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David C Pack Ramps Up Campaign To Suck COG Members Into His Cult


Dave Pack is back again with another breathless campaign from the superfantabulous Restored Church of God.  Dave has been claiming for 4 years now that his god was going to kill three different COG leaders causing all of their members to be so scared that they will automatically join Dave's personality cult.

In his typical pompous self-righteous style he claims his new series does NOT give any answers but to "stimulate" church members to get off their butts and join up with him.  Dave wants you to know that he has "preached" for over "100 hours" detailing all of the idiotic bullshit he wants you to believe.

Below are questions the Church never saw, or did but could not answer. They are to help God’s people come to grips with all that was never understood before now. The purpose is not to provide answers but rather to bring powerful stimulus to thinking people to strengthen their foundation. The questions are broadly grouped but in no particular order of importance. Some could fit several groups and others broken into many. Don’t worry if a question is not easily understood. This is merely a reference tool and record. It cannot begin to replace 100 hours of sermons containing almost one million words.
Dave again says that the is only giving you the questions and that answers will come later.  Only he and his shrinking congregation have the answers.
Consider the questions knowing every answer is coming. Those in The Restored Church of God already know the answers, and thus see the list as corroborative reminders. Return as other tools are added through early December that ANSWER all these questions.
Any COG leader out there that makes the claim that Dave is a wrong is a LIAR!  COG members are NOT to go to their minister with any of these questions.  Those ministers are too stupid to understand the amazing truth Dave is saying.  Those bumbling ministers are the very reason there are hundreds of splinter groups.  Of course Dave is not one of these splinter groups, but is the ONLY true church.
Any minister who tells you just from the questions he knows we are wrong is screaming he doesn’t need scriptural backup—that he can answer matters before hearing them—even the most important issues of God’s Plan and eternal life. LEAVE YOUR MINISTERS OUT OF THIS! They can study on their own if interested. While many of these men are sincere, they are the chief reason 400 groups exist today in the disagreeing mess all around you that God is about to fix.
On October 31, Dave will post a timeline that details the coming tribulation and the Kingdom of God.
OCTOBER 31: Tool #2 is a downloadable 11x34 inch timeline that thoroughly details the correct placement of every larger prophecy from the apostasy of the 1990s through the Great White Throne Judgment. (You may request a hardcopy.) This grand overview will make plain the sequence of coming events—including the very next things God’s people should watch for, no matter their organization. It will visually clear up how and when the Kingdom of God arrives. 
In November Dave will give everyone the tool about how the Kingdom of God will come.  He claims it is the clear plan on how he and his little flock are the "mustard-seed" that will inaugurate the kingdom.  This is to hit the internet before Thanksgiving.  Woo Hoo!
NOVEMBER—Tool #3 is a new booklet about how God’s Kingdom will come. It will explain God’s clear and easy-to-prove Plan to bring and grow His mustard-seed-sized Kingdom. All of God’s people who hope to be part of it must know what it is! Expect this booklet, written for the world, to be posted by Thanksgiving. 
Then he will soon release the most superfantabulous recap of his butt-numbing endless series of sermons has been preaching lately.  Once again it is important to know that Dave "preached" over one million words!  One million amazing words that no one had ever thought to utter.  One million!  Got it?  That's ONE MILLION!
Tool #4 is a transcript of my 50-plus-part series titled “The Greatest Story Never Told!”, now almost one million words. The series answers every question below, and many more. It carefully outlines how God will restore good ministers and brethren to full faithfulness, and remove bad ministers and brethren from His Plan altogether incompletely reunifying His people! Batches of multiple parts (perhaps ten to twelve) will be released once a week.
These are such amazing things that you will NOT want to ignore them when he starts posting them.  For now though, Dave wants you to know about the Man of Sin!
For now, a sobering two-part warning about the soon-coming, enormously powerful Man of Sin is available on this page. Scores of thousands have viewed them. We hear of the growing interest they are generating. Do not miss ANY of these tools—and tell those you love about them! 
Dave then goes on to list many points about Jesus returning, the two witnesses and more.  One stand out comments how he and the two witness will KILL all who have disobeyed his god.  Remember Dave's boast that he will have the two witnesses walking by his side.
33. The two witnesses are given unrestricted power to kill on what would be a mass scale (Rev. 11:5-6). Why, unless they work in a time when God is wiping out a mankind—all nations—that rejected and disobeyed Him, His Kingdom having already been on Earth?
Dave's god is sure pissed off!

Dave is also the continuation of the knowledge Herbert Armstrong revealed.  Dave continues the message, since Dave trained right at HWA's feet!

37. Was all of Daniel unsealed during Mr. Armstrong’s time—or, right on time, is more knowledge increasing now (Dan. 12:4), on top of what Mr. Armstrong explained? 
Dave believes the Man of Sin is currently sitting in a position in one of the Churches of God.
52. Why is the Man of Sin described as sitting in the “temple of God” (II Thes. 2:3-4)? Since there is no temple in Jerusalem today, and the Catholic St. Peter’s Basilica (as some speculated) could NEVER fit this description, is not the only remaining possibility that this man sits in the spiritual Temple, the Church? So obviously, yes. 
54. Paul warned brethren about the Man of Sin’s rise, and he is shown in II Thessalonians 2 to be involved in and influencing the Church. 
You can read his first 134 points he has to deliver here:  Many Questions God Answered

How Well-Meaning, Intelligent People End Up In A Cult

The Troubled World of David C Pack and the Restored Church of God


I reached out to an RCG source to get their take on Dave Pack's latest escapade.

They feel that Dave is doubling down on what he has taught.  He has released so much information that even his own members are confused a times.  If they are confused then Church of God members who are not part of RCG are doubly confused.  It is vital to Dave that COG members understand what he has been preaching.  It is important to him that his message be made clear to them so that they can either accept or reject it.  If they reject it then they will be held accountable for that mistake by his god.

Dave feels that his message is similar to the "warning Israel" message that Herbert Armstrong proclaimed in the past, but is now to a new audience, "wayward COG members." Dave seems to think this is the "last step" till Christ returns to Wadsworth and confirms everything he has been teaching.  COG members know how much Dave has deviated from what Herbert Armstrong taught.  It is going to be a monument task for Dave to reconcile all of his previous messages to fit his current "understanding." Every time Dave preaches or writes and article it deviates from last teachings.

One interesting thing was pointed out by the source about Dave and RCG members.  Now that Dave has sold his home in a public neighborhood and built himself a new home on the compound, he has further isolated himself from reality.  The source questions if Dave was really trying to draw in COG members, but acknowledges that some RCG members may actually believe that is what Dave is attempting to do, but that and they truly do not understand what others outside their group actually think of Dave's message. RCG members have isolated themselves so well that they only listen to what Dave and HQ has to say.  The source had this to say about RCG members perception of those outside the group:
"The thought inside is that people are "watching closely" and "really intrigued" because "their splinters aren't doing or producing as much." 
As has been pointed out here countless times in the past, there is no other Church of God on the entire planet that is as knowledgeable and God driven than the Restored Church of God.   No other Church of God has the depth of understanding that Dave and his church has.  The Philadelphia Church of God, Living Church of God, United Church of God, COGWA and also Bob Thiel and James Malm are incapable of being used by God to gather the church together before the end times.

While the source did not mention this part; I have a sinking feeling that we will see something horrendous happen with RCG members at some point in the future.  Dave is a troubled man that has the potential to be deadly. Those now outside the group are devastated at what they see happening to family members inside. It truly is frightening to see how these everyday church folk, that some of us may know, have let themselves be taken over by Dave's subtle brainwashing.

The Church of God and Halloween Myths


Its that time of year again and various Church of God groups are starting their annual Halloween traditions.   Satan and his demons are pictured running rampant around the earth on this night looking for naive COG members so they can be swayed away from the "truth once delivered." Church of God members turn off their living rooms lights and slink back into the rear of their houses and try to hide from the evil knocking at their doors.  It's amazing how a church that claims to be God's one true restored church have allowed Satan to have so much power over them.  No other church on the earth has to deal with the constant attacks by Satan than the COG.  Satan is obviously more powerful than that inconvenient Jesus dude.

In 2011 I had the following quotes up from a Conservative COG Yahoo page.  These are the kinds of silliness that occupy the minds of Armstrongites this time of year.

No one ever said Armstrongites were not creative in their thinking!  Eating mice for Halloween?  I feel so left out all these years!

