Why is it that Armstrongism has to suck the joy out of life by finding everything pagan and satanic? Hell would be sentenced to eternity with nothing to listen to except Dwight Armstrong hymns.
The Hallelujah Chorus of Handel’s Messiah is sometimes sung for special music. But his Messiah really amounts to Nimrod. Handel composed Messiah for Easter, and later it was sung for Christmas, too, of the same spirit. Since Handel “composed sacred music for the Roman clergy” his songs should be avoided. He claimed when composing the Hallelujah Chorus that he saw God and the angels in Heaven. Really? Like the apostles Paul and John? Or is it more likely he was deceived about that along with other spiritual matters?The Battle Hymn of the Republic and Onward Christian Soldiers were Civil War songs to inspire fighting, brother against brother. Composed by unconverted people who do not know the true God, so when they invoked God in their songs, it was really a false god. False Christians invoke their false Christ or Nimrod unknowingly, a long-haired hippy.
The tune of Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken is the same as a German national anthem Deutschland über Alles (Germany above All Others), sung by members of the evil Skull and Bones Club as the Bushes and Kerry.John Newton wrote Amazing Grace and How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds . Though a transformed infidel, he was not really converted and believed in the Trinity (of Nimrod, wife and son). HWA allowed singing Come Thou Almighty King but had the 4th verse deleted for stating about the Trinity. Can we take pagan songs and cut out the bad parts to sing for God to be pleased? Can we bring a clean thing out of an unclean thing (Job 14:4)?Are we like a baby who puts anything into its mouth, singing any song which sounds good? What about one by a lesbian? Katherine Bates, a lesbian, composed America the Beautiful. Sung in Canada, Mexico and Australia with America changed to the nation’s name. Similar to My Country ’Tis of Thee, national anthem of Germany, Sweden and Russia before the US so could hardly be showing God blessing the US alone.A Catholic against Protestants wrote “If an anti-Catholic who holds to the ‘another Jesus’ theory wants to be consistent, he should stop singing All Creatures of Our God and King from now on, because it praises the ‘Catholic Jesus’!” This Catholic song is in Tkach’s Hymnal.COGs proclaim other religions as Catholics and Protestants (part of Mystery Babylon) do not know the true God, and they preach a false Jesus. So when they sing about Christ and God they are actually referring to false gods. Yetmany of these same COGs will sing some Protestant songs as if they are good for worship of the true God! The same cognitive dissonance as on Thanksgiving Day.
The song Candy Man sounds great for kids about the one who creates a sunrise, but really refers to one who sells drugs to get high on. And thus Satan. While certainly not a worship song, you can see Satan’s ploy in it, so he appears like God.
False worship songs please men and not God (Gal 1:10). We are warned to avoid another or false gospel (1:6-7). Including false gospel music even if it sounds like it is from an angel (1:8). Listening to false gospels, either spoken or sung, can lead to our accepting another or false spirit (2 Cor 11:4).
Singing songs of praise to God may be just noise to Him or polluted sacrifices (Amos 5:23-26). God may not appreciate good songs if we are deep in sin (8:3-6,10).
He does not accept any kind of sacrifice (Mal 1:8). Some special music performers admit they are tempted to choose songs for applause (when allowed) instead of more meaningful ones. By trying to please men, God may not be pleased.
Should we look to the unconverted to compose God-inspired hymns? Paul warned of self-seekers, lovers of pleasure more than God with only a form of religion (2 Tim 3:4-5)