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COG Lexington//Cincinnati Now Taking Reservations For Its Annual Christmas Family Weekend


Those wild and crazy Church of God members in Cincinnati and Lexington just love keeping one foot in the world at Christmas time.  It livens up the family weekends to be surrounded by lovely Christmas decorations and music.  It's ok because some of them have been doing Christmas for a long time now so this just lets them enjoy it more legitimately.  When those from UCG join them it really livens up the party!

It's time!!!! You can begin making your reservations for the Lexington Winter Family Weekend! We are blessed to be able to offer an awesome rate of just $60 a night. We will begin Friday night December 23rd and depart for home Tuesday morning December 27th. You can use the link below or call the Marriott directly at 1-800-228-9290. Ask for the Church of God December room block. December will be here before we know it! 
Griffen Gate Marriott Resort and Spa Church of God Special
Church of God Cincinnati and Lexington 

Worshipping "Malachi's Message"


The idolatry at the Edmond compound continues to run amok at the worship of the "book" that Gerald Flurry plagiarized of Jules Dervaes.  Malachi's Message was Gerald Flurry's first book that he "wrote" to justify his apostasy from the Worldwide Church of God as he struggled to start the Philadelphia Church of God.

In an article that was just posted, More Than History, geared towards the PCG "youth" under 30 years of age, James Brandon asks what he perceives as a most important question:

“What was it like reading Malachi’s Message for the first time?”

My mother sent me this book when it was originally a spiral bound mimeographed book.  She was searching for the "one true church" as her "friends" in Cantonment, Florida kept convincing her to jump COG's with them numerous times over the years.  I still have that original book to remind me to never allow myself to follow these "demonic" men...but that's another story.

Brandon writes:
Herbert W. Armstrong died on January 16, 1986. So if you are less than 30 years old, you were never alive at the same time as Mr. Armstrong. Malachi’s Message was first published in 1990. If you are 26 or younger, Gerald Flurry’s manuscript is older than you. I fall into this category. The readership of True Education falls into this category. That’s you.
It's still hard to believe that HWA has been dead for 30 years.  The world has not ended.  We are not in Petra or in the millennium that HWA and crew have been predicting for 90 some years now.  None of us ever expected to graduate from high school, attend college, get married, have children, grand children, great grand children or to leave the church.  We either would be in the kingdom or in a concentration camp eating our children if we first had not been hung up on meat hooks by the Germans.

Instead we have been subjected to hundreds and hundreds of harlot daughters of the one "true" mother church.  Each and every one of them proclaiming they are the end-all for truth.  Before Rod Meredith, James Malm and Dave Pack set themselves up as the sole arbiters of "truth" there was Gerald Flurry and his Malachi's Message.

PCG has placed this book right up there next to the Bible in its historical and speculative relevance.  It is the "history book" of the PCG:
Malachi’s Message is a history book to us. That can be a hard concept for our parents and the previous generation to grasp sometimes. If they came out of the wcg, that book explained current events that were unfolding before their eyes. They probably have an “I saw Mr. Armstrong speak live” story. They can put bearded faces to names like Joseph Tkach and Joe Tkach, Jr. They also remember the changes. They remember the books and booklets being taken out of print. They remember the Who Was Jesus? booklet. The things you read as history, they heard from the pulpit.
Malachi’s Message is one of the foundational writings of this Church era, and the revelation from God that showed many true Christians where He had moved the lamp. Our inability to imagine what that time period was like should drive us to learn from our elders about their experience with that important book. 
Yes, by all means learn about Gerald Flurry's vile start to his church, which is much more important than ever following Jesus!  Malachi's Message is just as theologically important as the Robber's Cave campground in Oklahoma where Lil'Stevie first read his copy of the book.  These are major events in the PCG history.  Jesus isn't, but the book is!

Then to show just how corrupt and idolatrous the PCG is in its reverence of this "holy book" Brandon writes:
After the 2016 Ministerial Conference, almost every single message given at Headquarters touched on or drew heavily from Malachi’s Message. Mr. Flurry focused the ministry back on that book, and they, in turn, directed our focus back to it as well. Malachi’s Message is for all of us, but our generation needs extra help to understand the depth of that message. Often second and third generation Christians have to work harder to value the truth. We have not had to fight for it in the same way as our parents or grandparents. We have not experienced a ministry deliberately trying to lead us astray.
Notice that their focus is upon a virtual pile of bullshit instead of following any principle that Jesus ever conveyed.

Malachi's Message is literally a "lamp" that lights their way!
Your parents, my parents and members in our congregations have battled that strong delusion. They read and proved what Mr. Flurry wrote, and they followed the lamp. 
Brandon ends with this:
Our appreciation of Malachi’s Message needs to be far deeper than just a surface reading and an intellectual understanding. That book changed peoples’ lives, and our generation has to work to understand that in a deeper way.
Talk to your parents if they came out of the wcg. Seek out the older members in your congregation and learn their history with that foundational book. Make Malachi’s Message come to life. Make Malachi’s Message more than history. 
It is appalling and also amazing the lengths COG members go to in order to keep searching for "truth."  They keep looking towards idiot men like Malm, Pack, Thiel, Flurry, Meredith, Kubik and others to deliver the truth to them.  Most in the COG never have the gumption or the wherewithal to ever think for themselves.  They have to have some man deliver books, booklets, have visions and dream dreams so that they might have the answers to everything in life.  It's a scary world out there that just might make you think for yourself.

The world we live in is NOT the black and white world that Armstrongism has tried to deliver to us.

No human COG leader to this day has the ability convey "truth" to us.  James Malm cannot.  Bob Thiel cannot.  Rod Meredith never has.  Dave Pack is incapable of doing it, and Gerald Flurry certainly has not.  Flurry is so morally bankrupt that he even plagiarized the very book that he places next to the Bible!

