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Rod Meredith: Jesus is Going To Specially Ask You How Much Money You Gave To The Living Church of God


Driving the money changers from the temple

Rod Meredith sent out his Spring money raising letter in April warning LCG members that the income was soon to drop due to the "summer slow." 

Why is the income slow in the summer?  LCG members get to travel and have fun, so why send in as much!

Meredith writes:

Most of you know that. But we certainly need your help and your financial backing. So I ask you, in Jesus’ name, to open your hearts and give generously at this time. We are at a point where a “summer low” is approaching for our income. By adding to our TV and Internet outreach, conducting these campaigns and other things that we are doing, we need your help to keep up the pace. And we need to do even more, as many of you realize, to genuinely have an impact on this very confused world. When Christ returns, He will ask each one of us:  “How much did you help in getting out My message when you had the opportunity?” So as you see these exciting events beginning to come together in front of your very eyes, I pray that thousands of you will be stirred to take action more than ever before! We have the honor to be on the “team” which Christ is using to finish His Work at this time. At almost age 85, I am sincerely driving myself to work regularly and to do all I can as long as God gives me life and breath. I hope you will join me in that way, “laying up treasure” for yourself in heaven. In that way, you will have a great reward when Christ returns as King of kings.
Many LCG members were particularly galled by the threat that Meredith uses against their giving by threatening them with an interrogation by Jesus Christ.  Plus, how can you let an 85 year old man do more than you are?  Talk about guilt trips!

"You Cant Be Serious!""Rubbish!""Truth!""Sore!""Minority!""Yellow!"


What another load of garbage you keep posting. You cant be serious! You keep thinking the GOG people are in a "cult", thats just a word people like yourselves throw around to degrade others in the hope of achieving something sinister. That would make any person who goes to any church or part of a political system or sports team for that matter, part of a cult, how simple minded are you.

The real reason you keep this rubbish up is because you once understood the truth, you had the sword the sheild the breastplate and the belt, but you couldnt continue the fight, why? I'll tell you why; because you have a big yellow streak running down your backs thats why!

To know the truth and then throw your talent away instead of building on it is as cowardly as you can get! You are not the type of people anyone would want in any army. You would throw your arms up in the air and say, "oh this is too hard, I want to get back into the lust of the world it's a lot easier there", and then complain about those who fight on.

To justify yourselves you complain about and try to bring down COG people who are out there continuing the fight to defeat satans lies and deceptions by preaching the gospel of the coming kingdom.

When will you get over the fact that we dont follow any man but Christ. All you do is twist the truth like satan himself. Why dont you complain about the apostle Paul how he persecuted the church prior to his conversion, could you imagine if all you perfect souls that comment on this site were around then, what Paul would have to deal with on top of his other persecutions.

Why dont you offer any other solutions if you think your so right. You dont because you dont have any thats why. Its a lot easier pointing the finger at others instead.

You people hound others because they believe in the truth while justifying yourselves because you are spiritually yellow right the way through! It's hard enough to know the truth but to ridicule it the way you do after you once believed is the biggest act of cowardice!

What you need to do is stop thinking your helping people and wake up! Yes it's easier not to tithe or develop or grow in grace and knowledge but we choose to and nothing you or your regular scoffers can say or do will ever stop this powerful work from going from strength to strength.

Thats what you're so sore about isnt it, really, knowing more people are hearing the truth and applying it to their lives while you wander around aimlessly. You dont like being a minority. If you think you know the truth then lets hear it so we can check up on you, but you wont do that because you dont have anything but whining and complaining to offer. Like i said before, the color I see is yellow all over this site.
- See more at: http://armstrongismlibrary.blogspot.com/2015/05/why-we-and-others-call-out-rod-meredith.html#sthash.NIgTfcIZ.dpuf

From a reader here:

What another load of garbage you keep posting. You cant be serious! You keep thinking the GOG (?) people are in a "cult", thats just a word people like yourselves throw around to degrade others in the hope of achieving something sinister. That would make any person who goes to any church or part of a political system or sports team for that matter, part of a cult, how simple minded are you.

The real reason you keep this rubbish up is because you once understood the truth, you had the sword the sheild the breastplate and the belt, but you couldnt continue the fight, why? I'll tell you why; because you have a big yellow streak running down your backs thats why!

To know the truth and then throw your talent away instead of building on it is as cowardly as you can get! You are not the type of people anyone would want in any army. You would throw your arms up in the air and say, "oh this is too hard, I want to get back into the lust of the world it's a lot easier there", and then complain about those who fight on.

To justify yourselves you complain about and try to bring down COG people who are out there continuing the fight to defeat satans lies and deceptions by preaching the gospel of the coming kingdom.

When will you get over the fact that we dont follow any man but Christ. All you do is twist the truth like satan himself. Why dont you complain about the apostle Paul how he persecuted the church prior to his conversion, could you imagine if all you perfect souls that comment on this site were around then, what Paul would have to deal with on top of his other persecutions.

Why dont you offer any other solutions if you think your so right. You dont because you dont have any thats why. Its a lot easier pointing the finger at others instead.

You people hound others because they believe in the truth while justifying yourselves because you are spiritually yellow right the way through! It's hard enough to know the truth but to ridicule it the way you do after you once believed is the biggest act of cowardice!

What you need to do is stop thinking your helping people and wake up! Yes it's easier not to tithe or develop or grow in grace and knowledge but we choose to and nothing you or your regular scoffers can say or do will ever stop this powerful work from going from strength to strength.

Thats what you're so sore about isnt it, really, knowing more people are hearing the truth and applying it to their lives while you wander around aimlessly. You dont like being a minority. If you think you know the truth then lets hear it so we can check up on you, but you wont do that because you dont have anything but whining and complaining to offer. Like i said before, the color I see is yellow all over this site.

You Might Be A Legalist If....


Legalists, whatever they may say, are miserable people. Life is a ledger and they are always trying to measure up. They feel better only through their own perceived performance or by judging the bad behavior of others. It is a zero-sum game which never ends; you can never rest. Liberty for Captives

  1. I am continually scandalized by the driving habits of others. Yes or No.
  2. I believe that God loves me more when I behave. Yes or No.
  3. When I write a check to my church, I tithe to the penny. Yes or No.
  4. I entirely avoid alcohol, makeup, or jewelry out of fear of contamination. Yes or No.
  5. I usually stand out from the crowd because of my formal or conservative attire. Yes or No.
  6. When I encounter another professing Christian, I find myself judging their appearance. Yes or No.
  7. My good friends are all from one church or denomination. Yes or No.
  8. When I miss a Saturday/Sunday service, I feel guilty. Yes or No.
  9. When I miss any church activity, I feel guilty. Yes or No.
  10. There are only a few Bible teachers who truly teach God’s Word. Yes or No.
  11. When I sin, I feel guilty even after I ask God to forgive me. Yes or No.
  12. I believe that small children should behave like miniature adults. Yes or No.
  13. In a snow-covered parking lot, I feel anxious because I can’t see the parking lines. Yes or No.
  14. When someone gives me a gift or does something kind for me, I feel unsettled until I can reciprocate. Yes or No.
  15. I always clean my house thoroughly before anyone visits—even if they’re just popping by. Yes or No.
  16. I want my children to avoid contact with sinful people. Yes or No.
  17. I prefer to do things myself rather than accept help from people who are sloppy or less conscientious than I am. Yes or No.
  18. There is a right way and a wrong way to do everything. Yes or No.
  19. I believe that God is most glorified through my preferred style of music. Yes or No.
  20. I believe that all scripture is equally applicable to my life. Yes or No.
  21. I have had several conversion experiences but still doubt my salvation. Yes or No.
  22. I have a sneaking suspicion that if Jesus returned while I was sinning, I would go to hell. Yes or No.
  23. I take pleasure in reporting or punishing people who commit minor infractions. Yes or No.
  24. I like to make an example out of wrongdoers. Yes or No.
  25. I feel guilty when I exceed the speed limit by even a few miles per hour. Yes or No.
  26. I avoid certain behaviors primarily because they are wrong, rather than because they are harmful. Yes or No.
  27. I feel morally obligated to finish every book I start. Yes or No.
  28. Others could describe me as bitter and depressed rather than joyful and kind. Yes or No.
  29. I feel unlucky or cursed if I skip Bible reading or prayer. Yes or No.
  30. I believe that God is more like a policeman and less like a fireman. Yes or No.

