The Church of God has always found life to be hard a fight to live. We were constantly battling some evil force as we struggled to advance a few yards towards the kingdom. Satan was always there in front of us fighting to take as many as he possibly could away from the truth. Who can ever forget hearing ten thousand people or more at a Feast site singing, Onward Christian Soldiers, Marching Off To War in unison. It was stirring and unifying at the same time. We naively thought were helping fight the battle along side Herbert Armstrong as we journeyed onwards to Petra.
Our sermons and funerals were always filled with, "fighting the good fight." Not only was our Christian walk one big continuous battle, but an even larger battle was coming in the future when the wrath of satan would be unleashed upon the world in one final battle of Armageddon.
Of the three larger Church of God splinter groups in existence today, three of them use battle cry as their rallying cry to rake in more money. Dave Pack has been fighting his personal and religious demons for decades and has brought that fight to his members encouraging them to be good soldiers ready to sacrifice for the common good of the church. Rod Meredith is perversely attracted to the war motif and loves to talk in vivid details about torture and other atrocities at the hands of the German Army. Noting is more gratifying to him than discussing concentration camps, fiery ovens and meats hooks that Americans will be strung up on. Gerald Flurry uses war, battles and fiery judgment to keep his dwindling flock under control. Notice the latest below by James Brady that was posted on the PCG web site:
Army of Liberators
Here is one final, inspiring thought to sing and march to as we finish our war together. In this evil world, armies sometimes set people free from oppression. The most famous case in living memory is the Allied conquest of northwestern Europe, ending the Nazi menace. American journalist Andy Rooney said the day the Allies liberated Paris was probably the happiest day the world has ever known. The liberation of the Dutch city of Nijmegen by British Grenadier Guards was vividly and accurately depicted in the film A Bridge Too Far. Throngs of deliriously happy people pressed in on the tanks, offering flowers, kisses and hugs, waving Royal Union and American flags, singing in English, “The war is over!” Seeing this film as a boy, I was enthralled. I wished I could jump on a tank and liberate a third-world country from a dictator!
Is that not the role of God’s Church in the near future? Like those troops, we have to fight heroically to be there for those people!
Maybe you have straggled behind at times as this awe-inspiring army, the Church of God, conducts its “forced march” (no resting) to battle. We all have. But we do not want to be remembered as a straggler in the coming battle. As Gerald Flurry writes in How to Be an Overcomer, “What hope we can deliver to the world! We have the opportunity to win a glorious victory that we can savor for all eternity! We will never regret what we did for God … in this end time. That will be our joy forever.”
Song of Songs teaches us that we are part of something bigger than ourselves, bigger than our problems and desire for comfort! Empowered by God, this army delivers hope. We rescue entire nations! We fight in an epic war that shakes the heavens and the Earth! (Isaiah 13:13; Haggai 2:6). We march in lockstep, in unity and purpose, fighting together against all odds with valor and heroism.
As Mr. Flurry wrote in the last sentence of How to Be an Overcomer, “Let’s all be noble knights together and thank God that we have the opportunity.” We have the chance to fight as one for Christ and the Father and be an awesome bannered host!It is this kind of thinking that allows such terrible and physical abuse to run rampant in the Church of God. As soldiers supposedly unified on the path to war, it is not good to be a questioner, to rock the boat or disagree with the Pastor General. To do so, destabilizes the ranks and the battle cannot be won. Christ has had to delay his coming so many times now that even he forgets the exact date, all due to the fact that the membership was not ready. It had failed to fight the good fight.
If these men were actually Christian that might have the understanding that the battle has already been won. The fight is no longer ours to worry about. There is a rest that comforts the weary of hear tired of fighting a fight they can never win because they just can't ever measure up.
Matthew 11:30The Message (MSG)
28-30 “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”