Over the millions of years of human existence the human brain has evolved to have the ability to form reason, examine our lives, and to formulate understanding that far exceeds anything a group of people wandering around the desert in Palestine could have ever imagined.  We do not need apostate men like Flurry, Malm, Meredith, Pack and others telling us just how things are or should be.  These men have bastardized every single thing they have ever touched or been connected to.

All of these men have placed rules and law above this:
Matthew 11:28-30 “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

Check out:

Malachi's Message:  How True Is It?

The Plain Truth About Malachi's Message and That Prophet 

Gerald Flurry:  The PCG is FIRST After Jesus Christ

Suffered Many Abusive Experiences In The Church of God

Robber's Cave: Philadephia Church of God's Most Holy and Sacred Site

Standing on Holy Ground At Robber's Cave

Robber's Cave: A Philadelhia Church of God Landmark

and the person that started it all:  Jules Dervaes

Proof Texting One's Way to Truth


I'm sure we all recall many a sermon and sermonette on just HOW the Bible is to be studied and understood.

Isaiah 28: 

9Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts.
10For precept must be on precept, precept on precept; line on line, line on line; here a little, and there a little:
11For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people

As a result, sermons tended and still do tend towards marathon races through the Bible, hopping from  one similar scripture to another, weaving a tale of continuity leading to foregone conclusions.  It's how and why one can say you can prove anything you want with this method of Bible study and sermon presentation. 

 I often ended up with long lists of scriptures for notes, with no commentary on how or why they were all connected.  In fact, they mostly weren't really connected or if they were I had lost the why they were long ago.  It made throwing old "sermon notes" easy.  They made no sense twenty minutes after the sermon and I have to say I never went back a second time to read my notes.  In hindsight I took notes because I was supposed to.  I also marked Bible's margins up with correlating scriptures to go to to explain, clarify or prove the previous one was on the right path to truth.  It was more difficult for me to create "inspired margins" with my tiny marking pen during sermons because, growing up Presbyterian, marking a Bible was a bound for Hell offense.  It took me a few weeks but then soon had one of the best inspired margined up Bibles on campus.  

Full Circle in the Portland Library
I have figured out, however, how to study Mystery of the Ages

Let's take a look at what Isaiah 28 really means and it has NOTHING to do with how to study the Bible and the next time it comes up, you'll be armed for a nice rebuttal.

New International Version

Woe to the Leaders of Ephraim and Judah
1Woe to that wreath, the pride of Ephraim’s drunkards,
to the fading flower, his glorious beauty,
set on the head of a fertile valley—
to that city, the pride of those laid low by wine!
2See, the Lord has one who is powerful and strong.
Like a hailstorm and a destructive wind,
like a driving rain and a flooding downpour,
he will throw it forcefully to the ground.
3That wreath, the pride of Ephraim’s drunkards,
will be trampled underfoot.
4That fading flower, his glorious beauty,
set on the head of a fertile valley,
will be like figs ripe before harvest—
as soon as people see them and take them in hand,
they swallow them.

Translation:  YHVH is really angry with the Tribe of Ephraim

5In that day the Lord Almighty
will be a glorious crown,
a beautiful wreath
for the remnant of his people.
6He will be a spirit of justice
to the one who sits in judgment,
a source of strength
to those who turn back the battle at the gate.

Translation:  But not forever and it will all work out someday

7And these also stagger from wine
and reel from beer:
Priests and prophets stagger from beer
and are befuddled with wine;
they reel from beer,
they stagger when seeing visions,
they stumble when rendering decisions.
8All the tables are covered with vomit
and there is not a spot without filth.

Translation:  Your Priests are a bunch of beer guzzling, wine chugging dolts who can't think, see drunken visions, muck up decisions and puke all over the place too often.

9“Who is it he is trying to teach?
To whom is he explaining his message?
To children weaned from their milk,
to those just taken from the breast?

Translation:  Who are these guys trying to kid. Who do they think they are teaching...mere babies and children?

10For it is:
Do this, do that,
a rule for this, a rule for thata ;
a little here, a little there.”

Translation: For these drunks say, do this, do that, follow this rule, follow that rule, a little bit of this, a little bit of that...blah blah blah blah blah....

11Very well then, with foreign lips and strange tongues
God will speak to this people,
12to whom he said,
“This is the resting place, let the weary rest”;
and, “This is the place of repose”—
but they would not listen.
13So then, the word of the Lord to them will become:
Do this, do that,
a rule for this, a rule for that;
a little here, a little there—

Translation:  Fine, that's the way you want it? It could have been nice and you could have rest, but if this is the way you want it. You want to talk strange and babble at the people?  Then I'll send some folks your way that will talk strange and babble to you.  I can play "blah blah blah blah blah" with you just as you play it with the people.

so that as they go they will fall backward;"

Translation:  So you'll fall flat on your asses and it will hurt as you are caught and taken away.

No magic formula on how to study the Bible here!  So next time you hear "for it is line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little, there a little" quoted  as the way to find the hidden mysteries and doctrines of the Bible, realize the minister is quoting beer sodden, wine loopy, table puking priests who can't make their own words make sense to the people and thus God will repay them unkindly in kind with his own version of "So you want blah blah blah blah blah...?  Well here it comes in the form of an equally strange speaking foreign  people  that are going to sweep you away.

Now...let's all take our hymnals and rise....

Bible Quiz

It's All "Their" Fault...Until Malm, Thiel and Meredith are on the receiving end and then it is a "Test" from their god.


For many years now the American religious scene has been filled with one outrageous comment after another by men who claim to have an inside track with their god.  

Every time there is a hurricane, flood, tornado, earthquake or some other natural disaster the god-haunted men start running off at the mouth about how their god is punishing the country for the sins of all the gay people out there.  From James Dobson to Pat Robertson, Tony Perkins, to Bob Thiel, James Malm and Rod Meredith, the list goes on.