A different spin on it where the kids go trick or treating?
The church has never stated that. In the histories, when Jeroboam (I think) set up a golden calf in the north in Israel, it's been said that was at Halloween time. In any case, it was a different time than FoT, which it was made to replace.
I've also heard that this particular holiday was moved from May 1 and that originally it was a remembrance of the dead when Noah & family came out  of the Ark. Imagine how they must have felt, knowing every other living soul was dead... This is how dead became associated with the day. Perhaps.
Is Isaiah a reference to the ancient pagan festival now called halloween with a
Isaiah 66:17 Those who sanctify and purify themselves to enter the groves, imitating one in the center, eating the flesh of the swine, the reptile, and the mouse, shall one and all come to an end - declares the Lord. For I know their deeds and purposes.
We actually have COG members who believe kids eating candy are practicing an ancient custom of worshipping in the groves and that it originally was the day set apart by Noah to commemorate all the dead rotting bodies that covered the earth after the flood.

Here are some pithy says by Richard Ames of the Living Church of God:

Pithy sayings of Richard Ames, Living Church of God 
Should we follow our neighbors, like proverbial lemmings, off the dangerous cliff of pagan practices?

By observing Halloween, we teach our children to make light of Satan the Devil—or even to think like him! Should we then be surprised when our children remain curious about evil—or even invite it—for the rest of the year?

Do we teach our children to attract and cultivate evil spirits at Halloween? Certainly, dressing up like a demon or a witch invites evil rather than opposes it!

Some parents encourage their children to participate in the world of demons. Are some of you parents sacrificing your children to Satan and to wicked spirits

It’s time for such so-called Christians to repent of supporting the Devil and rebelling against Christ!
Dress you baby up for Halloween 
and they will end up devil babies! 

Many years ago Keith Stump, a former Plain Truth writer, penned an article about Halloween that sent diehard COG believers over the edge.  He pointed this out:

"To all COG members out there: 
Is your children’s Christianity so feeble as to be endangered 
by a plastic mask and a few candy bars? 
Are your children so inadequately grounded in their religion 
as to be tempted into a life of witchcraft by attending a costume party? 
Are you yourself so poorly rooted in your faith that you fear your children
 will ask questions to which you have no satisfactory answers?"

I have seen no evidence of children being psychologically warped or seduced into a life of witchcraft and perversion as a result of innocent Halloween activities. I HAVE, however, seen many fearful and superstitious COG children who have been conditioned to be abnormally hypersensitive to anything blackened with the feared label “occult”. One child in particular comes to mind, whom I witnessed shrieking in stark terror at the mere sight of a jack-o-lantern. Are you raising fearful children who, like medieval peasants, see Satan lurking behind every tree and demons skulking in every dark corner? Are you raising children who fear they will “open themselves up” to “demonic control” at any moment by the slightest misstep? What a tenuous, precarious and paranoid spirituality! Satan is a defeated enemy! We need not shrink inanimate mortal remains. Explain that fear of black cats is an ancient superstition of the ignorant. Talk to them about the fanciful creations of horror fiction, like werewolves and vampires. It’s healthy to examine the things that frighten us. Tell them about “ghosts” or disembodied spirits. (The dead are relatively safe; it’s the living you need to watch out for!) And talk to them about the subject of life after physical death. Tell them about the Lord of Life who overcame death. Assuage their fears about those who can kill the body but not the soul.
So here’s my point: Objection to Halloween is a reflection of something much broader: an obsession with trivialities, a confusion of priorities, a primitive fear of the unknown, an arrogance that finds “righteousness” in being odd-ball and out-of-step. Fundamentalists can find something offensive or objectionable in almost anything. They have a world view in which virtually everything is “anti-Christian”. They have lost the ability to filter the important from the inconsequential. The traditional COG prohibition against Halloween ignores the facts of history, misrepresents the modern holiday, and demonstrates a woeful lack of spiritual discernment. 

See:  Halloween Hysteria Is Back In The Churches of God Again

Is Halloween Evil?  Responding to UCG

Keeping Halloween Makes You think About Evil??

Gerald Weston Has Melt Down Over Internet Blogs And Dave Pack's Annoying Ad's


I received the following from a Living Church of God source.  It concerns the latest screed from Gerald Weston about how the Internet is slandering him, Rod Meredith and the Living Church of God AND how Dave Pack's ads are popping up ahead of Living Church of God web links.

The LCG source writes:
No doubt this is in reference to Banned. 
It's blaringly obvious that Weston and LCG simply do not understand that it's not slander if it's true and that they are literally reaping what they have sown. 
If you don't want "bad things" about you on the internet, don't do bad things, right? Banned isn't slandering LCG by revealing the unjust/evil actions of LCG and its ministry! 
LCG is NOTORIOUS for slandering it's members. This article for Weston is so full of hypocrisy that it is difficult to read.
The article referenced above is this:  Slander on Steroids 

Gerald Weston, God's new right-hand man, has this to say:
Persecution can come in many different forms, and slander is one of them. Today we have more than slander—we have slander on steroids: the Internet. We all know the Internet can be a tool for good, but also for evil, and there is an evil spirit being who is promoting the latter.
When I refer to the Internet, I’m using an umbrella term to cover a variety of ways people communicate electronically: websites, blogs, Facebook, Twitter, e-mail, texting and any other form of information quickly transferable through computers, smartphones and other devices and applications.
The big bad meanies on Banned, Painful Truth, Ambassador Watch, Silenced, Living Armstrongism and scores of Facebook pages are picking on poor little LCG.  

None of us who do these blogs or web sites would ever have anything to write if the leaders of the Living Church of God, and all the other COG's, would start treating members with grace, mercy and justice.  If they truly practiced first century Christianity then they would be the most loving group of churches on the face of the entire planet. But they can't because they can't even get along with one another.

Weston continues with this:
Every minister of the Church has run into people who are “on fire” for the Truth one day but who somehow lose all interest overnight. We know that some of this is the result of their reading something negative about the Church on the Internet. How many are turned off this way we can only guess, but we know it happens. We also know that some unscrupulous “Church of God” organizations actively leech off the others. They deliberately target other churches by paying to have their own website come up when people are searching for other organizations. Look for information about a “Church of God” group on a search engine, and, instead, the other organization’s false site comes up first, masquerading as the one being searched for. They then use the false site to discredit the “Church of God” organization the individual was originally trying to find.
The glorious thing about the internet, in spite of its foibles, has been its ability  to keep Church of God leaders in check.  They can no longer get by with the horrible abuses they did in the past by just disfellowshipping and marking individuals.  These people will no longer shut up and slink off into the dark nether regions of Laodiceanism where they will be perpetually ignored.

Notice above Weston's comment that LCG members are reading this site and others, are asking questions, and are leaving.  Far more must be leaving than we imagined for this to be publicly mentioned!

Then Weston takes a direct shot at Dave Pack.  Dave has been buying advertising for many years which pops up anytime a Church of God search is entered into a search engine.   His ads are on Facebook, Drudge, various news sites and most any web site that allows paid advertising.  Dave took advantage of this way before any of the other COG's dreamed of doing it, now none of them can ever outrank him in ad placement. That is a bitter pill to swallow!

Weston calls the ads by other COG's "false sites" in much the same way Bob Thiel uses "improperly named" as a smear tactic against other COG's and Christians. Weston then claims that this advertising is done to discredit the LCG, even as he next directly discredits Pack as a false church.  While Pack is the biggest user of this advertising, one can also see UCG, COGWA and PCG pop up every once in a while.  This should be fair warring to UCG and COGWA that LCG has no interest in every cooperating, regardless of the recent exchange of HQ visits. (More on this development to come in another post tomorrow from another LCG source.)

Weston then admits LCG has a lot of disgruntled members in its midst.
Of course, every business, social group or church will have a few disgruntled and unhappy individuals who are eager to trash the object of their dissatisfaction. When was the last time you found a hotel online that had 100 percent happy reviews? You cannot please everyone all the time, especially if part of your mission is to call upon people to change their behavior (Isaiah 58:1). Human nature being what it is, we have a tendency to believe the worst, especially if there is a bit of colorful sarcasm and wit thrown in.
It should be pointed out to Weston that hotel reviews and criticism of COG's by blogs and web sites are two entirely DIFFERENT things.  While both deal with poor service, some of it much deserved, LCG claims that it is God's own which hotels do not.   If it is God's own, then it cannot make mistakes or be criticized.  To do so is to criticize God directly.  Hotels/businesses that receive bad reviews usually attempt to change things for the better.  LCG does no such thing, even though it knows exactly how bad their service truly is by all of the various comments made by its own members on blogs/web sites and Facebook.

LCG claims it is there RESTORED truth that practices first century Christianity.  They claim they are God's chosen church and have the ONLY truth available that has been personally handed to them by Jesus Christ through Rod Meredith and Herbert Armstrong.  Really?   

