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Delusional COG False Prophet Claims He Will Take Stone of Scone to Jerusalem So Jesus Can Sit On It


What the hell is wrong with the Churches of God that it produces such complete morons like Dave Pack, Bob Thiel and Gerald Flurry?  Why is the leadership of the hundreds of COG's filled with so many men that have mental health issues?  The Church of God has a sad reputation of being filled with these men and sadly they run rampant over the members with their absurdities. Even worse though is the fact that there are church members out there that believe their malarkey!

Gerald Flurry has had a great reputation of saying completely stupid things.  He is back again with an article to his membership on what a great man he is and how much he is like Jeremiah.  Jeremiah is Flurry's hero with whom he strongly identifies with.

COG history has been filled with endless stories, due to the discredited belief in British Israelism, about how Jeremiah took his daughter Tea Tephi to Ireland along with the Ark of the Covenant where they buried it in a hill in the countryside.

Flurry thinks that he and his church will be the ones to find the Ark of the Covenant and return it to Jerusalem.  That is part of the reason Flurry bought a mansion in the UK so they could have an HQ close to the Ark and the Ten Commandments.  Flurry also thinks that he and his church will take possession of the Stone of Scone and take it to Jerusalem so Jesus can sit in it when he returns to wipe most of humanity off the face of the earth.

Jeremiah and the PCG

My article in the July-August 2015 Royal Vision proved that Jeremiah wrote Psalm 89, which is about David’s throne (e.g. verses 3-4, 28-37). Why do you suppose God revealed that to me and to His Church today and not to Herbert W. Armstrong? It might be because we have something in common with Jeremiah that Mr. Armstrong didn’t have. 
Consider Jeremiah’s commission. God told him, “… ‘Behold, I have put my words in your mouth. See, I have set you this day over nations and over kingdoms, to pluck up and to break down, to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plant’” (Jeremiah 1:9-10; Revised Standard Version). 
Jeremiah was told to pull down, to destroy, to build and to plant. Maybe God’s Church today is going to do something like that, in a way. 
Flurry thinks the he and his River-dancing clan will have a special roll in overturning this evil world as they help usher in the return of Jesus Christ so that they too will sit next to Jesus Christ on their mini-me thrones ruling for all eternity. Whats the point of having an Eternal Benevolent God when the heavens will be filled with thousands of COG mini-god's running around making a mess of everything like they do here on earth today? What a hellish nightmare that would be!
Jeremiah’s commission is tied directly to our commission. Jeremiah took David’s throne from the nation and kingdom of Judah to the nation and kingdom of Israel. Is it possible that God could use His Church today to make that last turn of David’s throne, taking it to Jerusalem for Jesus Christ Himself to rule on? Perhaps God revealed to me what He did in my booklet Jeremiah and the Greatest Vision in the Bible because we will play a role in an overturn, as Jeremiah did. Maybe we have a special role there. I think we will have some role; after all, we get to share that throne with Him (Luke 1:32; Revelation 3:21). 
Flurry has been setting his members up to be royalty in the world tomorrow.   They are the chosen called out from all of humanity and from ALL of the false COG's.  They are the elite.
In Psalm 89:1, Jeremiah wrote, “[W]ith my mouth will I make known thy faithfulness to all generations.” He wanted to make sure this world knew what God was like and how faithful He is. That is what this commission to build and to plant was all about.
Jeremiah 1:10 reveals that Jeremiah’s commission is the main subject of the whole book. It has to do with nations and kingdoms—royalty. It is about physical royalty and spiritual royalty. He was involved in royal rule—and everything we are involved in is about royal rule. 
Jeremiah also spoke about two covenants—one about the physical royalty, the other about the spiritual royalty.
All these men can do is talk about their heroes from Hebrew scriptures and the law.  They find no heroes in James, Andrew, Stephen, or any of the other real apostles who lived lives of poverty as they walked across the land telling the story of Jesus.  There was no need for mansions, fancy cars, imitation college campuses with auditoriums, or Gulfstream jets. They sat down to dinner with the beggars, the prostitutes, the tax collectors and the unclean.  They physically touched them and brought healing to them. All of these are things that not one of the arrogant bastards that lead the Churches of God today will do.

They are ensconced in the luxury homes and their gated compounds where they work in million dollar facilities spending millions planting elaborate grounds with pools and streams that the public is not allowed to see, let alone most members.

What makes these narcissistic men think that God is going to let them march into Scotland and take the Stone of Scone to Jerusalem, gather in tens of thousands to Wadsworth or be Elijah with an Arroyo Grande street address?

Waiting for the End Times

Living Church of God Headquarters Just Can't Stay Away From This Blog


It's another fun day in California, though thousands of miles away those fun folks in Charlotte are busy reading this blog.  Every time I post a new entry, and particularly those regarding LCG or Meredith, the maps light up:

While it is common knowledge that LCG monitors this blog, it is still a good time to warn LCG members (and there are a LOT of you) that when you comment please make sure to remain "anonymous" or use fake names.  Rod McNair's gestapo will work over time to find out who you are if you leave a real name.  

Though we all may not agree on theological stances, this is a place for LCG members to keep up to date on the shenanigans in the church.  Plus, I allow you to say what you want which is something that the COG never has allowed.
Hi Rod!

Noah, Mt Ararat and the Hippo

AronRa Interviews Dennis Diehl


AronRa did an interview of our very own Dennis Diehl this morning.  You will remember AronRa's brilliant take down of delusional Dave Pack over his fraudulent series on evolutions.  It seems like every thing Dave touches anymore turns into one embarrassing extravaganza after another.