Robertson has claimed that the 1994 Northridge earthquake here in LA was the result of the gays.  

Hurricane Bonnie was the result of Disney World allowing "Gay Days" at the resort.  Leading up in the days ahead of the hurricane Robertson claimed it was heading directly to Florida because of Disney.  It bypassed Florida and hit Hampton Roads, the area that Pat Robertson is based. 

 Joni Jacobs claimed that the repeal of "don't ask, don't tell" was the root cause of the Japan earthquake and tsunami of 2011 that killed close to 16,000 people. Japan suffered and tens of thousands died because of President Obama.

Then there was Jerry Falwell who made this statement after the World Trade Center attacks in 2001.
 "I really believe that the pagans and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People for the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularized America. I point the finger in their face and say, 'you helped this happen.'"

Then there was Michael Margave who claimed Hurricane Katrina happened to New Orleans because of the gays.  Jumping on that band wagon was one of the biggest theological liars in the country, John Haggee.  He claimed that Katrina happened because of a gay pride parade in New Orleans the prior week.  

In 2012 Pam Olsen claimed that the US was being hit by horrendous tornadoes, earthquakes floods an fires because of marriage equality.

Susanne Atanus claimed that gays are causing autism and dementia in children and older adults.  

Rick Santorum blamed the 2008 economic collapse on the gays.

Then there are the Armstrongite "ministers" who claim they have a direct line with their god and can cast about all kinds of accusations and speculations.  Even though every single one of these men have been proven to be liars, there are still find a few out there that get turned on by their predictions.   

For decades Rod Meredith has been on an anti-gay rampage.  Something set him off early in life that leads him to continually run off at the mouth in every single letter, article and broadcast   Maybe part of that reason is because his idol, Herbert Armstrong, mentioned decades ago that he found Meredith to be rather effeminate at times.  Having to work over time to buff up his body he started boxing and has never let any of us ever forget he was a 'golden gloves" champ.  Over compensate much?  He is filled with so much hate that it is unbelievable at times and makes him look extremely foolish.

Then there is Bob Thiel and James Malm,  These two run off at the mouth anytime they can about the gays causing one disaster after another.  Their eyes glaze over at the thought of their god punishing gays in the lake of fire or thrown into a concentration camp somewhere the Midwest or Canada.

These "men" had better be careful as to what they wish for.  Case in point...


Tony Perkins who has been a voracious antigay spokesman, who has said that his God sends floods to punish people, just had his home flooded out in the Alabama.   Now that he is on the receiving end it is a "test." When it is not happening to them it is a punishment from their god to the wicked.  But once they are part of the disaster, it is a test from God to make their faith stronger.

Saying that the flooding in Louisiana was of “Biblical proportions,” Perkins described to guest host Ken Klukowski how he and his family had to take a canoe to escape from their home. Perkins added that he, his wife and their five children will have to live in a camper for six months while their house is being rebuilt. The duo also discussed the idea that god brings trials and tribulations to the faithful to make their faith stronger. That is not an uncommon idea, and many Christians will point to the Biblical story of Job as evidence that sometimes god does rotten stuff to (allegedly) good people. But the notion, advanced by Perkins and others in the past, that natural disasters are punishment for evil-doers, never enters into the conversation.
Is that what Thiel will say when an earthquake devastates his home in Arroyo Grande, CA at some time in the future?  Is it punishment from his god or a test to see how faithful he is?   What about Rod Meredith?  What will he say when a hurricane or some other disaster causes havoc in Charlotte?  Is it a punishment from God at how they mistreat members or is it a test from their god to see how loyal and faithful they are?

This is why no one pays any attention to these delusional men any more.  Decades of outright lies, false prophecies and idiotic bible interpretaions being made against others while their own lives and churches are cesspools of depravity, make their comments invalid.  None of these clowns will ever have a forceful message or a message of warning to the world at large.  Even their god mocks them!

If I were these men I would learn to keep my mouth shut because their track record has already been 100% wrong.  Scapegoats are always needed in order for the self-righteous to feel superior.


Film Being Made On Decision of COG Family To Use Medicine To Save Child


"The Future of Man" Short Film Project from Feazible Productions on Vimeo.

An anti-medicine cult controls every aspect of Josie's life. When she's forced to break one of its core tenets in order to save her young son, she risks public humiliation and permanent isolation from her family.

From the web site: The Future of Man
I was raised in the Worldwide Church of God, a Pasadena, California-based religious cult, founded by the evangelist Herbert W. Armstrong, that prohibited its members from using modern medicine. 
When I contracted a near-fatal pneumonia infection at the age of six, my father, a high-ranking minister, and my mother made a bold choice to defy the church's strict rules and take me to a hospital, where I was given antibiotics and saved.
It can be hard for someone who has never been in a brainwashing cult to understand why someone in the situation like the one my parents were in can't just pack up and leave.
Organizations like the WCG, while venerating the family unit publicly, actually weaponize familial relationships by teaching (and forcing) members to ostracize relatives who leave or are disfellowshipped. My parents' familial, social, spiritual, and professional lives were all inexorably tied to the church.
When I was sallow, colorless, and becoming weaker by hour, they must have certainly struggled with a brutal internal conflict. On one hand, there was clearly something seriously wrong with me and their parental insticts would compel them to use any means necessary to fix it. On the other, taking me to the hospital could very likely cause not only terrible devastation to all of our personal lives, but a permanent "F" on a test from God.
My goal for this short is to capture and dramatize that conflict.

Devious Bob Thiel tries to pull one over on the government


The world's greatest double-blessed apostle, the world's foremost Mayan authority and modern day embodiment of Elisha, Elijah and Amos, has produced a new video.  This video is just like all the others he produces.  It is filmed in the same room of his home that all of his other church videos are done.  Sunlight bleeds though cheap curtains while not a crooked bookcase is to be found.

