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UCG: Only in A COG Will You HaveUCG: Only In A COG Will You Have Leadership Devoting Hours Of Talk While Fasting About A LOGO! Leadership Devoting Hours Of Talk While Fasting about A LOGO!


The latest Counsel of Elders report is out from those fun folk in Cincinnati.  UCG has been dumping tens of thousands of dollars into brave attempts to rebrand its image.  The tired and worn out 1980's ways of doing things are not working too well for the Cincinnati crowd.

They first started a media campaign to give the world a better view of the UCG.  That hundred thousand dollar expense basically garnered "1" potential member.  Money was dropped on billboard campaigns and other advertising avenues.

Then UCG had the bright idea of redoing its main web site.  Frustrated by the more advanced new designs of the Philadelphia Church of God and the Restored Church of God with their new web site, UCG knew it had to do something.

Always ones to blend into the world as best as the can while still keeping a little toe in Armstrongism, they redesigned their web site.  The problem with their new design was that you had to go several steps into it before you ever found out anything that really described what the church was rally about or what it believed.  the first few pages was full of syrupy feel good articles meant to draw the viewer in.

Their next step was to redesign the Beyond Today blog and TV cast.  That is where things are starting to get weird.  The UCG COE has been "fasting" over its new logo. A logo!

In the Church of God, fasting was always used as an avenue to appease a god that was eternally pissed off about something. It was always used by the church as a tool to gain more money.  Occasionally it was used as a means to beseech the angry god to heal people. They were always "one time acts" meant to make God change it's mind.

Isaiah58 has a different take on fasting than what most COGs every use it for.  Fasting was never a required in scripture and was never something that Jesus commanded of his followers.

Christian fasting is more than denying ourselves food or something else of the flesh - it's a sacrificial lifestyle before God. In Isaiah 58; we learn what a "true fast" is. It's not just a one-time act of humility and denial before God, it's a lifestyle of servant ministry to others. As Isaiah tells us, fasting encourages humility, loosens the chains of injustice, unties the chords of the yoke, frees the oppressed, feeds the hungry, provides for the poor, and clothes the naked. This concept of fasting isn't a one day thing - it's a lifestyle of servant living for God and others.

Imagine that, fasting is about "servant leadership."  We have all seen to well how well THAT has worked in the COG!  Servant leaders in a COG is an oxymoron.

Instead of praying and fasting for the continuing trauma in the UCG due to its burdensome doctrines and heavy handedness, they are fasting and praying for a logo!  A stupid advertising logo!

President Kubik welcomed everyone and explained that the purpose of his presentation was to show the Council the latest design of the proposed United Church of God and Beyond Today logos. This is a follow up to the meeting in May in which general consensus led to the further development of one of the designs. He discussed the many meetings held with the LPK firm about the logo design. The discussions included what could not be used such as religious symbols and any depiction of God.Clint Porter, Beyond Today (BT) visual designer and video producer, was introduced to give a presentation on what logos are and what they are not. Then three representatives from LPK were introduced to give their explanation of the design they have been working on.

The Council was then asked for input. Their questions and comments about the logo were discussed for over an hour.

Mr. Kubik reminded everyone of the need for an updated Church and BT logo and mentioned the credentials of the world-renowned LPK firm. The administration has prayed and fasted about this process, and they are now asking the Council to reach a decision. A resolution was read and discussed. The discussion continued for about another hour and a half.

The COE spent an hour and a half talking about a LOGO and then not able to reach a consensus, they knew they could not put it to a vote, so extended the "study" time of the all important logo. There are priorities in the UCG and it apparently does NOT include its hurting members.  The all important logo will inspire tens of thousands of new income bearing members  to join the end-times army as they prepared to become "Gods" and get their own planets.

Due to the length of discussion and considerable input expressed about the proposed logo, Mr. Webber recommended not taking this matter to ballot, which is the normal outcome of a proposed resolution on the table, but to continue research and development at this time. The “sense of the Council” was to agree with Mr. Webber’s comment.
Peter Eddington, Media and Communications Services operation manager, requested that each council member write and send their comments about the logo so that the administration can have a basis to work from in going forward.

Mr. Kubik thanked the Council for their input and commented that the administration will review their comments and present them to LPK for further revision. He also stated that he and the administration’s desire is to continue working with the Council on this matter and all issues and fully appreciates the Council’s oversight role and looks forward to complying with its input and directives.   COE Meeting Report, June 10, 2015

UCG Facing More Rebellion In Malawi, Africa; Sends In The White Man To Control Them


From a reader here.

UCG recently lost three of its church leaders in Malawi.   UCG claims they all resigned for "health reasons."  Many others claim there is far more to the story.  Apparently UCG is not content with the African members running their own boards and being "independent" from Cincinnati.  It has now appointed Aaron Dean to sit on their church board.  This will have a chilling effect upon the local leadership.  No one will ever question or stand up to the powerful white man from Cincinnati.  He is from the church HQ and he is more enlightened than they are, and since he is a true descendant of the 12 tribes he is of the same skin color as Jesus Christ.

UCG has had a bad track record in Africa.  From stolen cows to lawsuits filed by Kubik and crew.  Is it any wonder no one trust them any more!  For people that claim to be the one and only "TRUE" church on earth today, they certainly are setting the wrong example!

Let's Party!!!!! COG False Prophet Declares That Tribulation CANNOT Start Till 2020


It is always such a relief when Church of God prophets declare that the end is not going to be happening by certain dates.  This is in sharp contrast to the many men in the COG who for many decades have been entertained us with one failed prophecy after another.

With our two Canadian frauds, Malm and Henry, making their worthless declarations recently we are now blessed to have Bob Thiel give us the RIGHT information.  Thiel is much more enlightened than any of the other COG prophets are and therefore has the CORRECT timeline direct from his god.   Ever since he bamboozled Gaylyn Bonjour into "doubly blessing " him, Thiel has let the world know that God is only working through him and a few hundred African members.

Because Thiel is now the sole possessor of all things Godly, he has left Rod Meredith, Dave Pack and Gerald Flurry quaking in their HQ's with embarrassment.

Thiel's latest declaration was made on July 6, 2015. He says that the tribulation CANNOT start until 2019.

When is the earliest year that the Great Tribulation can?

Various ones seem to feel that it can begin in 2015 or 2016 or that it already started some time ago.

