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Doug Winnail (LCG) Does Not Like LCG Being Accused of "Prediction Addiction"


Doug Winnail has a short little piece up about how important prophecy watching is to the Living Church of God, while ignoring the fact that every prophetic utterance that has come out of Rod Meredith and Herbert Armstrong's mouth has failed to come to pass.  He is especially suffered major butthurt over LCG and its leaders being accused of suffering from "prediction addiction."

Jesus told His disciples to stay alert and watch for the fulfillment of specific prophecies that will mark the approaching end of this age (Matthew 24). Jesus also warned in the parable of the foolish virgins that many will be caught napping by the surge of events that will precede His return to this earth (Matthew 25:1-13). God has given His Church a “more sure word of prophecy” (2 Peter 1:19, KJV) so His Church can act as a watchman to warn about the prophetic significance of both current and impending world events (Ezekiel 3 and 33; Proverbs 24:11-12). Yet over the years, misguided teachers and preachers have ridiculed the Church’s understanding of prophecy and accused anyone watching Bible prophecy of suffering from “prediction addiction.” However, as we see world events fitting into the end-time scenario that is outlined in Scripture, we need to make sure we are building a closer relationship with God and that we are learning to live by every word of God—as we continue to pay attention to prophecy.
Have a profitable Sabbath,
Douglas S. Winnail
What really irradiates LCG and Winnail is that the "prediction addiction" phrase came from Grace Communion International who finally woke up to the fact that the decades of prophecies that the church and Herbert Armstrong uttered were nothing more than speculation.  There was nothing prophetic about any of the predictions.
Here is what happens. You conclude from your study of prophecy and its chronological calculations that we are in the “end times,” and that a catastrophe of “biblical proportions” is going to befall us in “just a few short years” (they are always “short” years, it seems). You then “watch and pray,” anxiously (or perhaps eagerly), fitting the events and news of the day into your predetermined framework. You watch with growing anticipation as the evidence piles up.
The problem is that the pile of evidence starts to get very shaky, and the “short years” stretch into decades. Although the pattern of major world events may not fit neatly into your prophetic scenarios, you can still find enough catastrophes to stay in the game, while you hastily recalibrate your prophetic timetable.GCI UPDATE: Prediction Addiction
Armstrongite ministers have always had to "recalculate" their predictions, or if you want a more accurate word...LIES.

Gavin Rumney had this up on his blog in 2013:

Our Roots of Prediction Addiction 
Some of us have learnt over the years to view "Bible Prophecy" with a jaundiced eye. The attempt to turn the complex texts of the Old and New Testaments into a coherent road map for the near future is doomed to failure from the outset. Ancient writings simply can't be read that way with any integrity. It's not just bad theology and rotten exegesis, it's a display of dull and incompetent basic reading skills. 
Where did we pick up the bad habit? When did the peculiar blend of Bible-quoting, fear-saturated fantasies we are familiar with first take recognizable shape? Doomsdayers have of course been with us from the earliest days of Christianity - with deep roots in Jewish apocalyptic. If we are honest about it, we can probably trace the trail even further back to the influence of dualistic religions like Zoroastrianism. 
But the version we're most familiar with owes a great deal to the Adventist "Midnight Cry." Stepping back into the nineteenth century we find the seeds of our particular prediction addiction. The various churches that have historic ties to William Miller (and, on the other side of the Atlantic, the equally disturbed John Nelson Darby) are still largely in thrall to bizarre and naive biblical misinterpretations, and the delusion that they have some kind of special "inside knowledge" about the future.  Our Roots Of Prediction Addiction
The extreme lengths we go to in the Church of God's is all due to our Adventist roots in William Miller and Ellen G White.   These two set the stage for HWA, Meredith, Thiel, Malm, Waterhouse and others.

Don Solin had an excellent article in The Hufffington Post about "prediction addiction."

Do You Have “Prediction Addiction”?

While his comments are geared more towards the stock market, it is applicable to "prediction addiction" in the Churches of God.  He writes:

This addiction is a particularly bad one. Not only are our brains hard-wired to believe we can predict the future and make sense out of random acts, it rewards us for doing so. The brain of someone engaged in this activity experiences the same kind of pleasure that drug addicts get from cocaine or gamblers experience when they enter a casino.

When predicting the unpredictable goes south, as it inevitably will, the neurons in the brain start misfiring, causing panic and anxiety.

Anything less than total confidence in our predictions implies that we have lost control. The brain resists this conclusion. Random events are perceived as the enemy.
In Armstrongism everything seems to be the enemy.  Some of its leaders find no joy in anything.  They need the world and church members to be just as miserable as they are.  Just look at the mindless rankings of James Malm and Bob Thiel.  Has the church ever seen two such unhappy men?

Living Church of God also blames Jesus for this addiction.  Note what John Wheeler had to say:

Allegedly, Jesus Himself set His followers up for "prediction addiction" in Matthew 24:3-7 when He warned of religious deception in His name, "wars and rumors of wars," famines, pestilences and earthquakes. "These things have always been around since Jesus' day," scoffers say (cf. 2 Peter 3:3–4). But they overlook the real significance of Matthew 23:8: "All these are the beginning of birth pangs" (literal Greek). When a woman is in labor, her birth pangs come in cycles, but they come more quickly and more strongly over time—leading to the "crisis" of childbirth itself. So it would be in the "latter days." During the space of a generation (Matthew 24:32–35), first broadly relevant events would occur with increasing frequency and intensity. Then, very specific events would occur with little or no warning in a very short time (cf. vv. 4–31). And all that is what students of biblical prophecy need to be watching for! No need to try to predict the day or the hour of Christ's return; that cannot be done (vv. 36–44). It is enough to be ready, no matter when all these events take place (vv. 45–51).  Tomorrow's World: Prediction Addiction 
If all of these people were actually followers of the Jesus Christ they claim to follow then they would not need to be in a constant state of worry and fret over events in the world.  World events happen as they happen, some may fit some imagined timeline, most will not.  Resting in the one you are supposed to be following is far more rewarding than following crackpots like Malm, Thiel, Meredith and others who make outlandish claims about world events.  These liars have no idea about "end time" events any more than your cat or dog does.

Matthew 11:28-30The Message (MSG)

28-30 “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

Rod Meredith: Did Christ Actually Start Both Of His Churches?

