, brethren…And I’m going to get into this more. This will not be this week, it will be next week. When the devil is cast down later, because he is going to first be removed just before Christ’s rule from Zion…I will show you all the proofs of that. I just can’t get to it, but I will and it’s next week…But when he is cast down, it says he’s angry because he knows he has but a short time. The word “short time” there actually means “puny occasion.” He is cast back to the earth and before he is thrown into the bottomless pit for a thousand years, he has this period called a “puny occasion.” Now that’s interesting. You can look up the Greek. He is very angry, partly, because he has been gone, and partly, because now that he’s back, he has a very short time……
The world is collapsing almost too fast. If you look at the stock market, it was the worst week in American history—and that was true about Wednesday morning. Yesterday, the Dow was down over 500 points at a certain point. Just in American wealth, there is 2 trillion dollars…Two trillion dollars of wealth has been lost in the United States, since the beginning of this calendar year. Then, of course, there is terrorism. There are all kinds of problems in politics. The world is collapsing in extraordinary ways, and we should be able to “behold” that. It’s everywhere……Ever since Donald Trump has been elected as President the markets have been at an all time high. It is not the worst in history, it is the best. The world is NOT collapsing and THAT makes Dave and Meredith and all the other liars really mad. How can God not be on their side? How can their god keep feeding them such erroneous information? Why is the tribulation NOT here yet?