What sets this video apart from all the others?  Not much, but he thinks there is a lot.  He feels that since he si talking about hte electiosn that he cannot use his chruch funds for that purpose.  DOing so would set him up for legal action from the government for trying to influence the election.  No one is deceived by Thiel's claims, other than himself.  It is the same typical bullshit he preaches week in and week out.  So what if he is not voting for either Hillary or Donald.  He is still using his house, his film equipment, his money to fund this video.  Just another COG liar.

He makes these following claims:
Published on Aug 14, 2016Some have claimed that it is their Christian duty to vote for one of the major US presidential candidates in 2016. Dr. Thiel gives ten of his personal reasons why he will not vote for Hillary Clinton nor Donald Trump. He discusses their positions on many matters and supplies scriptural reasons for his position. Dr. Thiel also challenges the claim that Jeremiah 29:7 is an instruction to vote. If you claim to be a Christian, you should check out his ten reasons. 
A written article of related interest is titled "Ten reasons I will not vote for Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump" URL: http://www.cogwriter.com/news/doctrin... 
Note: This video contains Dr. Bob Thiel's biblically-based personal opinions. This video was not funded by the Continuing Church of God and no tax-exempt funds were used to prepare it.
He uses church film equipment, his house that he deducts as his parsonage, his utilities that he deducts from his parsonage expense.  He uses his son or other church member to help record the sermon.  Then uses church computers to post it to the internet, and then posts it on his church Youtube page.

So why lie and claim personal opinion and that this is not a church related video? All of his videos are personal opinion.  There is nothihng biblical that he preaches.

The Creationist Mind

Bob Thiel Does Not Take Too Kindly Being Called A False Prophet The Good News Is...He Is Praying For All Of Us Here

Mock not Elisha the prophet!

Bob Thiel was not happy that we mocked his homemade video he made recently where he whined about Hillary and Trump and why he would NOT vote for either of them.

In the midst of his 1,800+ word tirade he has this about me and the rest of us that mock his false prophecies and false teachings:

The Banned by HWA website also regularly calls me a ‘false prophet.’  Its webmaster has claimed that I have made false prophecies (which is not true) and that nothing I have said came to pass (also not true; ; I even posted something earlier today which showed that something I wrote on September 13, 2015 came to pass this Summer–see Germany proposing a type of burqa ban). 
He and those at his site you cease and desist from such things, believe the Bible, and prayerfully study the article How To Determine If Someone is a True Prophet of God
Sadly, because many involved with the Banned by HWA website do not have a real love of the truth, they do not seem to care about their false assertions and conclusions. 
Anyway, the latest thing that I apparently did to get attention by the Banned by HWA website was to personally produce a video giving my personal opinions on why I would not vote for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton (you can watch 10 Reasons Not to Vote for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton).

Why do these buffoons take themselves so seriously?

Oh...some of you here are reprobates just like me! Never fear though...God's doubly blessed and mightest church leader since Ananias and Sapphira is praying for us!

The webmaster and some others at the Banned By HWA site remain in my prayers. 

What Would Jesus NOT Do?