Lots of empty seats for God's greatest COG leader

Rod Meredith is making the claim that Jesus Christ is the one that started both of his splinter group personality cults.  Did Jesus Christ actually do that?
As I have previously explained, Christ did raise up the Global Church of God in early 1993, through me—just a very few months after the blasphemous, “God Is...” booklet came out, along with other heretical changes in doctrine. But many were not aware of Christ raising up this Church—or had been poisoned against us by vicious rumors and accusations. So, instead of zealously searching out and proving to themselves where Christ was continuing His Work, many just stayed put or even dropped away from the Truth altogether.
Did Jesus Christ start Global?  The answer to that is a bold NO!  Try a child molester and some of his rich friends.  It was a group of employees and church members who connived and plotted behind the scenes while the Worldwide Church of God was defending Meredith's loud mouth in court.   Once Meredith lost the lawsuit and WCG had to pay damages, Meredith and his little crew of weasels began plotting his new church.  Then after Global quickly realized what a tyrant Meredith was, they tried to remove him.  Meredith and his conniving group of ne'er-do-well's  then took all of Global's money and started a new church, another one that Jesus Christ had nothing to do with.
But—mark this!—the living Christ did give people in early 1993 a “way out”—He did raise up a Church with a trained, dedicated ministry of long standing who preached the full Truth and who quickly—within weeks—went on the radio, published literature and began to revive the Work. So Jesus Christ did not “desert” you or anyone else. He is still the living Head of the Church. He is alert, active and powerfully in charge of His Church and His Work! And in His great wisdom, He is now “testing” His people to see what is really in their hearts.
Why is the god of Armstrongism always "testing" its followers?  For eight decades now it is obvious that the members have never measured up.  They have missed the mark.  The god of Armstrongism is still displeased.  Its anger can never be vanquished.  It is eternally pissed
Has the splintering of God’s people been a trial? Of course it has. But God specifically reveals that He allows trials for our good and “tests” us through them. Notice these words of the Apostle Peter: “In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials, that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 1:6–7). The Apostle James was also inspired to tell us the same thing: “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience” (James 1:2–3).
The splintering of the church over the decades has been the direct result of self-serving men setting themselves up as know-it-all's with their new churches focus entirely upon their personalities.   Money flow has always been the top priority in the starting of the various splinter groups.  The ministers and leaders need that money stream coming in.  That was Meredith's prime issue when starting Global.  Huge amounts of money needed to be collected BEFORE he jumped ship.  He had no faith to step out on his own.  He let his flunkies do it for him. If he truly was a man of conviction and principle then he would have required no money and no followers but stepped out in faith.

Meredith claims his group is the ONE church that is doing the real gospel and exemplifying the real form of true godly government.  That real government is supposedly a foretaste of what the government will be like in Petra and the world tomorrow.  It that is true, then the church and the world is screwed!  Government in the COG has always been a joke.  If they actually practiced what they preached, then not a single one of them would have started their own groups.  There is nothing godly about the form of government that many of the COG's pretend to use.

Meredith continues:
Christ is alive! He has not gone off and left His Church! He is not the author of confusion (1 Corinthians 14:33).
If that statment is true, then WHY is the current Churches of God in one of the most confused messes in Adventist/sabbatarian history?  Hundreds and hundreds of personality cults run by their own special guru's stealing tithe money of their own benefit.   The COG can no longer mock the hundreds of Christian denominations any more.  The Church of God is a complete and utter fractured mess.
Additionally, remember Jesus’ powerful promise in Mark 11:23–24: “For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.” 
Brethren, if we in the Living Church of God “feed” on these and related scriptures, then we certainly will begin to build “an atmosphere of faith.” Also, obviously, we cannot just “work up faith.” Each of us must do his or her part in fervently studying the Word, meditating on the examples of faith in the Bible and on the things we see God do even in His Church and Work today. Then, we must CRY OUT to God in heartfelt prayer and fasting that our heavenly Father would give us the “gift” of faith through His Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:7–9).
Meredith can "feed" on scriptures all he wants.  Because he ultimately denies the one he claims to follow.  All of that scripture feeding will be of no benefit to him or the church.  As long as legalism runs amok the church it cannot be a follower of Jesus.  Plus, fasting in order to appease that eternally pissed off god is not in scripture and is not a new covenant requirement. Therefore it is a waste of time and ultimately does nothing more than create hundreds of grumbling stomachs.

Next Meredith resorts to his usual doom and fear mongering.  Tough and violent times are ahead...in a very few years, of course.  That eternally pissed off god is getting ready to spank LCG members.  After being part of three different COG movements, they STILL cannot get things right.  Of course it is always the members fault and never the corrupt leaders.
Remember, God’s Word tells us, “But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him” (Hebrews 11:6). Building an atmosphere of faith within God’s Church today is absolutely vital. We cannot even fully imagine the trials, tests, persecutions and difficulties that will come upon His people during the next several years. We will all need living faith in God. And to do the Work which God really wants us to do, we will have to walk with God, commune with God and wrap our minds around some of the direct statements of Jesus Christ, such as John 14:11–12: “Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father in Me, or else believe Me for the sake of the works themselves. Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.”
The scripture that COG members need to find assurance in is this:
Matthew 11:28-30

28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 
29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 
30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Gone is the burden of having to worry if your have "made it" or if you have been "fighting the good fight." There is no need to worry about those things.  Grace and justification abound, legalism and the law destroy.

From Editorial: Living Faith

Living Church of God's Deep Obsession With This Blog


Within minutes of posting the previous post about Rod Meredith, Charlotte came alive with countless hits coming through.  The boys at HQ are constantly monitoring us.  It is actually quit hilarious!

The Foolishness of Preaching: "When we flee.........


Gerald Waterhouse raised the concept of saving yourself in the flesh and protection from all the end time events as he perceived them to an art form.  He also raised it to a level of foolishness causing endless questions and fears among the members after they had to endure his marathon 4 hour rants.  

I told Gerald Waterhouse on his last visit to my area I ever had to endure that he raised more questions and caused more anxiety among church members than he solved. (I got kicked under the table) .  All he said was "Really?"  Later that evening  I asked him what he would say and think when (NOT IF)  HWA died.  I had it in my mind that old people died for some reason and life went on.  He said,  "I'll believe it after three days and three nights."  I knew it was over for me personally. 

What's all the fuss about saving themselves physically?  Who cares if you went to a Place of Safety for "Final Training" and lasted a few more years in the flesh?  Why worry about if  whoever said it was "Time to flee." wasn't just nuts and delusional and another Jim Jones and Jonestown looming?  Why agonize over family, friends and the family pets?  Why try to figure out where to land the "Wings of Eagles" to be provided by the US government in the form of 747's they'd provide just to get rid of the righteous?  Just hide me in the grave for Pete's, or my, sake.

I have never heard anyone in positions of knowing the mind of the gods to just be content with being hidden in the grave, as the OT notes, "until thy wrath be passed." Guess you can't control the dead or scare the tithes out of them with warnings of what it takes to be chosen, special, called and a royal priesthood who only was worthy of saving in the flesh if they prayed, payed, obeyed and stayed. 

 Dave Pack has made it very clear that the resources of his members are useless because they won't need it when they flee....so send it in.   

"Paul spent his short ministry preaching  the "we who alive and remain" approach as well with a smattering of "we shall not all die" (they did) as well.  Then he realized he was wrong and went the way off all flesh just as today's  "When we flee..." and "We shall be changed" promoters will in time. 

"There has to be some kind of prior signal to the church to get ready to be in Judea in 1290 ...that occurs at the 1335. What is the signal? I'm going to tell you on the authority of God this is what it is: It is an internal signal given to the church and nobody else, and we won't know it until we're given the signal, because if it were to be known before, it would be in the Scriptures. It's given to the church and that's why it's not listed in the Bible and only the people in God's Church— you understand all the sequence of prophecy, the people who understand, the "wise," will hear the signal and heed the signal because they're in the right place to get— to receive— the signal. It's an internal signal. It has to be— similar to when the Christians fled when Jerusalem was about to be destroyed by the Romans in 69-70 A.D., and so they fled and they heard a noise out of the sky, a voice "Get you hence!" Thunder came right out of the sky...and they literally marched, history said, they marched right out of Jerusalem and the Roman army sort of stood back aghast as they went to Pella and escaped."

 [Speaking of Home Equity Lines] 
"The worst that can happen, and I'm prepared for this— is that you run it all the way up, and then you have to amortize it in a term loan after 10 or 20 years. It requires some faith, but not a lot. Now you just have a second mortgage instead of an Equity Line. It's converted into a term loan, paid over a period of 10 or 20 years, starting in 10 or 20 years. It's what I've done. I'm prepared to do it. And then, frankly, we flee before most of it ever comes due. That's just the way it is."

