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Tribualtion to Start in December of 2016!


Well folks. the writing is on the wall.  God's one and ONLY unemployed true prophet has declared that the Tribulation is to start in December of 2016.  You have one more year to party and get you act together.

Armstrongite false prophets have had a field day over the decades mocking the various false prophets of the world around them, yet they fail to look at themselves as part of that sick equation.  Because they are all Church of God members they seem to feel that they are incapable of making a false prophecy. When they do, they declare that the church was not ready and that their god has delayed things.  They are never wrong, but their god seems to be incapable of making his mind up.

Every single Church of God leader who has made a prediction over the last 80 some years has been proven to be a liar and false prophet.  This includes HWA, GTA, Meredith, Flurry, Pack, Gilbreath, Malm, Thiel, Dankenbring, Waterhouse, Blackwell, Hoeh, et al.  Not once has any of these deceived little men ever said anything that had any truth to it.

Today on the Chief Pharisee and wanna-be prophet's blog James Malm had this:

An acolyte writes:
Depending upon when the 3 1/2 years began, there could actually be 2 intercalated months or 60 days and if you add the 15 days from Aviv 1 to the 1st day of U B, that would make up the extra 75 days needed for the 1335 days.
The Chief Pharisees and false prophet responds:

Sorry for the delay in posting. I decided to do the counting from the projected Feast days and check this out as to whether there is a potential for 2015 or 2016.

I am counting back 1,290 days from the sixth day of ULB in 2019 and 2020 as the resurrection date, to set the beginning; and then counting forward to the 1,335 days to see how close they are to Pentecost for the pouring out of God’s spirit.

2015 Abomination set up on Oct 14 + 1,335 days lands directly on Pentecost 2019. This seems a non starter since the kingdom and the pouring out of the spirit will be AFTER the 1,335 days.
2016 Abomination set up on 2 Oct + 1,335 days lands on Friday May 29, with Pentecost coming AFTER the 1,335 days; on that Sunday May 31.

Note: This assumes that the projected high days are correct, and that my calculation is correct. This could be either year, but the most likely year seems 2016 to set up the abomination in Oct and begin the tribulation in December. 

This is only a very strong indicator [along with the signs of the times] since the projected High Days might be off by a day, or my calculations might be off by a day or so.
We should take this a year at a time and be ready for 2015, yet not be disappointed if we have another year to warn the brethren!

Nevertheless any one of us could die tonight; we should always be ready! James

In the meantime the Chief Pharisee is expecting donations to keep pouring in so he can remain unemployed.  By living off contributions of the gullible he does not have to do physical work.  This allows him time to sit and write endlessly his version on how he thinks scripture should be interpreted.

Halloween and the Church of God Fear Factor


"Objection to Halloween is a reflection of something much broader: an obsession with trivialities, a confusion of priorities, a primitive fear of the unknown, an arrogance that finds “righteousness” in being odd-ball and out-of-step. Fundamentalists can find something offensive or objectionable in almost anything. They have a world view in which virtually everything is “anti-Christian”. They have lost the ability to filter the important from the inconsequential. The traditional COG prohibition against Halloween ignores the facts of history, misrepresents the modern holiday, and demonstrates a woeful lack of spiritual discernment."

by Keith Stump

October is quickly flying by, meaning it’s time for the traditional Christian hand-wringing over that most “demonic” of holidays, Halloween! In anticipation of the usual anti-Halloween propaganda, I offer the following observations about this alleged “satanic festival of evil”:

First, there’s no need to point out that Halloween is not found in Leviticus 23. (Duh.) Leviticus 23 is obsolete and irrelevant anyway. Second, forget the lengthy dissertation about how the papacy (the alleged “image of the beast” and “great whore”) instituted the Roman Catholic celebrations of “All Hallows Eve” and “All Saints Day”. That, too, is irrelevant. Today’s Halloween has nothing to do with honoring Christian saints. For most, Halloween long ago ceased being viewed as a religious observance—and never was, by Americans.

The Halloween that many of us know today is largely an American phenomenon. And it’s a purely secular observance.

Yet some of Halloween’s customs do have roots in pre-Christian (“pagan”) practices. “Pagan” has long been a popular buzz word among Christians, especially among the COGs. As a Plain Truth and World Tomorrow writer, and occasional GHOSTwriter (how occult!) for the Armstrongs, I used the word liberally for decades. If it’s “pagan” in origin, it MUST be evil (like, I suppose, playing cards, wedding rings, dominoes, medicine, beer, the theater, the names of the days of the week and months of the year, and so on—all of which are scrupulously avoided in the COGs, aren’t they?).

Some of Halloween’s customs can be traced to practices of the Celtic New Year, particularly among the Druids of ancient Britain. The Celts worshipped nature deities and practiced a relatively benign type of witchcraft. (Shame on them for living before the birth of Christ! Why, they must have been as evil as Cyrus the Great, who worshipped Ishtar, the pagan goddess of love and war, and Ahura Mazda, god of light and wisdom. [Oh, wait a minute—God still called Cyrus "that righteous man from the East." Never mind.])

The Celtic festival of Samhain (which means “summer’s end” and marked the Celtic New Year, and is properly pronounced SOW-in, not “Sam Hain”) was considered to be a magical time, when the thin veil between the worlds was lifted, and the dead walked among the living. It was a night of ghosts and fairies, in which bonfires were lit and fortunes were told, and the thoughts of all turned to the afterlife. For some odd reason, the Celts didn’t think that exposing their children to contemplation of death and the afterlife was a problem. And, of course, the “witches” of the time were primarily herbalists and midwives. Witches as evil, devil-worshiping crones were an invention of the medieval Church, perpetuated by modern fundamentalists.

Despite fundamentalist assertions, there were no orgies or human sacrifices or cannibalism or devil-worshipping during Samhain. Anyone who claims otherwise is an incompetent researcher or an outright liar. And—despite all those sermonettes you’ve heard—there was never a Celtic “god of death” named “Samhain”.

The ancient Samhain festival in no way “glorified” the demonic world, nor—except for a relatively few “Satanists”—does Samhain today. Modern pagans who celebrate Samhain regard it as a time to look back on the past year and reflect on how they can become better people, and a time to honor departed loved ones and welcome them into their presence. Modern Halloween is even less focused on “making contact” with the spirit world.

Stop for a moment and consider rationally: Is a six-year-old girl trick-or-treating in a Cinderella costume “fellowshipping with demons”? Is a child covered in a sheet with eye-holes “associating with spirits”? Are employees attending a company costume party “consorting with the devil”? Is hanging a plastic skeleton in your window “paying homage to Satan”? Is carving a jack-o’-lantern “fashioning an idol”? Is bobbing for apples a “wicked revel”? Some who are reading this would reply with a resounding “yes”. And that’s because of the spiritual myopia that warps their thinking, as I’ll discuss in a moment. Goofball notions are de rigueur for the fundamentalist.

Others who are reading this have heartwarming memories of Halloween. It’s a slice of genuine Americana. It was one of the highlights of their childhood calendar—a time of family crafts and costume-making, a time to celebrate creativity and imagination. It was a time for children to dress up and solicit candy from their neighbors. (We were even taught to say “thank you”, which I’m sure irked Satan no end.) Trick-or-treating allowed the entire community to share in the Halloween festivities, as costumes were admired and rewarded with goodies. Halloween reaffirmed social bonds with friends and neighbors. These are hardly the “unfruitful works of darkness” (Eph. 5:11), unless one is a fanatic who interprets that phrase like, well, a fanatic.

