Apparently Church of God members like their pot! This warning was up on the Herbert W Armstrong TV Archives.
Now we now know why Thiel, Malm and Pack say the dumb things they do! 😈
Satan wants to DESTROY FAITH! Faith in God!
And he wants to build your confidence and faith in some PLANT, some POISON, some DOCTOR, for you to look to HIM(Satan the Devil) though them for healing.
And many have decided to turn away from God, to go against the guidance of God's apostle and God's Church, to look to the god of EKRON- this present medical system for healing and cure!!! They have decided for themselves to choose what is right and wrong, taking from the tree of knowledge of good and evil and rejecting the tree of LIFE!
They have left God's true Church and have turned to another false god. Perhaps some of those reading this article have done this without realizing it! IT IS NOT TOO LATE! You can REPENT quickly and turn to God with your whole heart and get yourself BACK ON THE TRACK! And save yourself from a world of troubles, caused by walking contrary to God and His Will.
Many have become "Cannabis Christians".
But God's true Church relies on God for healing.
True Christians do not need to accept what this world has decided to be their healer or cure-all. We understand how Satan is influencing and guiding them. They have been following their father Adam in choosing of the wrong tree since the garden of eden! But we are called to choose the tree of life! The tree of life has been opened to us! We ought not turn away from God to take of the wrong tree!
Are you a true Christian? Are you relying on God for healing? Are you trying to rationalize the taking of "cannabis oil" or marijuana, instead of turning to God for healing? Have you been researching yourself for the plants that God did deem healthy that do not contain the damaging effects as Marijuana does? There are HEALTHY alternatives! Alternatives that God created to help our bodies not damage them!
However none can heal but God. He alone has that power!
But Satan will present LYING MIRACLES in order to cause you to reject God! DON'T BE FOOLED!!