UPDATED: Top Ten Reasons You Can Get Disfellowshipped From The Living Church Of God


From an LCG member:

(In the spirit of David Letterman)

10. Saying anything critical of the ministry
9. Facebook posts
8. Unconfirmed rumors
7. Not accepting the “Upgrades” (after all, that proves that your aren’t really converted)
6. Reading the Book of Enoch
5. Private Bible study or discussion (particularly on Friday nights)
4. Not quitting your job when HQ tells you to
3. Not tithing
2. Not attending (some have been recently dis-fellowshipped for “their disassociation with the Church”)
1. Execution of personal vendetta from Meredith or McNair

Here is another list from another reader:

10. Giving the same three boring sermons again and again… unless you are a Meredith.

9. Setting brethren against each other by telling lies about them… unless you are a Meredith.

8. Coveting widows’ inheritances… unless you are a Meredith.

7. Violating ministerial confidentiality… unless you are a Meredith.

6. Telling lies to the brethren… unless you are a Meredith.

5. Unsuccessfully repressing your gay lust for your boyhood wrestling buddy… unless you are a Meredith.

4. Coming to work under the influence of drugs and alcohol… unless your father is Rod Meredith.

3. Getting caught violating Charlotte building codes... unless your father is Rod Meredith.

2. Cheating on your wife by acting out sexually with an underage girl... unless your father is Rod Meredith.

1. Being too much like Jesus, and not enough like Rod, Little Jimmy, David, and the other Merediths.

Herbert W Armstrong TV Archives Still Falsely Claiming 'Famine of the Word " Is Here


In mid-May Grace Communion International (the former Worldwide Church of God) filed a "take down notice" with YouTube against Herbert W Armstrong TV Archives and two other pages.  Like many others in the Church of God, they felt they had the RIGHT to steal copyrighted videos, booklets, articles, etc. from GCI.  They claim this right because they feel that Herbert Armstrong was a true prophet of God and his words are sacred and need to be preserved.

Various individuals over the last two and half decades have plagiarized, in one way or another, every single thing that HWA and the WCG produced pre-1986.  One of the  biggest offenders of this was Gerald Flurry.  Without asking, he published Mystery of the Ages and other books by Herbert Armstrong, resulting in a humiliating series of court trials. The Philadelphia Church of God LOST these cases and had to pay the WCG 3.5 million dollars for rights to publish HWA materials.

Most of these people got their inspiration from Donald Tiger who started copying everything he could get his hands on in the late 1980's and sent the materials out on CD's to anyone who asked.  Then....God's most important man to ever exist in human history stuck his dirty hands in the pie and created a huge mess for Tiger.  Dave Pack apparently framed Tiger for embezzlement....see Did David C Pack Frame Don Tiger? Dave Pack, being the narcissist he is, gets extremely jealous of ANYONE who is doing sometime better than himself.

With Tiger out of the way, others stepped in to fill what they saw as a void in keeping "the truth once restored" alive.  Huge collections of the writings of HWA and most other WCG leaders prior to 1986 started filling the web.  With the disgust that so many felt towards many of the splinter group leaders many COG members used these materials to stay and home and away from these groups.  As the spiritual perversions of Flurry, Pack, UCG, COGWA and LCG started getting more and more bizarre, people started flocking to these sites for sustenance.

The three most popular sites for several years have been:

The Real Elijah TV on Youtube
Herbert W Armstrong TV Archives on Facebook
Worldwide Church of God Archives on Youtube

Now these sites are empty and the guardians of these sites are screaming "FAMINE OF THE WORD!" even though no such thing is happening.  These people got caught doing something illegal and they are not happy.  For people who claim to follow the 10 Commandments to the letter, theft of works owned by someone else apparently is not "theft" in their eyes.

These people and many other COG wanna-a-be leaders all claim the "fair-use" excuse to justify their theft of privately owned works:
This channel is about the preserving of the works, and literary, and video and audio productions of the "Worldwide Church of God, a unincorporated spiritual organism". We are apart of this church, and we wish to protect and preserve the teachings of this "Church". And we wish to make them available, for our fellow brethren worldwide. And this is protected under the fair-use provision of the copyright regulations, as defined in 17 USC 107.  HWA TV Archives

Here is what "Fair Use" actually means which is NOT what the COG splinters are claiming:

What Is Fair Use? 

In its most general sense, a fair use is any copying of copyrighted material done for a limited and “transformative” purpose, such as to comment upon, criticize, or parody a copyrighted work. Such uses can be done without permission from the copyright owner. In other words, fair use is a defense against a claim of copyright infringement. If your use qualifies as a fair use, then it would not be considered an illegal infringement.

So what is a “transformative” use? If this definition seems ambiguous or vague, be aware that millions of dollars in legal fees have been spent attempting to define what qualifies as a fair use. There are no hard-and-fast rules, only general rules and varied court decisions, because the judges and lawmakers who created the fair use exception did not want to limit its definition. Like free speech, they wanted it to have an expansive meaning that could be open to interpretation.
Most fair use analysis falls into two categories: (1) commentary and criticism, or (2) parody.

Commentary and Criticism

If you are commenting upon or critiquing a copyrighted work — for instance, writing a book review — fair use principles allow you to reproduce some of the work to achieve your purposes. Some examples of commentary and criticism include:
  • quoting a few lines from a Bob Dylan song in a music review
  • summarizing and quoting from a medical article on prostate cancer in a news report
  • copying a few paragraphs from a news article for use by a teacher or student in a lesson, or
  • copying a portion of a Sports Illustrated magazine article for use in a related court case.
The underlying rationale of this rule is that the public reaps benefits from your review, which is enhanced by including some of the copyrighted material. Additional examples of commentary or criticism are provided in the examples of fair use cases.


A parody is a work that ridicules another, usually well-known work, by imitating it in a comic way. Judges understand that, by its nature, parody demands some taking from the original work being parodied. Unlike other forms of fair use, a fairly extensive use of the original work is permitted in a parody in order to “conjure up” the original.Copyright and Fair Use: Stanford University

None of these people are criticizing or parodying Armstrong works.  They are publishing or rebroadcasting in the entirety copyrighted and licensed works of someone else.  Being prohibited from doing that by the legal owner, no matter now disgusting many think this to be, is NOT the "famine of the word."

According to these people Jesus Christ is PERSONALLY being attacked by GCI's actions.  Of course this is all tied to SATAN trying to stop the words of HWA being promulgated upon on the world.  They also assume that God was an impotent creature that was unable to keep his word alive down through the centuries till Herbert came along and restored it.  Anyone with even the slightest bit of real church history knowledge will know this to be blatantly untrue.

