David Passover is now whining that Tkach Sr. was out to get him. I am sure that Tkach Sr. knew what kind of abusive moron that Pack was and most likely had a good reason, if this is true at all! Everywhere that David Passover was sent as a minister soon resulted in a deluge of complaints from members on how abusive he was.
Poooooor Davie, always the bridesmaid but never the bride.58: Joe Tkach, a modern Ahab if there ever was one, pursued me for years like Ahab did Elijah. And like no one else, like Ahab – like Ahab – he did die soon enough, and God went on to curse his son Ahaziah; leaves some things to the imagination. Elijah played a role in what happened to that son. God sent him to go talk to that son; I don't know whether that will happen. The angel told him to go, but Ahaziah sent two groups to come get Elijah, and a hundred and two burnt men later, the third captain realized, "Ew, would you be willing to come and talk to the boss, he fell through a window and he's got a bad infection, he's sick," and Elijah was told by an angel – interesting, twice actually in that first chapter of 2 Kings – and he went.