(A parenthetical note to hypocrites: Anyone who condemns Halloween, yet enjoys an occasional Bela Lugosi or Boris Karloff film, or reads a Stephen King or Anne Rice thriller, or a Harry Potter novel, or who watches “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” or “The Wizard of Oz” or Disney’s “Snow White” or “Sleeping Beauty” or the “Lord of the Rings” films or who plays fantasy-based video games or visits Disneyland’s “Haunted Mansion” or watches a stage magician is a hypocrite, pure and simple. It’s like a conscientious objector being a fan of war movies. But hypocrisy is nothing new to the COGs, is it? And, for that matter, is “glorifying violence” any less “sinful” than “glorifying the occult”? (Hmm. I must have been imagining those LCG members sitting in the theater when I saw “Terminator 3″.))

To all COG members out there: Is your children’s Christianity so feeble as to be endangered by a plastic mask and a few candy bars? Are your children so inadequately grounded in their religion as to be tempted into a life of witchcraft by attending a costume party? Are you yourself so poorly rooted in your faith that you fear your children will ask questions to which you have no satisfactory answers?

I have seen no evidence of children being psychologically warped or seduced into a life of witchcraft and perversion as a result of innocent Halloween activities. I HAVE, however, seen many fearful and superstitious COG children who have been conditioned to be abnormally hypersensitive to anything blackened with the feared label “occult”. One child in particular comes to mind, whom I witnessed shrieking in stark terror at the mere sight of a jack-o-lantern. Are you raising fearful children who, like medieval peasants, see Satan lurking behind every tree and demons skulking in every dark corner? Are you raising children who fear they will “open themselves up” to “demonic control” at any moment by the slightest misstep? What a tenuous, precarious and paranoid spirituality! Satan is a defeated enemy! We need not shrink inanimate mortal remains. Explain that fear of black cats is an ancient superstition of the ignorant. Talk to them about the fanciful creations of horror fiction, like werewolves and vampires. It’s healthy to examine the things that frighten us. Tell them about “ghosts” or disembodied spirits. (The dead are relatively safe; it’s the living you need to watch out for!) And talk to them about the subject of life after physical death. Tell them about the Lord of Life who overcame death. Assuage their fears about those who can kill the body but not the soul.

Halloween is also a good time to reconsider our own views about death and the afterlife. The unbiblical doctrine of “soul sleep” would be a good place to start. The Bible clearly teaches (and centuries of experience demonstrate) that death does not interrupt self-awareness; personal identity survives death! By contrast, Herbert Armstrong’s so-called “restored truth” about “What is Man?” is totally without biblical foundation, though his followers blindly accept it. Measuring truth by the teachings of a morally unprincipled deviate who was indisputably unqualified for ministry by biblical standards (i Tim. 3:2-7; Titus 1:6-7) is far scarier than any aspect of Halloween! (A rule of thumb, which I’ll throw in free of charge: The farther an individual or group moves away from the teachings of the so-called Philadelphia era of the Church of God, the closer he moves toward genuine truth and balanced spirituality.)

So here’s my point: Objection to Halloween is a reflection of something much broader: an obsession with trivialities, a confusion of priorities, a primitive fear of the unknown, an arrogance that finds “righteousness” in being odd-ball and out-of-step. Fundamentalists can find something offensive or objectionable in almost anything. They have a world view in which virtually everything is “anti-Christian”. They have lost the ability to filter the important from the inconsequential. The traditional COG prohibition against Halloween ignores the facts of history, misrepresents the modern holiday, and demonstrates a woeful lack of spiritual discernment.

So, in a nutshell, my message to Christians about Halloween is: Lighten up! There is nothing spiritually harmful about this tradition. Sensibly observed, Halloween can be a day of wholesome fun and merriment. Believe it or not, not everything in life has to have some deep spiritual connotation. Halloween is “Satan’s Holiday” only to those who concede it to him or arbitrarily label it as such. Christians have been redeemed from the forces of evil. We don’t have to give credence to Satan’s claimed authority in any area of life. Don’t surrender to the fear, superstition and hypocrisy of the fundamentalist, who wouldn’t recognize a little harmless fun if he tripped over it, who is oblivious to the value of fantasy, who has no idea what “magic” and “witchcraft” really are, to whom everything paranormal is “demonic” and who trembles before the power of Satan and his demons (whether he admits it or not). Don’t fall prey to shady “scholarship” and flawed arguments about this holiday. Don’t let anyone judge you in respect of this or any other occasion. Safe, fun Halloween activities are NOT “of the “devil”.

To believe other wise is just plain silly!

Living Church of God: How This Little Blog Has Disrupted Rod Meredith's Empire


From an LCG source:

There seldom used to be negative information leaked out of the Living Dying Church of God but as the foundation crumbles informants leak out from the cracks giving us insight into how bad it really is, especially in Charlotte.

Banned By HWA has brought Meredith to his knees repeatedly over the past year. Meredith himself went on a tirade about Banned in front of a live audience of over 250 people motivating even more LCG members to visit this site.

It is driving them half mad that they can’t figure out who the leak is. At first, they assumed it was some of the purge victims. But then they realized that much of the information found in various stories would not be known to someone no longer in attendance. HQ has even leaked fake information to various people to try to figure out who the mole is. So far, it hasn’t worked. Unfortunately for them, the problem goes so high up that they can’t get away with much.

After the increase of stories and complaints about the nepotism surrounding the Meredith family, Rod’s youngest son who was being paid to “sort of “work from home in Louisiana has been temporarily brought back to Charlotte to make the arrangement look better to members and employees that were annoyed that he was collecting a pay check for nothing after it was made public on this site.  It won’t likely last long, but at least RCM is making an effort to make it look good thanks to pressure resulting from the Banned story.

Meredith also decided to permit a minister who had been denied permission to attend the Hawaiian feast site to attend after reading a story on Banned which outlined how LCG ministry was annoyed that NCIS Jim gets to go every year while others get forced to serve less luxurious sites.

They have also lightened up on the suspensions and disfellowshipments status post all the public blow back they felt after the purge last year.

There is still an undercurrent of mistrust of the ministry and displeasure in the direction LCG is going among a fair percentage of the brethren. This would have previously initiated a Gestapo cleanse but now they are a little slower to act out their tyranny because of the fear of exposure on this site and others like it. There are LCG members presently who are getting away with things that would have never been tolerated before but Spanky and McNair have consciously decided it's safer to turn a blind eye. At least until they get this PR nightmare under control.

Hopefully this site will continue to expose the atrocities at LCG which will improve knowledge and facilitate more members to have the courage to walk away from the Sanhedrin.

Lil'Jimmy Meredith Speaks Out Against NCIS and Gays


Following in his homophobic daddy's footsteps....

Watching Lil' Jimmy I can see why so many in the Living Church of God dislike him.  Pompous little ass!

As a side note. NCIS airs on Friday nights in Lil'Jimmy's area.  If he is part of God's holy righteous family why is he watching tv on Friday nights? Also, why is the Meredith clan sooooooooooo fascinated with gay sex?

Where In The World Is Dale Schurter? Can You Find Him?


It wasn't long ago that God's most magnificent creation since Adam, Dave Pack, was mocking United Church of God because he conned Dale Schurter into jumping ship and joining the most superfantabulous Church of God ever.

Dave bragged over and over how Dale had his eyes washed so he could let the true light of Dave in. Dale bragged how wonderful it was to be part of the only true church again.

Dale's only accomplishment in life was running a farm on the Ambassador College campus in Big Sandy, TX, that had the "digester" that recycled bullshit into fertilizer. Dave conned Dale by offering him the opportunity to run Dave's new superfantabulous farm located between a freeway belching out pollution and a big lot store. Much ado was made about this new experimental farm to be under Dale's awesome care. Dale and crew were going to feed the world with mind boggling farming techniques.