Jesus never abuse members like the leaders of the LCG do.  Jesus never treated members with such disdain as the leadership of the LCG does.  Jesus never had disgruntled members pushed over the edge by one of his sermons, who then storm off to later return to the synagogue and slaughter listeners.  Jesus ate with tax collectors and sinners, the vile people that Rod Meredith and others refuse to eat with.  When has Meredith and Weston ever sat down at a table and had dinner with a prostitute, a drug user, a homeless family, a gay couple, a Muslim, a Buddhist or God forbid, a Catholic neighbor?  

Next Weston attacks authors of books that a are critical of the church.  How dare they call LCG a cult!  Boo Hoo!
Some Protestant groups distort our teachings and call the Church of God a cult, even meriting whole chapters in some books. There is nothing new about distortions, misrepresentations and name-calling (Acts 24:5), but the Internet in all its facets spreads such misinformation and epithets more swiftly and to a wider audience than was ever possible before through books and tracts. There is sometimes some element of “truth” but always with a twist and misinformation that distorts the “truth,” turning it into a lie. Since Satan is the father of lies (John 8:44), it should not surprise us that he would use this tactic, as seen in the temptation of Christ recorded in Matthew 4. The devil accurately quoted from Psalm 91: “If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down. For it is written: ‘He shall give His angels charge over you,’ and, ‘In their hands they shall bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone’” (Matthew 4:6). But he took these passages totally out of context.
Truth twisted into a lie.  That is the favorite way that the leadership of the Church of God has used over the last 80 some years to discredit anyone who dares to hold them accountable.  They fail to see that that little nugget of truth is a sure sign that there is a bigger cess pool lying just under the surface.

Weston then trots out Paul, David, Jeremiah and others to discredit blogs, web sites and unhappy people.  They have always been there through history ready to discourage the true believers.
Yes, it is hard to find in Scripture an example of a significant servant of God who did not suffer persecution by false accusation.The Apostle Paul was a special target for the “bloggers” of his day...
Weston then gets to the typical end product of screeds like this.  It is big bad meanie Satan who is behind all the blogs, web sites, and otherwise grumpy church people.
It is Satan who stirs up slander, and he has no regard for the truth. He can be sarcastic, funny and charming in the way he sells his lies. How many times have we read John 8:44? And yet do we, as human beings, really get it? Jesus said of certain ones, “You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.” 
Satan specializes in one particular kind of lie, as we read near the beginning of this article. He mixes truth with error and by doing so is able to deceive gullible people.
Satan has no power over anyone who is grounded in faith which is actually true.  Apparently the Living Church of God has massively failed in this department.  Find the truth Gerald, it will set you free, so much so that you don't need to constantly be looking over your shoulder for Satan's next attack.
Of course, Satan is not averse to making up outright lies, as seen in Genesis 3 where he told Eve, “You will not surely die,” even though God had told Adam they would. Just as with Eve, some people naïvely believe a total stranger more than someone they have known for a long time—and that is one of the problems with the Internet. Unknown and unrighteous individuals who have accomplished little, but who have lots of time on their hands, can become a “somebody” overnight. Sadly, there are plenty of people who will believe whatever they say, especially if they say it dogmatically, along with a tiny bit of truth mixed with falsehood.

Gerald....Gerald....Gerald...  The things posted here are coming for your Own people!  None of us sit around looking for things to pick at you and the LCG about.  If you and the rest of the COG's would start acting like REAL Christians and STOPPED mistreating members in such vile despicable ways, then none of us would ever have anything to write about!

Weston then writes:
Instead of preaching the Gospel to the world and warning Israel and all mankind about what is coming, these individuals are content to tear down and slander those who are doing these jobs, and they are often “equal opportunity” slanderers. It isn’t just the Living Church of God they are eager to destroy. They have animosity toward any group that teaches anything about the Sabbath, the Holy Days and the Kingdom of God. Why?
Who is slandering you and the LCG?  Your own members?  Do you recall how you treated the Scarborough's?  Do you recall how your boss drove Terry Ratzmann over the edge with one endless doom and gloom sermon after another?  How about the gay church members that have to sit there week after week and listen to your boss treat them like shit?   Since when have you ever practiced true Christianity and acted like Jesus?  When have you ever taught anything Jesus did?  Do you even know the man?
It should be obvious that they have an agenda, and even if everything they report were true—which it never is—their passion is not for God. How anyone can expect to enter the Kingdom of God by such behavior is beyond comprehension, and maybe that tells us something about what truly motivates them.
You bet we have an agenda!  We are sick, just like your own members are sick, of watching you and your fellow leaders treat members like dirt, steal their money to live your privileged lifestyles, build expensive mini campuses and worship Herbert Armstrong instead of Jesus.  We are sick of you preaching heretical doctrines and practices that ignore the New Covenant and its meaning and we are sick of your bastardization of the gospel about a world where you and your fellow masters can lord yourselves over people in your kingdoms with your rods of iron.  Who wants to be part of that kingdom you promote?  What hope do they have in being under your "government"?  Who wants it!?!?!?

Read the entire article here then let Weston and LCG know how things really are!

Slander on Steroids 

Rod Meredith Smacks Down Jim Franks and Vic Kubik


From an LCG source:

In his recent Living Church News Rod Meredith takes a swipe at Jim Franks and Vick Kubik in his editorial by stating, "We need to “see” His hand as He leads His Church—continuing to have at least one faithful group preaching the whole Truth, doing the Work and practicing the government of God, and so training its members in the exact kind of government we will be administering in tomorrow’s world!"
LCG may pretend to be diplomatic with COGWA and UCG by letting them tour LCG headquarters in Charlotte and by wining and dining them over a meal at Brio's (Meredith takes everyone to the same place) but it's all a farce. He and his ministers continue to preach that LCG is the ONE AND ONLY true church of God; that they are the only Philadelphian remnant; that membership in any other group makes you Laodicean and puts your eternal salvation at risk, etc, etc. 
Usually Meredith tries to be more subtle about his swipes on other ACOGs, limiting them to sermons and private conversations, but this recent slip puts it all out there. I wonder how Franks and Kubik will feel having their noses squashed. 
It's obvious what fruits LCG's "exact kind of government" have produced. Tyranny and abuse without checks and balances. LCG wants to pretend that their form of government is better than voting because it avoids politicking but that isn't true. LCG headquarters is the epitome of politics, favoritism, ass-kissing, back-stabbing.  
LCG's superiority complex is disgusting. If I were Jim Franks or Victor Kubik I'd quit pretending that Rod Meredith is anything other than a lying, greedy, power-hungry, tyrant who uses fear to rule. Take the gloves off and give Mr. Golden Gloves what he deserves.

Living Church of God: Is It Really the Church of Brotherly Love?


For decades the Church of God claimed it was the Philadelphian era of the Church of God.  It was the church of brotherly love that had the truth that Jesus personally whispered to Herbert Armstrong.  That brotherly love did not extend too far out, especially to the Church of God 7th Day whom the church sarcastically labeled the Sardis era, even though it has remained stable and is a church that is actually growing while the COG splinter groups are not.

Ever since the Worldwide Church of God imploded with hundreds of self-appointed false prophets setting themselves up as leaders, the Church of God has become one of the most unloving church ever.  Protestantism and its division is are nothing compared to the bitterness that fills the present day Church of God.  The leaders have tuned into he most unloving group of men the church has ever seen.

Dave Pack's god is getting ready to murder three other COG leaders.  Flurry claims that ALL COG leaders are false.  UCG ruptured after a pissing contest which lead to COGWA forming, all because the ministry could not work together.

Then there is Rod Meredith.  Has the church ever had an evangelist that is more loving and compassionate as he is?  That love still drips from him to this day!

Living Church of God is the only true Philadelphian Church of God in existence in these tumultuous end times!  Or...so says, Doug Winnail:

Real Philadelphia Christians
The Book of Revelation describes Philadelphia Christians as having a strong desire to carry out the mission that Jesus Christ gave to His Church (Revelation 3:7-11). According to the Scriptures, that mission involves preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of God to this world and especially to the Israelite nations (Mark 1:14-15; Matthew 10:1-7), warning the world about difficult times that will arise at the end of the age (Matthew 24, Mark 13; Luke 21), and preparing a people to reign with Jesus Christ in the coming government of God (Luke 1:17). However, the name “Philadelphia” means “brotherly love,” which indicates that true Philadelphians will also strive to follow Jesus’ admonition to “love one another” (John 15:12-17). They understand that showing unselfish, outgoing concern for others (instead of sitting in judgment of others) is one of the distinguishing marks of a real Philadelphia Christian (John 13:34-35).As we look forward to the coming year, let’s all look for ways to show more “brotherly love” to others so we can be real Philadelphia Christians.
Have a profitable Sabbath,
Douglas S. Winnail

It is good to know that we will all experience that true "brotherly love" that Rod Meredith knows how  to spread so well.   Love is in the air brethren!  Can you feel it?

Living Church of God: Living in fear of wild animals...