Dave Pack
The Clarion Call

"Good News"

 "But consider now the special time of this prophecy about protection in a mysterious wilderness. Notice exactly which period in the history of God's Church the escape shall occur. Turn to Revelation 3:7-13. This is addressed to the Philadelphia Era of God's Church — the Church before whom Christ opens the door to preach His gospel around the world (verse 8). Because this Church has kept Gods word, Jesus promises: "I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation"— the time of trial — "which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth' (verse 10). Here is a world-wide terror to come upon all nations. This is not for the slow-moving past. It is a prophecy for the pulsating present the last days of human history — just before God intervenes to set up His Kingdom to bring peace at last. 
   Here is a prophecy for this generation — at the very time God's Church is preaching and publishing the Gospel of the Kingdom of God world-wide. This prophecy is about us! 
   But how will Jesus keep us from the coming trial and persecution? We just read the answer from Revelation 12! There is a place of safety, in a wilderness, for the people of God. 
   But where is that wilderness? 
Hermann Hoeh 
Good News Magazine April 1962

"The Bible teaches that a portion of the Christians will be protected in a wilderness area during the Great Tribulation. Might this place be Petra in Jordan? Which places do the Bible show can and cannot be the place of safety? Is the idea of Christians fleeing to an area with caves during the reign of the Beast and Antichrist an old one or a modern invention? Which Christians get this protection and which do not? Will those who do not go be subject to persecution? Do Catholic prophecies warn against this biblical place of protection?
As far as Petra goes there are several clues in the Bible that suggests Petra or a place similar to it. But part of this is based upon where the place of protection is not."
"In terms of its location from Jerusalem, Petra (Sela on some Bible maps) is mainly south and slightly east of Jerusalem. 
Now it is also possible that the actual place could simply be just be near Petra or perhaps the location will be far from it. 
Philadelphians and the Wilderness 
In the New Testament, while not all Christians are promised physical protection, the Philadelphians are promised to be protected from the Great Tribulation and this place is in the wilderness according the the Book of Revelation:"
"Places, such as Petra, are in the wilderness and in a biblically possible location.
Now, because of the fact that Petra is such an important tourist site for Jordan, and because of archaeological considerations, it may not be the place. But it could be or even near the place.
While Petra may not be the place, it is a place to be considered."
Robert Thiel
Might Petra be the Place of Safety?

All of this is truly an example of the foolishness and the dangers  of preaching  and what most members I knew found  more disturbing  than encouraging and hoped wasn't really true 

Martin Luther King: The church is a weak, ineffectual voice with an uncertain sound.


Besides being a great description of Christianity, it is a perfect description of the state of the Church of God today.   The Churches of God are "weak and ineffectual...defenders of the status quo." Even when self-appointed guru's show up new to the scene, like  James Malm and Bob Thiel, they just end up continuing to be ineffectual defenders of Armstrongism.

In deep disappointment I have wept over the laxity of the church. But be assured that my tears have been tears of love. There can be no deep disappointment where there is not deep love. Yes, I love the church. How could I do otherwise? I am in the rather unique position of being the son, the grandson and the great grandson of preachers. Yes, I see the church as the body of Christ. But, oh! How we have blemished and scarred that body through social neglect and through fear of being nonconformists. 
There was a time when the church was very powerful--in the time when the early Christians rejoiced at being deemed worthy to suffer for what they believed. In those days the church was not merely a thermometer that recorded the ideas and principles of popular opinion; it was a thermostat that transformed the mores of society. Whenever the early Christians entered a town, the people in power became disturbed and immediately sought to convict the Christians for being "disturbers of the peace" and "outside agitators."' But the Christians pressed on, in the conviction that they were "a colony of heaven," called to obey God rather than man. Small in number, they were big in commitment. They were too God-intoxicated to be "astronomically intimidated." By their effort and example they brought an end to such ancient evils as infanticide and gladiatorial contests. Things are different now. So often the contemporary church is a weak, ineffectual voice with an uncertain sound. So often it is an archdefender of the status quo. Far from being disturbed by the presence of the church, the power structure of the average community is consoled by the church's silent--and often even vocal--sanction of things as they are. 
But the judgment of God is upon the church as never before. If today's church does not recapture the sacrificial spirit of the early church, it will lose its authenticity, forfeit the loyalty of millions, and be dismissed as an irrelevant social club with no meaning for the twentieth century. Every day I meet young people whose disappointment with the church has turned into outright disgust.
This is an excerpt from King's "Letter from a Birmingham Jail" 

Habakkuk Is Now In Our Midst! Heed His Warnings!


Why is it that so many of the delusional self-appointed false prophets of Armstrongism have to continually compare themselves to Hebrew scriptures prophets?  Never once do these fools claim they are following in the footsteps of Paul or James or horror of horrors...Jesus!

Now one of our most delusional self-appointed false prophets has taken upon himself the mantle of Habakkuk.

Almost Arrested, Elisha, Elijah, Amos, Joshua, End time Witless Witness, and our most favorite Doubly Blessed Prophet is now comparing himself to Habakkuk   Just like in the time of Habakkuk, when those people did not heed his message, the same is going on today in these most violent horrible end times as people will not heed the revelations and teachings of Bob Thiel.  Woe to you sinners who do not believe! Lukewarm Laodiceans!  Where is the zeal?  Where is your dedication?  Bob's the man!   THE man!  Heed him and be saved!

1 The burden which the prophet Habakkuk saw.
The Prophet’s Question
2 O Lord, how long shall I cry, And You will not hear? Even cry out to You, “Violence!”And You will not save. 3 Why do You show me iniquity, And cause me to see trouble? For plundering and violence are before me;There is strife, and contention arises. 4 Therefore the law is powerless, And justice never goes forth. For the wicked surround the righteous; Therefore perverse judgment proceeds.
The Lord’s Reply
5 “Look among the nations and watch — Be utterly astounded! For I will work a work in your days Which you would not believe, though it were told you. 6 For indeed I am raising up the Chaldeans, A bitter and hasty nation Which marches through the breadth of the earth, To possess dwelling places that are not theirs. 7 They are terrible and dreadful; Their judgment and their dignity proceed from themselves. 8 Their horses also are swifter than leopards,And more fierce than evening wolves. Their chargers charge ahead; Their cavalry comes from afar; They fly as the eagle that hastens to eat. 9 “They all come for violence; Their faces are set like the east wind. They gather captives like sand. 10 They scoff at kings, And princes are scorned by them. They deride every stronghold, For they heap up earthen mounds and seize it. 11 Then his mind changes, and he transgresses; He commits offense, Ascribing this power to his god.” ( Habakkuk 1:1-11)

Notice that the above states that the end time work will not believed by many even though God will reveal it through–which He does through His prophets, like Habakkuk.
Four guesses as to WHO is doing that end time work...Rod Meredith?   Dave Pack?  Gerald Flurry?

NO Brethren!  No!  It is Doubly Blessed Bob Thiel!!!!!!    He had a dream!  That PROVES he is legit!