Fast forward to 2015 and Dave's superfantabulous Feast of Tabernacles video. Dave's new superfantabulous farm has a new manager. Dale is nowhere to be found, as are several other Wadsworth HQ employees. Did the rapture happen? Are they in Petra preparing the way? Are they buying more land to house the tens of thousands of COG members soon to join them? Are they undergoing reeducation for the second time around?

Please help us find Waldo Dale!

Living Church of God: Is Rod Meredith a Closet Pagan?


From an LCG source:

LCG has just wrapped up preaching about the evils of Halloween and will no doubt soon begin to preach the evils of Christmas. They will likely wax on about how God says not to worship Him like the heathen worship their gods. Then they will expound on the Two Babylons and how the Catholic Church is the Great Whore and all its branches are equally evil and full of deception. 

All this from the stage of the Charlotte Scottish Rite Temple.

Scottish Rite by definition means “House of the Temple”. Official rank titles in this high order Masonic organization include: Knight of the Sun, Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret, Master of Mercy and Prince of Jerusalem.

Albert Pike, a famous Mason who obtained the rank of Sovereign Grand Commander for a total of thirty-two years, devoted a large amount of his time to developing the Masonic rituals. Notably, he published a book called Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in 1871. In it Pike refers to Lucifer as, “the Light-bearer[p. 321]. The goal of all Masons is to “seek the light” from the time of their initiation.
According to Albert Pike, Freemasons portray the Holy Spirit with the satanic symbol known as the Baphomet. The Baphomet is one of the most evil of all symbols.  This “being” is androgynous and has the head of a "Horned Goat," (another title for Satan). It has the breasts of a woman, and an erect phallus that has two serpents coiled around it. Just the type of thing an ACOG member wants their young children exposed to on the Sabbath!

Freemasonry is the embodiment of everything that LCG claims they are against. The worship that goes on in that temple when LCG isn’t there is a mixture of idolatry, paganism, the occult, Gnosticism and Satanism.

Masons do not worship the God of Abraham, but rather a false god that they call The Great Architect. Masons deliberately omit the holy name of Jesus Christ from all their prayers. Masonry is a secret society and its initiates subscribe to secret blood oaths that are contrary to Christian morals.
Even the ACOG’s so called “deceived” Baptist and Catholic churches strongly recognize that Christians should have nothing to do with Masons.  Pope Clement XII referred to Masonic halls as “Satan’s synagogue”. The Catholic Church has prohibited its members from being Freemasons since 1738. Since then, the Vatican has issued several papal bulls banning membership of Catholics from Freemasonry under threat of excommunication. Currently, as reiterated in 1983, Catholics who enroll in Masonic associations are in a state of grave sin and may not receive Holy Communion [source catholic.com].

I have attended with LCG in the Scottish Rite Temple and I can confirm that the building is FILLED with imagery and symbols that are the exact type of thing LCG claims to despise.
Members have pointed out all of the above information repeatedly to those in power at LCG headquarters but the building is affordable and comfortable so Meredith overlooks all the scriptures in his Bible that specifically say not to worship the Almighty from Pagan temples (Deut 12:2, Exodus 23:24, Exodus 34:13, Psalm 78:58,  Deuteronomy 7:5, 2 Chronicles 31:1, 2 Kings 18: 4, 1 Cornithians 10:20). Instead of “destroying the alter and pillars” LCG pays to use them each week.

In true Meredith form, we are to do as he says, not as he does.

Many members and ministers (even Counsel of Elders members) have expressed their concerns with the hall. I have personally talked to LCG COE members and congregation members who believe their meeting hall is infested with demons. LCG minister Davey Crockett wrote an article in which he states,
God chooses how He is to be worshiped, and using the methods, symbols, and practices of false, pagan religions to worship Him is not acceptable. In fact, He considers it an abomination. Over and over God instructed His people to remove these symbols of paganism. For example, “But thus you shall deal with them: you shall destroy their altars, and break down their sacred pillars, and cut down their wooden images, and burn their carved images with fire” (Deuteronomy 7:5). Some will say, “But it’s a beautiful tradition!” Jesus let the people of His day know that traditions based on ungodly practices are not acceptable. “He answered and said to them, ‘Why do you also transgress the commandment of God because of your tradition?’” (Matthew 15:3). Beautiful buildings of fine quality in which to worship God are certainly an enjoyable blessing, but they are not a necessity [Forgotten Symbols by J. Davy Crockett III].

Most in LCG would NEVER meet in a Catholic church and they get all buggy regarding hearts and crosses but they are perfectly fine with the Masonic Temple!

Meredith is king and what he says goes. Few have the courage or conviction to stand against him because they know that, like a vicious cobra, he will strike down anyone who dares to oppose him.

The point of this article is not to condemn or judge Masons but rather to point out the extreme hypocrisy in the Living Church of God and all its judgmental members who sit in a Pagan temple every Sabbath pretending to please the Almighty in worship.

Yet more proof that LCG cannot possibly be God’s true church. 

"Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils." -1st Corinthians 10:21

Living Church of God: Member Asks Why Leadership Can't Show Kindness, Mercy and Love


Below is a comment from another posting that asks a legitimate question of the leadership of the Living Church of God.

I don't want this thread to deteriorate into an attack on why this person stays in LCG.  We all had our reasons for hanging on as long as we did.  What this person asks is a legitimate question of the leadership who has set about a chain of command that is nowhere near merciful, just and loving.  These are all qualities that any sincere follower of God wants from those who think they are the leaders.

This blog really frosts Rod Meredith and the leadership of the Living Church of God.  It has allowed LCG members to publicly air their concerns and grievances about a church that many love and had high hopes for.  The fact that a lot of LCG members are now coming here to find a free forum to do this shows how much the leadership of the LCG has turned a blind eye and is more concerned about keeping up appearances.  Sadly in the history of the Church of God (Armstrong era) power has always trumped mercy, justice, grace and love.

I'm in LCG and I love my church and my church family. The events of the last year have been so upsetting to me. Why, why, why can't these men just do right and show the kindness and love that Christ spoke of????? Why do they have to be so hard nosed and hateful. I know some of the people that they have done things to and they are good people. None of it seems fair or loving. I pray and pray that they will wake up and get back on the right path before it is too late and they end up losing everything. People are talking of splits. I have been there before and once people start to talk about it, the foundation has been laid. Please WAKE UP!

If LCG headquarters ministers are reading this right now, please remember that Christ "desired mercy". Have you shown mercy? Have you shown love?

You say you are God's true church and I really want to believe that but your actions towards my brothers and sisters in Christ say something else. It is never too late to change. Each day is another opportunity. Please, please, please don't let your egos and hardened hearts ruin the church that so many people love and need.

Church of God Imprisoned Felon Says He Is The Only Apostle To Be Made A Prophet By God


As Ron Weinland's prophetic 3 1/2 year prison sentence slowly comes to an end, he has been working overtime to "prove" his legitimacy as the only end time apostle and leader of the true faith.  He has written three articles in October that all deal with his importance.  Much like Dave Pack, Weinland has been mocked endlessly for his absurdities and outright lies.

Weineland has also been working on a new book to add to his trilogy of truth.  Before we get to his new book, lets look at the "proofs" he has set forth to make us stand in amazement at his awesomeness.  Thais makes Dave Pack looks like a whiny first grade school girl who got knocked down on the playground.