Those who believe and understand what the Bible actually teaches realize that the Great Tribulation cannot begin before 2019.

At this instant, unless we see more major conflict in the Middle East between now and the end of the Summer, it is unlikely that the Great Tribulation can begin prior to 2020.

When the Black Gentile (in COG righteous British Israelite eyes) was elected to the office of President in the United States COG prophets went into catatonic fits.  Even Thiel had to weigh in with this:
The Great Tribulation is coming, but it will not begin in 2015. And, as I announced within days after Barack Obama was re-elected, I did not believe that it would can begin until after his second term ended. And as of July 7, 2015, I do not believe that it can begin prior to 2019.
Now that we have a few more years to party and enjoy life, lets not waste it by following these duplicitous morons.

Rod Meredith Has The Power To "Mark" You Even Though You Are NOT An LCG Member


It must be amazing to be the most important man on earth who wields uncontrollable power like Rod Meredith.  Did you know that Rod has the power to "mark" you, even though you are not an LCG member, for being a heretic, trouble maker or just an all around rebel-rouser?  I am surprised that Rod did not "mark" me when he publicly lashed out at this blog....as if I care.

This category denotes the most severe of all actions of New Testament discipline (Romans 16:17). Why must we “mark” an individual? For strife or causing division among members or those who cause others to participate in their sinful ways (2 Peter 2:10-14) or because not doing so will destroy the faith of sincere members. Marking protects all parties and stops false rumors.  Any marking before the congregation should be discreet, and with counsel from Headquarters.  It may become necessary for the Pastor to carefully counsel the person’s associates.  The minister should totally avoid any public or private references to the person, which could possibly be slanderous. 
Note: ONLY the Presiding Evangelist, or in his absence or incapacity, the Director of Church Administration, is empowered to mark a person who is not a member, adherent and/or attendee of Living Church of God.  Generally, Churches have no legal right to “discipline” non-members.  However, churches retain the right to protect those who are members by warning them of spiritual danger.LCG Pastoral Manual pg 3-14
When the Pastor must mark a member publicly, he must not ad-lib an explanation.  He should write down statements that have been carefully thought out, with counsel, and read a prepared announcement using the form provided via the www.cogl.org website.  This safeguard helps to avoid making emotional statements that may be unfair or defamatory. When, or if, a disfellowshipped member is re-admitted to fellowship, statements made in marking him should not leave impressions in the minds of members that preclude forgiveness and reconciliation. A minister should always be concerned for the person’s welfare regardless of what he has done, as expressed in Romans 5:8.  A minister should strive to provide for the person’s return to the Church congregation.  Marking is normally necessary only in the Church congregation where the person attended. If the marked person affects people in other congregations, it may become necessary to notify the affected Pastors who would have to determine if the notice should be mentioned to their Church. 

We have all seen how well disfellowshipping and marking individuals has went in LCG and other COG's  Its one big smear campaign.  There is no hope whatsoever that those disfellowshipped and marked would ever return after their reputations have been dragged through the mud.  Their names have been permanently tarnished in the eyes of LCG members.

2nd Witless Witness Laura Weinland's Birthday Now Has Eschatological Significance


Ever since Ron Weinland was imprisoned for using tithe money for his own family's use, he has been plagued by countless nightmares causing him to write them down as spiritual revelations from his impotent god.

Once Weinland knew his fate was sealed and would have to serve a biblical 3 1/2 years in prison, he had to appoint his wife as his immediate successor.  She became the 2nd of the end time two witnesses, received the power to ordain, and continued to spend church money on herself, her money-laundering daughter Audra and BMW loving Jeremy.  The church is now paying to fly Laura and Audra around the world where they preach the appalling doctrines of imprisoned felon Ron Weinland.

Witless Witness Laura recently released a chart detailing the end-times according to her own nightmare and those of her imprisoned husband.

Laura is now such a masterpiece of creation that her birthday now surpasses anything that ever happened on the day Jesus was born.  Laura's birthday falls on the day Weinland is released from prison and is now a direct sign from god as to how significant she is.

Here is a clip from the chart that the Wienland's recently sent out,  The entire chart is here.

UCG Fashion Sense: "Lazy Modern Slob"


 From a reader here:
In the local UCG congregation the preferred style seemed to be women in pants with men's haircuts. Not too sexy. Much more ungodly than the way UCG women dressed was the way many of them thought, talked, and behaved. The complete lack of decency of some ignorant, rude, crude, noisy, gossipy, slanderous old slobwomen in the UCG made their lack of fashion sense seem downright unimportant by comparison.

Putting lipstick on one of those pigs would not have helped. There was also a noticeable tendency for the men's fashion in the UCG to be “lazy modern slob” with one real weirdo even claiming to be unable to wear a necktie because it bothered his neck too much. One would try to be understanding and sympathetic toward his predicament except that the demon-influenced moron always went out of his way to be a pain in the neck to other people.

Vic Kubik Cannot Understand Why UCG Cannot Keep New Members As His Own Words From 1995 Come Back To Haunt Him


Vic Kubik sent out a letter to the ministers on July 9th asking for their input on how to retain members and to get them involved in UCG.

Why would anyone want to be part of a church that was started out with some of the most corrupt men the WCG had in it?  While still employed by the Worldwide Church of God, and as they disfellowshipped WCG members left and right for not agreeing with the new doctrinal direction, they sat in SOG 360 apartments and plotted on how to take as many people and as much money as they could to ensure their ministerial lifestyles.  It wasn't about the members, it was all about them and their incomes!  They knew members were pissed and were withholding tithes.  People were not flocking to Rod Meredith and Gerald Flurry so they were sitting and waiting with their money.  These men knew this and saw it as their golden egg.

Ever since UCG started it has been corrupt to the core.  So corrupt that it suffered a major split a few years ago.  Before the split it had already lost countless members who got fed up with the corruption.

When UCG formed itself in Indianapolis they had a golden opportunity to start fresh and new.  A revitalized church that was free of the corruption and from the horrible practices of the WCG legacy of legalistic terror.

In 1995 Vic Kubik read the following to the 150 newly recredentialed and reemployed ministers sitting in Indianapolis:

CAN IT EVER BE? That cohesive, Christ-led entity that we all want so dearly? Or does Indy seal our fate to factions and factions? The hopes are high, the stakes are critical. Indy will be either a dawning of a New World Tomorrow, or the proof of our folly.