Living Church of God has never been one to talk about cute fluffy little animals playing with children.  It is more important to talk about rampaging animals that are running around the United States killing citizens.
Wild animals have been driven by hunger and thirst into populated areas as droughts and fires have made food scarce in the Western United States. Bear attacks are happening more frequently. We very occasionally hear of shark attacks on swimmers and surfers. Domesticated animals like dogs have severely wounded or killed people.
Why in the world would a church start an article out like this?  Why is it that everything that LCG writes about has to be one horrible thing after another?  It's invading hoards of Germans, Chinese and Muslims.  Bathrooms are being taken over by transgenders, the gays are having too much fun, thus it is more important to preach about famine, parents eating babies, and concentration camps.
Lately, print and television news media have reported about “self-radicalized” Islamic individuals carrying out attacks in Canada and the United States. The media have labeled these individuals as “lone wolves.” 
Children are running amok and being disobedient. These devil children need to be punished.
Young children learn that disobedience brings consequences. If we disobey a parent, a coach or a teacher we suffer consequences. A parent may take away our privileges. A coach may sit us on the bench or make us run extra laps. A teacher may assign additional homework. Those in authority impose consequences or punishment for disobedience. We should not be surprised that Almighty God similarly administers consequences or punishment as correction on disobedient children. The Bible is full of such examples.
Of courses what all this boils down to is that everyone in the United States are unrepentant sinners that need to be punished.  Rod's god will send wild animals to punish the disobedient. Or some Muslims, or Germans to do a more thorough job.

Let's throw in some drought and famine, too.
A strong warning was given to the children of Israel in Leviticus 26. God promised blessings for obedience but also promised increasing punishments for disobedience for rejecting and abhorring His laws and commands, beginning by bringing sudden terror on them, wasting disease, fever, and military defeats (v. 14­–17). 
If that failed to bring repentance, God warned He would break their stubborn pride and bring severe drought and failed crops (v. 18–20). 
Everything with the Living Church of God is always warm and fuzzy!
God next warned that He would multiply afflictions by sending wild beasts or animals to rob us of our children and destroy cattle (v. 21–22). This fearful loss of freedom and safety results in desolate highways and destroyed trade and commerce.
God has to spank the United States and the rest of the British Israelite nations.
God next warned that He would multiply afflictions by sending wild beasts or animals to rob us of our children and destroy cattle (v. 21–22). This fearful loss of freedom and safety results in desolate highways and destroyed trade and commerce. 
Never fear though.  The truth lies with the Living Church of God as long as you read The United States and Britain in Propehcy. 

You too can read this wonderful good news here:


Dave Pack Posts "Prophetic" Timeline for Restored Church of God


Dave Pack is back with his superfantabulous timeline of how the end times will happen.  You will never read a more confusing piece of eschatological nonsense in your entire life.  There are other charts up on the Internet  from the Adventists and other group that make much more sense than what Dave has just put out...IF you are into that kind of stuff.

Dave has his "jesus" returning in a few years where he will rule in Jerusalem at the restored temple with all of Dave's church members assisting him.  After Dave personally walks up the front steps of the new temple to greet his "jesus," he and his little crew of believers will start to reign with Christ and THEN the great tribulation begins.

Announced last week, a detailed prophetic Timeline (Tool #2 of 4), is now available. This downloadable 11x34 inch graphic provides a grand overview that makes plain the sequence of coming major world events—including the very next things God’s people should watch for, no matter their organization. It visually shows how and when the Kingdom of God arrives, and thoroughly details the correct placement of every large prophecy, and many others, starting from the apostasy of the 1990s, and continuing through the Great White Throne Judgment. It brings to light long overlooked and previously unknown elements of Bible prophecy and the Kingdom of God.

Starting this coming week Dave will be posting transcripts of his 50+ sermons where he talks in detail about this timeline.  If you think his chart is a mishmash of silliness, just wait till you read his hundreds of points that the sets out to prove himself right.  Jesus truly must be appalled!


Which COG False Prophet Is The Biggest Liar? Pack, Thiel, Malm, Meredith, Flurry, Wienland, Cox?


Dave Pack released his timeline on how he thinks his god is going to bring about the end times.  His god still has not killed three COG leaders.

Gerald Flurry's his timeline includes capturing the Stone of Scone and digging up the Ark of the Covenant buried in Ireland so he can give it to his "jesus" when it comes back to sit on the coronation chair in Westminster Abbey.

James Malm has declared that his god is going to start whipping some zeal into the Laodicean sinners  butts in the next couple of years.

Almost Arrested Elisha Elijah Amos Joshua Bob Thiel has his god coming back anytime from 2020 and on.

Every prophecy that Rod Meredith has ever uttered has been an abject failure.

Felon Ron Weinland, his dingy second witless witness wife Laura and his money laundering children who are now prophets.  Everyone of his lies has failed since 2008.

Not to be left out of this scatological mix is false prophet Wade Cox.  His prophetic time lines are just as stupid as Dave Pack's. He writes:

"It thus becomes obvious that the Witnesses and Christ have to be here, at the very latest, from 2019 and perhaps even the year earlier in 2018 due to the treble harvest requirements in 2025.

"We know for a fact that the Bible tells us that the two Witnesses will stand in Jerusalem for 1260 days and then be killed and lie in the streets for three days and then be resurrected. We also expect the conversion of Judah and the remnant of Levi prior to Messiah’s subjugation of the planet. 

"We know that the Wars of the End have already started from the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq, as we foretold in the paper. In the audio, it is clearly stated that the wars would start in 2001. The Times of the Gentiles ended in 1996. The Last Thirty Years began in 1997. This sequence was marked by eclipses. There was a total eclipse of the moon at Passover and Tabernacles in the anniversary year of 1996. Then in 1997 there was a partial eclipse of the moon at Passover and a total eclipse at Tabernacles. In 1997, there was also a total eclipse of the sun on 1 Abib or Nisan and a partial eclipse of the sun on 1 Tishri. These sequential eclipses are not coincidences. They also work to the Temple Calendar according to the conjunction and not the Hillel Calendar from the Babylonians. There is a complete time-cycle between 1997 and 2015. The cycles in this period are marked by these eclipses. This time-cycle and the following period will be the most dramatic in the history of the world. The next period is the twelve years to the Jubilee return of the nations. This is the completion of the Second Exodus of Isaiah chapter 66.

"The demons themselves, and their sun system, have placed 2012 as the last year of their system and authority, and the New Cycle commences from this date. We know that their system has to end because the coming of the Witnesses, with the senior witness Elijah, sees him Restore all Things which means, among other things, he has to restore the nexus of the Law which Satan had broken at the close of Eden at the beginning of the First Jubilee 120 Jubilees ago, in 3974 BCE.

"2012 is the Sabbath Year of this fifth cycle. In that year the Law of God had to be read again for the third time prior to execution of judgment on this system. 

"War has already started and the Beast system has to grow stronger and take over the World’s systems of Government under what they call the New World Order. This system continues now under Satan and his followers on the Earth from 2012 when the Law of God is read and explained and implemented for the Third time. The False Prophet and the Antichrist will continue to develop from now until the coming of the Messiah."

Everyone of these liars have had to reset dates time after time when their god fails to do what they claim it is going to.  The turn all of these around into "spiritual" fulfillment's, which means you can't see the things happening, but his god can.

It is written that God does nothing unless He warns the people through His servants the prophets beforehand.

We have told the sequence of the prophets for many years and we will continue to do so.

The wise virgins continue to be prepared and the Church of God warns the Nations that Christ is coming and besiegers (watchers come from a distant land (Jer. 4:15)).

The Table of the eclipses is listed below. Following that is the Ancient Temple Calendar as published by CCG and then the Hillel Calendar, which shows the problems involved and why they only have half the story. 

The Signs in the Heavens will entail more than this sequence of the eclipses and we will examine the others aspects in further detail.
The sequence of prophecy that Cox believes is just as worthless as Dave Pack's. It is guaranteed to never come to pass.  Of course it should always be brought out that God has never spoken to these boys.  All they do is look back in time to find things that fit their timeline and then claim it came to pass just as they said.  Liars all.

Dave Pack: My Sermons Are So Astounding I Can Never Out Do Myself


Leave it to Dave Pack to set himself up for yet another failure.  Dave has started publishing the transcripts to his mind numbing series of sermons that he has given over the  last couple of years.

Dave has now started posting the many sermons transcripts that tell the story of how he sees the end times coming about.  This first sermon is the most astounding sermon that mere mortals will ever hear!
Now, that said, I am quite certain I have never given, maybe never will…but I have never given a sermon and a Bible study that is as important as this one. I would say even no chance of one more important. This will be a game-changer in many regards.
Pack wants everyone to know what a special mind he has, one that is so incredibly fabulous that it can come with sermons that will be delivered 20-30 years later. Dave's latest endless sermons series actually started decades ago as he was training at Herbert Armstrong's feet.