Felon Weinland writes in the third person, as all true Church of God prophets do.  Apparently when they do this they seek to make us believe that they dwell outside their earthly bodies and are anointed by their god.:
Ronald Weinland, an author whose books have gone into over 170 countries and 9 languages, is first and foremost an apostle to the One Almighty Eternal God. Preceded by Herbert W. Armstrong who led the Worldwide Church of God until his death in 1986, Ronald Weinland is an apostle in a long lineage of God's apostles, beginning with the original 12 who began their work in 31 AD, long before others emerged falsely calling themselves Christian.
Due to Felon Weinland's imprisonment, he has taken this as a sign that he will soon be martyred like other apostles. Weinland considers himself as the counterpoint to John, the supposed author of the Book of Revelation.  Felon Weinland also claims he has the ONLY true interpretation of the bible, like every single Church of God leader in the past 80 some years has claimed.
Historical accounts have some variance, but it is believed that most all of the original apostles, including Paul who was the apostle to the gentiles, were imprisoned and eventually killed. The last apostle to write scripture was John, who was also a prophet, and while imprisoned on the Isle of Patmos, it was revealed to him what was to be written in the Book of Revelation. Ronald Weinland is the only other apostle who has also been made a prophet by God and Jesus Christ. He is the counterpart to John, in that John was given knowledge to record the Book of Revelation for the end-time, and Ronald Weinland was given the “meaning” and the responsibility to declare that “meaning” in these books, other writings, and in a vast number of recorded speeches (sermons) and interviews. 

The dumb sheep of the Church of God have never been used to having a prophet in their midst.  Felon Weinland is here to fix that.
Since the days of John, nearly 1,900 years ago, God’s true Church has not been accustomed to having a prophet, but God made Ronald Weinland a prophet in 1997. 
In his previous two books Felon Weinland claims he has laid forth the truth that the world will soon collapse.  Despite countless false starts since 1997, Weinland has predicted 2016 as the beginning of hte end.
These final end-time events that will plunge mankind into a third world war began to be set in place with the opening of the Seventh Seal of Revelation in 2008. These events have begun with a great shaking in the world’s economic system in late 2008 and early 2009. What began at that point has been moved forward to continue at the end of 2015 and beginning of 2016 in a powerful resurgence of economic calamity that will plunge the world into a free-fall of final economic destruction.
Then, like Rod Meredith and many other COG leaders, Felon Weinland says if you mock him you are mocking his god.
Ronald Weinland is the last apostle to be sent to this world, and as such, God has established through him a final testimony (witness) of mankind’s true attitude and spirit toward God Himself. This has been made manifest (revealed) through “the many” who have turned in bitterness, hatred, disgust, mockery, ridicule, and slander toward the one whom God has sent to this world with His final warnings and judgment. 
This ultimate mocking of God's holy and true Apostle/Prophet culminated in a massive pile of hate when he was dragged through the court and then imprisoned for the prophetic 3 1/2 years.
Much of mankind’s true attitude has also been revealed through Ronald Weinland’s trial and imprisonment by the government of the United States. He began serving his sentence in February of 2013 with a release date in February of 2016. God has established the true spirit of mankind through the ages by how His prophets and apostles have been treated and judged, with so many of them being imprisoned and many even killed.  
Felon Weinland then goes on to "prove" he was falsely imprisoned for sending $300,000.00 worth of tithe money to Switzerland so Laura and Audra could go shipping when America crashes.

The main dollar amount was $300,000 in Church money, which was moved to a bank in Switzerland. This was made to look sinister by the government, even though it was told to the Church in 2002 that money would be placed there in Ronald Weinland’s personal name in order to give the Church the ability to continue to function during a third world war that would engulf the world in the final years of the end-time (which will now begin at some point after October of 2015 and before June of 2019).

This movement of money to Switzerland was due to the prophetic belief that the U.S. Dollar will collapse during those final years, and that this meager amount of funds could then be used to continue doing a “religious work” that could be aided by those funds deposited in Switzerland. Due to events that transpired in large part during WW II, the nation of Switzerland had been believed to be a location that would once again be considered a “safe zone” for securing deposits during another world war. However, since late 2015, and the fact that God moved all end-time catastrophic events and WW III forward by exactly seven years, God has also revealed that the prophetic outcome for many nations has also been changed. This includes Switzerland, which will now suffer far more mightily in this final end-time period, and will not be a safe haven for any finances in the world.

Felon Weinland then announces his thrived book, written in prison, like a true prophet.  This awesome book is far more spectacular than anything Dave Pack has ever written.  This book has the potential to save hundreds of millions lives.
Just as God revealed to John what was to be recorded in the Book of Revelation while imprisoned by the Roman government on the Isle of Patmos, God has given Ronald Weinland more understanding of those prophesies, and they have been written by him while in prison. The new book, entitled, Prophesy Against the Nations, will be published and made available beginning in early 2016. This book reveals the reasons why God moved forward all end-time events by exactly seven years and what is more specifically directed to all people and nations of the world concerning prophesied catastrophic events directed toward them. This book reveals how God has now made it possible that many more millions can be saved alive through this end-time so that they can live on into a new age of peace, as Christ rules the nations for the next 1,000 years.

This book also explains how at least 3.5 billion people will die from all the catastrophic events that will occur, which includes a massive nuclear war that will cause the greatest destruction and death. It also explains how that number of deaths can become much higher, surpassing 6 billion people. Yet on the other hand, this book also reveals there is the potential to instead save the lives of hundreds of millions of people.
I am sure everyone here will be eagerly awaiting this miraculous book in early 2016.  You can read the true prophet's letter here.

The Holy Church of God Family That Are All Prophets/Evangelists/Witnesses


Did you know that God's mighty redemptive purpose for all creation has culminated in Felon Weinlands family?  Jesus be damned, the Weinlands are the truth and the way to salvation!

God’s purpose for mankind is for all to have the potential to become part of His Family. Therefore, God is once again emphasizing the importance of family just as He has at other times throughout the past 6,000 years through those with whom He has worked. So God is now working through Ronald and his wife, Laura, to be His two end-time witnesses written about in Revelation 11 who appear on the scene at the very end of the end-time.
As part of God’s purpose to emphasize the importance of family, He has also prepared and placed both of their children into important areas of service within His Church. Their daughter, Audra, has been ordained a prophet, even as Deborah was a prophet in the time of the Judges of Israel, and she has been placed to serve over the Church in the U.K., Ireland, and continental Europe. Their son, Jeremy, has been ordained to serve as an evangelist to God’s Church.
There you have it! A money laundering daughter and a BMW loving son are God's chosen!  Do not mock them or you mock god!

God's greatest instruments ever to be created are:

Felon Ron
Witless Witness #2 wife Laura
Money laundering daughter/prophet Audra
Dim witted Jeremy, evangelist, the lover of fast expensive cars.

Living Church of God: God Kills Nine So That LCG Members Can Have The Best Feast Ever In Myrtle Beach


Only in a Church of God will you have ministers gloating about the misfortunes of others so that they have a good time.  This was regularly done at the Jekyll Island Feast site in the 60's when hurricanes would appear at Feast time.  One Feast the minster (GTA, I think) stood on the stage gloating that the hurricane had turned around and devastated Cuba, while he and  everyone else sat there enjoying themselves.

I guess this only natural when you are blindly deceived that you are more special than the rest of humanity.

It is with great sadness that Rod Meredith announced that 9 had died the deacon/elder dinner was cancelled.  Why do COG members see nothing wrong in ministers making comments such as this?