Rod Meredith turns Living Church of God over to Gerald Weston


August 18, 2016
Dear Brethren and Co-Workers with Christ,
Greetings from Charlotte, NC! I just returned from about five days of peace and joy in our Living Youth Camp in Ohio. Present were about 342 campers and staff who were all filled with an exceeding sense of enthusiasm and dedication. It was very inspiring to see this tremendous warmth throughout each day of activities with Bible studies, swimming, water polo, softball, soccer, archery, etc. The unusual feeling of joy and unity among these young people was absolutely remarkable and very encouraging. Thank God for these camps! Thank God for His Holy Spirit and the chance for God’s young people to be together, work together and enjoy the true expression of brotherly love among themselves—with boys and girls taking their proper roles and deeply appreciating the differences of the opposite sex in a proper and Christian way. We had a couple of dances, a talent show and other activities where the young men and women were certainly able to show forth their talents as men and women of Jesus Christ.
Wow! What an incredible experience.
But very soon after my return here to Charlotte I was given a report with current news concerning our own city and some of the latest stirrings of “Satan’s Alternative Universe” as I have described it. It seems to be coming on our society very soon, and I think all of you should pay heed. For this Work of the living Christ is absolutely needed to “tell it like it is” and help people wake up to the reality of what is very quickly developing around them as the very end of this present sick society is coming soon. Here are some comments from an early report on the developments in the Charlotte schools:
“The new transgender-affirming policy allows students to select their own gender and then choose the bathroom (although that part is on hold for now), extracurricular activity, sport, etc., that best fits whatever label they happen to identify with at the moment…
If you’re confused about how this works, the school system has provided a handy ‘gender unicorn’ to explain everything. I wish I could say I made that up, but I did not… [It] comes accompanied by a chart, which illustrates how ‘gender identity,’ ‘gender presentation,’ romantic attraction, and sexual attraction (all different things, evidently) exist on a spectrum that stretches out unending into the infinite universe….
What’s happening to our children in these schools is a violation of their basic human rights. I’m not just talking about the female student whose rights are trampled when the sick perverts who come up with these policies force her to change or use the bathroom in front of a boy. That’s bad enough as it is. But to put these lies in their heads in the first place; to intentionally cause such terrible confusion in their minds and their hearts; to indoctrinate children into the most radical and fantastic and deranged ideas about sex and gender; to deprive them of the opportunity to learn even the very basic truths about life and about themselves—that is a violation of their rights. It is systematic child abuse, and it’s the primary reason why I could not, at this point, send my kids to public school” (theblaze.com, August 12, 2016).
When word of these things reached the public, school officials were quick to explain that some statements in the reports were taken out of context or were inaccurate. For example, high school sports teams will still be based on “biological gender.” But the fundamental facts—that our educators in Charlotte are being actively and specifically trained to begin incorporating this godless confusion in our schools—remain shamefully true!
Brethren, in light of the above report and literally dozens of examples like them, it is absolutely vital that we get God’s Work growing more than ever. For this sick world really desperately needs the warning message of Jesus Christ before the end comes. We are doing our best to grow and ask you all to help us to continue to grow in every way we can.
For example, the last few months have been especially encouraging as far as our Internet efforts go. Although we continue to thank God for the very strong responses we continue to receive on our numerous television stations around the world and we continue to make prayerful and smart decisions about adding or changing television stations as new opportunities arise, it is becoming more and more evident that the Internet “door” is continuing to become a more powerful and effective way to preach the Gospel. For example, we have been very encouraged to see that for many weeks now, the Tomorrow’s World telecast over “Internet TV” such as Roku, Amazon FireTV, Google TV and AppleTV have been producing responses comparable to some of our biggest and best “traditional” television stations. Many of these responses are from people who have either “cut the cord” and who do not watch cable TV or are from people who watch both cable television and also Internet television.
In addition to working to grow our “Internet Television” audience, we also strive to increase the reach of our various other Internet and social media platforms. For example, many of you know that people nowadays—especially younger people—go to “YouTube” to watch videos and go to “Facebook” to talk to their friends and even to find the news. According to a May 26, 2016 Pew Research Center study titled, “News Use Across Social Media Platforms 2016,” an astounding 62 percent of adults “get news on social media.” The same study reports that this is up from 49 percent in 2012. As this report also notes, “Facebook is by far the largest social networking site reaching 67 percent of U.S. adults.” Similarly, many people now watch video every day on YouTube, which has well over one billion users, with a majority of those visitors coming from outside the United States. Because we must reach the whole world with the true Gospel, we continue to work hard to use all of these platforms and technologies. As of this writing, our English-language Facebook page now has more than 217,000 fans, our Spanish Facebook page has more than 46,000 fans and our French Facebook page has over 118,000 fans. And our English-language YouTube channel passed 12,700 subscribers and more than 6,700,000 views. Our Spanish YouTube channel passed 22,000 subscribers and more than 4,700,000 views. And our French YouTube channel has passed more than 2,400 subscribers and more than 540,000 views. Very importantly, through these efforts we are reaching people whom we may not reach otherwise, and many of those people are reading and “sharing” Tomorrow’s World articles, telecasts, webcasts, commentaries and booklets with their online friends. We sincerely thank God for blessing our Internet “reach” in these ways, but we know that we must reach the whole world, and so I do ask you to keep praying that He gives us much greater growth in the months and years to come. 
Finally, brethren and co-workers, I have some BIG NEWS! Now that Mr. Gerald Weston has been here at Headquarters serving alongside of us for several weeks, and with my declining health and abilities, I have decided to appoint him to be the next Presiding Evangelist, Chairman of the Board and overall leader of God’s Church if I should die or be physically incapacitated. I have talked with Mr. Ames about this more than once, and Mr. Ames—one of the most dedicated and loyal men I have ever known—agrees with this. Both of us will continue in our present responsibilities as long as we are in health. But, in case of my death or incapacity, Mr. Weston will take over.
So I ask all of you brethren and co-workers to give him every support as you have me. I have known him for 51 years—since he first came to college in the autumn of 1965. He and his dedicated wife have been consistently loyal, doctrinally sound and extremely capable in feeding God’s people and building God’s Work.
I have described them extensively—including his ministerial background and all of his training—in previous member letters. But I would like all of you co-workers as well to realize that this is not an “untested” man. He has been involved in the ministry all over the United States, served as Regional Pastor out of Kansas City for a number of years and for thirteen years ran the largest single Work outside the United States, in Canada. From there he helped launch our operations into China and India and he has a truly “international” outlook. Here at Headquarters, he has fit in very well and in the last several weeks has won the deep respect and admiration of all who have worked with him. I have talked extensively to quite a number of our leaders here and brethren as well. So please give Mr. and Mrs. Weston your total support and know that Christ is the living Head of the Church of God. He has guided and will guide in this appointment. Meanwhile, let us all drive ourselves with the strength that God gives us to help fulfill the outstanding opportunities which we have to prepare for Tomorrow’s World. May God guide and bless each one of you as you go all out to support Christ’s Work and do your part in preparing the way for the coming Government of Christ on this earth.
With Christian love,
Roderick C. Meredith

YHVH's Amazing Test

Jephthah's Daughter


Unlike the popular Abraham and Isaac in which an angel of God released  Abraham from sacrificing his son, the story of  Jepthah's daugther is left to be forgotten.  The events surrounding Jepthah can be found in Judges 10:6:, 12:7 .The story  of his daughters sacrifice is covered in Judges  11:29-40

Contrary to Apologists for God, Jepthah actually fulfilled his vow and sacrificed his daughter.

Jepthah was probably hoping his wife or mother-in-law would be the first to come out to greet him, but no such luck.

This cultic behavior and thinking but given a pass because a Bronze Age author tells us the voices in the heads of these characters was really God and this we are to take on faith.  

That's not how "prove me now herewith" works, in the real world of critical thinking and common sense. 

LCG Looks To Internet As Its Saviour and Mouthpiece


In Rod Meredith's recent member letter, after he had his expected sex obsessed gay/transgender fit, he made the following comments about LCG's "Internet television" audience.