Thirty-three years ago, I got an idea for a sermon, and some of it was born from a discussion with Mr. Armstrong, but I can remember it was about 1982. I wrote down the title of a sermon I wanted to give, and I put it in my files. I think I actually wrote a couple different sermons at that point. We grabbed one. It never matured.
Now, most of you don’t know. I have a system different from all the other men I ever knew. It was just a system that worked for me. I wanted to have a tremendous amount of material ready to go whenever it was time to deliver a sermon, so I would often, and many, many times…most of my ministry, in fact… deliver sermons that I had conceived years before. I would wait until the sermon “ripened”…and sometimes, it could be as much as 20 or 30 years after the idea had come to me before I would give a sermon.
So I have files…actually, of hundreds of sermons…that Mr. Herzog keeps now of sermons I have never given, in various stages of development. As I would get more material, I would throw it into a folder. My folders, just…probably, “this big” [gestures with hands] of ideas I’ve never given, and “this big” of those I have, not counting the extraneous material that I carry up with me.
But I wanted the idea. I’ll often write down a sermon title. But…a sermon can be born on a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, and then delivered on the Sabbath…or it can go back 30 years. I actually have ideas in my files that go back to when I was a student—almost 50 years. I’m 49 and a half years in God’s way, and I’d heard an idea mentioned, once upon a time…I didn’t want to be boring. I wanted my sermons to be interesting, and I learned quickly, when I worked on speeches longer, they were more interesting; less…not so much, and so that gave birth to a system……
 Is there no end to the narcissism the man is consumed with?

Dave is such an outstanding theologically educated man, who has now on his own, has summed up every single theme in the bible and boiled it all down "...to a few summary statements or topics."
The Bible can be reduced to a few summary statements or topics. It’s a book about government. This much I knew a third of a century ago, when I first began thinking about this subject…what I’m going to mention.
It’s about law. They are somewhat inseparable, but they are different.
Centuries of theological discussions in seminaries, colleges, councils, churches, and classrooms has been totally worthless because Dave has been able to do it all on his own.  Two thousands years of church history, endless discussions and debate are nothing compared to the outstanding mind of Dave Pack.

How can anyone sit there in his church and believe this bullshit?

From The Greatest Story Never Told

Dave Pack: King of Jordan Will Soon Be Looking To Me For Guidance


God's most superfantabulous man to ever be created, after Jesus of course, is such a mighty man that the King of Jordan will soon be looking to Dave Pack for advice.  This will happen because King Hussein will remember that Dave is a "son" of Herbert Armstrong.  Dave is a "son" of HWA because Dave claims he trained at Herbert Armstrong's feet...which he did not.

Dave feels that a physical temple will soon be built in Jerusalem which he and his followers will have a part in building.   Below is his take on King Hussein saddling up to stroke Pack's ego.

God tells us that you can’t make that verse any other way but that, miraculously, the leader of Jordan, who, basically would have a thousand fatwas put out on his life the moment he lost control of the Temple Mount...He has the 91-year sacred custodianship duty to protect the Temple Mount. I would go so far as to suggest that maybe, maybe among men, this righteous king…He is a good and decent man—He personally knew Mr. Armstrong; Mr. Armstrong knew him...He may well be shown by God, “Leave the Temple Mount alone.” But now God would have to guarantee his life, because the moment he did that, he is a “dead man walking.” He might live another five minutes.
There is some reason why the leader of Jordan is uniquely spared, and we are told that he is. That will become more apparent a little bit later, but I wanted to bring it up in context with Psalm 83, because it is a lot of the same players. We will have to learn, a little bit later, more about why he might be protected…but he is a unique person.
It’s interesting, by the way, that there is an elder in one of the big splinters who used to run the Jordanian Embassy under the Ambassador. He ran an embassy in Cameroon, then he was in the State Department. He retired about five years ago. He graduated from Ambassador College in the mid-1970s. He knows King Abdullah as well as I know most of you.
One wonders if the son of King Hussein, known well to Mr. Armstrong, would come in contact with the “son” of Mr. Armstrong—he is my father in the gospel—how that might play out. I will just drop that seed. There are some things to mention, here momentarily, but that’s enough, because I wanted you to see this. Let’s keep reading. This is important.

Dave Pack: How He Used Carp to To Publicly Humiliate Dale Schurter


A comment on the Dale Schurter and David C Pack: The Love Story That Wasn't

I have the shameful confession of being a member of the RCG for 7 years, from 2008 - 2015. I never knew Dale Schurter, but he spoke like a very genuine and nice fellow. It is easy to make jokes, but the reality is people in groups like the Restored Church of God are genuinely trying to do the right thing. Unfortunately the reality has nothing to do with members deluded perceptions. They (once me too) are held captive by their own shortcomings as a christian, i.e. lack of diligence in discerning the truth. The result is destroyed lives for members and their families.

With regard to the fish in the pond episode, the truth is stranger than anything you could make up. I remember sitting and listening to two sermons where Pack ridiculed Dale Schurter. The first one Pack was raging (for well over an hour) about the lack of Godly fear amongst the congregation and ministry and used the carp being put in the lake as an example of self willed arrogance, of complete ungodliness. Then a few weeks later Pack announced the culprit was Dale Schurter, and that Dale had early onset dimentia, and was being retired. No apology for the previous cursing of the man.

After I left the RCG in late 2015, I contacted several ex ministers, one of which had worked with Pack at 'headquarters' for over 10 years. He related how Pack had sanctioned the whole fish in the lake exercise, dragged all the staff away from their work to witness a cutsie ceremony at the lake, to witness the genious of 'Gods' natural means of controlling weeds in waterways.

Later when the fish had eaten all of the weed, the water turned muddy and became an eyesore, and unfit for 'Gods' headquarters. Pack now claiming complete ignorance of the ungodly act undertaken in secret by a lone perpetrator, sought a scape goat. He did so in a public and vicious manner.

Pack is simply insane, and most likely demon possessed, so his conduct is not that surprising. To me the most sickening part of this element of the RCG story, is that the whole drama was watched by dozens of 'true' christians who thought it more righteous to see an innocent man humiliated in front of the entire 'world wide' congregation, and allow an open and public lie to go unchecked, than to obey any essence of christianity or common decency.

Pack is the definition of high level narcissistic personality disorder. The 'fish in the lake' is the very tip of the iceberg concerning Pack.

Top 4-5 COG Leaders Are False Prophets...So Says Bob Thiel


Almost Arrested Doubly Blessed Elisha Elijah Joshua Amos, Mayan Authority and Chief Overseer Bob Thiel is gloating about his count for numbers attending his falsely named Feast of Tabernacles.  The falsely named Continuing Church of God claims that it had 1,900 members attending this year.  Keep in mind that 1,897 of these attendees were in Africa.  He also claims he has 2,200 members in total.

The Doubly Blessed COG leader is the only splinter group leader who was never ordained as a pastor.  It should be obvious to everyone now as to why Meredith and others refused to ordain him a pastor.

Elijah Thiel seems to feel that since he was not ordained a pastor, and now has 1,897 followers in Africa, that he is now a major player in the in the continuing Church of God soap opera.  The false prophet wants everyone to know that all of the COG leaders in the larger COG's are false prophets and false leaders.  Only Amos Thiel is the true prophet and standard bearer of truth in this convoluted end times mess that the COG is in.  These other false teachers (Meredith, Flurry, Pack, Kubik, Pack) have been incapable of bearing fruit through their churches.  Only the self-appointed false prophet is capable of bearing fruit, all thanks to his double blessing.

Continuing Church of God ... 1900 people ...
This is the highest festival attendance of any church group not started by former ministers of the Worldwide Church of God.
Peter Cross' observation about the high festival attendance is correct. The other 4-5 COG groups whose leaders were once part of the old Worldwide Church of God (WCG), that are larger than the Continuing Church of God, were all started by men who were ministers in WCG.
Of course, size, of itself, is not what is important. Love, faithfulness, and truth are.
Yet, consider that Jesus taught:
15 "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.  16 You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles?  17 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit.  18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit.  19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.  20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them. (Matthew 7:15-20)
Fruits are the way to tell true from false prophets. Thus, having the fruits of such growth in less than four years does help demonstrate that the Continuing Church of God does have the type of fruits Jesus was referring to.
Supposedly there are over 300 groups whose leaders were once part of the old WCG. Considering the rapid growth in the Continuing Church of God, our number of baptisms, and our overall size, there has truly been a difference in the amount of fruits God has allowed the Continuing Church of God help produce (cf. 1 Corinthians 3:6).

