Leave it to an aberrant splinter cult of the Church of God that is ensconced on its compound in the middle of Oklahoma to lecture its members and children on how to be "respectful." Mind you, this comes from a cult that has disrespected its members so horribly that many have committed suicide. This is the same cult that told a family to abandon their child at the mall so the state could take care of it. This is the same cult that keeps employed in its ministry one of the most vile men the PCG has ever had in its midst, Cal Culpepper. A man who has destroyed countless lives and marriages.
Russell Williams writes:
While the world becomes worse and worse, we need to become better and better in our interpersonal relationships both with God and man. “Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good” (Romans 12:21). That is a command from God to all of us. Recapturing the true value of respect is our responsibility as we prepare to teach it in the soon-coming Kingdom of God.Interpersonal relationships are not a priority for PCG members, at least when it comes to threats of "government" looming over peoples lives day in and out. Parents are expected to turn their backs on on their children, and adult children are expected to turn their backs on the parents, if any of them dare question the Holy Father and Son, Gerald and Steven Flurry. Members must never show any disrespect towards any minister or upper echelon leader. If so then God may rightfully strike them down. Bears are the just reward from disrespectful kids.
Disrespect toward God and His servants carries a heavy penalty. In 2 Kings 2 we read the account of a gang of youths who mocked God’s servant, Elisha. They disrespectfully called him “baldy” and mocked that he should “go up” (as in a whirlwind as Elijah had just experienced). They were actually disrespecting God, not just Elisha. Elisha cursed them in God’s name, and two hostile, fleet-footed, female bears came out of a nearby forest and savaged these delinquent hoodlums. They were torn in pieces by razor-sharp claws —a terrible consequence!PCG is filled with parents that beat their kids and punish them mercilessly. Yet, PCG claims actions of the parents are to be the standards and examples for their kids. When husbands kick their wives out of the house because a minister told them to, or wives walk out on their husbands because the husband dared to question the Dear Leader or God forbid, Cal Culpepper. Its no wonder that the young people leave the PCG in droves.
Parents must first demonstrate respect for God and also show respect toward each other. Children will learn more by the example set by their parents than any other way. To parents God says in Ephesians 6:4, “And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath [frustration or resentment]: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.” Show them respect and require the same from them, especially when they are corrected. When an adult asks your children a question, let them answer. Don’t step in and do it for them as if they cannot answer properly or may embarrass you.The PCG has been working overtime since they bought the Edstone cult compound in England to promote to the PCG members that they are "royalty." The British Royal Family is brought up every chance they can as the standard they need to look up to. This follows right along with Flurry imitating HWA in everything. HWA had portraits of Queen Elizabeth in several places on the Pasadena campus, particularly on the main floor in Ambassador Hall (Merritt House.)
Address another person by name or title, otherwise “Sir” or “Ma’am,” “Mr.” or “Mrs.”—never “Mate,” “Love” or “Hey there.” Do not be presumptuous or take liberties in calling seniors by their first name unless you are invited to, and even then, use caution. Ministers and wives within the Church should be addressed as “Mr.” and “Mrs.”What child or adult in the U.S. goes around calling people, "mate,'"love,' or "Hey there?" Even disrespectful kids never say that. There are no ministers in the PCG employ that deserve to be called "Mr."! That title is one of respect, and their is nothing respectful about the ministry of the PCG.
Children should refer to and address adults by “Mr.”, “Mrs.” or “Miss,” or by their title. Adults should not invite children to call them by their first name, because it fosters disrespect and encourages taking liberties. Children should be reminded until it becomes natural. Look to the spirit and give people greater respect rather than less.
Don’t talk over others nor focus the discussion on yourself. Remember to “esteem others better than yourself.” Avoid informal replies such as “Yep,” “Nope,” “Dunno,” etc. Uplift others in conversation by listening and keeping it positive.When has Cal Culpepper, Lil'Stevie or Gerald ever "esteemed others better than themselves?" When?