Under Herbert W Armstrong, The Worldwide Church of God, was also attacked with attempts to muzzle the message they brought. God's apostle, Herbert W Armstrong, preached around the world, the true gospel of Jesus Christ, the gospel or good news of the coming Kingdom of God!

And we, The Worldwide Church of God, an unincorporated spiritual organism, support him in God's Work. And we are still supporting him today, and that is why we make such materials available. And such attacks, from Grace Communion International, is an attack, believe it or not, on "The Worldwide Church of God, an unincorporated spiritual organism", and if God's Church is attacked, then the attack is on Jesus Christ and God the Father! 

This world does not know what spirits lead them to do such deeds. They actually think they are doing God's will to destroy, and to censor and to muzzle the true gospel message, which was delivered by Herbert W Armstrong, and supported by "The Worldwide Church of God, an unincorporated spiritual organism". 

So continue to pray brethren. Pray even for our enemies. Pray that God can bring them according to His Will to a place, where He can bless them for obeying Him. 


Because time is short, and we are entering it seems, the famine of the Word. But if that is God's Will, it will be done. But, perhaps God is testing His People Again, to see if they really love Him and His Truth, and to see if they are truly backing and supporting the delivering of the true gospel message, which Herbert W Armstrong preached?!?! Nevertheless, Satan the Devil is ANGRY!

There is a lot of other bullshit that these people claim further in their Facebook page; of which not one single thing they claim is true.  Of course this really is the fault of all the COG members who do NOT support these "ministries"  They are allowing Satan to lead them astray and the church.  Unless they repent God is not on their side.

He is watching our choices. We are truly being judged right now. 

We all have fell to sin, and have found each of ourselves off track. 

God corrects those whom He loves, and He allows calamities and trials and persecutions to come on His people, to test them, and to strengthen them. Faith is like a muscle, it must be used in order to grow and build. But unlike a muscle, we cannot work up faith, but it must be given by Jesus Christ. The Living faith of Jesus Christ is what we must have, and God has promised in His Word, that if we ask for faith, He will give us the LIVING faith of Jesus Christ.

Satan always gets the short-shift for mistakes COG leaders make.
We are not battling with human beings, but with spirits in high places, who do not want God's Truth made available, who want to see it destroyed, who want every single one of us DEAD forever. We have a large target on our backs. And Satan and his demons are zeroing on God's Church, and wanting to destroy us, any way he can. DO you have a sin you don't think matters? Satan will use that to destroy you forever, if you do not repent of that sin, and turn and begin doing it God's Way! The same is with us. We are in perilous times brethren. And we need to get each other back on track. 

They also think that GCI is going to let them have free reign and repost all the hundreds and hundreds of videos they had previously posted.  If they don't then it is a sure sign that the end is nigh and their "ministry" is coming to a close.  Of course dear brethren it is VITAL that you pray and FAST for this terrible tragedy.
We are awaiting correspondence from Kenny Ryans, who reported our videos, and we are praying that God delivers us, and protects His truth. 

Perhaps our job is coming to a close? You better make sure you have as much as these materials downloaded for yourselves if you want them. Because they are being taken down, as we speak. 

Please keep us in your prayers brethren. You are in our prayers. 

Please set aside a day for fasting, and take all of this to God. Examine yourselves and make sure you are on track with God. 

Fasting  has always been used by the COG as a tool to influence their God into doing something THEY want to happen even though  under the new covenant"fasting" is not a requirement of Christians. But heck, when has the new covenant ever been a priority in the Church of God?

Satan is NOT attacking these people, nor is he attacking any of the COG's.  Everything that is happening in all the Church of God's right now is directly a result of abuse or greed on their part.  No government is attacking them. No one from the Catholic Church even cares about them.  No one is creating issues for these people and the Church of God other than themselves.

The Arrogance of WCG TV Archives


Get a load of this from the Facebook page of WCG TV Archives:

You are not to leave OUT, remove, change, cast out, pervert, REBEL AGAINST, ANYTHING that God has given to His Church through whom HE HAS CHOSEN. You did not choose the instruments God uses. You cannot DENY the WORK DONE by those instruments. For it was a Work done by GOD. And it is God you are denying. Do you want to be found denying Jesus Christ? FB post

No brethren, DO NOT even dare to think for yourselves or attempt to disprove anything the COG teaches.  You are denying their god if you do!

Is Living Church of God's Michael Germano the Church of God Hypocrite Extraordinaire?


Click to enlarge in all of its appalling glory

Gavin Rumney had an interesting screen capture on Thursday that was written by Michael Germano.  Germano is the "brains" by Living Church of God's fake "university" that is seeking accreditation.  People have always assumed that Germano was a little more educated than many of the hierarchy in the Worldwide Church of God.  He was also the one of the people behind the push to get Ambassador College/University accredited both times it went through the process.  Germano was also part of BibArch "magazine" a pseudo-archeolology site that tried to prove many things from Scripture and to match things up with Armstrongite mythology.

His bio contains the following educational pursuits:

Michael P. Germano, a graduate of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, holds earned doctorates from the University of Southern California and the University of La Verne. He completed post-graduate study in anthropology, archaeology, and theology at Southern Methodist University and Texas A&M University at College Station
Just check out all of the "worldly" education he received.  Contrast that to his mind boggling comments above:

The American Academy has been overrun by evil leftist ideology turning many college and university schools of arts and sciences into citadels of universities into citadels of deception and factories of deceit.  Many English, anthropology, history and political science departments are staffed with flaming leftists with very few exceptions.  It is almost impossible to find PhD faulty in these disciplines that reflect traditional American values.  Their brains have not been washed but scrubbed clean and reprogrammed. Part of the deception is that academic leftists not only see themselves as the most brilliant, enlightened and balanced people on the planet capable of governing everyone in every context but as moderates.  It is impossible to have a reasonable conversation with members of this elite as they have convinced themselves of their indigent, deceptive righteousness.  It boils over into lefty religion and includes well-meaning evangelicals who have been attracted by it.  The building of American has taken many generations but it is being shredded.  As the saying goes, any old jackass (an appropriate symbol) can kick down a barn but it takes a skilled craftsman to build one.
I am sure the accrediting organization  that is working with Living "University" would love to hear how degrading Germano is to them.

Some in the Church of God thought Germano was going to be a "breath of fresh air" as he readily acknowledged that Christians are NOT bound to keeping Sabbath, unclean meat rules, paying tithes, circumcision and "holy" day observances.

Germano should be a breath of fresh air for LCG. Here's an excerpt from his article The Sinaitic Covenant and the Law of Moses: Irrelevant? Or, Do They Still Matter?

"In apostolic Christianity, Christians of Jewish or Gentile origin were free, as they remain today, to adhere to the Ten Utterances and observe various Mosaic Covenant traditions such as observing the Sabbath, celebrating the annual Sabbaths and associated festivals, abstaining from unclean meats, paying tithes, and circumcision, but they were not bound to do so."

(SOURCE: http://web.archive.org/web/20050302190114/bibarch.com/Articles/Article-The+Siniatic+Covenant.htm ).  see  University in a Broom Closet

My how times have changed! Germano knows better but has prostituted himself out to Rod Meredith's mindless rantings.  For shame!

Consider Germnao's letter to the Worldwide News dated May 9, 1995:

The encouraging comments from our ministry all across the nation have been inspiring to my wife, Brenda, and me. It seems that each person had his or her own personal struggle in coming to understand what God is leading us collectively to know and do as his children.

Learning is painful; there is nothing easy about it. I used to believe, and preach, that the most difficult aspect of life was child rearing. I have now changed my mind. It is being a Christian.