PIE IN THE SKY is what the detractors say. Some of them are us, you know. Our “leaders” have already laid foundations and are even laying superstructure. The meek words of just a few weeks ago… “We’ve just started this in case it’s of any help, but we’ll gladly dissolve it” are seemingly replaced with corporate structure lauding the wisdom of “follow me.” Has “unity” already slipped to a cliché, a buzzword of egotists? I’ve seen that once people invest time, money and gain supporters they “have God’s blessing.” After all, they prayed about it.

Dissolution of their structure for a greater cause becomes too great a defeat. The show must go on.

WHAT IS INDY? It’s a chance for a ground up, New Testament organized body of believers.

WHAT WILL INDY BE? I know what you and I want it to be. But do you know what many see it as? Separate leaders of several pre-formed groups pushing their system at each other, followed by the winner selling it to the ministry. The ministry is invited to view the outcome and cast in their lot, depending on who “wins” and if they like the smell of it.

WHO LOOSES IF INDY FALTERS? The churches back home. The little flocks who are staking their faith in Indy. The loyal pastors who have forfeited everything to wait on Christ and to come learn his will for their next step. I hope He’s there. He resists the proud and gives grace to the humble.

Just some concerns and fears…I don’t know what it WILL be, I know what it MIGHT be and what it CAN be. I’ll be there in support. Be careful who gets control. Make sure it’s God.  Shining Light Comment
Indianapolis actually sealed UCG's fate to factions and splits.  There are rumblings that there is another one in the works.  Unity certainly has become a cliche and a buzzword, not only in UCG but in ALL of the hundreds and hundreds of splinter groups.  With such a corrupt and worthless system in place is it any wonder why "new" visitors and members do not remain as UCG members?

Victor laments:

We firmly believe that it is God the Father who calls people to become followers of Jesus Christ. That call produces an interest for one to come to repentance and to accept Jesus as their personal savior through baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit as they continue their journey towards life eternal in the Kingdom of God. Christ said this twice in John 6: “No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him” (verse 44) and, “I told you that no one can come to me unless the Father has enabled him” (verse 65, New International Version).
If "God the Father" calls people to UCG then why are they spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on failed campaigns, a blue imitation Muppet wanna-a-be, and new logo designs?  Is their faith so shallow that they cant wait for God to do a mighty work for them?  No, I did not think so.

One vital aspect of this voyage is meeting with others of the same mind. This is often where people get derailed. Meeting with others is increasingly becoming more difficult as people feel that they don’t need to because they can get all the information they need on the Internet. People can attend video conferences, take online classes and personally research whatever they choose independently. They feel no need to socialize with others. But they don’t understand the benefits of congregating as we were admonished to do by the apostle Paul in Hebrews 10:24-25: “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another-and all the more as you see the Day approaching” (NIV).
These people are NOT meeting people with the "same mind" when they show up at UCG services.  There are so many different doctrinal beliefs and positions that there is no unity!  SO me of the UCG ministry are trinitarians, some kept Easter with the new WCG before jumping ship, others disagree with tithing and many ministers let their family members do things on Friday nights at school and on Saturdays.

Encouraging people to congregate is a problem not only in churches but in other types of meetings. Public service organizations are finding it increasingly difficult to retain those who join a group in progress and become part of it. We in the Church know, too, that we may have people finally come to one of our meetings but then not see them again. It’s typical for people who people who join a service organization such as Rotary and who may have paid membership fees to drop out. Thirty-five percent do in the first year. They do not feel engaged. The following reasons were given for stopping attendance:
  1.  I don’t know anyone in the new group
  2.  I don’t have guidance as to what is going on
  3.  I don’t feel connected to the community
Can this be true with us? Obviously new people won’t know anyone in the new group, and it’s a challenge to break the ice and develop a relationship that goes beyond the first social contact at services. People who come into our meetings may not know what the meeting is for: the music, prayer, and the two messages. Also, a newbie may wonder what the benefit of meeting is and what it is they are really becoming part of. While accepting Jesus Christ is one thing, socializing with people you don’t know may seem insurmountable.
Accepting Jesus in a UCG service or a COG?  When the man is barely talked about for 364 days out of he year how would anyone know about Jesus.  The law trumps in UCG and always has.  Jesus get short shifted to the back of the bus day in and day out.  Even Jelly cant raise the dude for the grave!

How well are we retaining those who come to our church services for the first time?
Your not Vic!  Its a fact!  What do you have to offer?  Nothing! People would have better luck going to Barnes and Noble and hitting some books in the Christianity section where they will actually hear more about Jesus than they will in one of your services! And that's after wading through the syrupy pablum filing the shelves!
One helpful practice to engage the new people is to develop a “buddy system” of appointing certain members to engage the new people when they come-to talk to them, get to know their name, where they’re from and a little about who they are. Then make certain that the person who does this remembers all this information and seeks this person our next time they come. They should call them by name and talk about what was discussed last time. In this way one of the stumbling blocks of not knowing anyone is dispelled. Further, the members can talk to them about the church services, what services you provide with recordings, literature and anything else that your church has. Make mention of the things that have been spoken about in sermons and how you look forward to upcoming messages. Finally, talk to the new person about the community of the church and make it clear that it’s a group of people who are very happy to have them. Make them feel part of the community.
A "buddy system?"  SERIOUSLY???????????????  Is that all you can come up with?

Yes, God the Father call peoples into the Church, but a lot of responsibility is placed on us to retain them. Our meeting service is critically important to our mission of “Preparing a People.” 
So far this has been an epic failure of the UCG and the rest of the COG's  None of them are growing, most are stagnant and the three larger ones are losing members.  From Dave Pack to Gerald Flurry and Rod Meredith to UCG, people are exiting the Church of God's.

Roy Holladay and I would like to hear from you about any other methods you use for engaging new people in services.

In Christ’s service,

Everyone, send Victor your comments on how he can straighten out the United Church of God and retain members.   Just be forewarned though. Remember, Since when has ANY COG leader or its upper echelon leaders EVER listened to the members?