Here is something that was written in 1973 for the old Ambassador College by Dean Blackwell:
Why do you think in Habakkuk, God said that He’d “revive His work in the midst of the years”? Would this be said if they were doing the work in all the time of the New Testament Church?
You might note that in Habakkuk 3:2, he says:   O Eternal, I have heard thy speech and was afraid: O Eternal, revive thy work in the midst of the years, in the midst of the years make known; in wrath remember mercy. 
   He is referring to God reviving His work in the midst of man’s last century. He said that God would make known what is happening and what’s going to happen in man’slast years, in the day of His wrath. He requested that God remember mercy and hide His people in a place of safety.  
The work needs to be done in the 21st century. Will you truly support it? 
Whether or not Habakkuk himself died on January 15th, the reality is that since much of his message is for the appointed time of the end, his writing (that God inspired) is applicable today.

Do 21st Century Christians Need To Worry About Man-Pigs? COG Prophet Thinks So!


I never cease to be amazed at the weirdness that continues to leak out of the minds of foolish Church of God leaders.

We recently had Dave Pack telling us that deceased COG ministers who were true to the faith would soon rise from the dead and join his church to help him usher in the greatest work of God ever to appear on this earth...aka, Dave's millennium.

Now we have our very own Doubly Blessed buffoon preaching a sermon about "man-pigs." Yes, that is right.  Almost arrested, Elisha, Elijah, Amos Joshua, Habakkuk Bob Thiel felt the need to preach a sermon about "man-pigs and humanzee's."

BBC reported about what it called an animal that would be half-human and half-pig. Is such a thing possible? Are chimeras for real? What about a “humanzee”? Are scientists really working on these type of creatures? Is this good? Can something truly be half human and half animal? How are humans different from animals? What is the ‘spirit in man’? What is man? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more with biblical-based responses.

When Habakkuk Thiel adds the title "Dr." to  the front of his name he looks like a complete blithering idiot.  No "Dr." in his right mind nor real theologian would ever preach such utter bullshit in a sermon.  This kind of idiocy is what occupies the mind of those that cannot and will not acknowledge Jesus.  The idiots are embarrassed to preach any thing that has to do with Jesus.

Just because the liar and certified false prophet waves his big thick Bible at the beginning of his video does not make himself an authority on the book he waves.

Maybe his 1,997 members in Africa might find his sermon slightly interesting due to the fact so many are still steeped in tribal myths and legends, but no Christian today has this topic occupying their mind.

Is Gerald Flurry Looking to Sell Armstrong Auditorium as Income Plummets?


Gerald Flurry continues his downward spiral as his income drops and money flows out to keep a creepy old house in England up and running just so he can imitate Herbert Armstrong and be in place to dig up Hill Tara in Ireland where he will uncover the Ark of the Covenant.

As PCG looses members due to their anti-family message and spiritual abuse of members by Wayne Turgeon and others, income is dropping.  A person would never know though.  Gerald Flurry commissioned another musical based upon Old Testament characters.  These "musicals" have drained the PCG coffers of hundreds of thousands of dollars over the years.  They have been nothing more that a platform for Flurry's grand kids to perform Irish dance in and for the Malone's to have a place to perform where church members are forced to sit and listen to them week after week.  Many members are getting sick of listening to corny musicals and listen to Mrs. Malone screech on stage.

EDMOND—More than 100 Philadelphia Church of God cast and crew members are preparing for the December 29 debut of music director Ryan Malone’s newest musical, The Widow’s Might, which will show at Armstrong Auditorium. Beginning with a rehearsal on November 1, the musical’s chorus groups are focusing on the blocking and staging elements of the show. 
Based on the book of Ruth, the project began in February, with Mr. Malone and Pastor General Gerald Flurry exploring which biblical account to portray in the Church’s next musical production. 
“He thought, since he was going to be getting into some deeper understanding on this book of the Bible, that it would be timely to make this the next musical,” Mr. Malone said. 
Since August, 15 Irish dancers from the Maguire Academy have spent 21/2 hours every week rehearsing for the six dance numbers in the show. Choreographer and instructor Paris Turgeon says the group has dedicated an estimated 30 hours to the finale alone.

A reader here wrote the following about the current state of affairs in the Philadelphia Church of God:

Gerald Flurry has commanded a mandatory Fast starting at sunset last night. He's in a mad panic because membership is down terribly and they're in bad shape financially. Edstone is a money pit and costing them a fortune, bringing in zero revenue. They can't even afford a backup generator when the power frequently goes out. 
The Irish dancing expenses is out of control! The fees to attend the different Feis around the country, the costumes and expensive wigs. There's even rumors of possibly selling the Auditorium.
The recent Ruth play didn't bring in the funds they thought it would, seems these clowns have no idea what they're doing.

Herbert W Armstrong: 31 Years Later and No Legitimate COG Leader Has Come Forth.


Today is the 31st anniversary of Herbert Armstrong's death.  For decades earlier it was preached from the pulpit that HWA would never die and if he did while still in office he would be resurrected almost immediately.  Some fringe elements of the church actually went to his grave 3 1/2 days later expecting his coffin to burst from the ground as he was resurrected to finished the greatest work ever imagined on the earth.  Some in the church still believe this is yet to happen.  They are waiting for a saviour to come in and rebuild the Church of God and reunite it into one magnificent end time work.  It should be noted that none of these people believe it is Dave Pack or Almost Arrested Habakkuk Bob Thiel.

Today the Church of God is one of the biggest fractured messes that anyone could have ever imagined. Hundreds and hundreds of splinter groups are now in existence.  Almost all of them refuse to cooperate with other groups.  Most of them led by men who think they are God's most important leaders ever imagined.  Most of these groups are rather benign and are nothing more than neighborly social clubs for members to feel warm and fuzzy about.  But then there are the aberrant groups like the Restored Church of God, Philadelphia Church of God and Continuing Church of God.  These three groups are led by some of the craziest men we have ever seen in the church.  The nut-jobs the came to Pasadena over the decades proclaiming themselves "witnesses,""prophets,""apostles,""Elijah,""Jesus," and scores of other personalities pale in comparison to these three self-appointed debauched reprobates.   These three claim God personally appointed them to the position they are in now.  Never has the church seen three more humble people to ever lead the members.

Almost Arrested Elisha, Elijah, Amos, Joshua, Doubly Blessed, Habakkuk Bob Thiel is making claims today that he and he alone is the ONLY one that follows and publishes the official list of truths delivered by Herbert Armstrong.

Habakkuk Thiel writes:
The only Church of God group that specifically lists all of those truth, using his list, as part of their official beliefs is the Continuing Church of God
So just what is this glorious list?  Notice that Jesus has no part of it.  As usual.

1. True Gospel  
2. Purpose of God 
3. God’s Plan through the Holy Days 
4. Proper Church Government  
5. Who and What is God? 
6. What and Why is Man? 
7. Spirit in Man 
8. Firstfruits In this Age 
9. Knowledge of What the Millennium Truly Is  
10. Truth About the Holy Spirit 
11. Christians are Begotten Now  
12. Born-Again at the Resurrection  
13. Identity of Physical Israel  
 14. How the Identity of Israel Opens Up Understanding of Bible Prophecy 
15. Second and Third Tithes 
16. Identity of Babylon and Her Daughters 
17. Satan has Deceived the Whole World
18. We Are to Be Separate 
Oh, he may claim that many of his topics point to his "jesus Christ" but ultimately they do not.   They all point to the law and have nothing to do with Jesus.

Almost Arrest Thiel then goes on to name 7 more points as to why he is legitimate and true.  Why do all of the con artists that run the COG's have to have endless lists of bullet points and numbered categories "proving" they are the only true believers?

Habakkuk Thiel then continues claim that all COG's in existence today are NOT following these lists an therefore CANNOT be true churches.   Apostate Thiel also claims that he is doing a more powerful work than HWA did due to modern technology.