Thanks to Mr. Tkach's leadership and relationship with God, we have been led by the Spirit of God to come to a deeper, richer, fuller understanding of what it is to be a Christian. The understanding appears to be wholly of the Spirit. When the veil is removed, all comes into place. Spiritual renewal is being worked out in a powerful and wonderful way throughout the Church.

At Ambassador University we have some on the faculty (both lay members and ministers) who have not been able to see or accept the
New Covenant understanding. The majority of the faculty, however, have and are deeply thrilled and excited about the new understanding. Some faculty and students have decided that they will work in active opposition. This is sad, but each person has come to his or her decision.

All of our children and their mates remain loyal to God's Church and work as it is administered by Mr. Tkach. I believe that by the early summer the Ambassador University community will all be of one mind once again, and we can go forward with the wonderful work that lies ahead. It is going to be a very large and exciting work, and I hope we can all grasp the vision and significance of it.

Our prayers and thoughts are with all our brothers and sisters in Christ—the ministry and the brethren. Please pray for Ambassador University. We love all of you and we know you love us.

Michael and Brenda Germano
Ambassador University
The Germano's claimed  to have been lead to grace during the changes in the Worldwide Church of God.  Their lives were deeply enriched with the "fuller understanding" on what it meant to be a Christian.  They claimed that the "veil had been removed" from their eyes."  Yet they have become mouthpieces for the legalistic lies of Rod Meredith.  Deep down they KNOW what Meredith teaches is WRONG yet they do NOTHING.  The almighty paycheck still reigns supreme!

The Church of God Bill of Rights


  • You have the unalienable right to read the Holy Bible without any man telling you how it should be read or understood. You have the right to read scriptures without any aid of any of the church literature. You also have the right to read study and examine scripture through any concordance, Bible helps, scholarly works, books by theologians and scholars far, far removed from XCG background. Yes, the late great  Samuele Bacchiocchi had some great Adventist works—but try something different—let say N.T. Wright if you dare!

  • You have the inalienable right to read ANY and EVERY book that has been critical of the Church of God movement. You have the right to know that these people had legitimate complaints. They were not under satanic control but had enough of the hypocrisy, deceit, the manipulation and other non-(and anti-)Christian behaviours that the XCG executives portrayed.

  • You have the right to not attend every Sabbath service. You have the right to visit other family members whether members or non-members. You have a right to sleep in, for married couples to have a special time for lovemaking, to spend extra time with children, a weekend at the cottage or just taking the whole family out in the woods just to have a walk until sunset. Attending Sabbath services does not make any one a Christian just as one person who stands in a garage makes oneself a car.

  • You are entitled to the concept of that every believer is part of a kingdom of priests, a concept that every man, woman and child if they want to have free open access to their Creator and to freely read scripture as they see it. This is a concept from The Reformation (Oh, by the way you might want to study about The Reformation and forget the ‘60’s articles on The Plain Truth About The Protestant Reformation) and the irony is that the ministers like the Catholic position sooo much because they ALONE believe that they have access to God. How selfish!

You have the right to use any and social media without the approval any minister telling which to participate or not participate. You have the inalienable right to tell a minister who wants to spy on your regular routines on the internet that it is none of his business and he should spend his time on feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, housing the homeless and taking care of the poor. If he is doing absolutely none of these things, he is not a minister but a hireling.

The complete list by Felix can be found here:  The Bill of Rights For The Average Member of the XCGs

Who Kept The Best Pentecost?


On Sunday, May 24 it was the traditional day for the Christian celebration of Pentecost.  The day the Holy Spirit descended and was made available to all believers.  It is a day widely celebrated throughout much of Christendom.  It is even one of the few Christian holy days that the Churches of Armstrong celebrate on the same day.  However, there is one big difference, the Churches of Armstrong all feel that they and they alone are the only ones keeping it correctly.

Like Bob Thiel, most in the Churches of Armstrong look down upon and mock Christians around the world.  Thiel, in all of his self-righteous glory, calls all Christians "so-called"  except for those of his minuscule sect. For the rest of the Churches of Armstrong. there are no Christians on the entire face of the planet who are more enlightened than those of the Church of Armstrong.  They and they alone posses all true spiritual knowledge.  Therefore, the TRUE Pentecost could only have been celebrated in a Church of Armstrong service last Sunday (May 24).

Unless of course, you are of the Church of Malm.

If you are a Church of Malm member or follower you would have celebrated Pentecost TODAY (May 31, 2015).  The Church of Malm believes it and it alone are the only ones on the planet who are in possession of revealed truth through its modern day mouthpiece, James Malm.  He and he alone is the only true reveler of hidden knowledge that even Herbert Armstrong did not know.  He even says that Herbert Armstrong was sorely misguided on many things and his acolytes clap like happy seals.  They are looking down upon all those in the various COG's today as ignorant fools who did not know that TODAY was the real Pentecost.

So who kept the better Pentecost?

UCG Mark Mickelson/Don Ward Claim Vic Kubik And Others Bypassed Council In Order To Hire New Pastor Trainee's

Trust us and blindly follow...

I received the following information regarding a recent UCG Council meeting.

It seems that Vic Kubik, along with two others, unilaterally decided that UCG was hiring three new men to be trained as pastor's and one trainee to receive a stipend, without getting the entire Council's approval.  They apparently bypassed the Council of Elders in this decision without consulting them for any input and to where the money was coming from to pay them.

Excerpts from Council letter:

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Chairman Robin Webber called the meeting to order at 4:08 p.m. Eastern, and the meeting was opened with prayer. All 12 Council of Elders (Council) members were present....

New Hired Ministerial Trainees—Robin Webber 

Mr. Webber mentioned a Council member had brought forward a concern regarding the hiring process. He asked the Council’s permission to place it on today’s agenda. The topic would be hiring of trainees mentioned in Mr. Kubik’s member letter sent out this week. The question was raised about what part the Council has in helping with these decisions. Also the budget called for four new hires. Where will the money come for the fifth hire?

The discussion surrounding the interpretation of 8.7.2 (1) that deals with a stated Council responsibility of “to approve the selection of all officers, agents and employees; also to remove, if necessary, any officer, agent or employee; to prescribe duties for them; to approve their compensation; and to require from them their faithful services.”

The Council is within its bounds to interpret the bylaws on its own, and this bylaw has been subject to various interpretations over the years.

The chairman reminded the Council that the administration had brought their plans forward twice regarding the ministerial training program via a videoconference meeting before the General Conference of Elders (GCE) conference and the recent May meetings that followed.

Additionally, legal counsel Larry Darden mentioned current human resources (HR) policy for hiring states the Council can delegate to the president. For new positions the president is to get approval.

Chris Rowland mentioned that this isn’t a new position.

Mr. Webber said that the administration has put the names forward and feels there is a sense of urgency to train these individuals at this time. Three of those six trainees will be moved to train under another pastor. Those names can’t be currently shared at this time due to processes of notification and notifying current employers.

Don Ward asked how these men were selected from all the names put forward by pastors. And who decides where they will be moved to?

Roy Holladay explained that these individuals had their names put forward and were highly recommended by church pastors. Others in the current listing will be looked at for the future.

Dr. Ward reiterated his question about who decided on these six.

Roy Holladay said they are available and qualified. There will be four to five recommended each year from pastoral input. It was then clarified that there were three who made the ultimate selection of these six trainees with input from their pastors: Victor Kubik, Roy Holladay and Chris Rowland.

Mr. Holladay, answering the second question, said that these new trainees will be placed with men who have specific mentoring skills. In the ministry different individuals have varying skills, and it’s a unique skill to be able to mentor others towards this calling.