From video site:

Dennis Diehl was a Pastor for 26 years with the Worldwide Church of God under the late Herbert W. Armstrong and Garner Ted Armstrong. He pastored in 14 congregations in 5 states from 1972 until leaving the ministry in 1998 in the upheaval following the fracturing of the church during a time of reckless theological change. Difficult times brought him to admit to the many contradictions and myths associated with Old Testament Israel, the Gospel stories of Jesus and the enigma of the Apostle Paul as founder of Christianity and not any Jesus. Dennis also came to recognize the damage the failed first century prophecy called The Book of Revelation causes 2000 years later in the lives of those who think it still is for today.
Dennis has written extensively about abusive ministries, the dangers of personality cults, mental illness in ministry as well as Biblical errancy and origin issues. He was included in the Clergy Project, founded by Dan Barker, which is designed to help ministers, who have their crisis of faith, exit the ministry and face the problems such life changes bring to them and their families. 
Dennis is a student of the earth sciences, archaeology, paleontology, cosmology with a special interest in human evolution. While the Bible speaks of "science falsely so called," Dennis appreciates science well done. 
Dennis lives in Portland, Oregon and has a therapeutic massage practice in Lake Oswego, Oregon.

If you are in the Dallas area and want to see AronRa live then check out this event:

My first formal debate, July 23rd in Downtown Dallas

Can Wade Cox Truly Be This Stupid?????


After getting caught promoting the discredited story that McDonalds was grinding up human meat in its hamburgers, Dingy Cox is caught once again being an idiot.   He quotes another news satire site as if it was 100% true.  I guess this is to be expected of a man who thinks 100% of what Herbert Armstrong taught him was true. Its also true that half the African continent are now member of his cult and that Muslims  are rapidly converting to his side.

Don’t fall for these dumb Pokémon Go hoaxes

We spoke to the guy behind all those Pokémon Go internet hoaxes

Given that this is 2016, a thinking person would think old Wade would know how to use his computer. Obviously not!  Are all Armstrongite ministers this dumb????

Living Church of God: Did Doug Winnail Just Take A Swipe at Meredith/McNair Gestapo?


From LCG source:

In last week's LCG Weekly Update it looks like Doug Winnail took a swipe at the Meredith's Gestapo for their John Robinson witch hunt. I am very familiar with LCG headquarter's in Charlotte and they are the exact opposite of the traits Winnail outlines below. They can never overlook an insult. In fact, they are so thin-skinned that McNair keeps a file on every Facebook post or comment that each members has made or is alleged to have made that implies that LCG ministry is anything but perfect. They are the least forgiving people on earth despite the fact that they take the Passover year after year which, in theory, would give offenders a clean slate. LCG leadership ALWAYS sit in judgement, frequently accuse, criticize and "dig up and spread evil things about others". It is their method of operation! LCG ministers don't work on getting their "own lives in order" because they completely lack the personal insight needed for such an activity. They think they are pure and righteous. They appear to be completely oblivious to the plank in their own eyes. Does Doug seriously believe that McNair and Meredith deal with people gently, respectfully and patiently? Is that what they did to John Robinson and countless others that they decided to take aim at just because they dared to express a less than sunshiny opinion about ministers or about the corruption at LCG headquarters?

Doug Winnail was brave to write such a piece. He has done this before. Each time he makes these little swipes, many in LCG collectively hold their breath to see if he gets exiled to some little town in the middle of nowhere or gets asked to leave all together like Winnail's CAD predecessor Charles Bryce.

Time will tell...

Doug writes:

Skills that Promote Teamwork:  Members of successful organizations develop the necessary skills to function together smoothly to accomplish goals. These skills can be identified and learned. As Christians, we must develop the same skills—and many are clearly biblical. Effective team members are sensitive to the feelings of others and avoid saying or doing things that offend others (Matthew 18:7; 1 Corinthians 10:23). They are forgiving and overlook insults because they have learned not to be easily offended (Proverbs 10:12; 17:9; 1 Corinthians 13:5). Team players do not sit in judgment of other people—accusing, criticizing and digging up and spreading evil things about others—instead, they make sure their own lives are in order (Matthew 7:1-5; James 4:11). Team players are peacemakers (Matthew 5:9) who are able to promote harmony and work smoothly with others (James 4:17). They deal with people gently, respectfully and patiently and are willing to listen (James 1:19). Team players do not promote themselves at the expense of others (Matthew 20:20-24). Effective team players appreciate that the team is made up of individuals with different talents and abilities who make unique contributions to the team (1 Corinthians 12:12), and that the main priority is to work together smoothly to achieve a goal while showing love to one another (Ephesians 4:16). In short, good team players have learned to love their neighbors—as Jesus instructed.
Have a profitable Sabbath,
Douglas S. Winnail

Elijah is Back in Our Midst! The greatest Church of God ever to exist in human history is now led by the REAL Elijah


It is a well established fact that Herbert Armstrong was not Elijah.  Dave Pack certainly is not Elijah, considering the multitude of failed prophecies that have poured out from his lips.  Gerald Flurry thinks he is Elijah, but his failed prophecies make him a liar too.  Meredith is out of the picture now after decades of false prophecies and outright lies as his life is rapidly coming to an end.  So who does that leave?  Who is the Elijah that is here at the end of the age to warn the world to repent and return to "the truth restored?"

That great prophet lives in Arroyo Grande along the central coast of California.  This Elijah is the leader of the only COG who is doing a world circling end-time ministry preaching the gospel of the Kingdom of God, returning the hearts of the children to their fathers, healing the sick, and uplifting the poor, and preparing the bride for the soon coming holiday trip to Petra where he will share the place with Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry, Rod Meredith and Vic Kubik.

Almost Arrested Elisha, Joshua, Amos, Elijah, 1st Witness Bob Thiel is back once again attempting to prove he is the chosen one.  This time he uses Don Billingsley's latest farce of an ad in The Journalto discredit HWA while setting himself up as the chosen one.  