Many of you have heard about the “floods of biblical proportions” as they were called in USA Today (October 6, 2015), that hit much of South Carolina. Although the Feast site I attended was in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, it seems God directed the flooding primarily elsewhere in the state. So we only missed one activity—the Deacons and Elders banquet one evening. All other activities went on as scheduled, and the exhilaration of the brethren was outstanding. So God does intervene and protect His people! And remember—as I have often mentioned—it is not “Gore” who controls the weather, but our great God who reveals this over and over in His inspired Word! Yes, God is intervening powerfully in the weather not because of global warming, but because Jesus Christ predicted this over 2,000 years ago (Matthew 24:7). As in many other places in the Bible, Almighty God said because of the sins of His people:  “I also withheld rain from you, when there were still three months to the harvest. I made it rain on one city, I withheld rain from another city. One part was rained upon, and where it did not rain the part withered. So two or three cities wandered to another city to drink water, but they were not satisfied; yet you have not returned to Me” (Amos 4:7-8).

Roderick C. Meredith Biological Sketch


Read it here as a Flip Book.

Meredith continues to try and lure new members, he gets them scared about an apocalyptic future even though HWA and Co. have produced more than 200 false prophecies as the non-Christian Painful Truth website shows clearly. He then tells them they should pay back for all the free literature the unsuspecting reader is given by tithing, neglecting to tell them that three tithes are expected from the convert until he or she is securely in their grasp and brainwashed. He has lived like this since his ordination back in 1952, 55 long years ago. He keeps telling us that we need to repent, he makes us feel guilty, hoping that we will accept him as the man closest to God and give our loyalty to him as such. Meredith keeps telling us we need to repent. The truth is Meredith must repent. He must repent of spreading fear-inducing and financially-exploiting doctrines that are causing untold misery and anxiety for his long abused and deceived flock, and for those who love them. He does not have much time left. Meredith needs to renounce Armstrongism now.

Today Is The Start Of The Great Tribulation


From the False Prophet Ronald Weinland: Don't Drink the Flavor Aid Served by False Prophets

This post is timed for publication at the minute for sundown in Jerusalem at the start of False Prophet Ronald Weinland’s latest 1260-day period.

This well be the fourth Great Tribulation I’ve experienced.  The first Great Tribulation was the one that began in 1972 leading up to the time that Christ didn’t return on Trumpets of 1975 per the prophesy Herbert Armstrong cleverly had surrogates put out so he could deny it.

The second Great Tribulation began in April of 2008, when Ronald Weinland prophesied “nukular” explosions in US port cities by the following July, but this Great Tribulation didn’t last very long.  Weinland abandoned that timeline just two months later — but without his stopping his preaching in violation of his “If by Pentecost” promise made on March 29, 2008.  Instead, he announced another timeline.

The third Great Tribulation began in December of 2008, with Weinland and the Mrs. traveling to Jerusalem a second time on the tithe-payers’ dime to “begin their jobs as the Two Witnesses”.  But even though Weinland didn’t abandon this timeline, Christ did not return on May 27, 2012. Too bad for Ron because a couple of weeks later he was convicted on 5 counts of criminal tax evasion.

So now we have the start of the fourth Great Tribulation, with an extra 50 days padded in there to make Ron’s date counting come out.   This time Ron isn’t in Jerusalem as he is still an involuntary guest of the Bureau of Prisons residing at the minimum security prison camp in Terre Haute, Indiana.  But maybe he’ll breathe fire on the guards until they release him to take off his lime green jumpsuit and put on his $1500 suit of sackcloth in order to confront world leaders, turn water into blood, and strike the earth with plagues.

Somehow I think this is not the last Great Tribulation I will experience despite my advancing years.

Living Church of God: Bob League and Rod McNair "Cast Me To Satan"


Comment by an exLCG member:
Bob League and Rod McNair "cast me to Satan" in 2014. They asked me to headquarters, sat me down in League's office and told me that it was their "duty as God's true ministers to cast me to Satan".

To this day, they have never given me any explanation or reason for why they did what they did. I have racked my mind searching for a reason that would justify their actions, but have found none.

I begged, cried, pleaded, prayed, wrote letter after letter beseeching them just to talk. They ignored it all and never saw me again after that fateful night. I was dead to them which wasn't such a stretch because in my heart I felt dead myself. That was the point after all. They wanted me to die and a huge part of me did die as a result of what they did to me.

In one fail swoop they took from me nearly every single person that I loved. Nearly every single friend that I had ever had in my adult life.

To put salt in the wound, they spread lies about me to tarnish my name and to ensure that they kept LCG members away from me.

I cried every day. Didn't want to even get out of bed. The profound sadness and despair that occurs when you lose everyone you loved without a single goodbye is literally the worse thing I have ever battled in my life. It feels like everything has been taken away from you and you've been left out in the cold to die a slow, painful death completely alone. Isolated, tarnished and alone.

Never knowing why made it even worse.

I still think about it every day. I ask God "why me"? I always tried to be a good Christian. How could God allow me to be falsely accused and 'cast to Satan'? How could God allow me to hurt so badly for no obvious reason?

After over a year of prayer, begging God for understanding, I have finally come to a place where I can see that none of those people every really loved me in the first place. None of them were ever really my friends at all. How can you just cut someone that you have spent countless hours with over the years out of your life without even speaking to them on the word of your minister? What kind of a person does that?

It has been a hard, slow road but I get a little more numb with each passing day. I pray for the day that LCG no longer occupies space in my head but at least the acute, daily sobbing phase of this loss seems to have passed.

It's so easy for people to say, "be glad you are out of that toxic environment, count it as a blessing" but I am flesh and blood. I really loved those people and thought we would love each other for the rest of my life. I never thought our relationships were disposable. It's a hard reality with which to come to grips.

I feel I will never be able to trust any group of people ever again, never give my heart over fully ever again. I don't think I would survive this kind of loss a second time. To avoid it, I have learned that I shouldn't give more than I can afford to lose.

If you are in LCG and reading this now, you are not immune. You may think you are safe, that your friends are real. But they aren't. If Meredith ordered them to shun you, they would.

The whole thing is fake. Real men of God would never do such a thing. Christ would never do such a thing. Shepherds keep the flock safe. I wasn't safe and neither are you.

Living Church of God Council of Elders Meeting: Will They Repent?


Several people have contacted me from the Living Church of God referencing the Council of Elders meeting that will be held this week.  Many feel that this blog will once again be the topic of conversation.  We have struck a raw nerve with LCG and Rod Meredith.  Will any of these men actually take into consideration the desires of LCG members about how they are being mistreated? 

How can they sit there knowing how vocal and hurt LCG members have been in expressing their pain here on this blog?  The mere fact that LCG members have to turn to a blog run by a "dissident" to have their voices heard shows how tired members are of the way they are being treated. They know they have no voice in their own church...a church that was supposed to be the epitome of love and care.

Many of the men sitting on the Council KNOW that things are wrong yet do not have the wherewithal to speak up and say the church has been wrong.

Will these men take into consideration these items that LCG members have expressed concern over?

  • Why is the ministry of the church so soulless? 
  • Why is kindness, justice, mercy, and humility completely lacking in those who think they are ministers of God?
  • RCM never was known for being kind, humble, just or merciful.  This is truly a sad commentary when his own members know this to be a fact!
  • ...disregard for the people began much earlier really with ministry lording over the people, using them for free labor , taking the chief seats at the feasts and the choice accommodations.
  •  The "helpers of your joy" were few and far between
  • I was "used" (speaking, leadership roles, etc.) by the ministry, as long as I toed their line, which eventually became impossible to someone who could see the hypocrisy and double standard that was in place. Sadly, the mirror never seemed to reflect the double standard by which they operated, allowing so many of them to take on the naked emperor's role, all the while never seeing their own naked and blatantly wrong condition.
  • ...where has the mercy, humility, etc. been all these years, from our Korah like leadership?  
  • Can you show us, from the Bible, how Matthew 18 does not apply to the ministry?
    One LCG member wrote what the Living Church of God should be doing for its members, though the men doing this are few and far to be seen: 
    The true sign of the church is the love they have one for another, bearing one anothers burdens, visiting, aiding, helping.