Mr. Rowland, in further clarifying the first question, said that the selection was made from pastoral input. A letter was sent to all those individuals who were recommended to get further details on those men.

Mark Mickelson mentioned that he believes the Council and administration are operating outside of our bylaws. There are issues in terms of doctrine, issues in terms of employment and issues in terms of media that should receive Council approval that are not receiving Council approval at this time. And those are all separate discussions that he would give more detail on if wanted. What is being discussed now brings up the point that the Council does have responsibility for new hires and not just new positions. We need to either change our bylaws or change the way we operate. He doesn’t think this is the way we agreed to operate. He also asked for the Council to consider face-to-face meetings in August to address these things.
Robin Webber is then "surprised" that anyone dared to question what had happened.

Mr. Webber inserted a measure of surprise and desired explanation of Mr. Mickelson’s stated position that this might impact doctrine.

Bill Bradford said that with the new trainee hires there was no approval by the Council. He reiterated the inquiries already raised about the hiring process and making sure the new trainees are doctrinally sound. He also asked Mr. Rowland where the money is coming from when this many new trainees were not in the budget.

Mr. Rowland replied that this was discussed with treasurer Rick Shabi. Ministerial and Member Services (MMS) feels that with the environment in the Church right now we have to be able to act quickly at times. He then mentioned that the extra funds came from what is in the bank already.

In reference to Mr. Mickelson’s previous statement, Mr. Webber asked the administration to share an overview of their selection process in regards to qualifications and doctrinal soundness.

Mr. Holladay said that locally he talked to Steve Myers about them. There are always unknown quantities with all of us that we deal with. MMS is very comfortable with all of the selected individuals.

Mr. Bradford asked if the others who had their names put forward by pastors were interviewed as well. Mr. Holladay replied that they were not. Mr. Bradford asked why not.

Mr. Holladay replied that letters were sent out to get their input. Several wrote back that they would like to serve, but for various reasons could not do so at this time. They weren’t interviewed, but there was communication with them. The Council has the authority to review all hires but has not always exercised that authority.

Mr. Rowland commented that Roc Corbett specifically brought this bylaw to the Council’s attention on his behalf during the recent review of the bylaws, to ask for direction on the handling of new hires. The Council said nothing about doing anything differently.

Mr. Webber went back to the fundamental issue: that the Council reviews the credentials of the president and operation managers. All elections and selections have consequences regarding our choices. Once made, we place confidence in such individuals while maintaining oversight. The Council strives to offer the administration as much leeway as possible. It’s a process that we work through.

John Elliott mentioned bylaw 8.7.2 and that it appears to need further clarification. Mr. Webber asked what kind of clarification it needs. Mr. Elliott said it needs clarification in regards to hiring, as was stated by MMS. He suggested that this topic be brought up for a future meeting.

Mr. Webber agreed. He had talked with secretary Gerald Seelig that morning about this topic and asked for his input.

Mr. Seelig said that since 1997 this has been an issue with questions that arise and can be contentious at times.

Mr. Webber restated that the Council should always have oversight, but should not micromanage.

Peter Eddington mentioned that at the home office the precedent has been that the Council has delegated it to the president. This is what is being followed. If there is a need to change that precedent then it needs to be made clear.

Scott Ashley said that four years ago we went through a time when 15 to 20 new hires had to be done, and they weren’t brought before the Council. He doesn’t see any breaking with precedent, but that also doesn’t mean the Council can’t address it again.

Mr. Kubik stated that what we have been doing with the hiring of the six new trainees is still a very new thing. Mr. Kubik reminded the Council that at the home office they meet regularly and prayerfully. They are careful to not mention names too quickly, and they are learning from what they have done. They appreciate the input from the pastors at the regional conferences.

Mr. Webber mentioned this is not an end, both in the ministerial training selection process and in the lives of those not currently selected. He mentioned his own experience at Ambassador College of not being immediately selected to “go out” after graduation and the course it took. Much is yet to occur in the lives of all these individuals.

Mr. Webber asked the Council about their desire to take a straw poll to get the feeling of the Council in this matter.
Don Ward feels that certain UCG leaders are bypassing the Council in several actions.  One was the epic failure of UCG's new web site that shoved official church teaching to the secondary pages on the web site instead of boldly proclaiming their doctrines and intent on its main page.  After being widely mocked by countless web sites and its own members, the Council is trying to bandage that "ouchie" up.

Dr. Ward didn’t think it was necessary for a straw poll. His understanding was that people proposed would be narrowed down so the Council could then discuss the final hires. He was surprised to hear of the new hires in Mr. Kubik’s letter with no discussion from the Council. He asked, “Regarding the new hires, is the Council to give input, or is the administration just wanting it rubber stamped?” Dr. Ward stated that he understood the desire to put confidence in the administration to perform their roles, but major issues come up at times in which more immediate Council review and oversight is needed. Such an issue was the recent rollout of the new website that needed more initial Council direction and careful review to ensure that the Church’s positions are accurately stated. Here was a case in point of the need for more immediate and necessary Council oversight on a major item, which did occur.

Mr. Holladay commented a number of the new traineees are already in the process of changing careers. It would be difficult for them to wait until there is the Council approval at this point. The issue of them being doctrinally sound is very valid. This is one of the reasons for having them trained under a pastor who is balanced. For the round of hiring we take the Council’s input and improve the process, but at this time we have already committed to hiring these men.

Mr. Mickelson stated that he would prefer not to take a straw poll since the decision has already been made.

Mr. Elliott suggested that the Roles and Rules Committee (RRC) can have the issue of the bylaw remanded to it. Then the RRC can have a proposal for this process for the August meeting.

Mr. Rowland said he would be glad to send out policy 2.1, “Recruitment and Hiring” from the human resources (HR) policy manual to anyone who wants to review it, because it is pretty clear about what the process is. This policy was approved by the Council in 2001. The process needs the approval of the Council and/or the president to hire someone. If something is needed to be updated it would be this HR policy.

Mr. Mickelson asked if the precedent referred to by Mr. Eddington and Mr. Rowland also included spending money outside the approved budget. Any spending that is not within the planned budget needs be addressed by the Council at a later date, which would include salaries and moving expenses.

You would think that close to twenty years after UCG's formation that they would have things all figured out.  Since they were the "new and much improved" Church of God at that time, they set out thinking they would be a  better church and be run more efficiently.  The problem is, and always has been, is that the very foundation of the UCG was envisioned in clandestine backstabbing plan's in Kubik's on-campus apartment on how to take as much money and members as they could while they were all still employees of the Worldwide Church of God. Every single person in power in UCG was a minister in power in WCG where they did what they wanted and spent as they wanted.  That power carried right over into UCG along with the abuse and wastefulness they participated in when in the WCG.  Nothing truly has changed in UCG. Ethics has never been the banner of the UCG since its inception.

Is James Malm's Mixture of "Deadly Error" to be Trusted?


A reader here asks:

I was wondering about James Malm and if he is someone we should be following. He seems to have a lot going on as far as teaching about God. Now he is writing booklets and trying to explain about everything from prophesy to Passover. If you have seen his many blogs you will know what I mean. The only thing that bothers me it seems like the bible if true is the only book needed, not someone trying to explain what God has already explained, which means adding to the word of God, I want Gods take on what he says not James Malms. I am split as to what to do because in one sense he seems to know so much and in another sense there is just something I can't point out but worry about if I believe him. He may have a lot of truth but I worry about if there is any error, and truth and error mixed is a deadly combination. Thanks very much for all your work in showing error of others, I have learned a lot and thankfully haven't gotten sucked in to listening to others because of them being exposed. I will continue to follow your site and hopefully one day you will get a chance to let us know either way about Mr.Malm. Thank you.
So the question is, Is James Malm to be trusted?