Billingsley has been running numerous ads over the last two decades attempting to prove HWA was Elijah.  Almost Arrested Elijah Thiel takes great exception to Billingsley's beliefs.  HWA is dead and the work still needs to be finished in the end-time, assuming of course that this present time is the end of the age.
Notice that the Elijah is to come just before the great and terrible day of the LORD, and if he did not come, utter destruction would occur. 
Herbert W. Armstrong died in January 16, 1986.
Since Don Billingsley said to look to the book the Mystery of the Ages, let’s see what Herbert W. Armstrong actually wrote about the timing of the final Elijah:
Also Malachi 4:5-6 pictures the Elijah to come at the very end of the Church age (Mystery of the Ages. 1985, p. 349).
When did Herbert W. Armstrong write that the Church age was over? Notice:
At the end of the Church age and 6,000 years from Adam, Christ would return to earth as King of kings and Lord of Lords, ruling all nations, with the saints, for one millennium. (Armstrong HW. What If Adam Had Taken of the Tree of Life? Plan Truth, March 1983)
The “very end” of the Church age was not over 30 years ago! The 6000 years has NOT yet been fulfilled. Since the “very end of the Church age” has not happened, and he died decades ago, his writings support that there must be another Elijah. And he was referring to an individual in the Mystery of the Ages.
Elijah Thiel wants everyone of you to know that Herbert Armstrong, on his death bed, claimed that there was an Elijah to come.  Two guesses as to who he was predicting! 
This combined with what Herbert W. Armstrong wrote in The Mystery of the Ages and the length of time since his death demonstrates that Herbert W. Armstrong could not biblically be the final prophesied Elijah.
Elijah continues:
Presuming Jesus will return within the next couple of decades, then that ‘Elijah’ would need to be alive now. And he would be part of the church that places the highest priority on the truth.
Yet, most Christians seemingly refuse to accept that. 
Two guesses as to who that person who "is alive now" is...
Since the Bible does teach that there will be an ‘Elijah’ who is alive right before Jesus returns (Malachi 4:5-6), thus it is not possible that Herbert W. Armstrong was the prophesied final Elijah.
We in the Continuing Church of God are regularly restoring more truth about church history, doctrine, and prophecy. And we have done this more, by far, than any other group in the 21st century (COG or otherwise for that matter). 
Elijah is also setting himself up as one of the two witnesses because he is "a REAL follower of God."
Also consider that any who have already died are not relevant regarding all things to be restored just before the Day of the Lord–only one alive then (who would also be alive now) can possibly fulfill the Elijah role to increase knowledge and restore all things. It is not that others cannot add to knowledge, but what was to be restored in the end has to come from someone who is a real follower of God who is alive at the end. Growth of Christian knowledge did not end by January 16, 1986.
Consider also that the Bible indicates that it is likely that the ‘Elijah’ will be one of the two witnesses.
Almost arrested Elijah Thiel feels those who refuse to follow him or believe him are just more proof that the end is here. Scoffer's will abound in the end times.
Now, as Jesus is likely to return within the next couple of decades, it is reasonable to consider that the witnesses, including the one who is the Elijah would be alive today.
The problem is that just as many would not hear Elijah’s nor John the Baptist’s messages, relatively few will pay much attention to the end time Elijah as well. 
Over the last 80 some years the church has been flooded with one lying false prophet after another.  Not a single one of them was or is Elijah.  Bob Thiel is no more an Elijah than Dave Pack is.  Thiel is just another fraudulent liar that everyone in the church needs to avoid at al costs!

Fake COG "Scientist" Claims Bill Nye is a Fake Scientist


Leave it to the Church of God to always have a man somewhere that knows more than anyone else does in the world, particularly scientists. Even though not a single one of them have an education OUTSIDE of the Church of God literature that they might have read 50 years ago. This time we have our resident self-appointed lying false prophet from Arroyo Grande, CA making the claim about Bill Nye is not a true scientist.  This is all coming from a man who wallows in naturopathy, Mayan myths, Catholic fantasies, reliance upon nightmares/dreams for truth and who makes a living off peddling herbs and vitamins in his "practice."

Nye recently travelled to see Ken Ham's monstrosity in the middle of Kentucky.  Almost Arrested Elisha, Elijah, Joshua, Amos, Chief Overseer and First Witness Dr. Thiel claims that HE is far more intelligent than Nye and can "quickly disprove evolution."

I think it is time for AronRa to do an interview of Thiel.  It would be fun listening to Thiel make mincemeat of AronRa.....cough, cough.  Let Thiel prove to us that he deserves that "Dr." attached to his name.

 Dinosaurs of Eden: Ken Ham
Apparently when Cain slew Abel there were cute little dino's playing in the field.

The doubly-blessed prophet Thiel writes:
Bill Nye does not see the possibility of an Ark as scientific. 
Yet his clinging to the idea that humans may have come from Mars is a desperate attempt to try explain how life got to Planet Earth as scientists generally realize that spontaneous generation of life and the initial development on the Earth is biologically-impossible (watch, for example, Quickly Disprove Evolution as the Origin of Life). 
I have written about Bill Nye before and do not consider him to be a real scientist (see Evolution and the supposed ‘Science Guy’).  And yes, neither is Ken Ham who has his own issues. 
However, as Ken Ham correctly pointed out, Bill Nye seems to have an agenda–one that does not allow him to consider facts that might contradict his false belief about God and the origin of humans. 
Even back in New Testament times, there were those who called error ‘science,’ which is what evolution as an explanation of the origin of life and the origin of the universe is. Notice: 
20 O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:
21 Which some professing have erred concerning the faith. (1 Timothy 6:20-21, KJV) 
If Bill Nye was truly a scientist, he would admit that Darwin had no explanation of the origin of life that could be tested to be proven true. Actually, all such attempts have failed to prove Darwin’s hypothesis. 
If Bill Nye would truly consider that matter cannot self-generate and that energy runs out over time, he would realize that there is no current explanation of a creation without a spiritual Creator that makes sense.

Living Church of God: Says An Apology Goes A Long Way....Really?


Living Church of God has posted an article on its Tomorrow's World web site that deals with the benefits of making apologies when you have done something wrong to another person.

Everything this article advocates is entirely the opposite of what Rod Meredith and the church has done to the Scarborough's and countless others.  Has Rod Meredith ever apologized for anything in his entire life?  When a person is sinless, its hard to find anything to apologize for.

He did not apologize to Mrs. McNair when he smeared her reputation publicly at the ministerial conference.

He never apologized to Raymond McNair for bankrupting his church as Raymond and Eve were on their knees groveling at his feet.

He has never apologized to the Scarborough's.

Its more important to him to spend millions in tithe money than to admit he was wrong.

This is another case of not practicing what you preach.