Rod Meredith: Elevating Him To Status of Pope


All hail Pope Meredith!
(pictured above is Rod McNair kissing the blessed ring of his puppet master)

Does Spanky have a direct hotline to the Almighty? Just as the Catholics believe that their Pope is closer to God than all other men on the face of the earth, LCG members and ministry exalt Rod Meredith to the same level of rank and practically worship the very ground he walks on. Meredith harps on the fact that he and his ministry are being supernaturally directed by God ad nausiaum these days. To not obey or to question "God's ministry" is akin to questioning God Himself per Ol' Roddy. This message has been pushed even more in the last several years as many in LCG have begun to question if LCG really is "Gods one and only true Church" because of doctrinal changes and because of an increase in abuses of power and highly publicized ungodly actions by Meredith and his main men at the Charlotte LCG headquarters. 

It's sickening to see people line up after a sermon just to shake his hand so they can go back to all of their friends to brag about having met him as if he was some sort of deity. Lately I've heard more than one LCG member question the purge only to ultimately settle things in their minds by saying, "I don't understand it but the ministry is being led by God and God can't be wrong so it must be God's will for all this to happen". The Bible I read says not to "put your faith in man" but yet thousands of LCG tithe sheep look at Meredith with stars in their eyes like he can do no wrong; like he is their Pope. 

Meredith's ministers know that loyalty, blind obedience and a healthy dose of ass kissing is the best way to advance in LCG. The higher-ups have enormous egos that must be fed by the flames of doting subjects like coal to the engines of the great ocean liners of yore. Rule with an iron fist and be willing to frequently preen the peacocks above you and you will go far in LCG. Christian character and knowledge won't do half as much for you. All hail the Pope!

From a contributor.

United Church of God: This is the Boy's Club - We Are Going To Do It Our Way!


From a reader:

Comment was made that: "...is it any wonder why "new" visitors and members do not remain as UCG members?..."

That sounds like lots of "turn over!" In 1998, there was a sermon given on God's Government where "turn over" for United was anticipated and why it would occur. FWIIW, here is a partial transcript of that sermon given about 17 years ago:

"...Then, you look at UNITED! Now, I’m sure I’m going to offend a lot of people who will hear these taped sermons later out there, but this is a real mess! None of these men were even considered to be chosen by Mr. Armstrong; were they? None of them were, but they all voted themselves in anyway; didn’t they? Now, that’s not such of a firm foundation to have when you have to vote yourself into office.
Where was God?

Oh, they may say that: “Well, look at the Apostles! They cast lots.”

Yes, but they were already Apostles!

You guys weren’t even that. None of you were the leaders. You really weren’t, and GLOBAL was already going at the time. They were already following what you knew and perceived to be right, but do you see? All of these ministers who went with UNITED: they never liked being under authority and they wanted their say-so. They wanted their opinions to be heard, so they all joined in one big mass.

Now, why start a church like that? You already have one going that was doing the same thing that Mr. Armstrong was trying to do, but they didn’t want to be under authority.

I look at this as: “This is the ‘Boys’ Club!’ We’re going to do it our way,” and they’re not going to give up that RULE. Now they all think that they have the authority and that’s really a shame.

What’s their first agenda? “We’re going to pay ourselves very well!”...

...Well, one of the first things that they want to set up is, of course, their retirement fund...

...When they got together their attitude was: “We will vote ourselves to happiness! Every time we don’t like something, we’ll just take another vote! We’ll vote it our way again, and if we don’t like the other guy: we’ll vote him out!” ...

...So, they can’t even agree on how to spend the money, and where to have their office and who the president should be. They’re all out there politicking to get into position so they can be the president and the same thing will happen to them. You’ll have this: turnover, turnover and turnover! Why?...

...Because God never placed anyone in charge!... ...Do you know? They preach some of the truth, some that was revealed to the past servant, Mr. Armstrong, but nothing has been revealed to them! Nothing has been revealed to GLOBAL. Nothing’s been revealed to any of them. They’re stuck in a rut!..."

Of course, where is GLOBAL today? It is virtually non-existent. Where is the United Ass. going? What's been revealed to them? It appears United also will end up in the same condition as GLOBAL before too long.


Living Church of God Facing New Turmoil after Disfellowshipping Woman Over Calendar Issues


Living Church of God continues to be rocked by one scandal after another.  Just as things start to calm down another issue pops up causing the LCG bigwigs to jump into damage control.

Recently a woman in LCG approached her minister with  information that she thought was vitally important about the calendar and that LCG was no keeping the proper calendar.  For the uber-legalists the proper calendar is far more important that anything Jesus ever did, said or accomplished.  These people place more weight in being as Jewish as possible than they do in being grace-filled hands of mercy in the world around them.

Rod Meredith  reacted swiftly to this woman and disfellowshipping her.  He then  sent a letter out to everyone in the Southern CA area letting them know that she had been disfellowhsipped.

Hello Members of the Body of Christ,

I am very sorry to have to address you on this matter. But, yesterday a woman who has been attending with us sent an email and a document to members of the Living Church of God claiming that she had a special understanding about the biblical calendar, and stating that the Church was wrong. She also sent it to members in another region and has stirred up trouble there. She was counseled by various of God’s ministers and offered articles explaining the calendar, but she has refused to accept the long held Church of God teaching. She told me, and implied in her email, that all the Church’s of God and all the ministers were wrong—false ministers not teaching the Bible. Instead she referenced the writing of a man who was disfellowshipped about 40 years ago by Herbert Armstrong, for his heretical beliefs and teachings.

Since she is preaching heresy, not willing to be shown the truth, damaging some people’s faith, and therefore causing division, I’ve had to tell her that she is no longer welcome among us and is disfellowshipped. If you have received this email you know who she is, and you are warned not to have contact with her.

Tomorrow’s Bible Study will cover the subject of God’s Sacred Calendar and the Hebrew Calendar we use today. In preparation, please read the attached articles.

The Living Church of God is struggling lately on maintaining unity in its church.  One issue after another has plagued LCG over the last few years causing the church to be constantly preaching about how "unified" the church is. 