More Fun Comments From Living Church of God's Michael Germano


An LCG member sent me the following screenshots of comments Michael Germano has made over time. What a lovely attitude for a man who is trying to impress the worldly men and women who might be accrediting Living Church of God's so called  "university."  Germano is obviously no fan of the Gentile occupying the White House, which is typical of most of the splinter groups.  It really galls them that an African American is ruling over them.  If a woman happens to be elected in 2016 you might as well expect the Germans to start setting up concentration camps in the U.S.

This one apparently is a direct slam against his former employers, the Worldwide Church of God.

Childhood Lost: Memories of a Childhood in The Worldwide Church of God (Armstrongism)


By early summer, my brothers and I had been rather forcibly introduced to Armstrong's god and he was a demanding piece of work. All unnecessary social contacts with the heathen world, such as playing baseball at school or hide and seek with the neighbor children were terminated. God's people, including their offspring, were commanded by God (through Herbert) to "Come out from among them and be not partakers of their sins!"

The sect's marching orders were simple and succinct coming nearly straight as they did from the Lord via Armstrong. "Fear and Tremble," to question Herbert, his hand picked ministry, or their god. While the enduring task of the laity, on the other hand, was to listen and obey. All else emanated from the evil one.

This new deity didn't mess around. He was extremely touchy. One never knew what might set him off. But there was nothing prejudiced about the way he evidenced, in general, an unbiased and unmitigated disgust for all his children. He was an equal opportunity destroyer.

Besides wreaking vengeful havoc upon rebellious teenagers, lipsticked females, and skeptical males, he was a killer of disobedient children. He waited his chance, bided his time and kept the most meticulous records imaginable of every six year old's felonious crimes and gross misdemeanors. For soon enough they would all add up into a veritable mountain of blasphemy, and carnal depravity which no amount of forgiveness could ever expunge, and they would dwell in the lake of fire forever, amen.


Sooner or later (sooner knowing me) I'd spit on the sidewalk, say "Ah, shit," or be thumbing happily through the pages of the National Geographic to gaze in wonder at the dark naked ladies and remember: HE was watching, listening, taking it all down, and I would be toast.

I discussed this (and other) theologically weighty problems with school yard buddies to get their slant on the matter, but they were all of different faiths and persuasions (if one could believe first graders had faiths and persuasions) and what I learned was shocking. None of them knew the truth, at least the truth as I'd heard it. Furthermore, they'd never even heard of the fundamentalist church I was forced to attend, the Armstrong congregation of the called and the chosen.

That being the case, they could lie, steal, and fornicate to their hearts' content...and still have hope in salvation! That really sucked, and for the first (but not the last) time in my life I looked heavenward and mentally asked, "Why me?" What offense could I possibly have committed to be unfortunate enough to have parents who'd stumbled across "The Way" and worse yet dragged me along with them? For I knew the truth, but instead of setting me free it seemed determined to slit my throat.

I knew the year of my execution as well. Herbert had written a book on the subject entitled 1975 In Prophecy. 1975, he publicly proclaimed, was the year a merciful God had lovingly chosen to show humanity the error of its ways. Privately, however, church members were instructed to be prepared for their Lord's return by 1965. As religious tracts go, 1975 In Prophecy was crude, even for its time, full as it was, of prophetic invective and coarsely drawn pictures.

For all of that, it was still a nightmare booklet designed to strike terror into the hearts of all who read it by purporting to show the ghastly end of a corrupt and decadent world, a world which had stubbornly refused to heed the dire warnings of God's last true prophet, Herbert W.

On top of all that, the church's idea of a properly kept Sabbath bordered, if not wholeheartedly tromped, on the constitutional prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment. Sabbath, in their estimation, began some hours before, at sunset the previous day to be exact. From then on, no form of activity outside of reading Herbert W's private interpretation of the Bible was permitted. On the big day itself, the called and chosen bestirred themselves from their mild mannered walks of life, donned such formal attire as they were capable of affording after numerous tithes and offerings and, strode forth to become the future masters of the universe.

A rented grange hall was the arena for this weekly metamorphosis in my neighborhood. A hollow shell of a place with windows too high to look out of and filled with the most uncomfortable fold out steel chairs humans have yet devised. Here the merry throng gathered for at least five hours every Sabbath and the exhausting ritual of rest and relaxation began.

Some deacon or elder would hop up on stage, bid the congregation be seated and, once it was, to rise. The first of four hymns was then thoroughly butchered...and they were no ordinary hymns either. Herbert W. had a brother who fancied himself a song writer and musician. He'd taken many of the more bloodthirsty of the Psalms and added what he thought were appropriate melodies, most of which sounded like lugubrious variations of the funeral dirge played backwards. Once the joyful noise had been replaced by blessed silence, the called and chosen were told again to sit, and they did. For the next four hours.

The ministry of the church labored mightily under the illusion that they were experts in every field of human endeavor. Their training and education did little to relieve them of this happy burden. They were, to a man, all educated at Ambassador College in Pasadena, California. This college had been invented by the big man himself to teach young minds his version of God, the universe, and the hereafter. Among other things, the curriculum fostered a humble attitude of self importance, spiritual arrogance and personal conceit. They were, they were told, the most called of the called and chosen.

The rest of the curriculum at A.C. was decidedly simple. The entire universe was six thousand years old, modern science was all wrong, contemporary educational institutions were tools of the devil, as were medical doctors, dentists, and especially psychiatrists. If you had the faith (and were as nearly perfect as they were), God would cause all you did to prosper. If you had the faith, he would protect you from all manner of evil and heal you of all maladies...except mental illnesses (these were, and remain to this day, in private church theology at any rate, products of either self deception or demon possession).


The order of worship in a standard disfellowshipping, which is to say that of a lay member, was precise and prescribed. It entailed verbally flaying the flesh off the unrepentant, vocally roasting their heretical remains over brightly burning cauldrons of collective self-righteousness, then figuratively holding the still smoldering carcass up before the entire congregation for spiritual edification and formal disfellowshipping.

When a member was disfellowshipped, all regular sermons were temporarily preempted to deal with the juicy allegations. Questioning the authority of the ministry, divorce and remarriage, use of tobacco products and poor attendance were all capital offenses, spiritually. Once a member was amputated from the body they were regarded as dead, spiritually now (unless they humbly and abjectly sought the pardon of the ministry) and literally later when God returned.

On the great day of a disfellowshipping, the pastor would mount the podium with that dejected air of reluctant regret which only the hopelessly self-righteousness can muster, the consummate spiritual executioner too weary to wield his axe.

He would then stare out over the sea of gathered faithful and begin. But he wouldn't just solemnly announce the distressing news and get things over with. No, he would begin softly, sadly, blending shadow with shade, color with hue, till, in the middle of his discourse, the lurid portrait of a vile sinner would slowly begin to emerge and take horrifying shape. Toward the end of the sermon this despicable creature, once known as a Christian, was conclusively identified and their craven deeds of rebellion and intransigence fully and finally described in a crescendo of sound and fury from the pulpit that would have had even Satan quaking in his boots. And members would park pitiful expressions of dismay and shocked disbelief on their incredulous faces and ask each other, "How could this be? How could Brother or Sister... have fallen from grace so horribly?"