The old saying that "an apology goes a long way" means it's effective and yields a positive result. When a company apologizes for selling a defective product or failing to live up to promised service, it usually wins back customer trust. The apology may require rectifying the problem by fixing the defective product or by other kinds of restitution. When a friend or family member has spoken hurtful words or otherwise wronged us, a sincere apology usually wins our respect and forgiveness. 
Apologizing can be a hard thing to do. Our human nature fights against admitting we have done wrong. Emotions and pride can get in the way. Sometimes a person fears that apologizing shows weakness or will bring a consequence if wrongdoing is acknowledged. 
Imagine what an apology would have accomplished if Rod Meredith and Rod McNair had actually apologized to the Scarborough's.  There would be no lawsuit, no depositions, no attorneys, and no money being spent using tithe money to fight the lawsuit.
An apology should admit a mistake and express regret. It's an important remedy for healing a damaged relationship. It tells the wronged party that the relationship with them is important. An apology helps resolve disputes and conflicts.
There are many benefits to an apology, at least according to LCG.  If it si so beneficial then why don't they practice it?
An apology has a number of positive effects for both parties. It does not erase past actions or the harm done, but it can erase the negative effects of those actions. A sincere apology brings relief by releasing the emotions, anger, resentment and bitterness. The apology soothes the wound and begins to heal the hurt. It allows the mending of the relationship to begin. 
The Church of God has never been about relationships.  The law is of the highest priority. Relationships require love, grace, genuineness, forgiveness and work.  Its not the priority of the church to do such things.  It is the church priority to enforce the law.  Law always trumps.
By apologizing, we humble ourselves and are able to unload the guilt for our wrong action and the hurt we have caused someone. It restores self-respect because we have taken responsibility for our actions. We regain the love, respect and intimacy we previously had with the person hurt by our previous actions, especially with our mate.
After quoting some scriptures on the "Golden Rule" Meyer ends with this:
It is far better to simply say, "I'm sorry. I apologize."And, depending on the circumstance, we should offer appropriate restitution to repair any harm done. Restitution may mean fixing or replacing something that was broken or defective, or giving compensation that remedies the damages. 
Could Rod Meredith possibly be considering restitution to the Scarborough's?   If he looses he most certainly will be forced to pay restitution.
If you need to apologize, you may want to ask God for help to have the right approach. 
Imagine Rod Meredith asking his god to help him have the right approach.  If only!

COG's Battle Over Children's Playground At Liberty Bell Park In Jerusalem


Remember back in the glory days of old when Herbert Armstrong made a big deal out of giving tithe money to finance a children's playground at Liberty Bell Park in Jerusalem with the express purpose of Jewish and Arab kids playing together?  Loads of tithe money was dropped on this wasteful adventure.

The interesting thing about the Liberty Bell Park is that it is the largest in Jerusalem and gets lots  of use.  It is also huge tourist attraction.  One would assume that HWA would have played a more prominent role in the park. Instead he helped pay for a sand pile exposed in the glaring sun.  That being said, the tiny children's play ground is NOT a huge draw.  That hot sand pile is so unused that weeds grow out of its walls.

Tkach Sr. wisely stopped paying to maintain this useless sand pile.  This of course sent Gerald Flurry over the edge.  Gerald had to step in and give money to have his name put on  little piece of marble on a side wall.

double click picture to enlarge

When you enlarge the picture above you will see the deceptive dedication on the marble.  Flurry tries to make it seem as if Herbert was the founder of Philadelphia Foundation.  Herbert Armstrong would be appalled at the asinine stupidity coming out of the Philadelphia Church of God and Gerald Flurry.  HWA would no more endorse Gerald Flurry than he would Rod Meredith. That makes no difference to Flurry though.  The more he can imitate HWA the better he feels about himself.

Now,  lets look at another group that has also dedicated the same dirt pile to Herbert Armstrong.  This is a group out of the Philippines, who at one time halfway endorsed Flurry, but now consider him a liar and a heretic.  That group is called the A.R.K of God Foundation. The long version is this: 

Armstrong Remembrancers and Keepers of God Foundation
is an independent community foundation dedicated to reviving the legacy of the late Herbert W. Armstrong in Jerusalem and in the whole world through an approach centered on remembering his teachings on God’s give way of life that will bring about peace among the peoples of different races, ethnicity or belief; and also to keep the covenant that God made with him.

This is another group that feels that the legacy of Herbert Armstrong is not being preserved and that it is their duty to do so.  To them, Gerald Flurry and the PCG are apostate, Irish dancing, heretics.  

They too have paid to have their name engraved on another price of marble and installed on the wall of the dirt pile.

double click picture to enlarge

They are not happy that Flurry shut down his Jerusalem office and moved it to Edstone in England.  According to the A.R.K. folks, Jerusalem is the seat of the action in the end times, not Edstone.  They are particularly incensed that Flurry thinks he is going to find the Ark of the Covenant buried in a dirt pile in Ireland.

The A.R.K. folk have this to say:
The Millennium will all be about Jerusalem and none else. We ought not to compare Bricket Wood or Ireland to be the gauge or measuring stick to picture the Millennium. It should only be Jerusalem! Or else we are already committing SPIRITUAL ADULTERY! It is even comparable to marrying strange wives as the Jews did in 408 B.C.! (Nehemiah 13:23, 26, 27). The Ark of the Covenant will be found in Jerusalem and not in a SECRET PLACE in Tara Hill in Ireland as suggested by PCG Regional Director Brad Macdonald!
You can read more of their silliness here:  Mt Zion Dig

The craziness that infects the Church of God seems endless.  Every year there is a new "true leader" popping up on the scene claiming they are the truth and light. Every one of them keep getting weirder and weirder.  Petra is going to be one nasty cat fight when all of these morons show up and claim ownership.

Finally I will end with this.  This is even more absurd than anything Bob Thiel writes:

According to the A.R.K. folk, Hollywood released a movie this past spring that was made especially for the Philadelphia Church of God.

 A movie inspired to be made 
for the 
Philadelphia Church of God

What the hell is wrong with these people?????  When will the blatant idolatry of Herbert Armstrong ever cease?  Just like all the other COG sites, you have to read long and hard to find Jesus mentioned anywhere.  That guy is the most inconvenient thing the church has ever encountered.