In addition to working to grow our “Internet Television” audience, we also strive to increase the reach of our various other Internet and social media platforms. For example, many of you know that people nowadays—especially younger people—go to “YouTube” to watch videos and go to “Facebook” to talk to their friends and even to find the news. According to a May 26, 2016 Pew Research Center study titled, “News Use Across Social Media Platforms 2016,” an astounding 62 percent of adults “get news on social media.” The same study reports that this is up from 49 percent in 2012. As this report also notes, “Facebook is by far the largest social networking site reaching 67 percent of U.S. adults.” Similarly, many people now watch video every day on YouTube, which has well over one billion users, with a majority of those visitors coming from outside the United States. Because we must reach the whole world with the true Gospel, we continue to work hard to use all of these platforms and technologies. As of this writing, our English-language Facebook page now has more than 217,000 fans, our Spanish Facebook page has more than 46,000 fans and our French Facebook page has over 118,000 fans. And our English-language YouTube channel passed 12,700 subscribers and more than 6,700,000 views. Our Spanish YouTube channel passed 22,000 subscribers and more than 4,700,000 views. And our French YouTube channel has passed more than 2,400 subscribers and more than 540,000 views. Very importantly, through these efforts we are reaching people whom we may not reach otherwise, and many of those people are reading and “sharing” Tomorrow’s World articles, telecasts, webcasts, commentaries and booklets with their online friends. We sincerely thank God for blessing our Internet “reach” in these ways, but we know that we must reach the whole world, and so I do ask you to keep praying that He gives us much greater growth in the months and years to come.

Meredith was been fed some  reports that mentioned that young people now get their news and other information from the internet.  Meredith sees the internet use of these kids and their parents as his new platform to exploit.  For some silly reason Meredith has been fed a huge line that Youtube is the way to go. Can you imagine a teenager sitting down and watching a 1 1/2 hour sermon by Rod Meredith or a Herbert Armstrong return? No one, not even an adult will sit and watch a 1 1/2 hour sermon made by some incredibly boring and biblically challenged preacher.  Heck, even LCG members will not sit and watch these videos!

Youtube, while filled with lots of great videos, finds most of its use from cute dog/cat/baby 3minute videos.  The public has no interest in LCG videos.  Its only audience is its own members and COG members from other groups who continue to church hop for information as their own churches are imploding.

Even UCG, considered by many to be the more benign of the splinter groups, can't accomplish much of an internet reach.  10-20,000 "like's" on a video does NOT translate into a witness for their god or its message they claim to preach.  Graceless legalism sucks, and even the non-churched understand that!

Like most things in the Church of God it is already 10 - 15 years behind the times.  In trying to imitate everything that HWA did, they focused upon print magazines, in incredibly boring telecasts, Jelly videos,  whitewashed propaganda Feast videos, and spent time and millions of dollars building monuments to themselves instead of "witnessing" to the world.

Not a single Church of God out there has taken their message to the entire world.  Even Dave Pack with his superfantabulous website has been unable to do so.  Thiel has not, even if he claims a couple thousand members in Africa.  James Malm circles the drain due to the incredible anger and venom that drips from his graceless legalism. Gerald Flurry is more concerned about HWA idolatry, Irish dance and finding the Ark of the Covenant that he has lost touch with reality, if he even ever had it.

All of the Churches of God now look to the Internet to resurrect their message.  The problem is that the internet has DESTROYED the Church of God and relegated to an insignificant corner of the cyberweb.  As more and more web sites pop up with horror stories from these splinter groups of Armstrongism, and the numerous films and movies that have come out about abuse, the COG's sink deeper and deeper into irrelevance.

Is The Church Filled With Cannabis Christians?


Apparently Church of God members like their pot!  This warning was up on the Herbert W Armstrong TV Archives.

Now we now know why Thiel, Malm and Pack say the dumb things they do! 😈

Satan wants to DESTROY FAITH! Faith in God!  
And he wants to build your confidence and faith in some PLANT, some POISON, some DOCTOR, for you to look to HIM(Satan the Devil) though them for healing. 
And many have decided to turn away from God, to go against the guidance of God's apostle and God's Church, to look to the god of EKRON- this present medical system for healing and cure!!! They have decided for themselves to choose what is right and wrong, taking from the tree of knowledge of good and evil and rejecting the tree of LIFE! 
They have left God's true Church and have turned to another false god. Perhaps some of those reading this article have done this without realizing it! IT IS NOT TOO LATE! You can REPENT quickly and turn to God with your whole heart and get yourself BACK ON THE TRACK! And save yourself from a world of troubles, caused by walking contrary to God and His Will. 
Many have become "Cannabis Christians".  
But God's true Church relies on God for healing.  
True Christians do not need to accept what this world has decided to be their healer or cure-all. We understand how Satan is influencing and guiding them. They have been following their father Adam in choosing of the wrong tree since the garden of eden! But we are called to choose the tree of life! The tree of life has been opened to us! We ought not turn away from God to take of the wrong tree! 
Are you a true Christian? Are you relying on God for healing? Are you trying to rationalize the taking of "cannabis oil" or marijuana, instead of turning to God for healing? Have you been researching yourself for the plants that God did deem healthy that do not contain the damaging effects as Marijuana does? There are HEALTHY alternatives! Alternatives that God created to help our bodies not damage them!
However none can heal but God. He alone has that power! 
But Satan will present LYING MIRACLES in order to cause you to reject God! DON'T BE FOOLED!!

God is Love--I Corinthians 13

Even a casual read of the Old Testament and even the New Testament gives a conflicting view of God and even Jesus.  
OT God is a jealous god not wanting other gods brought into his presence.  Gospel Jesus is mostly kind, compassionate and loving even to children.  Revelation Jesus never met Gospel Jesus it seems with wrath , vengeance and destruction at every turn of the page.  Where Disciples were to allow little children to come to Jesus, The Two Witnesses, sent by Jesus, smite everyone that doesn't bow to their authority and message.

Whatever "God is Love" means, it reminds me of the billboard in South Carolina that warned, "Love Jesus or Burn Forever in Hell." Really?  Isn't that like saying, "Give daddy a hug or I"ll kill you?"