Ron Weinland Cult Imploding


There was an interesting post on the False Prophet Ron Weinland page.  He is losing members just like Flurry and Pack are.  After being told one lie after another and watching money grubbing second witness wife Laura and her money laundering daughter Audra waste their tithe money on personal items, his members are finally fed up and are walking away.

As usual Weinland is blaming his dwindling flock for his "christ" delaying its coming again and wreck havoc on the world.

  • Some interesting statements from Ron’s latest sermon with a translation
    “That we’re still here. If you’re still here that is awesome ! It really is! Mighty! Because the vast majority who have had opportunity, that you’ve had opportunity to fellowship with in different areas, they’re not around any longer. ”
    Means: Almost every body has left the church. There’s almost nobody left.
    “As was stated before the exceedingly important point to note is contained in that first paragraph. There is one factor in the midst of this that would determine which date God would send His Son to rule in His Kingdom. That factor was the Church— His Church. ”
    Means: IT’S your fault the lord hasn’t come. Its not my fault that I said the wrong dates. God looked at you and changed his mind.
    “We’re still moving forward because so many have gone by the wayside”
    Means: Once everybody has left we will have reached the destination.
    “Thinking yesterday of how much I loathe human nature.”
    Means: I really don’t like people very much. In fact I loathe them.
    “The greatest part of what we’ve been called to at this end-time is in front of us. It’s ahead of us yet. So if you think you’ve been down a long road – yes, you have – and we have a little farther to go. But some of the greatest of things that many of you are going to have to face are still in the future”
    Means: Yes you still have the 2019 failure to deal with yet.
    “People are willing to blab about, talk about, demean God’s people in front of other of God’s people, to tear them down.”
    Means: I have my blinkers on so I don’t see this close to home.
    “The fact that we’re still here, it’s a miracle.”
    Means: It is a miracle that you are still here.
    “300 people?”
    Means” Whoops, I have just revealed the church membership number.
    “I wouldn’t be where I am today, at the level of where I am today, with the strength that I have today, with a boldness that I have today, with a determination that I know ”
    Means: I am being so bold and strong. That’s why I have recently been saying – I believe, I hope, I think, perhaps so much. My boldness is to be strong with provisos.
    “I think of visiting Lubbock, Texas, when we were out there. The one woman I’ve known since first started going to Salina, Kansas, probably in… had to be in 19… late 1970, possibly. Known her that long. I’m so thankful there’s one person at least that’s still with us”
    Means: There is only one member of PKG in Kansas.
    You can learn a lot from Ron. He is so good with own goals.

Spiritually Bankrupt James Malm and Bob Thiel Go Into Meltdown Over Trump Win


In last nights stunning win by Donald Trump to be the next President of the United States we expected certain COG leaders to praise Trump's win because so many COG groups tend lean to the conservative side, even though they don't vote...unless of course you are in UCG or LCG.

Trump's win also brings out the nutcases from the loony bin.  James Malm and Bob Thiel are predicting the end times to begin in 2017 and the immediate downfall of the United States.  These two liars are constantly being eaten away by conspiracy theories and idiotic end times malarkey.

No matter how you feel about Trump or Clinton, it is apparent these two men  (Malm & Thiel) represent the bottom of the barrel for Armstrongism.

James Malm had this to say:
For those who don’t know; Trump is Jesuit trained [Georgetown University] and won because of overwhelming backing by the Catholic mobilized “Christian” denominations including the Catholic Church, Evangelicals and Protestants [also supported by the COG organizations]. Trump is the choice of the Roman Catholic Church [particularly the Jesuits] to bring about the New World Order of a New Federal Catholic Europe.
Those damn evil Jesuits!  They put Joseph Tkach in office in the WCG just like they did Trump!  What is this world coming to??????

The lying Pharisee continues with this:

1.   Watch for the Neocons to now redouble efforts to take down the Islamic State and bring a confrontation with Russia as soon as they can; to set the conditions for the rise of a New Federal Europe. 
2.   Watch for the fall of the Israeli government and a broader Mideast war involving Israel against Hamas and Hezbollah and a contrived confrontation between East and West. 
3.   Watch for crises in Europe which will open the way for the setting up of a pope doing miracles in the Vatican, who will call for a New Federal Europe.
4.   Watch for Trump and the Senate to jump on the bandwagon of this pope and his call for a New Federal Europe, being eager to extricate America from the heavy obligations and expense of NATO. 
5.  Once Trump has aided the miracle worker in creating the coming New Federal Europe by giving it the assets of NATO; watch for a peace deal to be declared and for this miracle worker to go to the holy place about 75 days after being empowered; triggering the immediate occupation of Jerusalem and invasion of Judea.  
The 2,300 Day Prophecy reveals that these things could be fulfilled in 2017 or shortly thereafter!
Malm is already bitter that 99% of the COG groups think he is crazier than hell.  What really is ticking him off is that no one is pay9ing attention to him, especially since he is one of the two witless witnesses.  How dare these COG groups reject him????
6.  Watch for God’s two servants to be set up – AFTER the miracle worker in the Vatican is set up – accompanied by all the biblically described signs: Only to be rejected by the COG groups claiming that God’s servants are Satan’s agents trying to prevent them from doing their supposed 3 1/2 year Elijah work during a time between a peace deal and the tribulation. 
Because all of the COG groups reject Malm, they will not know when the tribulation begins, all because they have NO ZEAL!
Once a peace deal is reached and declared, immediate tribulation will come (1Thess 5:3, Mat 24:15).  No, there will NOT be any 3 1/2 year period before the tribulation begins; and these organizations which have absolutely NO zeal to live by every Word of God like Elijah did: Will NOT do the Elijah work of turning people to zealously live by every Word of God!
7.   Watch for the New Europe [Assur being Germany, Austria, Hungary]  to become the darling of the Islamic countries – except Egypt – (Psalm 83) by aiding them in occupying the Jewish State in the name of peace; thereby bringing a move away from the Petro-Dollar to the currency of the New Europe.  
8.   From there the dollar driven Anglo Saxon countries will spiral down into collapse as the tribulation progresses.  
Malm is either talking out of his ass again or is letting his wiccan sidekick tell him how things should be.

Then there is Almost Arrested Elisha Elijah Amos Joshua Doubly Blessed Bob Thiel.  He is just as crazy in his beliefs as Malm is.

As I have been writing since last year, a Donald Trump presidency will be apocalyptic. A President Donald Trump will do many things that will lead to the end of the USA and the start of the Great Tribulation. While that would have been true of Hillary Clinton if she won, the reality is that she lost. 
During the Feast of Tabernacles in Aurora, Illinois, I told the audience that it would be the winner of the presidential election that would be bad for the USA

  • The timing of his rise in political prominence.  The 6000 years that God gave humans to run matters on their own is almost over. We in the last days of God’s plan. A day to God is like 1000 years (2 Peter 3:8; Psalm 90:4), and since it is wise to know the days (Psalm 90:12), this is a reason that Donald Trump would be apocalyptic. It may be that only one or a few presidential terms are left before the start of the Great Tribulation and the fulfillment of related prophecies in the Book of Revelation.  By virtue of his timing(as well as his actual planned and unplanned actions) are enough to contribute to the fulfillment of various end-time prophecies. 
  • In 2015, Donald Trump basically said he never repented. The God of the Bible expects leaders to encourage repentance and moral behaviors when they are subject to destructive punishment (cf. Jonah 3:6-9). Donald Trump, like many other U.S. politicians, does not seem to believe that the U.S.A. needs to repent for its sins against God. Yet, without national repentance, the U.S.A. is doomed for destruction (Isaiah 30:12-13; Daniel 11:39).  Of course, people are supposed to pray for political leaders (1 Timothy 2:1-3), and that should be done irrespective if one agrees with the leader. Sometimes, leaders and/or their policies change.
  • Donald Trump is an admitted adulterer, strip club and casino owner, and married a woman who was professionally engaged in pornogrpahy. By encouraging and not discouraging aspects of biblical immorality, Donald Trump is setting the U.S.A. up for punishment (Isaiah 30:12-13; Romans 1:18-32) that has and will include troubles, violence, weather problems, earthquakes, food shortages, and pestilences (Mark 13:7-8; Luke 21:10-11). The time will come when, these problems will further worsen. 
  • Donald Trump repeatedly has stated that he will “make America great again.” Biblically, he has not given reasons for that to be the case. Morally, economically, and militarily, the USA has been in decline (though the military decline is still more relative to the climb of others). The Bible warns repeatedly that false declarations of peace and safety will lead to end time destruction (1 Thessalonians 5:3; Jeremiah 6:14-15).
  • His religious views hint that he is somewhat ‘ecumenical.’ An ecumenical power is warned about in the Bible and is expected to rise up in the end times (Zechariah 2:6-8; Revelation 17; 18). I expect him to make ecumenical supporting statements.
Thiel then claims that the tribulation may start in 2020, but may start within one year of Trump being President.
Please realize that the Great Tribulation, itself, cannot begin until at least 2020 (and likely later than that; watch also Can the Great Tribulation begin before 2020?). It may possibly begin in a year that Donald Trump could be president.  He may well take military, economic, cultural, and other steps that could lead to it if in the presidential office by then. Ultimately, the USA will be destroyed (Daniel 11:39; Habakkuk 2:6-8).
If Donald Trump will turn to God, and more in the USA will as well, then “Perhaps there may be a lengthening of your prosperity.”
President-elect Donald Trump is apocalyptic. Pray.
In 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, the world will go on, the sun will rise on a new day and Armstrongite false prophets will still be lying and stealing money from gullible followers

Don Billingsly Fails Yet Again. Claimed God Told Him Hillary Would Win Election


Has there ever been a more fractured church group on earth that has had more leaders claiming God personally speaks to them than in the Churches of God? After God made that first fatal phone call to Herbert Armstrong and revealed things lost for 1,900 years we have advanced to the various current lairs in the church...Thiel, Malm, Pack, Weinland, Flurry, Meredith, et al.  Nothing any of these little men has ever predicted has ever come to pass.  That leads us to out latest COG liar, Alton Bilingsley.