We in the [improperly named] "continuing" Church of God are utilizing 21st century methods for mass communication including the printing press, radio, YouTube television, the telephone, and of course the internet, which can even be faster than the forms of mass communication that Herbert Armstrong used. We have reached multiple millions with the gospel of the kingdom and have the type of proclamation and prophetic truths that Jesus said should be the criteria to know the true from the false in Matthew 7:15-18.
Then Elijah Thiel gets to one of his favorite topics.  His dreams.  He dreamed that he should start a church and therefore his god validated him to do that.  He can do it since Herbert and Loma both had dreams.  No COG member would have ever expected to see a guy set himself up as a church leader after a night of bad Chinese food that led to some freakish nightmares. Though the word "nightmare" pretty much sums up the state of affairs in the Church of God today.

Other Church of God leaders mock Amos Thiel's dream sequence and that strikes a sore point with Theil.  HE is still bitter that his ultimate daddy, Rod Meredith mocked his dreams.

Most groups with leaders once part of the old Worldwide Church of God discount all dreams and have not placed the public proclamation of the kingdom of God to the world as their true initial priority (Matthew 24:14; 28:19), do not fully understand all of the restored truths, and have not valued the truth enough, hence they have shown that they are not the possessors of what has been called the “Philadelphia mantle” (leadership authority). The group with said mantle is also represented by the “woman” of Revelation 12:14-17.
Elisha Thiel then claims that his work and his work alone is growing at a rate of 30% a year, something that no God can claim today.  That 30% that HWA claimed was a manipulated figure the was not based upon truth.  Many in Pasadena have acknowledged this over the decades.  It was just one more lie fostered off on gullible church members as a tool to get them to keep sending in money.

The [improperly named] "continuing" Church of God has exceeded the 30% growth per year that the old Radio/Worldwide Church of God used to claim it had for decades. Many of those that we have with us did NOT have a WCG background as we reached people others had not. 
Almost Arrested Thiel is the man!  THE man to lead us to glory.  Maybe it is time we all get on board...

Living Church of God and its Den of Iniquity in Charlotte


From a reader here.  Note that this is not the first time we have heard this.  This has been an ongoing issue  Charlotte and elsewhere.  It also is not confined just to LCG.  It got its start in Pasadena.  The spy base in Pasadena was astounding in the web it wove.

LCG is full of spies. They are completely unscrupulous and know no boundaries. 

They spy on members Facebook pages and feel A-Okay ordering members to remove posts that MIGHT be misconstrued (think: wearing a toga - God forbid). They will guilt-trip the member by saying something like, "we know that nothing bad was really occurring when you took those pictures, but now they are on Facebook and people out in California [who don't know you] might get the wrong impression".

Funny thing is that some people can get away with costume parties (especially in Kansas City) while others are constantly criticized and beaten down for the exact same things. The scales of justice at LCG are anything but fair and just.

I remember a minister at LCG Headquarters (Roger Bardo) telling me that he came back early from lunch one day and found other HQ's ministers in his LOCKED office searching through his desk. He 'resigned' soon after and is now pastoring a small congregation far from Charlotte. I'm sure his life is exponentially better now that he's free of the brood of vipers that is LCG headquarters.

LCG also spies on all employees who use their internet servers. The cleaver one's have gmail or Hotmail accounts for personal email because they know that Big Brother is watching.

To make matters worse, these spies rarely report just the facts. It's far more salacious to add a little spin to it. Rod Meredith is always willing to believe the worst about people and never seeks both sides of the story so he buy it hook, line and sinker.

It was one of these LCG Super Spies that ultimately ended the headquarters careers of Davey Crockett, John Robinson and Bill Bowmer just to name a few.

LCG HQs is notorious for back-biting and lies. They preach brotherly love and servant leadership but what they actually practice is despicable.

I honestly don't know how they sleep at night with all the horrible things they have done to God's people over the years.

Within 10 seconds of posting this, Charlotte lite up again:

I am the most accurate PROPHET in the Church of God now!


Where would the Church of God be without self-appointed know-it-all's in its midst?  For decades the church has had a legion of men (and a few women) who have set themselves up as prophets of their god.  Men who knew first hand how the end times would be happening, had specific dates and who made "accurate" predictions.  The fun thing has always been that every single one of them have been proven liars till now.  Regardless of the record of failure we now have in our midst the  most accurate Church of God prophet ever!  He has 4 accurate prophecies to add to his resume!  He now must be followed as the one and only TRUE Church of God leader! All hail the TRUE prophet!

Who is this amazing man?  Dave Pack?  Gerald Flurry?  Rod Meredith?  James Malm?  Bob Thiel?

It is our very own Almost Arrested,  Elisha, Elijah, Amos, Joshua, Doubly Blessed, Habakkuk Bob Thiel!  Read it and weep Dave Pack!

Fourth COGwriter warning about Donald Trump confirmed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You too can read this steaming pile of bullshit here:  4th Warning

Habakkuk Thiel has a word of warring for all disbelievers:

We in the [improperly named] "continuing" Church of God “have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts” (2 Peter 1:19, KJV).”
Anti-Church of God skeptics do not seem to care that world events are aligning with properly understood biblical prophecy. Hopefully you are not among them.


Herbert Armstrong Coddling Up to The World

Head Slap ... "And yes brethren, I went to Embarrassing College


The hard facts are that the neither the original ministry of the Worldwide Church of God nor ANY of the resulting leadership/ministry of the splits, splinters and slivers, to this day, were properly trained in theological studies and it shows in everything from exegesis to their Christology.  Their hermeneutics aren't all that good either.  Men such as Gerald Flurry, Dave Pack, Rod Meredith and Bob Thiel are "mere Bible readers", as are the members,  and are proof texters jumping around the Bible to conjure up their beliefs like the proverbial cat on a hot tin roof.  They have no clue that their "here a little, there a little" is not the formula for how to arrive at the message of the Bible. 


All of what Gerald Flurry, David C Pack, Roderick Meredith and Bob Thiel believe with regards to their unique selves and their message is simply bogus theology.  They all have raised the making of the scriptures mean what they never meant or could mean to an art form and while occasionally humorous , is actually harmful to those they presume to reveal the mind of their God to and dangerous to their members. 
Following is what the basic minister SHOULD have learned before presuming to understand the Bible, it's history, authorship and politic as well as how to pastor people as a Shepherd instead of a Wolf.  
While personally having to cringe when I hear "Embarassing College", I admit it was and is so.  I had to spend time unlearning and relearning just how to view the Bible over the decades after my own ministry experience. and reach conclusions in doing so that I wish I had reached much earlier in the game.  (Nuther head slap)

Christian Theological Seminary


MDiv/MACMHC Requirements

Download a fillable PDF of this page here.

