Even a casual read of the Old Testament and even the New Testament gives a conflicting view of God and even Jesus.
OT God is a jealous god not wanting other gods brought into his presence. Gospel Jesus is mostly kind, compassionate and loving even to children. Revelation Jesus never met Gospel Jesus it seems with wrath , vengeance and destruction at every turn of the page. Where Disciples were to allow little children to come to Jesus, The Two Witnesses, sent by Jesus, smite everyone that doesn't bow to their authority and message.
Whatever "God is Love" means, it reminds me of the billboard in South Carolina that warned, "Love Jesus or Burn Forever in Hell." Really? Isn't that like saying, "Give daddy a hug or I"ll kill you?"
Help us all out here and weigh in....
So they say.....
I Corinthians 13
Quite a bit it seems...