But in reality none of them were surprised in the slightest. Everyone had been discussing the situation for weeks as befits concerned responsible Christians and, as a rule, had socially ostracized the poor bastard many Sabbaths previous. The obligatory casting out was a mere formality. Except when it involved, as it sometimes did, the ministry. In those cases, the hell fire and brimstone was kept to a minimum with little or no information on dastardly deeds forth coming; other than "by the way," asides to the flock to pray for an endangered brother who was fighting a deadly one man battle in hand to hand combat with Satan himself.

The sense of relief at any sermon's end was palpable. More than a few of the called and chosen would quietly (but wholeheartedly) whisper "Thank God!" as the minister wrapped things up, and not for the spiritual sustenance they'd nearly gagged on either. But even this wasn't the end. Two more uplifting hymns were essential, plus a closing prayer.

Read the entire book check it out here:
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Marion McNair: Armstrongism: Religion or Rip-Off?


This three-part volume is a thoroughly documented expose of the modus operandi of the Armstrong religion. The author, Marion J. McNair, is eminently qualified for the task of analyzing this sect as he has been associated with the Armstrong organization for over thirty years. Mr. McNair first attended Ambassador College as one of its pioneer students in 1948 and was eventually ordained to the rank of Evangelist. During the last seventeen years he has been a part of the administrative ranks of the organization at its headquarters in Pasadena.

In Part I, Mr. McNair analyzes the subtle psychological approach used to entice unsuspecting individuals into "the Work." He discusses the "Armstrong commission" and how exorbitant expenditures are rationalized and justified with minimal accountability to contributors. Complete profiles are given of Garner Ted and Herbert Armstrong along with all the top men who helped build the Armstrong empire. For this and other parts of the volume, the author collaborated with a professional psychologist who provides considerable insight into the soul of the Armstrong philosophy and approach.

Part II analyzes the early beginnings of the organization showing the real conflict in Herbert Armstrong's relationship with the Oregon Church of God. You will find that they pleaded with him to study in open discussions his "heresies" in the areas of British-Israelism, prophecy, and holy days, but that he continually refused such overtures. You will be astounded to discover that Armstrong was finally fired from the ministry because of his mishandling of finances and his total disregard for church authority. His move to California was forced upon him by his continual prophesy failures and the desertion of most of his church. He thus achieved a new base of operations, one unfamiliar with his massive prophecy debacles. It was this new base which became Ambassador College and the Worldwide Church of God.

Part III reveals the details of the 1973-74 organizational split, a split which is still continuing. You will see the entire episode from behind the scenes, showing the true concerns of the Armstrongs during the crisis.

This important book succeeds in exposing the totalitarianism of the Armstrong regime. It reaches beyond the facade and reveals what the Armstrong "Rip-off" is and how it works. Painful Truth

Read the entire book online here.

Ron Weinland Has Massive Heart Attack While In Prison


Mike is reporting on Don't Drink the Flavor Aid Served By False Prophets  that imprisoned felon Ron Weinland had a massive heart attack on May 28.  This will soon be surely spun into some prophetic sign from Weinlands's god.

According to sources including a comment left on the blog, False Prophet Ronald Weinland suffered a heart attack last Thursday, May 28.  This was not his first heart attack, as he had one on or about August 4, 2005 and was out of commission for 5 weeks recovering from triple bypass heart surgery.  Word is that he returned to prison yesterday and is to have stents put in after he gets stronger.  Some skepticism on that from some quarters.  Perhaps he had urgently needed angioplasty in one area of the heart and they see some other areas that are marginal but not urgent.
JD left a comment:
People are upset in pkg.  Ron had a massive heart attack last Thursday and people are just finding out and are upset because it has been keep under wraps.  maybe the big wigs think people will start running for the doors if their mighty leader has fallen yet again.    Hmmmmmm maybe Ron is one of the ones who is scheduled to die for not repenting.  Has to start somewhere.
Reading the additional comments show that the PKG deliberately kept this from its members.  Others are questioning whey he was released till he gets better and then come back in for heart stents. There apparently is far more to the story than PKG is relaeasing.

Herbert Armstrong's Disdain for COG Members Carries Over to Pack, Flurry, Meredith, Kubik and the Leadership of Every COG to this Very Day.


There was an interesting comment on Gavin Rumney's OTAGOSH blog the other day in response to his posting on PCG's new local radio station.

The comment is about the disdain that HWA had towards the lowly church member.  It is the very same attitude that is still used by Pack, Flurry, Meredith, Kubik and others.

2 June 2015 at 02:53
Picking up on a theme that runs through the last few posts, I believe that this all has to do with control, whether it is Germano, humorless ministers or PCG events. And I believe that it starts with HWA. HWA had a disdain for the average member of the WCG. This is not something that I am asserting as a matter of opinion. This can be established by going back and reviewing what he said and what he wrote. In fact, most lay members in the WCG heard this viewpoint repeatedly.

1. HWA regarded lay members as just a resource for his use. They were called to help him "do the work" which involved large amounts of money and some questionable activities that to this day seemed to have produced nothing. Their salvation was of no importance. If lay members were not ready to impoverish themselves for the work, then God could raise up stones to do the job. (Nobody ever called him on this point.) He was not trying to make the point that the funding of lay members was not needed - he was making the point that they were essentially worthless in his sight and in God's sight. They could easily be replaced by stones. Explicit in this view is that God had no personal attachment to lay members or their salvation. (All this form the guy who touted the wonderful human potential as an advertising ploy.)

2. HWA in a tape played across the country, found the budget to be short and angrily blamed this on self-indulgent lay members. In this context, he stated that he did not expect lay members to receive salvation. He only expected the leaders and ministers of the WCG to receive salvation.

3. HWA repeatedly chided lay members by stating that they just wanted to "get" salvation. He converted what Christians would regard as the hope and glory of salvation, highly to be desired, evinced by God himself, into something shameful, evil and wicked all in the interests of squeezing more blood out of the turnip.

Oddly, lay members read and listened to this for years yet fanatically remained loyal to HWA and seemed to believe that he had their interests at heart when he proclaimed over and over again that he did not and was utterly hostile toward them for not coughing up enough money. You can't say the guy wasn't honest, at least about this. It was Joe Tkach, Sr. that actively elevated the salvation of the average lay member to something important. This particular change was revolutionary - a complete sea change in the WCG. This was an abandonment of HWA's view of derision and an alignment with Christianity. This new view was presented in an editorial in the Worldwide News written by TKach Sr. and people in the WCG were so brain-washed that nobody I know even noticed. I would bet that most even today do not know this happened.

-- Neo

The COG Cry For The Kingdom To Come So The Wicked Can Be Punished

double click to enlarge

This seems to be the cry of Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry, Rod Meredith, James Malm and Bob Thiel.  They want that kingdom to come so that the evil people around them can be punished.  Some of them almost take delightful glee in  that anticipation.  They do want to see concentration camps, horrible wars, famines, pestilence and a host of other evils they predict for the world.  If it does not happen then they are proven to be liars and thaw would be a major embarrassment considering they want to be god's so whey can dish out that punishment.

Are There Really Any "Good" Elders/Ministers in the Church of God?