Requirements: This joint degree program requires 111 semester hours and a cumulative grade point average of 2.7. Students in this degree program will meet educational requirements for ordination (from denominations requiring an MDiv degree).
Upon completion, this joint degree meets State of Indiana academic requirements for licensure as a Mental Health Counselor. It is guided by CACREP standards and the professional orientation of the American Counseling Association (ACA). An approved training program of the American Association of Pastoral Counselors (AAPC), the program also prepares students for certification as pastoral counselors without requiring ordination. Students will also, after completion of a total of at least 4 units of CPE, meet requirements for Association of Professional Chaplains (APC) certification. Many chaplaincy positions, particularly in hospital settings, require both APC accreditation and ordination. While CTS makes every effort to be in compliance with the requirements of specific licensure boards (LMHC, LPC) and professional credentialing bodies (CACREP, AAPC, APC), students must take individual responsibility for monitoring and meeting licensure and credentialing requirements that may change between admission and graduation and may vary from state to state. Students are responsible for such denominational requirements as are required for ordination.
Students are responsible for such denominational requirements as are required for ordination.
Students conclude their degree by completing the requirements for practicum and the X-999B Capstone presentation listed below under “Supervised Clinical Practice”. A criminal background check is required for any student taking the Counseling Practicum.
* = these courses are prerequisites for Practicum
** = course may count only one in MACMHC degree (either B.II. or C.)
*** = course may count once both in MDiv and in MACMHC degree
A. Studies in Theology
I. Gateway Courses (15 hours) To be taken in the first two years of a student’s M.Div. studies.
       Gateway to Theological Education and Spiritual Formation
       Gateway to the Practice of Interpreting the Bible
       Gateway to the Practice of Interpreting Christian Tradition
       Gateway to the Practice of Theological Reflection
       Gateway to the Practice of Entrepreneurial Leadership
II. The Practices (45 hours) 
Three courses for each practice, selected from designated course offerings.
Inspire: Worship and Preaching (9 SH)
Lead: Leading and guiding organizational life (9 SH)
___ P-760 Group Counseling and Psychotherapy (3 SH)***
___ P-657 Contextual Dimensions of Mental Health Counseling (3SH)***
Serve: Leading and Guiding Opportunities for Mission (9 SH)
Love: Caring for the community (9 SH)
___ *P-511 Counseling Skills and Helping Relationships (3 SH)***
___ *P-531 Human Growth and Development (3 SH)***
___ P-656 Social and Cultural Dimensions of Counseling (3 SH)***
Live: Living and modeling a life-giving faith (9 SH)
___ P-641 Spirituality and God Images in Counseling and Culture (3 SH)**,*** or P-651 Theodicy, Trauma, and Grace (3 SH) **,***
___ LIV XXX  
Students completing Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) may apply the six credit hours in one of the following ways: (1) 3 hours in the LOVE practice area and 3 hours in the LIVE practice area; (b) 3 hours in either the LOVE or LIVE practice area and 3 hours in Other Course Offerings; or (3) all six hours in Other Course Offerings.
III. Other Course Offerings (9 hours) 
These credit hours may be selected from among those designated under The Practices or from other course offerings.
Select one course from among those designated under The Practices (3 SH)

____ ____________________________________________________
Select two courses from the electives in B.II. below (6 SH)

____ ____________________________________________________

____ ____________________________________________________
IV. Cohort learning (3 hours)
Supervised Ministry Internship (1 hour)
Students will serve in a one-year Supervised Ministry Internship. Ministry sites will include a range of opportunities—congregations, denominational and judicatory settings, and community agencies—and provide students with a breadth and depth of experience in the particularities of that ministry site and its context.
Those pursuing ordination should consult their ordaining body to determine if additional years of Supervised Ministry are required.
Cohort learning (2 hours) Students will participate in a cohort group every semester at CTS. Studies in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
B. Studies in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Courses marked with an asterisk (*) are prerequisites for practicum.
I. Core studies in Clinical Mental Health Counseling 
___ *P-510: Theories of Counseling, Psychotherapy, and Personality (3 SH)
___ *P-511: Counseling Skills and Helping Relationships (3 SH)***
___ *P-531: Human Growth and Development (3 SH)***
___ P-632: Foundations of Mental Health Counseling (3 SH)
___ P-635: Ethical and Professional Issues in Clinical Practice (3 SH)
___ *P-637: Psychopathology and Assessment (3 SH)
___ P-639: Testing and Appraisal (3 SH)
___ P-656: Social and Cultural Dimensions of Mental Health Counseling (3 SH)
___ P-657: Contextual Dimensions of Mental Health Counseling (3 SH)
___ P-675: Career Development and Counseling (3 SH)
___ P-760: Group Counseling and Psychotherapy (3 SH)
___ P-770: Research Methods (3 SH)
II. Specialized Studies in Clinical Mental Health Counseling \=
___ P-630: Psychoanalytic Theory & Technique (3 SH)
TWO electives from the following four areas*** - 6 counted in A.III. Social justice, choose P-619, P-633, P-638, P-641, P-650, or P-651; Psychodynamic, choose P-633, P-640, P-641, P-644, or P-739;
Spiritual integrated counseling, choose P-633, P-634, P-638, P641, P-644, P-651, P-739, or P-800, 801;
Couples, marriage and family, choose P-520, P-525, P-619, P-621, P-623, P-711, P-774, or P-775
___ P-520: Introduction to Marriage & Family Therapy (3 SH)
___ P-522: Introduction to Marriage & Family Therapy Practice (3 SH)
___ P-525: Aging and the Family (3 SH)
___ P-619: Sexuality, Gender and Culture (3 SH)
___ P-623: Couples Systems Therapy (3 SH)
___ P-633: History of Healing (3 SH)
___ P-634: Theological Perspectives on Pastoral & Spiritual Care (3 SH)
___ P-638: Religion, Medicine and Pastoral Care (3 SH)
___ P-640: Transference and Countertransference (3 SH)
___ P-641: Spirituality and God Images in Counseling and Culture (3 SH)**
___ P-644: Dreams and Discernment (3 SH)
___ P-650: Treating Addictive Behaviors (3 SH)
___ P-651: Theodicy, Trauma, and Grace (3SH)**
___ P-711: Children and Adolescents in Families (3 SH)
___ P-739: Freud, Jung and Religion (3 SH)
___ P-774: Psychodynamic Family Therapy (3 SH)
___ P-775: Short-term Family Therapy (3SH)
___ P-800, 801: Clinical Pastoral Education I (6 SH) (Students electing P-800, 801 must complete it before beginning P-820 Practicum.)
C. Integration of Spirituality and Clinical Mental Health Counseling P-641: Spirituality and God Images in Counseling and Culture (3 SH)**,*** or P-651 Theodicy, Trauma, and Grace (3 SH)**,*** - 3 counted in A.II. = 0 SH Supervised Clinical Practice (15 hours)
___ P-820, 821, 822: Counseling Practicum I (9SH)
___ P-823, 824: Counseling Practicum II (6 SH)
D. Supervised Clinical Practice (15 hours)
___ P-820, 821, 822: Counseling Practicum I (9SH)
___ P-823, 824: Counseling Practicum II (6 SH)
Personal Counseling – All students are expected to receive psychotherapy during their program. Weekly personal therapy is a prerequisite for practicum admission. Personal therapy with a gifted clinician assists student therapists in working through problem areas in their own lives that may adversely affect clients and their own participation in an emotionally challenging training program; it provides a unique training experience that helps students understand the process of exploring the depth and interrelationship of intrapsychic and systemic features of human life.
Requirements for Admission to Practicum for MDiv/MACMHC students – Students can apply for admission to practicum after completing P-531 Human growth and development; P-637 Psychopathology and Assessment; P-510 Theories of Counseling, Psychotherapy, and Personality; and P-511 Counseling Skills and Helping Relationships. Further, MDiv/MACMHC students must complete on year of SCOF before applying for practicum.
Students are accepted for practicum based upon successful completion of role plays as a screening process. Concerns that arise during these role plays may be addressed through additional evaluation as determined by the counseling faculty and clinic director. Entering cohort groups are normally limited to four persons for summer and six students for fall and spring. Priority is given to students who have the greater number of completed semester hours. Practicum admission is based on limitation of the cohort group due to available supervision in order to provide a conducive learning environment. Beginning with the entering counseling classes of spring 2012, all MA counseling students will be required to enter practicum no later than the fourth semester of coursework.
Counseling Practicum Requirement – Complete 400 hours of direct service to clients of clinical mental health counseling, which includes a minimum of at least 10 hours group work, and receive at least 100 hours of individual and group supervision in practicum, with at least 50 hours of that supervision based on video tape, audio tape or direct observation. Note: The 400 hours of direct client-contact hours fulfil the 1,000 hours of supervised clinical experience requirement of Indiana State licensure for the LMHCA and LMHC and fall into three portions: the first 40 direct service hours to clients fulfill the 100 hour “practicum” on the licensure application and correspond to P- 820; the next 420 direct service hours fulfill the 600 hour internship on the licensure application and correspond to P-821, P-822, P-823; the last 120 direct service hours to clients fulfill the 300 hours advanced internship on the licensure application and correspond to P-824.
E. Integration and Competency Assessment (0 SH)
___ X-999B: Self, Countertransference, and Spirit, culminating in a Capstone Presentation and a 12-15 page integration paper in preparation of the Capstone Presentation.
Requirements for Capstone – Capstone is normally taken the fifth semester of practicum. Students must have completed 280 hours of client contact hours prior to taking the Capstone. Course authorization is required.