Billingsley wrote in the July/August Philadelphia Remant Magazine the following about Hillary Clinton:

The Next President—By studying prophecy in view of the news, God has made known to me who will be the new president. He also has made known how much time is left before the Great Tribulation and the demise of this nation and the nations of Israel. If you are interested in knowing whether I am right or wrong, please read my article, entitled “Historical Duality Reveals the Future” 

In September I posted about how Bilingsley also made it known his god told him that Hillary Clinton would be shot while in office, during her second term.

Church of God Faithful Flock“What Are Your Plans for the Next Six Years?” asks CGFF Pastor Don Billingsley, a Church of God elder since the 1950s, in Historical Reality Reveals the Future - as he shows (?) that Biblical history and prophecy point to President Hillary Clinton being executed in 2023, when God’s Elect will flee to the Place of Safety and the Great Tribulation will then begin.  
This will all happen soon after the remnant Church of God folk trot off to Petra for 3 1/2 years of domestic unified bliss. 
Just before famine and the diseases reaches {sic} their most severe point in 2023, Hillary’s sixth year, God’s elect will flee to the first part of their departure to the Place of Safety (cf. Revelation 18:4-5; Jeremiah 51:50). (Billingsley A. Historical Duality Reveals the Future. Philadelphia Remnant, July-August 2016, p. 13)

All of these Church of God false prophets and liars  need to drop the word "God" from their church title and call themselves what they actually are, The Church of Liars.

Non-COG Group Claims Petra As Their Own Place Of Safety. Bob Thiel and James Malm Devastated


Most of the major COG groups are suffering major butthurt after they found out that a non-COG related group is advertising Petra as the Place of Safety.  Bob Thiel and James Malm will be particularly disappointed when they have to submit to different rulers of the area once they get there.

Petra was already presenting an issue to the various COG groups that still preach this nonsense.  UCG, LCG, PCG, RCG, COGWA, and many others all think they will get there first and establish their realms and rulerships.  It is going to be one big snarling cat fight over who will reign supreme.  Now that they've been preempted, it will be particularly interesting.

Yehweh Not Yahweh has set up a nonprofit organization that is organizing a mass exodus to Petra.

PETRA—PLACE of SAFETY is a non-profit organisation that promotes, encourages and hopes to facilitate fleeing from the world to Petra, Jordan, for the Great Tribulation. (Founded by Jane E Lythgoe—Creator of Yehweh.Org.)
♖ PETRA, Jordan is the one-and-only place of safety for the Wise Virgins in the coming 3.5 year Great Tribulation—the rapture is after the Trib.
♖ PETRA is the Place of Safety in the Great Tribulation—the rapture is after the Tribulation. The next flood is the Tribulation and Petra is the next ark. Believers need to go to Judea then Jordan. Petra is the one-and-only place of rescue and nourishment for the believers (not just Jews) in the 3.5 Year Great Tribulation. It's the singular wilderness "place" the spiritually pure woman (living Bride) flees to in Revelation 12 for 1260 days—with Father Yehweh's miraculous help. 
Those who don't go to Petra and don't want to take the Mark of the Beast, will almost certainly be martyred by beheading. Even if they find enough resources to live on for three and a half years they will still be hunted down. Think Hunger Games—except on a huge scale! 

Like the false prophets of Armstrongism, Bob Thiel and James Malm, they claim that the tribulation could start either this year or in 2017.

They are even offering assistance to those that want to flee.

♖ Types of Assistance AvailablePre-Flight Expenses—Passport Costs, Document Costs, Travel Accessories, and More.
Flight Expenses—Flights, Travel Insurance, Travel Taxes, and More.
Post-Flight Expenses—Accommodation, Transportation, Food and Drink, and More.
Support—Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Support.

It just goes to show that craziness is not confined to Armstrongism.

Dave Pack: I am restoring the greatest things in the Bible!


Dave Pack has releases sermons 3 & 4 now the are supposed to  make clear to a the disaffected COG members out there in LaLa land that Dave is God's most superfantabulous mouthpiece.

Dave's secret hidden knowledge that he is reveling is that a 3 temple will be built in Jerusalem where his creature called "jesus" will come.  Dave will be the first to walk up the steps of the new temple to shake Jesus' hand and welcome him back to earth.  This reign of his creature "jesus" will be BEFORE the tribulation.  After it reigns for 3 12 years it will start some major whup ass on the world.  Dave and his rapidly dwindling flock will then be in place to reeducated the survivors into the "truth" retires by Dave.
He would know that we would have a host of questions. I do. I am sure you do. For a while, as I continue preaching more things to you, I will actually open as many questions as I answer. However, it is my job to teach this great understanding. It becomes, in many regards, a restoration of among the very greatest doctrines in the Bible—that only begins with the fact that God is going to build this great house—even greater than Solomon’s wonderful house, built to God…or “wonderful great” house as he called it in Chronicles.
So a doctrine—a great doctrine—that was known and taught in the first century is going to be restored today. In many regards, other than in the first century, this is the greatest story never told since or until now. Once it is explained, we will say, it is soon to be one of the greatest stories ever told. It is the greatest story never told to the New Testament Church since the first century. God has broken an unbelievable, powerful code. I am going to drown you in verses proving what I am going to tell you, but I wanted to say at the outset some corrections of things we thought we understood. I am coming up on fifty years in the Church and there are things we wrestled with. For instance: When is the last three and a half years of Christ’s ministry? I will throw that one out there, because I am going to tell you later…But there are things we wrestled and wrestled with. 
Dave wants his flock to know that his knowledge far exceeds anything Herbert Armstrong knew or restored.  When you think about tit, that is not a hard thing to do.  HWA had what is considered to be the equivalent to a year of freshman bible.  Six months spent in a public library, that has slim pickings on theological books, does not make one a theologian. Nor does being trained at the feet of such a man.
I have told you about things Mr. Armstrong wrestled and wrestled with, and things that he had absolutely no chance to understand previously. Neither did I—or anyone—until God simply turned the screw and broke codes, and opened up things so awesome that you can’t really begin to imagine that they are in the Scriptures—never mind anticipate them. One would be—and it introduces so many others—that God is going to build this great house in Jerusalem.
The reason Dave's creature needs to come back is because Dave claims it needs 3 1/2 more years to complete its ministry.   Apparently what Jesus accomplished on the cross was not enough, at least for this thing Dave calls "jesus."

Dave's creature is going to come to Jerusalem to save the Jews first.  All other nations will have to sit there an twiddle their fingers as they suffer great calamities while this creature plays with the Jewish people.  They will be prohibited from coming to Jerusalem.  Once the Jews are saved and the rest o humanity has suffered, then they will have a chance.
Now that is an astounding thing. He will save the tents of Judah first. The Bible talks about Israel and the other tribes. This is Judah. We ought to examine “first.” It means “in order.” It can mean “in place…or rank,” but it means in order. If somebody runs in a race and you say they came in first, nobody doubts what that means. So if you say that you are going to save the tents of Judah first, first you must understand the meaning of “first” before we can go on. You are left with an incredible question. It is inescapable, and it is life-changing in every regard. There are two possibilities. I’m going to show you the Bible is filled with that statement, but for now, we are left with—what does it mean? There are two possibilities.
Number one: It means at the outset of the Millennium, for some years, Christ returns in glory, and He starts working with Judah first, and tells the rest of the nations, “Don’t come to Jerusalem for several years, because I’m going to work with the Jews first. Now…I’m going to hit you with droughts and plagues, and you are going to die, if you don’t come to Jerusalem, but…come to think of it, I am going to do that, and I don’t really want you here, because I am going to save Judah first. That will take years!” Imagine now…You have all the nations of the world…and He tells them, “Back off. Sit down and twiddle your thumbs for years, because I am going to save Judah first”… or, you are left with only one other option—I’m going to save the nation of Judah way before the Tribulation as we’ve understood it in the past.
In order to build this new temple there needs to be skilled craftsmen and loads of supervisors.  Two guesses as to whom the supervisors will be....
You might even stop and think for a moment. In order to build the second temple, you needed two prophets, Haggai and Zechariah; you needed the high priest, Jeshua, who is later called Joshua; you needed a Jewish governor, named Zerubbabel, to build a very small house with a third as many people working on it, a little over half as long as Solomon’s…and you needed them all to live in Jerusalem to do it, with 50,000 Jews helping. Right? So, we’re going to see a greater house than Solomon’s, which needed 153,600 and 3,600 supervisors…… 
The question that needs to be asked is why did God not reveal to HWA all of this truth when he restored the "truth" after it had been lost for 1,900 years?  What is it just now being revealed.