Gerald Flurry Commands Cult Members to Cut Off ALL Contact With Nonmember Children


Gerald Flurry has a horrible reputation in the Church of God in how he treats his cult members.  The Philadelphia Church of God is NOT a church and certainly is not godly.  It is by every definition a cult.  Flurry is far sicker in the things he says and does than even the shenanigans going on in LCG, RCG and UCG.

The Flurry cult is the same one that told members to abandon their disabled child at the mall so the state could take care of it.  Its the same cult that has driven numerous members to committee suicide over the last few years.

Why do members allow themselves to be abused in such a manner?  They know they should not be doing what he tells them, yet so so many of them do.  Gerald Flurry the Philadelphia Church of god show us just how debased Armstrongism can be.

Exit and Support has this up:
July 22, 2016 
My mate has former friends from PCG who have told of a brand new ruling sent down from King Flurry that was announced last Sabbath. Jerry Flurry, in his "omnipotent wisdom," has ruled that now all contact with unbaptized children who have left the PCG is to be terminated immediately. 
It has been the policy for years that parents were still allowed to talk to children who have left the PCG only If they were unbaptized. Now Pope flurry has even taken away that small mercy. 
The talk amongst the children now affected by this judgment is that this will push many PCG families over the edge and force them to leave or get put out. Others feel that this will put one more nail in the coffin of Flurryism. Flurry is looking more and more like "mad King George" as his actions are ruining the PCG. All of his egomaniacal pipe dreams have come to nothing. The dig in Jerusalem has failed. The PCG radio station broadcast from the Edmond compound has failed. Membership has plummeted since the late 90s and there is almost no growth. Some wonder that in the end all that will be left is a small "Jonestown faithful" secluded on the Edmond compound. --Former PCG member
ht: Redox

James Malm: Is the Chief Pharisee ready to reveal he is one of the Two Witless Witnesses after the Feast?

The Two Pharisee Witnesses

It has been reported to me by several people with ties to the Malmite personality cult, that James Malm, the Chief Pharisee and bastardizer of the law, now considers himself one of the two witnesses.  How many does this make now that the Church of God has produced over the decades?  The count is endless and every single one of them has been proven to be lairs.

The latest lie from Pharisee Malm is the prediction below in which he claims that the two witnesses will arise from the COG soon after the Feast of Tabernacles this coming fall.

As LCG and COGWA, either together or separately, prepare to launch their “Elijah” work soon after the Feast of Tabernacles; God will send his two servants, real literal genuine human beings in the spirit of Elijah and Moses [a post on Elijah is coming as we get to the Elijah portion of the Kings study],  with a final warning to the Ekklesia, and will provide the means for those willing to obey God to leave quickly for the place God has prepared.   
At that time those who seek to be faithful to God from UCG, will join with those leaving from the other groups.   
Those who refuse the warnings and remain behind will be caught up in the correction of great tribulation and many will then quickly repent becoming personal witnesses to others.

Is Pharisee Malm hinting that he will be one of the two witnesses to come soon after the Feast of Tabernacles?  Since he considers all other Church of God's to be heretical cesspools of lawbreaking, its only natural that Malm sees the two witless witnesses arising from his cult following.

Notice what one of his loyal acolytes wrote this morning:

The daily studies provided by James and the Sabbath study by Constance are the most important work being done in this world at this time. This is God’s work. If you are reading this and have not received the Glorious Living Sabbath study, you are missing out on a true spiritual feast. The daily studies speak for themselves “to he that hath an ear “.Everything else Is milk for babies and/or deception.
Another Acolyte added later:

This is the best set of web sites on the entire internet. As for the contributions from Constance; thank our great God for giving her the strength to continue alongside James in his most vitally important work. God Speed to both James and Constance... 
Another acolyte claims that Malm and Constance are instruments of God.  Nothing could be further from the truth!  Malm is no more a tool of god than Dave Pack, Vic Kubik or Gerald Flurry are.  It takes a pretty sick individual that allows Malm to 'correct" them.  They whine about the "agent of darkness" but they refuse to look right at Malm where darkness truly dwells. If anyone is of the synagogue of satan it is the Chief Bastardizer of the law.
I wholeheartedly agree! God is using James and Constance as his help, and supporters comments, (‘iron sharpens iron’), as instruments to teach and inspire those who are hungry for the TRUTH, as well as for correction and spiritual healing…a cleansing of the mind that has been corrupted by some who presented themselves as agents of light, but are of the synagogue of the deceiver, (Rev. 2:9-11). I pray that those whose eyes are blinded and ears stopped, will be released from the spiritual yoke of bondage, and cleave to godly knowledge instead of that which is taught by those who claim to be God’s representatives.  
We are truly blessed having access to this Blog at a time when the ‘scarcity of the Word’ is being fulfilled, as a conduit for learning and growth in spiritual understanding.

Why is it that Armstrongite's are so quick to find a new guru that is the most important person on the entire earth doing a "real work?  Can none of these people use their own brains?

James will be quick to respond that he has made no such verbal claims, after all he is the most humble man in the North American continent at this time.  If he claims he is not one of the two witnesses, then perhaps he is ready to admit that Ron Weinland and his dingy wife Laura are the REAL Two Witnesses?

Or, maybe he is ready to embrace these two lunatics also with ties to Armstrongism:

Yisrayl Hawkins

It's time all of these Judaizing lying fools give it a rest!  The "ekklesia" members are sick of them.

LCG Northeast Men's Training Camp T-Shirts Released


New He-men t-shirts have been released for the upcoming LCG men's masculinity retreat in August. Apparently the men of the church have been letting down on their masculinity component and its time for the church to step in and make them he-men again.  After all, how can weak effeminate men ever be leaders in Petra or become god's ruling their own planet?

Available in pink.