Help us all out here and weigh in....

So they say.....

I Corinthians 13

Quite a bit it seems...

Just so we're clear on HWA's evolving stance on healing, doctors and medication in his latter unhealthy years


".... :In the last years of his life, Herbert Armstrong took a number of heart medications and had a full-time nurse travel with him everywhere he went. He used the medical profession for almost everything.

What amazes me now about this is that he would almost brag about what he was doing. He would write letters to the membership saying things like, "You know, most people can hardly get a doctor to visit their home, but I have two doctors who come to visit me on a regular basis." I found that many of our people were actually entertained by his admission. The tension between Mr. Armstrong’s practice and his teaching almost never registered among some of us. Some of our braver people would come to ministers and pastors and ask quietly, "Is Mr. Armstrong really going to a doctor?" And we would tell them, "Yes, he’s telling the truth!"

In the days before he died, this conflict finally began to sink in, especially with Mr. Armstrong himself. My dad asked him, "How could you take this medication? You’re the one who wrote the booklet that insists God’s people have no need of a doctor if only they obey and have sufficient faith. So how can you be using the medical profession? How do you want me to answer this question that church members are asking?"

The situation was made worse by the way some of our pastors responded to members who did go to doctors for help. Even when members were diagnosed with some catastrophic illness, their pastors might say to them, "The Bible teaches that going to a doctor shows a lack of faith!" Thankfully, most of our pastors were not that inflexible and judgmental – but far too many were.

All of these things finally conspired, I think, to make Herbert Armstrong realize that his stance toward the medical profession had to change. His conversation with my dad about this topic took place in 1985. By the end of January 1986, Mr. Armstrong was dead."

Faith + Obedience = Healing


The Evil Zionist/Jesuit Conspiracy To Take Down The Church


For decades the rumor mill in the church has been filled with one conspiracy theory after another.  In the late 60's through the early 80's it was the Zionist conspiracy.  The evil Jews were trying their best to malign the true sabbath keepers because they themselves did not keep the sabbath properly and were embarrassed that COG members were doing it right.  Only those specifically in the Worldwide Church of God kept the sabbath as it was supposed to be kept.  This conspiracy theory was fed in part by the employment and elevation of Stan Rader to his lofty positions and Robert Kuhn.  At this time the book, The Protocols of Zion, was widely promoted by church members, particularly in Pasadena.  Many church members actually believed that the extermination of the Jews by Hitler was a good thing, mainly because they did not keep the sabbath and other holy days properly like they did.

Also widely circulating was the belief that the Catholic church  was out to destroy the one true remnant of believers.  They apparently had instructed the Jesuits to infiltrate the WCG and to systematically destroy it.  The Jesuits had personally recruited, through high level meetings and negotiations, all the top leaders of the church.  This included all Pastor Generals, Council of Elders, evangelists, pastors, department heads, local elders and most deacons.  While the Jesuits were busy doing this they were also infiltrating every governmental office in the United States.  The Jesuits were one busy group of guys!

Add to all of this the Masonic conspiracy to silence the truth.  HWA was supposed to be a Mason, as were Tkach,  most evangelists and high ranking pastors.   Why else would the church be so freely welcomed to hold services in Masonic Halls across the country? Also widely circulated was the belief that the Ambassador Auditorium was temple to Masonic mysticism.

All of these beliefs are still widely held by the extreme nut-jobs that have splintered off into various harlot daughters or claim they are non-aligned but part of the true "spiritual organism."

Case in point, from our buddy Timothy Kitchen, God's greatest gift to the preservation of the "truth."

Banned by HWA! Cry babying again! 
Here in a video we see Mike "The Weasel" Feazell's son Jeff Feazell following in his evil daddy's footsteps cry babying about the WWCG "STILL"!! You remember Mike Feazell, he was one of the main backstabbing dissenters with Joe Tkach JR. So effective and tight with the evil one (Joe JR) that he was called "Mike the Weasel". 
This time it's the Weasel's son, carrying on the charade of deception about the Church that they dedicated their lives to try to destroy! They utterly failed as they do not understand what GOD's Church is, as they destroyed only the church physical organization, that is not the "Church".  
This time in making a fake story using mediocre actors (why not the supposed "Real" people? they are still trying to destroy Mr. Armstrong's and the Church's reputation as it over shadows theirs, and, the more they try to destroy it, the more it shines as the Beacon for GOD that HE intended it to do.  
After 30 years, they seem still to feel the need to attack and belittle a man of GOD that dwarfed all of them in GOD's Truth, and in a Work that their puny little evil minds could not comprehend, let alone match! But, GOD's Truth that Work of Jesus Christ that Christ did through Herbert W. Armstrong, and the man himself Herbert W. Armstrong is so powerful and hated by Satan the Devil, and His Jesuit Minions including Tkach, Feasell, and their offspring, that, after 30 years Mr. Armstrong, that Work and Truth still overshadows them and exposes them as the evil workers of darkness that they are! 
It only proves (for like the billionth time!) that Mr. Armstrong was the Chosen Apostle & The Elijah Chosen by Christ!  
and Joe Tkach especially JR and his minions like Mike Feasell were/are just the Judas (Plural) picked to accomplish their evil and their day of reckoning is coming shortly by Christ Himself, so get ready boys, as you can't lie to GOD the Father, Jesus Christ and to the Holy Spirit as you lie to these people, and your day of reckoning will be at hand!
Then, these lying videos will be there to condemn you!
This time in making a fake story using mediocre actors (why not the supposed "Real" people? they are still trying to destroy Mr. Armstrong's and the Church's reputation as it over shadows theirs, and, the more they try to destroy it, the more it shines as the Beacon for GOD that HE intended it to do.  
After 30 years, they seem still to feel the need to attack and belittle a man of GOD that dwarfed all of them in GOD's Truth, and in a Work that their puny little evil minds could not comprehend, let alone match! But, GOD's Truth that Work of Jesus Christ that Christ did through Herbert W. Armstrong, and the man himself Herbert W. Armstrong is so powerful and hated by Satan the Devil, and His Jesuit Minions including Tkach, Feasell, and their offspring, that, after 30 years Mr. Armstrong, that Work and Truth still overshadows them and exposes them as the evil workers of darkness that they are! 
It only proves (for like the billionth time!) that Mr. Armstrong was the Chosen Apostle & The Elijah Chosen by Christ!  
and Joe Tkach especially JR and his minions like Mike Feasell were/are just the Judas (Plural) picked to accomplish their evil and their day of reckoning is coming shortly by Christ Himself, so get ready boys, as you can't lie to GOD the Father, Jesus Christ and to the Holy Spirit as you lie to these people, and your day of reckoning will be at hand!Then, these lying videos will be there to condemn you!  Timmy Kitchen