    We have always had some of those people amongst us, thank God for them!

    Will these men AND Rod Meredith publicly repent in front of their congregations, and church as a whole, for the mistreatment and abuse they are piling on members?

    Will they have any accountability to anyone in the church?

    Do they even care about true reconciliation?

    Does power and law trump grace?

    Garner Ted Armstrong Auction


    It's been several years since Garner Ted Armstrong died.  Now you have a chance to own many of Ted's personal belongings.  How about a mounted deer or antelope head that was killed on your tithe money's dime.  Ted would go on yearly hunting trips all paid for by tithe payers.

    The ultimate knife in the back is that the auction is being held on a Saturday.

    Check out the auction here.

    Rod Meredith: 63 Years Later And His World Is Still Coming To An End


    Here is the logic that trickles from Rod Meredith's aging mind.  It is his PROOF that the end times is rapidly pounding down upon us.

    I think all of us know that things are speeding up in the world – events are happening, that they are exciting. And many of the news analysts – famous news analysts – admit that there are more vast changes in this society than have ever taken place in hundreds of years; just one thing after the other. So it certainly shows that the end of this age is near, it really does, and that's exciting to me after been preaching these things for about 63 years to see them speed up to the degree they are.

    Every decade brings about new and exciting discoveries.  This is nothing new.  It most certainly is NOT a forewarning of the end of the world.  It really doesn't!

    He immediately jumps into his other trademark scare tactic...Big bad meanie Satan is on the warpath...again...through this blog and dissident members. Satan and the world HATE the LCG and is making life horrific for its members.

    But brethren, as the end approaches we know that Satan's going to attack. God shows us the people of God are going to have a great deal of persecution, and also we're going to have Satan attack us. God describes a massive attack by Satan in Revelation chapter 12, where he fights God, he's cast back down to the earth, and he's going to cause trouble – the people on Earth are going to suffer as never before – we're not having that yet. But we need to be close to God, and we need to be ready for that kind of thing and understand what's ahead and really learn to put our full trust in Christ as the living head of God's Church and our living head. And the one that we walk with, talk with, personally know and have faith and trust in him and in his leadership.

    Since when has the Church of God "walked and talked" with Jesus Christ?  How can the Living Church of God know anything about Jesus Christ when the church refuses to discuss him?  The law trumps Jesus Christ every time.

    The first two paragraphs quoted above are the very first words out of Meredith's mouth in a sermon he preached on August 1, 2015.  Does Meredith have the capability of ever preaching anything positive and uplifting?  It's death and damnation from the get go in every single canned sermon he repeats anymore.  He apparently is incapable of coming up with new material.

    Rod Meredith: Why is He Incapable Of Loving Servant Leadership?


    For well over 70 years now Rod Meredith has been bellowing about government, control and authority from the top down.  It has always been more important him to use power to lord it over people than to be a serving servant to the people.  On top of that he is not even a true shepherd of the flock.  He doesn't care about even the least of his members.

    Every few years I hear from some of our men on the West Coast, and elsewhere it's happening – some back in the Midwest – but every few years Satan comes around stirring up people to try to argue about counting Pentecost, or counting the Passover, or they talk about the sacred names or something like that. They manage to get upset about something and it seems like it goes in cycles; a few year will go by then the same thing will pop up that we discussed with Mr. Armstrong, and sometimes even back then the whole Council of Elders, and thought it was all settled. But people get mixed up on these things and we do need to have strong leadership in God's Church, and a strong understanding of these things to keep our balance. Because Satan is going to come at us with all kinds of things to think about and get upset about, believe me.
    Satan always seems to be on the warpath against Meredith for some reason.  Of all the hundreds and hundreds of Churches of God out there to wage war against, Satan always has to pick on Meredith and crew.

    In his sermon he rambles on with a lot of incoherent babble till he gets to this. Apparently some in the LCG are getting sucked back into the mythology of the sacred names and new moons legalism. This is another one of his reason to enforce authority upon his members and rule with an iron hand.  He validates his authority by claiming the scriptures were translated wrong and inserts his interpretation so as to give credence to LCG overlords deciding what is right or wrong.

    The weekly Sabbath, coming every seventh day, is a type of the Millennium. The 7,000-year period, a time to rest from sin, it's definitely a type of that. And of course the annual Holy Days picture, step by step, various aspects of the plan of God, and so they "are a shadow of things to come, but the body…" or, "the substance," it says, "is of Christ." And the Greek word here, brethren, in this verse 17 – look it up yourself – is soma, s-o-m as in Mary, s-o-m-a. Now that same word exactly is used back in this same book, here in verse 18 of chapter 1; it talks about Christ being the head of the Church, "He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things he may have the preeminence." The Greek word is "body." it means the basic physical structure. So it talks about that being, of course, applied to God's Church; we are the physical structure that God is using today. When Christ was on Earth he had his own physical body; he does not have a physical body today, he works through us, we are his body. So don't let any substance or something like that judge you, but the body of Christ. And when you understand it makes sense; the Bible is not translated correctly here, it's talking about the body of Christ. Who judges you? The body of Christ. Who leads the body of Christ? The ministry, as we'll see as we go through this chapter and this whole subject. The ministry leads the body, and so the Church makes decisions as to how we keep – we don't change the Holy Days – but we make decisions about when they're held and where they're held, and we make decisions about what we can eat or not eat, or if we're going to have snacks or not have snacks, or all kinds of things to do with the body and with the Church of God and how we observe these Holy Days. So don't let any man judge you, but the body, the structure, the body of Christ which is the Church of God. And so that's an important thing to understand in this passage: the body of Christ does have that authority and they are given that authority by God. 

    So there you have it folks!  No man can judge you, but the church certainly can!  The church has the right to tell you everything you will be doing.  There are no exceptions to the rule.

    He then continues whining about those that don't bring their doctrinal questions to the church and instead run to others that will actually listen to them. LCG members should never be running to theses people because God has set aside the MEN in the one and only true church to make all the decisions.  MEN are to make the judgments in the Living Church of God.  That's why Rod McNair, Meredith and others have turned into such tyrannical beasts of prey.  They have been set into position of power where they assume they have all the answers and that the lowly members are nothing more than pond scum.

    Now let's go to something we often refer to, but I want to talk about this aspect a lot today, turn back to 1 Corinthians chapter 6, 1 Corinthians (sipping tea) 1 Corinthians chapter 6 in your New Testament here, and you'll notice in verse 1 the apostle Paul tells the Christians, "Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unrighteous, and not before the saints?" You're to go before the Church of God when you have a disagreement about how to count the Passover, how to observe the Sabbath, how to keep the Holy Days, all kinds of things, but even if you have personal disputes we're to come there also. "Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if the world will be judged by you, are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters?" Aren't you able to be judges? You're training to be judges forever in God's Kingdom. Know God's Church is to learn that today; all of you in this room are to learn that. "Do you not know that we shall judge angels?" We're going to judge the angelic hosts through all eternity if we're in God's family. "How much more, the things that pertain to this life? If then you have judgments concerning thing pertain to this life, do you appoint…" or some translations have it as applied, "WHY do you appoint those who are least esteemed by the church…"Why do you go to outsiders who don't even know the truth; why would you have them try to be your judges? "I say this to your shame. Is it so, that there is not a wise man among you, not even one, who will be able to judge between his brethren?" So we are to learn to be wise judges – God has intended that men know that – and that men are able to make judgments in the Church of God

    Meredith and crew have the capability to make ALL the decisions in the LCG as to how church members are to believe.  None dare question that mode of thinking  because to do so is to question god himself.