Northeast Men’s Training Camp 2016August 26-28​  We live in a time of crisis for men. The role, identity and the very purpose for being a man is being called into question. How do we fight the demise of men... as a man? Here’s one way. Come and be part of this unique program this summer. Our spiritual “boot camp,” August 26-28, is specifically designed to build and strengthen men through eye-opening and interactive learning. We’ll learn what it takes to build bonds of brotherhood, serving God, our family and our brethren. It’s time to stand in the gap and take action against the tide of cultural correctness sweeping over our nation.

See more about the masculinity problem in LCG and the COG's.

TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 2016


Van Robinson: The Passing Of My Beautiful Daughter


Van has been a guest writer on this blog for several years.

My princess daughter Lisa Brown, passed away four days shy of age 32 in her home in North Carolina, after a long hard battle against breast cancer which metastasized to her brain.  Her suffering was horrific and being a highly intelligent young woman and in fact a registered nurse, she fought it with all her might.  She pursed the orthodox medical procedures of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation, and ultimately sought alternative possibilities.  The medical system was an abysmal failure, because it destroyed her immune system, which made it impossible for alternative possibilities to work for her.

My wife and I, along with her very supportive and loving husband attended to her during all of her struggles, as well as having her two beautiful children by her side.  Lisa of course suffered immeasurably physically and emotionally, while we all were on a constant roller coaster of emotions of both hope and despair endless times.

My daughter deserved to live, and her passing proved to me beyond a shadow of doubt that God DOES NOT heal or answer prayer.  In fact in my view God abuses human beings by subjecting them to horrible suffering in countless ways and ultimately death, and no human being escapes this fate.

I no longer accept excuses for God or fictional Bible promises about "ask and you shall receive" or "they shall lay hands upon the sick and the sick will be made whole or well".
The fact that the many Bible promises don't work, is proof that the Bible does not speak for God, but it is 100% human imagination.

No human being has a clue who this God is they think they know.  The only thing humans know about their imaginary God, is entirely based upon ink on paper, about a fairytale being no one has seen or heard from directly.

I would suggest from personal experience that God may be a brilliant being in terms of creating an awesome universe, while being an abysmal failure with his experiment called human beings.  He placed humans in an environment of wicked human nature, which tends towards violence, greed, lust and self-centeredness, war and never-ending lies and propaganda.

Pastors prayed for my daughter and none of their prayers resulted in her healing.  Countless Christian friends and family members prayed for my Lisa, and the combined prayers of all met with the same result---God was no where to be found.  Why?  I get sick and tired of Christians and their man-made bible God that not one of them have ever seen or heard his voice.  Are they weird?

I have read on thousands of Internet websites and the voices of bible defenders are deafening.  Not even one of those voices has seen this "God" they worship, except through INK on PAPER.  And that is their God.

Where is the love of God in human suffering and death, and why has God subjected human beings to a hell on earth?  Why did God create the human body to be so weak that it is very fragile and subject to sickness and disease?   What purpose does human suffering serve for God or for humans?  What gain to God is human suffering?  Obviously it makes no sense.

And still, church goers will praise God for human suffering and death,  and act like this is a "victory".  Yeah sure!  And when will God trade places with my Lisa and go through the hell she went through?  How would God like to go through the hell of breast cancer and then the double hell of having that metastasize to his brain, resulting in an agonizing slow death?

Millions believe that Jesus died for their "sins", when their God is totally responsible for this thing called "human nature".  Blood sacrifice makes no sense whatsoever, yet millions will go to their grave believing this fantasy.

Does God "need" to be worshiped, and is the worship of God the only reason for human beings?  So if indeed God only created humans to worship him, is he insecure or is he so vain that he created billions of humans for no other reason than to praise and worship him for all eternity and that is the purpose of human life?

Well folks if God is indeed the most intelligent being in the universe, then why does he sit by and watch humans suffer and die?  Every human ever born will be subjected to death.  Why?   Why did God not create a utopia in the first place?

I would gladly give my life for my beautiful, loving daughter Lisa, if she could be resurrected now in the flesh and be restored to her children and husband, family and friends, but God is not willing.  Why?

Why is God so cruel to human beings?  Oh hell, don't tell me that Jesus "suffered" for humans.  Blood sacrifice is a man-made myth.

The grieving Van Robison

Living Church of God: Women, Muslims and Gays Are All Equally Bad


The Living Church of God has several things it hates, but the three most common topics is women, Muslims and gays.  A gay Muslim woman would be the ultimate blasphemy.

While they critique the world and claim it is falling apart, their own household is a cesspool of abuse, false doctrine, gestapo like techniques, and is totally devoid of love and grace.

It is easier to divert attention away from their own filth than repent of their internalized sin.

July 21, 2016
By Douglas Winnail
Greetings from Charlotte,
It is remarkable how ancient prophecies indicate that as Israelite nations turn away from God, God will remove the supports of their societies and their impulsive leaders will “cause” them to err even as women rule over them (Isaiah 3:1-4, 12). Today, in more and more nations, we see women reaching for power and leaders in religion and government openly ignoring God’s instructions. Recently, the United Methodist Church (USA) elected its first openly gay bishop and the Republican National Convention asked a Muslim to give the benediction at one of its sessions. We will see more of these anti-biblical actions in the days ahead as our nations move further away from God. Here in Charlotte, Dr. Meredith has written a co-worker letter that has been mailed to more than 13,000 people. Mr. Weston began his duties as Chief Operating Officer this week in Charlotte and spoke to the office staff on Thursday.  Mr. Ciesielka reports that in recent weeks, some of our Internet TV platforms are starting to perform better that our big TV stations. This weekend, Mr. and Mrs. Ames will be in Houston, Texas for services and for a Tomorrow’s WorldPresentation in San Antonio on Sunday. My wife and I will be in Baton Rouge, Louisiana for services this Sabbath and an Area Leadership Conference on Sunday. Last weekend, 26 visitors attended two TWPs in Canada. Another TWP is scheduled in Edmonton this weekend. Please pray that God will guide these efforts to reach this world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.—DSW


LCG lets teens and families break the Sabbath, but forces them to Fast


LCG laid down some rules for their upcoming summer camp in Delaware, Ohio.  Not only will they be "breaking" LCG's version of the sabbath by arriving after 7:00, they will immediately begin fasting in order to provoke God to do the bidding of Rod Meredith.  I wonder how many of those teens know the reason they are fasting.  Do they and their parents know that they have to do this because Meredith and McNair don't have the capacity to say, "I'm sorry!"