Doug Winnail writes:

Beware of Misguided Ideas:  The Apostle Paul warned “in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons” (1 Timothy 4:1-4) and that many will not listen to sound doctrine but will prefer to follow their own ideas (2 Timothy 3:1-6; 4:1-4). The Apostle also warned that critics within and from outside the Church will try to divide the Church to gain a following (Acts 20:29-31). He pointed out that Satan will try various ways to mislead well-meaning people (2 Corinthians 2:11)—often new people (1 Timothy 3:6)—by appealing to the human desire to be in the limelight or be recognized as an authority (3 John 9-10). Numerous issues threatened to divide the early Church: foods, hair lengths, ideas about the resurrection, circumcision, etc. (see 1 Corinthians and Galatians). However, Paul’s consistent advice was to “Guard what was committed to your trust” (1 Timothy 6:20), to “hold fast” to what you have been “taught” (Titus 1:9-11) and “avoid foolish disputes” (Titus 3:9; 1 Timothy 6:3-5). When questions do arise over doctrine, the biblical example is to take the issue to the leaders of the Church for a decision (Acts 15:1-31). Nowhere do the Scriptures encourage individuals to take it on themselves to correct or “save” the Church. That is something that Jesus Christ will take care of in His time as He “builds” His Church (Matthew 16:18).  
Have a profitable Sabbath,
Douglas S. Winnail
LCG is having trouble "holding fast" to much of everything any more.  One issue after another has plagued the LCG over the last few years.  As Rod Meredith approaches his certain death due to old age, the LCG is facing an insurmountable mountain ahead of them.  Large factions do not want Jim Meredith to be given any power, others distrust Richard Ames who is the heir-apparent, other see the Charlotte offices as a cesspool of impropriety and corruption and others are tired of suffering under legalistic ministers in the field who are making their lives miserable.

Grace Communion International Screws Over Former Employees Yet Again


This was just sent to me by a former WCG/GCI employee.

I just received notice that the money I was getting for my retirement was cut yet again!  This cut only applies to non ordained former employees.  This is the second time we have been cut in what we had been originally promised.  Former ministers and a few select others will maintain their original amounts that they get paid.  I guess I should count my self lucky I'm getting anything from them at all considering how they screwed so many ministers and employees over in the last few years of its existence as the Worldwide Church of God.

I was one of those that was sitting in the Student Center for an employee meeting where Bernie Schnippert stood up in front of all of us and said if we stuck by them through the changes and held on that we would get a "double" amount.  That proved to be a lie as did most other things that came out of their mouths.  We did get it double though...double cuts!

One man who took his severance package letter to an attorney for an opinion on what to do was told by the attorney, "This is a church?  They treat you this way and say they are Christians?" That says a lot about the WCG/GCI when someone from the "world" sees right through them.

Its lipstick and pearls on a washed up pig that still wallows in the mire.
Thanks to how I was treated by the church I will NEVER set foot in another church again as along as I live!  Bastards!

More Missteps at Living Church of God "...this time it took a major pratfall."


It is quite apparent that Rod Meredith is losing control of his dwindling organization.  Meredith used to be the man that knew the pulse beat of his organization and nothing passed him by.  Not so much any more.  Apparently his appointed right hand men are not doing such a good job of it any more.  This is all happening while Meredith is still alive, imagine what will happen the day he dies!

Living Church of God's latest turmoil is the over of its May 2015 issue of Tomorrow's World magazine.

Gavin Rumney is reporting on OTAGOSH: LCG apologises (sort of) for offensive cover.

Even so, the purpose of this magazine is not to shock readers for shock’s sake. Rather, we strive to analyze world events plainly and honestly in light of Bible prophecy. As such, we certainly regret any upset or offense our May-June 2015 cover may have caused some readers.

LCG has been stung by many negative comments over the last few years even though they claim to never pay attention to negative reactions.  The mere fact that Rod Meredith had to publicly denounce this blog shows they are having to sit up and take notice.

Gavin writes:

Which just goes to show that movements like LCG really do have to take public opinion into account, especially when readers and viewers might react by cutting off financial support in response to an ill-judged decision. Tomorrow's World is not a news magazine. It's purpose is not to report but to exploit; to promote it's fear-ridden eschatology.

And this time it took a major pratfall. 

David C Pack: My Logic Is Irrefutable!


Dave Pack has always wanted it to be known that he runs the most superfantabulous Church of God to ever exist in the annals of human history.  No other COG has ever been more dynamic, forceful or had the best web site ever to be created on the entire Internet.  No other COG leader is as intelligent or as special as Dave Pack.

Dave's super-inflated ego led him two and half years ago to proclaim that because he was so incredible as a leader that thousands of COG members in other groups would soon be flocking to his church (along with their money since it already belonged to him.)  He even pictured himself as so special before God that this god would strike down three COG leaders as proof of his magnificence.

Then, like every other single prophecy uttered by every COG leader today, his prophecy FAILED!  Not once, but TWICE!  He soon started losing some members and a few ministers.  God's most important COG ever was starting to unravel.  Dave kicked into survival mode and went silent.  His web sites and news update sites soon started lagging behind in their awesomeness.  Updates disappeared as Dave sulked in his Wadsworth ivory tower.

While ensconced in his office he has been working on a video series of "sermons" that "prove" the god he believes in.  Of course possessing the most incredible human mind ever created, Dave has to gloat about his knowledge.  It is soooooooooooooooooooooooo awesome that the things he says CANNOT be refuted!  No theologian or scientist can cast any doubt upon his knowledge.  NO ONE!

Dave writes:

Pastor General David C. Pack brings irrefutable logic and an array of stunning, detailed quotes from renowned scientists, famous authors and well-known thinkers, as he illuminates the most important topic of all—the existence of a supreme Creator.

Dave's awesome knowledge is without precedence.  He knowledge CANNOT be challenged.

No one has ever spoken such earth shattering knowledge in the epic sweep of human history (other than hundreds of other COG leaders, but that's another discussion.)

Skeptics and atheists will be trembling at the earth shattering information Dave has provided.  They will be so shocked that they will be "confounded" as their careers are ruined.

Unlike anything produced before, this series is certain to inspire those sincerely searching for plain answers—and to confound skeptics. Each part builds on those that come before it, bringing proof—upon proof—upon undeniable PROOF!—of God’s existence.
Nothing ever spoken in the annals of human history is as historic as this video series.

Be sure to see the entirety of this unique, historic series. (And stay tuned for a companion series addressing whether a Christian can believe in evolution.)

Once you start watching, you will not want to stop!

In the first few minutes of the video Dave proclaims that within the two hours of the video it will be IMPOSSIBLE for Dave's god to NOT exist.  All doubts that Dave's god exist will VANISH!,

Superfantabulous Dave, God's greatest creation ever to walk this earth.  We bow before your awesomeness, Dude!