How Would You Help A Person Escape The Dangerous Clutches of Wade Cox Cult?


The following request came in from a person in Benin, Africa who has deep concerns for a friend trapped in the clutches of Wade Cox and his cult.  Even though Cox cult is small, it attracts African members just like Bob Thiel does.   The WCG had a fairly large contingent of African members, but as the church imploded they were left by the wayside with no help.  These people turned to various splinter cult leaders like Meredith, Flurry, Thiel and Cox where they have ended up being trapped  further into the hell hole of legalism and aberrant doctrines.

Hi I am from Benin country if west Africa. I am deeply concern about my friend who become ccg member. All my effort to bring him back is vain. I am helpless. What can I do. ? Please help me. 

Ron Weinland Pumps Up The Estrogen As The Testosterone Level of His Church Goes Limp


Paroled felon Ron Weinland has been struggling to maintain his membership rolls ever since he was sent to prison for a prophetic 3 1/2 years.  Scores of members have left  over the last few years as the cult implodes around them.  Weinland has always had more women than men as members, and those men he did have tended to be rather impotent milquetoasts, particularly his son Jeremey.

When Weinland went to prison he soon made his dingy wife and money laundering daughter "evangelists" so they could preach in his absence.  These two loons further drove members away.

Weinland had a vision from his god recently where it told him to start ordaining women.

This announcement regarding women ordinations is supposed to be an earth shattering event in the Church of God.

You can't have a Millennium without this being set right. You cannot have the kind of Millennium that God describes, that He's going to give to this world until this is set right, that families are set right, that attitudes of men toward women and women toward men and women toward themselves and men toward themselves and how they think about things in the world, about how they think about everything, even about themselves. So often we keep ourselves prisoner, or human beings do. We're prisoners to our thinking. We're in bondage because of our thinking, and when we come into God's Church God calls us to begin a process of healing to get that thinking leveled out and to begin to be straightened out so that He can work with us. More and more we come into greater oneness and unity of mind with God and God's ways. We are so blessed because for 6,000 years people haven't known these things. 
So again, Sabbath services last week began by a woman, Beth, who had been ordained to the level of pastor in God's Church, the second such woman to be ordained to that position, who gave the opening prayer to begin Sabbath services. Momentous! Awesome! Just the fact that two in God's Church have been ordained to that level within the ministry is an awesome thing, an incredible thing. It's never happened, never happened in God's Church before, not in 2,000 years. So this is incredible for God's Church and it sets us apart farther and farther, a greater gulf between us and the Church that was scattered. They're going to have a difficult time. Can you imagine? That's why I talk about that 63,000. 63,000 people out there that God's going to be give opportunity to. That means He's going to draw them by the power of His holy spirit to give them opportunity in the mind to "see" things that they cannot otherwise see. Now, that's awesome! It's just like when God begins to call us He has to place in our mind things that give us the ability to perceive the truth; otherwise, we wouldn't be able to. We wouldn't be able to act upon it. 

Weinland believes his ordaining women to the roll of pastor is going to bring in 63,000 COG members from other groups.  Apparently Dave Pack is not the only nut job to believe that he can poach members from other COG's.   Can you imagine 63,000 people streaming to Weinland just to hear his dingbat wife, crooked daughter Laura, and a couple other women preach?  The only kicker to Weinland's plan is that the only thing he has them doing right now is opening and closing prayers.

A comment on Don't Drink the Flavor Aid had this to say:

Woman are speaking now in opening or closing Prayers as there are no men left to speak of. As to the prophecies of the 3rd great prophet – daughter Audrey, I just re-read the transcripts of her testimony from the trial. She is a blithering uneducated fool. Quite a laugh to say that one with zero Biblical knowledge is number 3 in prophetic ability. Wake up PKG to the simplest of realities – YOU ARE BEING CONNED. Your 3rd in rank and power is a biblical illiterate and not the sharpest knife in the drawer where everything else that matters is concerned. READ THE TRANSCRIPTS!
There will be NO growth externally nor internally as their teens drop out the second they reach 18, proof they are much smarter than their parents/grandparents raising them! None of their kids have stayed and I am speaking to a few SENIOR ELDERS. Please wake up!

Weinland continue:

So exactly seven years ago God inspired it to be stated to the Church what was given at the end of that sermon. I'm going to condense one paragraph into one basic sentence stated: "As God's end-time apostle I am announcing today that women are to be ordained as ministers in God's Church." What an incredible step that was! Unheard of for nearly 2,000 years! So this is what led up to the establishment of Truth #52 and Truth #53 about, at least being set for the Church. It was there, but then they were stated as the truths God had given. 52 about "God is restoring knowledge concerning the rightful place of women in the family." And 53, "The ordination of women in the Church."
There you have it!  Pack your bags and head over to Weinland's cult!  Forgot weak little Dave Pack.  His three ministers that his god was going to slaughter are still alive and kicking.  Weinland's the man now, or maybe Audra and Laura are the men now.

The future of Weinland's cult.

EXCLUSIVE BREAKING NEWS: UCG Member Kills Wife After Failed Attempt To Hire Hitman


Stephen Carl Allwine of Minnesota has been charged with killing his wife.


This just in from a VERY reliable source.

It's got everything. Staged suicides. Attempts at hiring a hitman. Extramarital affairs. 

The Alwine family is currently in the COG (UCG last I checked).

Church members in UCG and COGWA who knew them were shocked when the story of Amy's murder first came to light. 

Stephen Alwine had staged the "discovery" of his wife's body with his 12-year-old son, and church members first believed their family had been a terrible victim of outsiders. They didn't want to believe that this could happen to church members (it does) and were quick to blame it on the nearest black/gay/atheist/muslim home invader. 

Of course, as every police procedural will tell you, the spouse is always the first suspect.

The local COG congregations, needless to say, are completely floored.