7. For those few arriving early at camp: No one is allowed on campus until after 7:00 p.m. on Friday evening, July 29. You will need to eat before arriving as the Church-wide fast begins at sunset. On Saturday evening, dinner will be served after sunset. 
8. Guests are welcome to attend Sabbath Services at camp on the Sabbaths of August 7 and 14. Space is limited so come early. Overflow seating will be available in the dining hall. After services, coffee and snacks will be served in the dining hall for all guests.  Weekly Update

The Problem With James Malm


James Malm loves to picture himself as the most enlightened converted man to ever grace the Church of God.  Bob Thiel is a theological simpleton compared to Malm. He knows more than Herbert Armstrong, Rod Meredith, Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry and Vic Kubik combined.  His interpretations of the Bible and prophecy is the only correct version that is possible.

James Malm is a professional Judaizer who bastardizes the law to fit his own perverted interpretations.  Like Meredith, Pack and Flurry, Malm spits upon everything Jesus taught or did. The law always trumps.

It just irritates the hell of Malm that so many people understand they are no longer bound to a bunch of rules that we set up specifically for a tribe of people centuries ago in order to separate them from the nations around them.  It irritates the hell out of Malm that those who understand the new covenant are free from the law.  Its more important to him to be found doing something than to understand that it has already been done.

Its more important for him to promote a pissed off angry god that is just itching to fry 2/3's of humanity than it is to show love.  Love has no place in the law of Malm.  The law does not produce love, nor does it produce faith.

Paul says, “If by grace, then it cannot be based on works; if it were, grace would no longer be grace” (Romans 11:6). Praise the Lord, “Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery” (Galatians 5:1).

From the comments:

James Malm is just another rebel who did not pay attention in the WCG. James left the WCG in 1985 while HWA was still alive to try to think for himself. His wife got into that sacred names nonsense and divorced him for not going along with it too. James got into calendar confusion. Garbling the gospel probably brought yet another curse on him. James wants to mangle everything that HWA had taught, and then think that he himself must be someone great for messing up everything. 

Some other goofy little rebels who like to defend James Malm and his heresies do not necessarily want to go and actually submit to him in his group. They just like to do their little part to promote rebellion and heresy by claiming that one can learn the odd thing from James (emphasis on odd), but no way will they really trust him enough to actually go with the troublemaker. It seems like they want to do their own little part to help James cause confusion, division, and trouble without actually letting him cause too much trouble for themselves personally.
The most disconcerting thing with Malm is how ability to brainwash his acolytes into believing every single piece of filth that the teaches.  Just like vile Gerald Flurry and Dave Pack, Malm is brainwashing his followers to cut off all contact with family members.  How sick is that?
"Constance" (or whatever she is calling herself these days) is my mother. This along with provocations by Malm to head to Petra to prove that one is a true believer are so disconcerting. These cults are dangerous--not only for the potential Jim Jones ending or the destruction they create in families and personal finances. They create mental illness through emotional dis-regulation. After a number of years, it's like a shell of a person that repeats indoctrination a with no one home. This makes me sad and hopeless feeling. 
Malm is just as big a fraud as Bob Thiel is.  Both of these men have self-appointed themselves to the "positions" they think they have.  Both Malm and Thiel believe they are one of the two witnesses, are apostles, and are the end-time revealers of essential knowledge that God is revealing through them.

Both are liars that have never learned anything from all the previous liars they follow in the Church of God.


The Splits, Splinters and Slivers Business Model...


Nine Traits of Mean Churches
Thom S. Rainer
Growing Healthy Churches Together

“My church is a mean church!”
I received two emails this week from church members who made that very statement. The members are from two different churches in two different states. One of the churches belongs to a denomination; the other is non-denominational. In both cases the church members made the decision to drop out of local church life altogether.
Yes, I tried to reason with the two members. I told them that no church is perfect. If they had any doubt, I wrote, look at the two letters the Apostle Paul wrote to the church at Corinth. I failed in convincing them to stay in their churches. I pray they will become active in other churches later.
I love local churches. But I have to admit, I am hearing more from long-term members who are quitting church life completely. One member wrote me, “The non-Christians I associate with are much nicer people than the members of my church.”
Ouch. That really hurt.
So, after receiving the second email, I began to assimilate all the information I could find where church members had written me about their “mean” churches. They may not have used the word “mean” specifically, but the intent was the same. I then collected characteristics of these churches, and I found nine that were common. I call these the “nine traits of mean churches.”
  1. Too many decisions are made in the cloak of darkness. Only a select few members really know what’s going on. The attitude of those elitists is that the typical member doesn’t really need to know.
  2. The pastor and/or staff are treated poorly. Decisions are made about them without a fair process. Complaints are often numerous and veiled. Many of these churches are known for firing pastors and/or staff with little apparent cause.
  3. Power groups tenaciously hold on to their power. The power group may be a formal group such as a committee, elders, or deacons. But the group can also be informal—no official role but great informal authority. Power groups avoid and detest accountability, which leads to the next point.
  4. There is lack of clear accountability for major decisions and/or expenditures. The church has no clear system in place to make certain that a few outlier members cannot accumulate great power and authority.
  5. Leaders of the power groups have an acrimonious spirit. Though they may make first impressions of kindness and gentleness, the mean streak emerges if you try to cross them.
  6. A number of the members see those outside of the church as “them” or “those people.” Thus the church is at odds with many in the community instead of embracing them with the love of Christ.
  7. Many members have an inward focus; they view the church as a place to get their own preferences and wants fulfilled. They are the opposite of the description of church members in 1 Corinthians 12, where Paul describes them as functioning members for the greater good of the body of Christ.
  8. Many people in the community view these churches negatively. Those on the outside often refer to these churches as “fighting and firing churches.” The community members detect no love for them from these churches.
  9. Most of the members are silent when power plays and bad decisions take place.They don’t want to stand up to the power group. They are afraid to ask questions. Their silence allows the power abuses to continue.
Are mean churches really increasing in number? My anecdotal information would indicate they are.