Feast of Tabernacles To Be Kept On Big Sandy Campus Once Again


Who would have ever dreamed that a splinter group of Armstrongism would ever be holding a feast on the Big Sandy campus in our life time.  This is no ordinary Church of God splinter group, in fact it isn't one of the larger groups who claim to be the sole possessors of the truth.  None of these larger groups ever had the will power to ask Alert Academy (see end of page) of they could do so.  Its a small group of sacred name/new moon observers.  This group is lead by Mark Harris.

Their web site is: The Feast of Tabernacles 2015 Big Sandy where they write:

We are excited to announce our site for The Feast of Tabernacles 2015!   This year we will be hosting Sukkot in Big Sandy, Texas!

Years ago this campus was built to host and house thousands of people to celebrate The Feast of Tabernacles!

So after many years, we are resurrecting the original intent of the campus to Celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles as families united together for YHWH!

At this Wonderful facility, now known as International Alert Academy, you’ll discover many exciting things to do and find not only a restful & relaxing feast, but also an unforgettable experience of enjoyment, inspiration and togetherness as we rejoice before YHWH our Maker! Come enjoy a spirit filled Sukkot Celebration with us in UNITY with our Messiah!

We welcome you to come and join our family along with many of our close friends and brethren! Among the many scheduled activities there will be awesome praise, worship and dance, inspiring messages, Torah studies, exciting hikes, wonderful family feast games such as repelling, swimming, zip line, obstacle course (provided by Alert), sweet fellowship and encouragement along with beautiful enjoyment in YAH’s Creation!
From what I have seen of them over the years they certainly seem to have a more interesting version of the Feast of Tabernacles than any of the dull Feast sites that the regular Church of God's produce.  Its filled with joy and dancing compared to endless hours of old white men preaching the same canned sermons they have preached for the last 30-50 years.

This has to be an huge embarrassment to Gerald Flurry, Dave Pack and Rod Meredith.  None of these men ever had the guts to ask Alert Academy of they could hold a Feast there. Imagine the coup they could have had if they did.  They could have had thousands show up just to experience it again.

I also think that this is a far from benign splinter group of Armstrongism.  When you look at their videos and pictures you see women dressed in long prairie dresses and braided hair.  Large amounts of kids are present too.  It looks like many of the polygamist splinter groups you see in the news.  This group also takes legalism to the extreme by worshiping according to the new moons and using sacred names, none of which is a requirement of any new covenant Christian.
International Alert Academy was the buyer of the Big Sandy campus of Ambassador College.  They were able to buy the entire 2000+  acre property for pennies on the dollar.  Alert works with men (women are to remain in the home and breed children) to send out to the world in case of emergencies and other disasters as they represent their version of Jesus Christ.  Alert Academy also has close ties to the Dugger Family.   Its a right wing, conservative, dominionist oriented belief system far worse than any of the cult teachings of Herbert Armstrong!
Alert Academy was started by Bill Gothard who was recently accused of molesting several women in his conservative cult.  Bill Gothard

Is God A Racist?


Lonnie C. Hendrix/Miller Jones

The Church of God International has posted a new "web chat" entitled "Revisiting the Biblical Origins of USA and Britain" with Pastors Bill Watson and Wayne Hendrix (this blogger's father). For those interested, you may see the video at this address: http://cgi.org/armor-of-god-web-chat/2015/7/8/revisiting-the-biblical-origins-of-usa-and-britain

This production seeks to rebut the argument that the church's teachings with regard to the physical ancestry of the English speaking peoples are inherently racist. In their attempt to make the doctrine of British Israelism more palatable, they seek to distance themselves from the teachings/writings of Herbert W. Armstrong and the various proponents of it over the last almost four hundred years. Mr. Watson and Mr. Hendrix insist that God only segregated the Israelites because "He" is a jealous God and didn't want "His" people to be worshipping other gods. They point out the fact that Ephraim and Manasseh were themselves the product of an interracial marriage (between a Hebrew and an Egyptian) as proof that God didn't really care about the physical ethnicity/ancestry of the folks in question. Of course, the entire discussion is based on the premise that the Bible is an infallible account of God and "His" purposes and plans for mankind.

However, for those of us who do not share this view of Scripture, several objections immediately come to mind regarding their defense of this obnoxious doctrine. There are numerous statements within the Bible that make plain that the Israelites were regarded as God's special people - above all of the other nations on the face of the earth. The Israelites were instructed in numerous places not to intermarry with other folks (pagan, heathen, uncircumcised Gentiles). In fact, they are instructed in several places to annihilate non-Israelites - to completely destroy the people and their culture. In numerous places, God is portrayed as fighting on behalf of "His" people and against other people. Interestingly, the Israelites often enslaved the people they conquered, and there are numerous provisions within the Torah which outline the proper treatment of those slaves.

One could argue that the whole Bible is a book about Israel. Moreover, even in the New Testament, we find much evidence that the Jews looked down on the Samaritans, Greeks and Romans. In fact, the context makes quite clear that the Jews regarded themselves as being superior to those other folks - not even worthy for a Jew to associate with them. The Israelites themselves are often described collectively as being a "stiff-necked" and sinful people.

Google defines racism as "the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races. Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior." Clearly, based on the evidence of the scriptures themselves, we would have to conclude that the human authors of Scripture were mostly racists.

There is, however, another view of race expressed within the pages of the Bible. It is a view that American Abolitionists found to be more compelling and believable than those noted above. This view is presented in numerous places where God's care and concern for all of the peoples of the earth is made clear. This view is found in the places where it is made clear that God chose the Israelites for a special mission - to be an example to the other nations - to tell the other folks about "Him." John the Baptist told the Jews of his day not to rely on their physical descent from Abraham. He went on to tell them that God could raise up offspring to Abraham from the stones at their feet. This view is found in Christ's parable about the Good Samaritan, and in his instructions to his followers to make disciples of all nations. It is made clear in the vision that was given to Peter about what (who) should be regarded as clean or unclean. Finally, it is also made plain in the ministry/writings of the Apostle Paul that God does not regard one people over another - that Christians lose their Jewish or Greek designation when they are baptized into the Church. Paul went on to say that God considers Christians to be Abraham's descendants, and the proper heirs of the promises made to him.