     ...we have to make binding decisions as to how to observe the Holy Days, what days they are to be observed upon, and all this kind of thing; whether we should eat or not eat, or how much and so on. So, "Whatever you bind on earth shall be loosed, whatever you loose on earth shall be bound."
    Then to further intimidate LCG members, Meredith claims that everything he and his ministers do is bound in heaven.  He also has the capability of stripping away LCG members salvation and standing with god, just because he says so, his god will do it in heaven.  In other words, LCG members are eternally screwed!

    "Moreover if your brother sins against you…" now this is not just a judgment about Holy Days, this is a judgment about some personal offense; people are causing trouble – John starts flirting and carrying on with Joe's wife, and Joe's upset, what does he do? He could go punch John in the nose, but the right Christian thing to do is to go face to face with him [and] say, "You're gettin' too friendly BACK OFF, that's my wife," and if he won't back off you take one or two leading brethren with you – preferably two, "so in the mouth of two or three witnesses (it) will be established," whatever the offense is. So he says you're to do that and to have two or three witnesses. "And if he refuses to hear them, tell it to the church." Do you go announce it, do you ask Mr. McNair, "Can I make the announcement that Joe was bothering me?" No you don't do that, you tell it to the leadership of the church, and all the way through the Bible that's in fact what they did do. "Tell it to the church…" they are to make the judgment, "But if he refuses even to hear the church, let him be to you like a heathen and a tax collector." You don't have regular fellowship with him, he's not in the church anymore, he's deliberately left the church in his actions. "Assuredly I say to you, whatever you bind on earth…" Jesus Christ said, talking to his ministry, his leaders, "Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. And I say to you…" verse 19, "that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in My name…" you see, to make some judgment, to be used by God. It doesn't mean whenever two or three brethren get together at a movie, or a skating rink, that he's with them in some special way – he's with us all the time – but he's especially those leaders who would be together in judgment. So he says, "I will be with them, whenever two or three are gathered together in My name…" in Christ's authority to make these judgments, "I am there in the midst of them."So Christ guides this as we shall see, and as God did all the way through the Bible, and we do need to clearly understand that. 
    In the above quote Meredith also claims to profess that members have the right to go to the church to have their voice heard.  Sadly that has never been an avenues most LCG members could take without repercussions.  The slamming down of hammer has been swift and severe against those that the church labels as trouble makers.  LCG members have never had any recourse when McNair and others go on their purge campaigns.  No recourse whatsoever!


    Former Church of God Member Was Imprisoned In North Korea For Smuggling In Bible


    Glynn Washington had a link up on Facebook to an article about Edward Fowle, who was imprisoned in North Korea, for leaving a Bible in a bathroom as a way of evangelism.  You may remember this story from last year.  It made the news everywhere, though the connection to Armstrongism was missing from most reports.

    The complete story is here and is absolutely fascinating to read.  Holiday at the Dictators Guesthouse:What possessed a family man from Ohio to smuggle a Bible into North Korea?

    On the morning of August 1, 2014, Jeffrey Fowle woke before seven in his room at a guesthouse in Pyongyang, North Korea. Soon a young woman arrived with his breakfast of rice, broth, and kimchi. She smiled as she set the tray down on the large desk at the foot of the bed, then walked out of the room and locked the door behind her. It was Fowle’s 87th day in custody.

    He sat at the desk, watching a shadow play across his window. An opaque vinyl film had been applied to the glass, so Fowle could see only silhouettes walking past. That April, when Fowle had traveled to Pyongyang, he’d felt that God wanted him to help North Korea’s oppressed Christian underground. His attempt took the form of a Korean-English Bible, left behind in a bar bathroom; he was taken into custody as he tried to leave the country. Fowle poured the broth over his rice and began to eat.

    An hour later, Mr. Jo, Fowle’s interpreter and minder, appeared at the door: His slacks were ironed, and he’d traded his usual polo shirt for a crisp dress shirt. “Today is the day,” Mr. Jo said. “Be ready.”

    A few weeks earlier, Mr. Jo had told Fowle that he might be allowed to speak with international media. It would be his first chance to tell the world about his situation, and to remind the U.S. government that he needed help. At noon, Mr. Jo led Fowle to a conference room on the other side of the guesthouse, reminding him of his talking points along the way.

    “Emphasize your desperation for wanting to get home and that your family needs you back,” Mr. Jo said. “Put some emotion into it.” He suggested that it might be good if Fowle cried. In the conference room, Fowle was seated at a long table with a couple of North Korean journalists from the Associated Press Television News. Instead of press badges, each reporter wore a pin with the smiling face of Kim Il-sung.

    Later on in the article there is this bit about the Worldwide Church of God:

    Fowle had stopped going to church when he was 12. His parents, Edward and Virginia, were Episcopalian when they married. Edward was a guidance-systems specialist in the Air Force. They lived in Florida when Fowle was born, in 1958, but a few years later, Edward was assigned to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, outside Dayton. The family built a house in nearby Beavercreek. Virginia was a homemaker, raising Fowle and his three siblings. Each Sunday, they attended services at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church.

    As the family settled into their new home, Edward began to have a crisis of faith. At a time when new religious movements were multiplying, he became fascinated by the Worldwide Church of God, an organization led by Herbert W. Armstrong, who had helped pioneer the use of radio and television to reach far-flung worshippers. His teachings leaned heavily on the Old Testament and British Israelism, which held that white Europeans of the British Empire descended directly from King David.

    Edward quickly became serious about his new beliefs. He forbade the family from celebrating Christmas, pushing them instead toward Old Testament celebrations. In the fall of 1967, he took the children out of school and drove the family to the Pocono Mountains, to celebrate the Feast of the Tabernacles. During the festivities, Fowle’s brother, Jaime, ran through a window, slicing his eyelids open; his younger sister, Lynn, developed pneumonia. Virginia’s patience ran out, and she returned to St. Mark’s.

    Despite the rift, Edward’s commitment deepened. When Armstrong said that his adherents could serve only one master, God or government, Edward left the Air Force after 13 years of service. He resigned without hesitation and without Virginia’s blessing. He continued working at Wright-Patterson as a private contractor but forfeited his pension.

    The Fowle household was divided. On Saturdays, Edward dragged Jeffrey and his sister Laurie to Worldwide Church of God services. On Sundays, Virginia took Jamie and Lynn to St. Mark’s. By 1970, Jeffrey Fowle had stopped going to church altogether.

    Jeffrey Fowle, American Detained in North Korea, Was on Vacation, Lawyer Says

    Jeffery Fowle, American  Detained In North Korea Released

    Jeffrey Fowle, American Held By Norht Korea, Is Freed 

    Living Church of God" The Government of the LCG is a BLESSING and is Based Entirely on Love...It's Here to SERVE...


    Did you know that the government of the Living Church of God is a blessing to its members?  Rod Meredith thinks so.  Tell that to the hundreds and hundreds that have suffered under his abusive hands.  Rod McNair and countless others down through the decades have been the agents of Meredith's almighty graceless power.  Meredith has left a trail of destruction that is anything but a blessing.  People have literally died because of what Meredith has preached.

    Rod Meredith is right about one thing below.  He is NOT practicing true Godly government.  A government built solely upon on grace and love.  Love is NOT found in the Living Church of God.  When Jesus is absent how can love be present?