In the thread under Herbert Armstrong's disdain for regular members, there have been a lot of interesting comments.  Three of which I post below.  The first two takes exception that there are NO good elders in the Church of God who have risen above the corruption and abuse.  The second claims there are NO "good" elders/ministers in the church because they do nothing to stop the abuse they see happen around them.
"The headline here is wrong. i would agree with it in part only....as usual many are being tarred with the same brush, when in reality its just ''big names'' ruining it for the rest of the Shepherds who try to do a humble work."3:00
"If you can listen to HWA's Friday night Bible Studies to the brethren, he is so gentle, and would warn us of ministers (even in the WCG) that were wolves in sheep's clothing. This did happen as many of these ministers and their followers turned aside from the Bible truth, causing the great split of 3/4 of the church. Yes, HWA tried to warn us, may be got a bit emotional at times. I have noticed a big difference when I was a member of WCG during HWA's time and now being currently in one of the COC's, that many of the ministers now are very selfish and only there for the money, and treat brethren badly, who do not suck up to them."8:42
One response says those that sat by and did nothing when they saw abuse are actually culpable to the spiritual/physical tragedies Flurry, Pack, Meredith, and others have caused.

I can't deny that there were "good" elders and ministers in the COG. However, because they sit by and don't speak up when they see abuse and mistreatment of members they are just as culpable as the perpetrators. They know better.

The so called "good" elders and ministers of PCG, LCG, UCG, COGWA and RCG  are guilty of the the suicides, broken marriages, destroyed families and lives because they are helping perpetuate a system of gross abuse that has been going on for close to eight decades. When will they grow some balls and forgo the paycheck and speak out and truly be servants of the members? Then we will truly know who the "good" ones are.

Which side is right?   Is Cal Culppepper good?  Richard Ames, Victor Kubik?  Joel Meeker? Gerald Flurry?  Dave Pack?  Bob Thiel? Jim Franks? James Malm?  Are some better than others or are they all equally wrong?

United Church of God Is Now Embracing "Transformative Learning" After Mocking WCG Over Its Own Transformation Learning Process


During the mid 1990's when the Worldwide Church of God was transforming its thinking and beliefs, many of the so called "loyal men" headquartered in Pasadena, and elsewhere, balked at this new way of thinking.  The WCG was throwing out the phrase "cognitive dissonance" in almost every sermon, article and interview.

Wikipedia defines cognitive dissonance as such:
In psychology, cognitive dissonance is the mental stress or discomfort experienced by an individual who holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values at the same time, or is confronted by new information that conflicts with existing beliefs, ideas, or values.[1][2]

Leon Festinger's theory of cognitive dissonance focuses on how humans strive for internal consistency. An individual who experiences inconsistency (dissonance) tends to become psychologically uncomfortable, and is motivated to try to reduce this dissonance—as well as actively avoid situations and information likely to increase it.[1]
After months and months of claiming the church was NOT changing any of its teachings, even though the rumor mill was working over time claiming it was, the Worldwide Church of God  abruptly departed from the path and made epic changes.  These changes ripped the church apart by forcing members to "think" on their own for the  first time.  Some got the necessity for the changes and many did  not.  How could Herbert Armstrong have been wrong?  Is everything I ever believed wrong? These questions disrupted the life of the church.

Some of the biggest enforcers of the "new" doctrines of the WCG were the very same men that sit in positions of leadership of the United Church of God today.  For a long period of time, while they planned and plotted their new church, they kicked out hundreds of members from the WCG for disagreeing with the new teachings.

While these men were punishing questioning members, Vic Kubik, Robin Webber and others to gathered in Kubik's apartment on the Pasadena campus where they plotted to form a break away group where they could divert as much money possible in order to preserve their jobs.  Word was quickly spreading as to what these men were up to.  Church of Administration was also aware and told them to get in line or get out.  Many paid lip service for several months till the UCG  officially had money coming in.  Then they left.

Once these men left thy started mocking WCG's comments on the "cognitive dissonance" comments being made.  They claimed that they had no cognitive dissonance in their thinking.  They were right and there was no possible way they could be wrong.

Now jump forward a decade as United Church of God started facing its own upheavals with major splits happening.  The splintering groups and members claimed that the UCG brass were up to something and making subtle changes doctrinally.  UCG swung into denial mode claiming no such thing was happening.  Disgruntled members and employees in Cincinnati kept spilling the beans on all kinds of things happening.  Pretty soon UCG big-shots started claiming that those upset were dealing with cognitive dissonance.

Now jump forward to 2015.  The United Church of God ha snow embraced "Transformative Learning" as  its new tool of "educating" its "college" students and members into examining their thinking and to being open to new ideas.  The UCG recently hired on a new minster trainee who is educated in this thought process.

What is transformative learning?

Here is what the University of Central Oklahoma define Transformational Learning as:

Jack Mezirow, a leading thinker in adult education, developed his characterization of transformative learning (TL) in the late 70s and early 80s. Dr. Patricia Cranton of Penn State, another leading writer on transformative learning, says that the “elegantly simple” definition of TL includes the idea of people changing the way they interpret their experiences and their interactions with the world:

. . . an individual becomes aware of holding a limiting or distorted view. If the individual critically examines this view, opens herself to alternatives, and consequently changes the way she sees things, she has transformed some part of how she makes meaning out of the world. (Cranton, n.d., available here) 

This idea of a fundamental change in perspective or frame of reference (King, 2002) is at the heart of transformative learning. When someone undergoes such a change, he has, in essence, “transformed” his view of himself or of the world or of how he interacts with others and his environment. 

There is nothing wrong with that approach and should be what every single person heading off to college or parked on their butt in church is using.  However, in the historical Church of God movement under Herbert Armstrong's influence, critically examining ones view, being open to alternative thinking and actually changing ones thinking was NOT something that members were encouraged to do.

The entire foundation of the 20th century Church of God movement was based upon Armstrong's six months spent in a public library, a dream of his wife, and a distorted interpretation of British Israelism.  Once that was set into print or uttered by Herbert Armstrong it was FINAL and no one was to question him.  Anyone that dared to question or actually prove he was wrong was immediately kicked out and marked as a dissident.

So what is the United Church of God really up to?  Many see this is just one more in a long line of hypocritical things that UCG is doing.  What is UCG going to do if someone comes forward and says that everything that UCG believes is actually wrong?  Will they stop, listen, examine and open themselves up to new alternative thoughts and practices?  You and I know the answer to that!

New Sabbatarian Motorcycle Group Forming


The latest issue of The Journal is out and has a small blurb on a new motorcycle group that has formed for Sabbatarians.
A new Christian motorcycle-riding group, XII Legions Christian Motorcycle Ministry, has started up in New Jersey with the intent to develop chapters in other areas of the country.

The bikers are “looking for other bikers who have an interest in motorcycles, riding and the Word of God, including God’s holy Sabbath day,” Mr. Paparella said. The group is nondenominational and open to all regardless of church affiliation and “wants to promote the gospel of the Kingdom of God on two wheels,” he said. The founders are longtime Church of God members, with past and current fellowships with the former Worldwide Church of God, United Church of God, Church of God (Seventh Day), Beth Israel Messianic Congregation and Church of God Flemington (an affiliate of Church of God Ministries International), as well as several private-residence-based church groups.
I just envision hoards of Sabbatarians riding through peaceful neighborhoods on Sunday mornings revving their bikes in order to disturb the heathen Sunday worshipers.

Just imagine the scene at some future Feast of Tabernacles site as the Charlotte Spankers, Wadsworth Narcissists and the Edmond Idolaters clash over which one is the one true Sabbatarian biker group.

I highly doubt any of them will put John 3:16 or Colossians 2:14 on their jackets.  Can't have any of that Jesus stuff, just the law.

Like everything else in the Church of God, this is nothing new.  There have been Adventist Sabbath Keeper motorcycle groups for many years that attend all the motorcycle gatherings around the country.  One of those events is here in California in Hollister.  There is also The Sabbath Keepers Motorcycle Ministry.

I doubt if they will name one like this either

Shall we start naming the various COG motorcycle gangs?
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