And if all of that is not enough to convince us, we would still have the very plain statements of the Apostle Paul to the Galatians and the author of the epistle to the Hebrews to completely discredit this teaching. Paul wrote: "The promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed. The Scripture does not say 'and to seeds,' meaning many people, but 'and to your seed,' meaning one person, who is Christ." (Galatians 3:16, NIV) Likewise, after recounting the stories of many of God's faithful people down through the ages (including Abraham), the author of the letter to the Hebrews tells us: "These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised. God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect." (Hebrews 11:39-40, NIV) In other words, there doesn't have to be any fulfillment of the promises made to Abraham in this life! And, when those promises are finally fulfilled, they will be fulfilled through those who belong to Jesus Christ (from all nations)! Likewise, Christ is the fulfillment of the promises made to King David. Christ is the one who will sit on his throne forever and ever. It is ridiculous to suggest that the British royal family has any role to play in fulfilling that promise!

Hence, there is legitimate reason for Christians of good will to say that God is not a racist. Nevertheless, for those who cling to this pernicious doctrine, you are stuck with defending a teaching that is racist at its core. It is unfortunate, but the Church of God International (along with all of the other descendants of the Worldwide Church of God) cannot escape the baggage that this doctrine carries with it, no matter how hard they may try to do just that.

Stephen Elliot: Did LCG Commit Another Misstep When They Put Him In A Position Of Power After He Defected From David Hulme?


Many Living Church of God members where shaking their heads when Stephen Elliot jumped ship from David Hulme's minuscule little group to join up with Rod Meredith.  Meredith accepted him with open arms and it wasn't too long till he was back preaching.  Now it looks like Stephen is bringing his legalistic "sheriff" attitude with him.   It has emerged that Elliot was the one who fellowship the LCG woman who brought up the calendar issue.

A comment made about Elliot says this:

Many of us, though not in LCG, were horrified when we heard Stephen Elliot had been accepted into LCG, knowing they would rue the day. As a former policeman he was, and seemingly still is, firstly a sheriff instead of a shepherd. We remember when his actions in a UCG congregation resulted in the possibility of a lawsuit against the church which could have destroyed UCG financially. He was immediately pulled from the area and banished to the Mexico border while we heard that Jim Franks would frantically call members asking if the lawsuit was still coming. Perhaps it was Elliot’s fortunate move to Hulme a few months later that the lawsuit was dropped. Shining Light

John Aubrey Pinkston, Former WCG Minister and Current Pastor in the Congregation of God Seventh Day, Found Guilty of Child Molestation


The sad legacy of Armstrongism continues to rip lives apart.  The latest is the conviction today of John Aubrey Pinkston who was found guilty of molesting two girls. Pinkston was a former Worldwide Church of God minister who served for a while in the Monroe, Louisiana WCG.  He was also a minister in GTA's church, Church of God International.  Various people on Facebook COG sites are talking about him now when he was the minister in their area.

KENNESAW, Ga. -- A pastor was sentenced to prison Thursday when a jury determined he molested at least two young girls and took "no responsibility whatsoever" for his actions.

Jurors deliberated half an hour before convicting 78-year-old John Aubrey Pinkston of two counts of child molestation. Pinkston is the founder and former leader of Congregation of God Seventh Day in Kennesaw.

"Mr. Pinkston, you've been convicted of the unforgivable sin of molesting the most vulnerable members of your flock. You've taken no responsibility whatsoever," Cobb County Superior Court Judge Robert D. Leonard II said before sentencing Pinkston to 20 years with 10 to serve in prison.

Read rest of story here.

 Court House News Service had this:

MARIETTA (CN) - It took just 33 minutes for a Georgia jury to convict a 78-year-old pastor of molesting two young girls at his church in Cobb County.
     During the trial, two young girls testified that they were molested by defendant John Aubrey Pinkston, at the Congregation of God Seventh Day in Kennesaw, a church Pinkston founded and led.
     Pinkston, of Dallas, was arrested in 2013 on a total of three counts of child molestation.
     The Cobb District Attorney's Office said later Pinkston confessed to touching one girl when questioned by police, telling them it was a "stupid mistake" that lasted "only 15 seconds."
     After the jury announced its verdict, Judge Robert Leonard II sentenced Pinkston to 10 years behind bars, and another 10 years on probation to be served after his release.
     "Mr. Pinkston, you've been convicted of the unforgiveable sin of molesting the most vulnerable members of your flock," Leonard said during the sentencing, "You've taken no responsibility whatsoever."
     Assistant District Attorney Chuck Boring, who prosecuted the case, was even more blunt during a press conference following Pinkston's sentencing, saying not only did he refuse to take responsibility for his acts, but "he spit in everyone's face with the nonsense that he used to try to manipulate the jury."
     Pinkston did apologize before he was sentenced, but when Judge Leonard question whether his apology was sincere, the disgraced pastor expressed only frustration.
     "What more do you want me to do? You're going to send me to prison anyway," Pinkston said.
Georgia News Day: Kennesaw pastor John Aubrey Pinkston sentenced on child molestation charges

COG Leader Says Harper Lee's New Book Is About A False Watchman - I Am The TRUE Watchman


It has been fascinating over the last couple of decades to watch various Church of God men who envision themselves as true leaders go into mental melt downs.  From men uttering hundreds of failed prophecies to men proclaiming themselves Elijah's, Joshua's, one of the two witnesses, prophets, true apostles, and Chief Overseers.

We have watched Gerald Flurry plagiarize Jules Dervaes book, to getting arrested for public drunkenness,  and then suffer through a humiliating court trial when he lost the plagiarism case.  Then after paying out a $3,000,000.00 fee for rights to publish Herbert Armstrong's writings, Flurry had to rewrite many of those works to edit out negative things that HWA said that would cast him in a bad light with all of his failed prophecies and Elijah predictions. His melt down continues as extreme forms of control are forced upon Philadelphia Church of God members isolating them from society  and their families.

Then there is Rod Meredith.  After being publicly humiliated in court proceedings after libeling Leona McNair and having WCG pay for his attorney fees, he jumped ship to take over leadership of Global Church of God which was started started by a child molester.  Then Meredith was forced into sticky position by Raymond McNair and others who felt Meredith was not fit to be running Global leading him and the child molester to start up Living Church of God.  From murders in his church to numerous ministers and members defecting, this rapidly aging leader is no longer a watchman.