    And brethren, we do need to understand God's government. The true government of God is a blessing, and if we don't understand that and are not practicing that, we are not preparing ourselves for the Kingdom of God, we really aren't. What's the whole message that our tithes and offerings are going to do? To preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and the true name of Jesus Christ, and then to feed the flock with that understanding. The Kingdom of God, as Mr. Armstrong said again, and again, and again, and again, kingdom means GOVERNMENT – that's what it means. I came back several years from the United Kingdom of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II – the government, the government of Queen Elizabeth – it's the government that runs this whole area there over in the British Isles. So kingdom is a government, and we're preparing for a real government on this earth, and we've got understand government, and we understand it better by practicing and – by properly understanding and practicing it in God's Church today. So he tells us to do that there in 1 Corinthians chapter 6, why would you have outsiders judge matters? You're to learn to govern yourselves and to have the leadership of God right in the Church. He says here, it's God's government that matters. God's form of church government is a blessing. I say God's form, because some people say they don't need any right form of government, but frankly they don't have the correct understanding even Gospel of the Kingdom if they don't do that; I'm going to show that to you as we go along.
    One of Meredith's first proofs of his true government is to trust in Jesus Christ.  How can the membership of the Living Church of God do such a thing when the law trumps anything that Jesus did or accomplished.  The law overshadows everything when it comes to the "christ" Meredith claims to follow.  Bastardizing Judaism by claiming it is true Christianity is not following Jesus.
    What are some of the blessings of God's government? If you're taking notes write this down; here are three blessings of the true government of God. Number 1, it teaches us to trust in Christ. I've been trying to urge you to learn to put your faith and trust in Christ. Christ is real, and as we'll see in Ephesians chapter 1 verse 22 and elsewhere, Christ IS right now the living head of the Church of God. Do you believe that; believe Paul in what he said, that God inspired that in his Bible? You either believe it or you don't. Christ is the head of the Church. Government teaches you to trust in Christ to guide that.  
    Did you know that as members of the Living Church of God you are too stupid to think for yourselves and to run the church?  You MUST have Rod Meredith as your leader.  Only HE is capable of knowing the truth.

    Secondly, it keeps the Church unified. Without government people wander off and they let some outsider come in or someone from some other organization and start upsetting people. I know Mr. Armstrong sent me – right after the autumn at least, after I graduated from college – up to Portland, Oregon; we had a wonderful elder up there, but he was a little older and he was a cartoonist, his name [was] Basil Wolverton. He said "Mr. Wolverton is having a hard time because ex-Adventist, and exPentecostal and ex-Church of God ministers are coming around picking off some of the brethren, so I want you to go there and pinch hit," he said. He was trying to lure me into the ministry, 'cause I'd always told him I didn't want to be a minister (snickering), but he said, "You pinch hit for Basil Wolverton." So I did for about seven months as a local minister in Portland, Oregon and I made sure those things didn't happen; I had to stop their mouths if someone came around and take the lead in the right way, the right way to keep God's Church together. It protects people [from] WOLVES coming in to pick off the sheep. You need a leader, you need a shepherd, and (means) that, and has that in his Bible, and it's part of his government. 
    God's true government has Spokesmen Club in order for LCG members to train to be rulers of planets in the World Tomorrow.  How can God's kingdom be set up without Spokesmen Club graduates running the world?  The god of Armstrongism certainly is the most impotent god I have ever heard about.  In other words, you are being taught to treat fellow members like shit, so that you can be true leaders in the World Tomorrow.  Well, at least you will be if you follow the leadership of the top dogs of the Living Church of God!

    Notice the words highlighted in GREEN below.

    How many hundreds of LCG members have felt the swift hand of that "love" as they were kicked out of the church without any recourse or real explanation.?
     A third blessing of God's government: it prepares all of us to learn how to rule forever, because many of you men are coming along as leaders in the Spokesman Club or other activities; acting deacons or deacons – we can't lay hands on and give a title to everybody who serves, then we wouldn't have any laymen left (snickering), 'cause we hope everyone will serve. So we want to teach people leadership, and as you cooperate with the new people to serve them, and then older deacons and older deaconesses to cooperate with them and try to submit yourself to one another in the fear of God – submit to their guidance – you learn the whole pattern of God's government. God's government is based on love; it's there to serve.We practice servant leadership and that's a vital thing as I've explained in whole sermons – servant leadership – you lead by serving, you lead by giving, by helping people to have their lives work better, to have God's Church work better, to cause everything to work better. That is to be the attitude – servant leadership. So that's the point that God wants us to learn how to do now, but that's a great blessing in God's kind of government. It's not politicking; never in God's Church, or in the Bible does God talk about men getting together and making speeches and trying to have a voting to see who's going to be the minister or who's going to be the next elder; never, never ever, not one single solitary time in the Bible did that ever happen; God does not do that.  
    As many in the LCG know, the words of Rod Meredith above in GREEN are a bald faced lie!  Servant leadership is SORELY missing in the LCG.  It's appalling that he even had the nerve to say such a thing!

    Living Church of God: Our Government Keeps The Membership "Unified" and "the Wolves Away"


    The Living Church of God is apparently the ONLY COG out there that is 100% unified.  It can only be unified because the people at the TOP are the only ones capable of solving problems thus keeping the ravenous wolves out.

    I'll digress a little bit, but I know that some, uh, churches in the past have tried to take this example – some of those who split off from Mr. Armstrong – that they don't need any government; they've tried to say that back here in Acts chapter 6, where they appointed these, uh, deacons, that that was voting; that was one example they've tried to use when they first started out, I don't know if they still do it or not, but they use that many, many times. It talks about in Acts chapter 6 – there was murmuring about which people were getting the service – and so, "The twelve (disciples), summoned the multitude…                      

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    saying, 'It is not good for us to leave the word of God and serve tables." Who took the lead, who started this, did it start from the bottom? No, the NEED came from the bottom, but the ones who solved the problem were the APOSTLES, the leaders said, "Here's what we want done, you choose out from among you…" they had hundreds of brethren, and maybe actually thousands in the Jerusalem area by that time; it grew very rapidly. So they asked the other leader – leading men and women, no doubt – "Who among you…" they got input, they got counsel. Proverbs 11:14, "Without counsel the people are disappointed," things don't work out right, get counsel. "In multitude of counsel there's safety." That's another part of right government – counsel. They were getting input. "Choose out from among you seven men (or "seek out") seven men of good reputation…" you see, you're to recommend them to us; they must've discussed it. Maybe they were given a list of ten or fifteen and then by discussing it with these people that knew about them and among themselves they chose seven of that multitude that were given to them, no doubt. "Full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom, whom we may…""we?" who is "we?" Not the church as a whole, but the APOSTLES, "Whom we may appoint." He didn't say, "You elect these men,""We're taking the lead, you give us input as to who fits these qualifications, and then we will choose these men, and we will appoint seven of them over this business of serving tables, of doing this physical job as deacons." That is not VOTING! That's hypocrisy to try to call that voting; that's ridiculous. Don’t let people fool you with that kind of reasoning. I'll just tell you brethren, from one end of the Bible you'll never find that at all – never, never, ever, that's not in there. So God never had that as part of his, his Bible; part of this book, which is the mind of God, he always had it by appointment from those in charge based on the fruits of the individuals, and undoubtedly many times with input, and counsel, and prayer and so forth; prayer and fasting they did before they ordained people. So God's government can be a great blessing in serving the church and keeping the people together, creating unity, and in keeping the wolves away

    Unity?   Really?
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