Daily Mail UK news had this about the UCG link:

Husband is charged with shooting dead his wife then trying to disguise her death as a suicide by staging her body with a handgun 'after failed murder-for-hire plots paid for with bitcoins on Dark Web' 
According to his LinkedIn page, Stephen Allwine works as an IT specialist at an insurance company and has long been active in ministry at the United Church of God.
His late wife was the owner of Active Dogs Sports Training located next door to the family’s home, which went out of business a short time after her death. 

KARE Minneapolis
A criminal complaint filed in Washington County details how Stephen Carl Allwine, 43, 
allegedly shot his wife, Amy, in the head after engaging in several affairs 
and trying to contact a hit man on the 'dark web' to kill her.

When Cottage Grove police were summoned to an alleged suicide on a Sunday evening in November, it didn’t take long for them to figure out something was amiss.
The victim, Amy Louise Allwine, lay dead on the bedroom floor at her home on 110th Street S. Beside her left elbow was a 9mm handgun, opposite from where the bullet entered the right-handed victim’s head.
“Victim’s hands revealed no soot, no gunpowder stippling, no unburned gunpowder stippling, and no blood on either hand,” according to a criminal complaint filed Wednesday that charges her husband, Stephen Carl Allwine, 43, with second-degree murder.

Investigators also uncovered evidence that he wanted out of his marriage. He was having at least two extramarital affairs with metro-area women, arranged through the Ashley Madison website. 

Several law enforcement agencies were involved in the investigation, including Cottage Grove and Woodbury police, the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension and other state and federal agencies, said Capt. Peter Koerner of Cottage Grove police. 
“I’ve never seen a case this complicated,” said Fred Fink, who manages the criminal division for the Washington County attorney’s office. “Most of the time we’re dealing with human witnesses, but this one required a significant amount of electronic and scientific evidence.” 
Stephen Allwine, arrested Tuesday, remains in the Washington County jail.
Bail was set Wednesday at $1 million with no conditions or $500,000 that would require GPS monitoring, no travel outside Minnesota, and no unsupervised visits with the couple’s 9-year-old son. 
Allwine’s next court appearance is scheduled for Feb. 13.

Murder charges: Cottage Grove man staged wife's suicide after searching for hitman on 'Dark Web'

Cottage Grove man charged with wife's murder

Daily Mail UK article


UCG Scrambles To Eradicate All Links To Minister Who Killed His Wife


Since news broke that a minister of the United Church of God had murdered his wife, UCG brass have ordered all information, sermons, etc., eradicated from the official United Church of God web sites.

This is the same knee jerk reaction that the Living Church of God had when Terry Ratzman murdered LCG members during a church service.  That "guilt by association" thing is a tough one to eradicate though.  

United Church of God has released the following announcement:

“United Church of God officials expressed profound shock and sadness in learning of the January 17 arrest of Stephen Allwine on the charges of second-degree murder of his wife Amy Louise Allwine. Two months earlier on November 13, Amy Allwine had been found dead at her St. Paul area suburban home by police and paramedics following an emergency call from her husband. 

Church officials and members were first stunned and grieved when they learned of the tragic death of Amy in November. After hearing of the tragedy, Church President Victor Kubik and his wife Beverly immediately traveled from Ohio to Minnesota to be with family members and show support during a heart-rending time for the congregation. Allwine had served as a lay elder for several years.
President Kubik has called for renewed prayers for the families involved as details of the charges emerge. He said that the whole situation was “tragic and singularly devastating.” 

Area police noted in their initial public comments that Amy’s death appeared “suspicious” and promised that an expanded investigation would take place. Allwine was not arrested nor named as a suspect at that time. During the investigation local church officials positively cooperated with police and law enforcement officials. 

Church teachings based on the Bible condemn murder, and the United Church of God follows the teachings of Jesus Christ about the sanctity of marriage and the importance of loving family environments. “Given our biblical commitment and our love for our members, this situation deeply hurts and grieves all of us,” Kubik said. The Church president asked for prayers of comfort, healing and understanding for all.”

Steve Allwine was born and raised in the Church of God in Spokane, WA. 
As Steve grew, he saw God's blessings that He graciously pours out, 
and saw His ...

Don't Let Church Be All There Is to Church. by Steve Allwine
Don't let the Sabbath church service be all there is to your 
walk with God. Be an active part of God's ...

As Stephen Allwine Was Being Consoled By Vic Kubik He Was Surfing DarkWeb Asking How to Identify Law Enforcement Officers


After Stephen Allwine's wife had supposedly killed herself,  Victor Kubik, United Church of God and Church of God a Worldwide Association (COGWA) members ran to his side to comfort and offer condolences.   A very reliable source has stated that at his wife's funeral UCG and COGWA members were hugging him and telling him how they wished they had a marriage like he and his wife did.

While of the hugging and tears were being shed Allwine was surfing the DarkWeb asking how to identify LEO's...Law Enforcement Officers.

Prosecutor's Shocked At Level of Sophistication Stephen Allwine Went Into To Have His Wife Killed


Prosecutors in the UCG minister murder case had deep concerns that Steve Allwine would post bail and skip town.  He reportedly has the assets to do such a thing and recently had cashed in gold and silver stock piling money.

Plus, the investigators are shocked by the sophistication that Allwine went to to find a hired killer.

Charge: Cottage Grove man killed wife after Dark Web murder plot

Fred Fink, criminal division chief for the Washington County Attorney’s Office, had requested a $2 million bail because he said circumstances suggest Allwine is a flight risk. Fink said Allwine has the funds to flee and recently liquidated silver coins for cash.
Fink also referenced the sophistication involved in Allwine’s alleged actions, saying it “appears to be an absolute determination to kill this woman.”
The criminal complaint’s eight-page narrative details a complex investigation led by Cottage Grove police, who had assistance from the FBI and the state Bureau of Criminal Apprehension as they conducted deep digital forensic testing and dug into the dark side of the internet where murder-for-hire jobs are paid for in virtual currency.
“I think the big difference between this and a more common murder is the Dark Web,” Cottage Grove detective Sgt. Randy McAlister said. “It’s the internet connection. That’s what’s really been taking a lot of time.”
As many as five Cottage Grove detectives have worked the case for over two months, setting aside much of the rest of the caseload because of the Allwine investigation’s complexity. They were full-time on the case for the first month, McAlister said.
“This is the first case involving death threats on a purported Dark Web website that we’ve ever dealt with,” McAlister said. “This is definitely the most in-depth.”

UCG Minister Stephen Allwine Drugged His Wife Before Shooting Her


Amy Allwine was complaining of vertigo the day she was shot and even spent time looking up on the symptoms she was feeling, not know her husband had drugged her.

Man charged with killing wife and trying to disguise death as suicide
New York Daily News reports that Steve Allwine, 43, of Cottage Grove, accused of having numerous affairs behind his wife’s back, was allegedly devising a plan to get out of his marriage. He reportedly thought killing her would be easier than divorce. He’s accused of shooting Amy Allwine in the head on November 13, 2016, at their home off of 110th Street.
According to court documents, the suspect shot his wife in their bedroom, then left a 9MM Springfield handgun lying next to her. He reportedly contacted hitmen online, looking for someone who would do the deed for him and make it look like a suicide. Investigators indicated that apparently he decided to kill Amy Allwine himself, and used Bitcoin as a currency to illegally purchase a gun.
Amy Allwine was found with the handgun next her right elbow, although she’s left-handed. She also had no gunpowder residue on her hands, while the suspect did. A toxicology report determined that the victim had a high amount of scopolamine in her system, a medication used to treat nausea, known as “the devil’s breath” because it causes memory impairment and loss of inhibition.

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