There is also Dave Pack, ensconced in his cult compound in Wadsworth Ohio.  This legalistic tyrant has left a trail of destruction in every church area he has ever been in.  After decades of being rejected as a true leader, Dave had to start his own group because he knew MORE than any other COG out there.  Because he is so puffed up with "knowledge" Dave had to go and declare that three COG leaders would be struck down by God (three years ago) and that all of the members of these three churches would come over to Dave's camp and live happily ever after.  After suffering a humiliating defeat in this epic failure; Dave has proven once and of all that he is nothing but hot air.

And then there is Bob Thiel....who through duplicity was doubly blessed and then self-appointed himself  as Chief Overseer of the ONLY true Church of God on the earth today, even though 95% of his members and readers live in various countries of Africa.  Nevertheless Bob feels he is the most highly informed man on the earth today.  That puffed up arrogance, vanity, and narcissism has led Bob to make another incredibly STUPID comment today.

In today's entry on his blog he makes note of Harper Lee's new book, Go Set A Watchman. Then Thiel, like any good Church of God leader has to make the subject turn towards himself.

Thiel feels that the title Harper Lee chose was from Bible (Isaiah 21:6) has nothing to do with the Bible story and has this to say:

I debated for the past week if I should report about that particular book.  The title seems to come from a statement in the Bible (Isaiah 21:6), but the content of the book is not like the Book of Isaiah.  Here is what Amazon says about the novel:
Maycomb, Alabama. Twenty-six-year-old Jean Louise Finch—”Scout”—returns home from New York City to visit her aging father, Atticus. Set against the backdrop of the civil rights tensions and political turmoil that were transforming the South, Jean Louise’s homecoming turns bittersweet when she learns disturbing truths about her close-knit family, the town, and the people dearest to her. Memories from her childhood flood back, and her values and assumptions are thrown into doubt. Featuring many of the iconic characters from To Kill a Mockingbird, Go Set a Watchman perfectly captures a young woman, and a world, in painful yet necessary transition out of the illusions of the past—a journey that can only be guided by one’s own conscience.

Written in the mid-1950s, Go Set a Watchman imparts a fuller, richer understanding and appreciation of Harper Lee. Here is an unforgettable novel of wisdom, humanity, passion, humor, and effortless precision—a profoundly affecting work of art that is both wonderfully evocative of another era and relevant to our own times. It not only confirms the enduring brilliance of To Kill a Mockingbird, but also serves as its essential companion, adding depth, context, and new meaning to an American classic.
Then Thiel makes a bold claim. He is the TRUE Watchman sent by God!

While many are interested in fiction, most fail to realize that God has a set a watchman to warn the world and the end time descendants of Israel what is going to happen.

At this news page, regular readers are aware that I declare what I see on a daily basis.

Because of Jesus’ admonishing to watch, you see news items on this page daily.

But is a watchman witness clearly needed today?


Notice something else that Jesus said:
14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.  (Matthew 24:14)
Notice that Jesus said His gospel of the kingdom would be preached to the world as a witness, then the end would come. That end has not yet happened, so that message needs to continue to go out.

Since the rise of the Philadelphia era of the Church of God, through the old Radio then old Worldwide Church of God in the 20th century to those in the Continuing Church of God in the 21st century, this message has been going out.

The Bible itself also tells about a time when restrictions will be in place–so much so that it will be a famine of the word (Amos 8:11-12).  We have already started to have restrictions (watch the short video Famine of the Word?), but more significant ones are coming.

Because we know this, we in the Continuing Church of God are leading the final phase of the work and are actively preparing for the short work that will be cut short.  Thus, we need to do the watchman work now, while we can.  For as Jesus said:
4 As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work. (John 9:4, NIV)
Anyway, the newly popular novel Go Set a Watchman does not do that.  Relatively few realize what God’s watchman should be doing today.

We in the Continuing Church of God “have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts” (2 Peter 1:19, KJV).”
Why so many members of the various Churches of God continue to follow these liars and outright frauds is shocking.  Bob Thiel is no more a Watchman that my cat is Elijah.  Thiel is a fraud and religious huckster just like Flurry, Pack, Kubik, and Meredith.  Sick degenerate men that are enslaving sincere people with mindless pablum and legalistic rules.

SEP Orr Minnesota Gym For Sale


For all of you collectors of Armstrongism out there here is a prime piece of property with a historical building on it for you to buy and start a Summer Educational Program again!  Dave Pack...are you listening?  Gerald Flurry?????  Rod Meredith?????

Check the ad for more specifics:    4858 Ambassador Lane For Sale

4858 Ambassador Ln Gymnasium and office space located on 7 acres with nice views of Pelican Lake. The building housing the gymnasium is approximately 110 x 130. The adjoining office building is approximately 70 x 80. The property was once part of a youth bible camp that disbanded in the late 1990's. The mostly level grounds offer panoramic views of Ambassador Point and Pelican Lake.   $199,900.00.

Ambassador College Hall of Administration in Pasadena To Be Blown Up!


Decades ago various COG officials said that when WWIII struck that the invading Germans would be so impressed by the college campus that they would use it as their headquarters, thus preserving it till the Kingdom of God was established on earth.  Well, that's NOT going to happen!

The endtimes is coming in a fiery climax to Herbert Armstrong's empire!  The Hall of Administration may be blown up in a fiery explosion sometime between now and September 2015.  Its a fitting end to a building that was home to so much evil and corruption over the decades.

This was the home base of the empire of Herbert Armstrong and his successors.  From adulterous romps in department head's offices to in flagrante delicto in the Pastor General's office, this building has seen it all.  From masturbating ministers listening to coeds tell their secrets to stolen gropes and kisses in the elevators.  From gay romps in the AICF offices to the State of California coming in and changing locks kicking church officials out.  From protests and sit-in's to exhibits of the terracotta soldiers from China to exquisite gold and silver crafts from Thailand.  Kings and Queens walked its marble floors.

Now it is to blown up.  One final act that permanently puts the nail in the coffin of Armstrongism. I would say, 'Rest in Peace" but too much evil was done in these honeycombed walls for that.  May the end times come in a great ball of fire and smoke and be hotter than hell!

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