LCG Fast: Will It Actually "...clean us up and scrub us out, spiritually..."


Rod Meredith has a letter out, Cry Out and Seek God, that attempts to justify his church-wide fast for the end of this month.  After citing numerous Old Testament men who claim they fasted in order to get right with their God, Meredith has this to say.
Brethren, I have now been full time in the Work of the ministry since my graduation from Ambassador College back on June 4, 1952. After all those decades of experience and “seeing” how God has worked and is working, I tell you urgently: we now are at a time when we need to seek God just as those servants of God did in the past. We are stricken with a kind of a “malaise” that makes us lukewarm and has no doubt kept God from pouring out His Spirit upon us with a power to heal the sick, discern spirits and cast out demons which we ought to have! We need to fully realize this!
Each of us needs to beg Godon our knees—to collectively clean us up and scrub us out, spiritually, so that we may be worthy of the gifts of His Spirit just as the early New Testament Church was. Brethren, we are not asking for something “unusual.” For it is exactly what God did do with the early Church to show His power and help the world understand where He was working, so they would respond and more people would be added to the Church. He worked with them in a powerful way so His Work could grow in power at that time.
Once more it is all the membership's fault.  Meredith and no one at the Charlotte HQ is taking any responsibility for the sorry state of the LCG right now.  Meredith cannot take any responsibility because he is the most loyal man the Church has ever had in it's midst since he graduated. For 64 years now Meredith has been the most sinless leader that God has ever used.  If God has been using him for sooooooo long, and he is sooooooo sinless, then why is the church in suuuuuuuuuuch a mess now?  Why did he run off at the mouth and is now getting sued for it?

Meredith lays the blame at the membership's feet and attempts to guilt them into fasting.  If they do NOT, then the LCG ministry will NEVER witness to the world, bring in new members who will give more money for a final push. That is what it boils down to.

LCG members are physically backed up, reminiscent of HWA blaming members for Loma Armstrong's blocked colon, and need to scrub themselves clean because THEY are dirty.  Not the leadership mind you; for they are righteously clean. They are after all, Levites.

If the membership clean themselves out, scrub themselves up, and get out of their "spiritual malaise" then Rod and crew can go around healing the sick and casting out demons.  It's the members fault they cannot do that now.  You can be guaranteed that no member will be allowed to go around healing the sick and casting out demons.  If they can't even gather together for Bible Study in their own homes how will they be allowed to heal the sick and cast our demons?
Also, as many of us ought to carefully read and meditate on, even before the Spirit-led New Testament Church actually began, Jesus appointed “seventy others also” to go out across Israel and preach the Gospel, heal the sick and cast out demons. Nothing indicates these were converted men—since the Holy Spirit was not even given until the Day of Pentecost. Obviously, they were not the twelve apostles, as they were called “seventy others,” and no mention is given of the apostles. Jesus commanded these men to go out and preach the Truth, “And heal the sick there, and say to them, ‘The kingdom of God has come near to you’” (Luke 10:9). Later, we find, “Then the seventy returned with joy, saying, ‘Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name.’ And He said to them, ‘I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven’” (vv. 17–20). So they were also able to “cast out demons” in the name of Jesus Christ.
Then Meredith warns LCG members to not doubt or ridicule him or the church, because if they do, they could be struck down just like Ananias and Sepphira.  Meredith just cannot stand rebellion, just as long it is not he himself who is doing it, then its ok.
As the original Church of God—under the apostles’ faithful leadership—began to do the Work, notice how God reacted after He was forced to strike down Ananias and Sapphira for their obvious cynicism and rebellion against His leadership: “So great fear came upon all the church and upon all who heard these things. And through the hands of the apostles many signs and wonders were done among the people. And they were all with one accord in Solomon’s Porch. Yet none of the rest dared join them, but the people esteemed them highly.And believers were increasingly added to the Lord, multitudes of both men and women” (Acts 5:11–14). Notice that it was after God began to intervene with “signs and wonders” that great numbers were added to the body of Christ, “multitudes of both men and women.”
Like Dave Pack, Meredith assumes "multitudes of men and women" will soon be added to his church.  He should learn from Dave Pack's epic failure.  It WON'T happen!

Meredith's world has been falling apart at the seams for decades.  Now it is on the verge of utter collapse and its time for him to cry out.  Of course that cant be done because the members are not doing enough or giving enough for that to happen.  They have no yielded themselves
Do you begin to realize the “signs of the times” in which we are living? Will you then join me in crying out to God so that we in this Work may be given the power of God’s Spirit as never before?
Brethren, I hope that all of you will. For, to the extent that you yield yourself to God and beseech God to send Jesus to live His life within you (Galatians 2:20), you will be part of the body that is going to do a powerful Work before the end of this age and you will be rewarded forever—as we all know—because you have been willing to “turn to God” at a critical time in human history.
How can Meredith and the LCG invite Jesus to "live his life within them" when they ignore him?  Giving him lip service on Passover and a few times a year is not letting Jesus live within them. 

It's interesting that Meredith next quotes Galatians 2:20, but very conveniently leaves out Galatians 2:19, 21.
Galatians 2:20-21The Message (MSG)
19-21 What actually took place is this: I tried keeping rules and working my head off to please God, and it didn’t work. So I quit being a “law man” so that I could be God’s man. Christ’s life showed me how, and enabled me to do it. I identified myself completely with him. Indeed, I have been crucified with Christ. My ego is no longer central. It is no longer important that I appear righteous before you or have your good opinion, and I am no longer driven to impress God. Christ lives in me. The life you see me living is not “mine,” but it is lived by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. I am not going to go back on that.
Is it not clear to you that to go back to that old rule-keeping, peer-pleasing religion would be an abandonment of everything personal and free in my relationship with God? I refuse to do that, to repudiate God’s grace. If a living relationship with God could come by rule-keeping, then Christ died unnecessarily. 
Law keeping and peer pleasing religions is all that Armstrongism has been over the decades.  The church abandoned grace and is now paying the price.

The LCG fast will NOT accomplish a single thing other than making a large group of people hungry.
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