Well, Superfantabulous Dave has the answer!
Now, by the way, here or any other time is no better than another…Why would God wait so long to tell us this great element of Bands, and how Christ is coming also to a physical temple? Why wouldn’t He tell us that years ago? Here’s why. We would have been dismissive of all the dualities. We would have never considered all the elements of the spiritual house. We would have missed all of it—all of the last three years. We would have of just bounded right over that, and just been thinking about Judah and the physical temple, and so forth. We wouldn’t have understood it.
Dave has this to say about Herbert Armstrong:
Now, nobody is weak or stupid because we didn’t understand this. Mr. Armstrong is one of the greatest human beings, I think, in many ways, who ever lived. I’m going to show you again, by the way, I think his role was even greater than we thought. He was not Elijah, he was Moses. That’s greater—my opinion. I don’t know what he would say, but that’s what I would say. I’m going to show you his role was greater in another way, a little later on. I hope I have time to get to it today. If not, I guess we wait a week. 
You can read this convoluted mess here:  The Greatest Story Never Told, Part 3

Dave Pack: If You Are Part of RCG and Faithful, You WILL Be Saved


It is comforting to know that salvation only exists in the most superfantabulous Church of God splinter group to ever have been formed.  Only its most superfantabulous leader can make this claim. No other Church of God group is able or bold enough to make the the claim that...
For the moment, I want all of God’s people around the world to understand something. It is fundamental, and it speaks directly to why not a hair of a faithful member’s head can be lost in the years ahead…how will God protect His people?
Lets all pack our bags and move to Wadsworth!  Who needs Pella and Petra which are over-rated by the lunatic fringe of the Church of God, Wadsworth is where the action is at!  Besides, there is a great big lots store across the street we can shop at as the invading armies traverse the freeway on the other side of the holy compound!

Because tens of thousands of COG  members will have flocked to Wadsworth to sit at the feet of the holy one to be reeducated, they will be so special that people will literally flock to be at their side, because they have God's protection written all over them.
“And I will encamp about My house…” (Zech. 9:8) and He gives several reasons in the rest of the verse…but just stop for a moment. God says He will camp around His house… The one being referred to there, directly, is the coming temple, the House of God. But, we are the Temple of God now—we are the House of God now, as well as Jerusalem above. Try to imagine that God says a building—or a small mountain—is more important than a building of living stones.
Brethren, when you understand this whole prophecy…and it will take me a long time to…it doesn’t mean there won’t be persecution. There will be some persecution. But you will be amazed at how many people will want to be associated with you…when I show you from the Scriptures…because you are part of this. There is no way God would not “camp round about.” I can show you in the psalms that He does that. He camps round about the camp of the saints.
There is no way in the world God is going to add spiritual Jews—converting the house of Judah and bring it to a fractured spiritual house, bring it to a fractured spiritual Judah, where spiritual Jews are, whose hearts are circumcised. He has to…and this is one of the connections, again, between Bands and Grace…He has to unify His spiritual house. Meaning, many more thousands will immediately come into a situation where they won’t even know all these verses. They will have to learn them, and God is going to have to put a wall of fire and camp around about them, as well.
So I wanted us to all be absolutely clear. This prophecy—stunning as it is—has wonderful news inside it in that regard. Though it doesn’t mean that we are going to hop on a carpet and take a magic carpet ride. It is always difficult.  
I don't think there is a need to worry about "magic carpets." With Dave I think it revolves around those "magic mushrooms" he has been smoking.  No rational mind could come up with all of this unintelligible nonsense!

Dave then moves on to why he was sent to New York City to serve as a WCG pastor many years ago. Again, Dave has to make this all about himself.  He was sent there so he could be around Jewish people so that the can better learn how to reeducated them,  when he is appointed by his creature he calls "jesus," who will be completing his ministry for 3 1/2 years, in the most superfantabulous temple to ever be constructed!
I will just say, I understand why I served in New York City. There are many reasons…and did so twice. I have worked with and have known a great many Jews. But I have gone to college without  many of them, and I have seen them in the Work of God…not very many, because primarily, God was not calling Jews, until He does it all at once. I don’t know if we have any physical Jews in the Church. I am descended from David, so how that’s counted is kind of interesting…Paul was a Benjamite, but reared as a Jew, and so forth.
Of course Dave has to bring in the British Israel mythology and designate just who the Jews are that he is talking about.
God works with the House of Judah, by the way, not the land of Judea. God is going to save Judah. Most Jews don’t live in Judea. So you think of the terms, you have Judea where the Jews lived, you have Judah, either the original man named ‘Judah’ or all those called the “house of Judah” who came from him who are individually called “Jews,” who today practice a religion called “Judaism.” So you have to sort out those things out and that will help you. When God works with the house of Judah, meaning Jews, not the Jews that live in Judea, the implications are awesome when you consider most Jews don’t live in Israel. What does that mean? I am planting a seed… but you will find that it has awesome implications. So of course, God could not ever bring many from physical Judah into a fractured spiritual Judah… a reason that both occur together……
Next, SuperDave tells his members just how SPECIAL he is.  He is at a level that other COG ministers have never attained.  No minister in the Church of God is as knowledgeable or set apart as as he is.
Because once the code’s broken, brethren…this man who’s been studying prophecy for 50 years up here…Next June, it will be 50 years I’ve studied it, and learned it, and buried myself in it more than any man who has ever lived. I know that, and I’ve said it. I happen to know that whoever is in this position would have to be that way, and there are various reasons. I’ve explained it. Until God breaks certain codes, vast areas are locked out of understanding that in these weeks we’re going to see. For instance, nobody could see verses that were screaming obvious about the House of God being built in Jerusalem this side of the Tribulation. Nobody could see... I couldn’t…that God saves Judah first and that doesn’t just mean deliver them—it includes salvation. 
Then Dave sets about PROVING that he is Zerrubbabel:
The message suggests that this man should trust God, not human forces or armies, power or might, but His Spirit…It’s interesting. The greatest mountain on earth at that time, back when the second temple was being built, was on their side. He wasn’t resisting Zerubbabel. This is a Zerubbabel that is resisted by a great mountain, not assisted by one, as Cyrus and Darius did. See the difference?
One of the problems, Mr. Armstrong never, a single time, ever attempted to explain…who the great mountain was, I never heard him do it, that resisted him. He never did. He just left it alone. He never tried to explain the headstone/grace-grace thing. And remember “finish” can mean “break off,” so, it could have an application to Mr. Armstrong. With the spiritual house, Mr. Armstrong’s hands didbreak off 30 years ago. But God, in His infinite wisdom, picked a word that can mean “finish,” or “break off” because you’re finished. Mr. Armstrong broke off—but also, this Zerubbabel will finish the house, because it has to get done, and that’s the amazing thing. Go back, and review the word “finish.”
Super Dave then needs to reinforce his ties to Herbert Armstrong.  No legitimate COG leader can exist without training at Herbert's feet:
…If you think I’m ascribing too much to Mr. Armstrong, well then, that’s what I’m doing. I worked with him. I knew him. He was unique of all human beings I ever knew by far. He just was. People are going to have to learn he was Moses. Moses towers out of Scripture like Everest. He was a type of this Zerubbabel, a governor of spiritual Judah. I don’t doubt that, but he also led a royal priesthood. His signature is on both of my ordinations. Now, we weren’t priests; but yet, brethren, all of you are part of a royal priesthood. All of you are in training to be kings and priests. Is it a stretch to believe?..... 
Dave then goes into great detail on how his god will gather in all the Jews from around the world so that they will be protected and reeducated at the new temple where his creature he calls "jesus" will be ruling.  It is a long convoluted mess of facts and fantasy.

Read it here: The Greatest Story Never Told, Part 4

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