This is all too hilarious!  They take themselves so seriously.  All of this Jesuit conspiracy bullshit is just the tip of the iceberg that the Kitchens come up with. From claiming Dave Pack was demon possessed as a child and killed his baby sitter to the Jesuits taking over the church. Its all one big laughfest.  One thing that Armstrongism has going for it is that it is never boring!

Diabolical Cal Culpepper


Posted on Exit and Support:

What about Cal Culpepper's diabolical policy of forcing many PCG husbands to cast off their wives who have run afoul of the PCG Ministry? How is this inhumane and ungodly break up of legal marriages an example of that "beautiful truth, plainly evident within nature"? Ask Cassie Flory if it is a "godly mindset" to force a husband to abandon his wife at the request of a Regional Director with backing by a false apostle all the way out in Oklahoma? How can you define that as "protecting women, the weaker vessel"? How is that love
I think it would not be outrageous to say that in all honesty a right minded and spirit filled believer in Christ will truly see where the real "satanic message" is coming from. There is no "dignity and honor" for a wife in being told to pack your bags and get out, just because a PCG minister said so. 
How many young children will be affected by these forced dissolution of marriages in the PCG? What will be the long term physical and psychological effects on these kids who now have to not only face a divorce (which is traumatic enough), but also have to deal with having absolutely no contact with a suspended/disfellowshipped parent according to Gerald Flurry's standing policy. 
I am sure we all feel a righteous indignation at what is going on in the Philadelphia Church of God. We mourn and pray for the families of PCG victims. Our hearts are broken when we hear of the deaths of young children who are denied medical care and suffer horribly for it.
We know that God is on His throne and nothing escapes His notice and attention. Gerald Flurry and those Edmond HQ man-boys who support him will have to answer to God for their actions: 
One day the nightmare that is called Philadelphia Church of God will end. Christ will return and put down all false prophets and false religion. Our duty until then is to pray and support those who are being affected by the policies and outrages perpetrated by Gerald Flurry's PCG. 

October 11/12 2016 Will Be An Earth Shattering Expereince


Dang it!  There goes the Best Feast Ever!!!!!

It always amazes me how so many church members are adamant that they know for sure the exact time line of the end times:

Whether we believe it or not, this IS going to happen next October.
Revelation 6:14 .... and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.A quake that size will devastate all Island nations with a survival rate of near 0 and mountainous regions won't fare any better. Most other places will have their infrastructure rendered useless. 
What are you going to do when that massive earthquake hits on Oct. 11/12, 2016 wiping out N. America and the "western" country's.That earthquake is going to flatten everything in its path setting off volcano's including the super volcano at Yellowstone. The tsunami's that are created by it will wipe out most coastal communities. 
Starting in this October, most of the population of this planet will lose their life, it behooves us to make as many as possible, aware of the safety God offers to those who support Him and to those that don't. 
This is how it unfolds starting on Oct. 3, 2016, the Feast of Trumpets, it is 1290 days (Daniel 12:11) until the return of Christ on April 12, 2020, it is also 1335 days (Daniel 12:12) until those taken, will receive their blessing on the Day of Pentecost (May 31, 2020).
The two witnesses start their "preaching the gospel to the WORLD (Matthew 24:14)", not to God's chosen, but to the gentles, on Oct. 25-26, 2016 which is known as "The Last Great Day" (Leviticus 23:36).  It directly follows the festival days of "The Feast of Tabernacles" (Leviticus 23:34).
It marks "the conclusion of the annual cycle of public Torah (Old Covenant) readings, and the beginning of a new cycle".  Hence, in this scenario, God has finished His judgment on the nations of Israel and through the two witnesses, He begins His judgment on the gentile nations. Revelation 11:3 And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, (1260 days), clothed in sackcloth. 

It is 1260 days from the Last Great Day of Oct. 25-26 of 2016, to the day the witnesses are killed on the Passover of April 8, 2020. ItstimeCOG

Notice how the local time of Portland, Oregon is taken into account.  I guess he is warning God's true prophet Dennis so that he has time to get out of town before the tsunami sweeps up the Columbia River after the huge quake.

For example, on the Day of Atonement, Christ will be coming to take His people to the wilderness at midnight on Oct. 11-12, 2016 in Jerusalem, but in Portland Oregon, U.S., that time will be Monday the 10th of Oct. at 2 PM.
That time also marks the time of the first super major earthquake that leads to the horrors depicted in Deuteronomy 28, (famines, plagues, cannibalism, butchery, slavery). 
From the events depicted in the Holy Days, the Great Tribulation, ( when most of the worlds population die), starts on the Day of Atonement, Oct. 11-12, 2016.
We know that those saved from those horrors are protected in "the wilderness", starting on that Day of Atonement and ending after Christ's return in April, 2020. 

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