Rod Meredith Patronizes the Black LCG Members: "...they are dear to us and we...
Rod Meredith sent out a letter to the ministers today and wants them to STOP their African American members to stop believing that Jesus was a black man. That's after he patronizes his black members...
View ArticleImprisoned Felon Ron Weinland Loses 25 Ministers and Makes New Endtime...
Sitting in a Federal prison has given Ron Weinland lots of time to rethink his strategies and message. Weeks go by now while he struggles to come up with something relevant. With two weeks of deep...
View ArticleRon Weinland: My Next Post To You Depends On Whether You Pray Enough For Me...
The narcissistic mentality of Ronnie Wienland comes through in the following quote from his latest letter to his members. He feels his messages are the most earth shattering thing of importance that...
View ArticleDavid C Pack Tells Disabled Member to "Un-disable" Himself So He Can Work And...
Silenced has a great post up today about the epic failure that is David C Pack. Dave's number one concern is the amount of money that comes into his coffers. It makes no difference who you are in the...
View ArticleIs Gerald Flurry Preparing His Gullible Followers to Build Satellite TV...
The two witnesses ready to go forth with the Arab translator.God's greatest Church of God leader ever (after Dave Pack, of course) is Gerald Flurry. All knowledge is revealed through Gerald. His god...
View ArticleKing Gerald Flurry: "As Their King" God is Going to Give Me the Stone of...
The lunacy of Gerald Flurry just sinks further into the rabbit hole every day. Thanks to Redfox712 for pointing out that Gerald Flurry is planning on having the Stone of Scone with him in Petra. I...
View ArticleGerald Flurry and the Philadelphia Church of God Sink To A New Low
Just when you think the perverseness of Gerald Flurry and his cult cant get any more debased along comes another horror story. This one involves the Flurry and the Philadelphia Church of God...
View ArticleIs This The Reason Rod Meredith Said Demons Were Attacking LCG HQ?
I have received the following two notes about the ongoing issues in the Living Church of God HQ's in Charlotte. If these are true then its no wonder Rod Meredith is talking about demons and problems...
View ArticleThiel Gloats That He Has Reached North Korea Which Impotent LCG Has Never...
North Koreans Worshiping At The Bob Thiel StatuePoor Bob is back lashing out at Rod Meredith and the LCG again. The poor guy just cannot get over the fact that LCG dismissed him and his message so...
View ArticleAugust Is Almost Over. Will David C. Pack Be An Epic FAILURE A Second Time...
Last year David C Pack predicted that three Church of God leaders would be struck down by his god and all their members would come over from the dark side to the glorious light of Packdumb. This was...
View ArticleHow Fred Dattalo, Cal Culpepper and Gerald Flurry Caused The Suicide of Janet...
It has been well documented over the years on how abusive the Philadelphia Church of God has become under the leadership of Gerald Flurry. Families have been ripped apart, marriages destroyed and...
View ArticleLord, Its Hard To Be Humble When You Are The Chosen Church of God (PCG)
Gareth Fraser, one of PCG's new up and coming elite in Edmondk preaches to the PCG membership about "humility."For some reason Gareth believes that the PCG is the pillar of humbleness. Gerald Flurry...
View ArticleLCG: Our Humor Is More Godly Than Those So-Called Christians We Make Fun Of
Living Church of God's John Wheeler has a humorless posting up on how LCG servants are better at humor than the world around them. Wheeler takes offense at those who might make jokes about or mock his...
View ArticleLCG's Simplistic View On Depression
You can learn more about depression in these 4 minutes than you ever will in the LCG or reading one of its booklets.Remember that this quote comes from a church that produced Terry Ratzmann who...
View ArticleGerald Flurry Demands That Aaron Eagle's Wife Divorce Him When He Tried To...
Exit and Support has the following letter up concerning Aaron Eagle being kicked out of the PCG for daring to expose the lying abusive turd that is Cal Culpepper. What's even more disgusting is that...
View ArticleCal Culpepper Destroys Another PCG Relationship
PCG and Cal Culpepper continue their winning streak on winning this award!Here is another story that was on Exit and Support about a man named Hugh and how the PCG and Cal Culpepper tried to destroy...
View ArticleDouglas Winnail Reminds You That You OWE The Church Your Tithe of The Tithe...
LCG's Douglas Winnail is out to get more money out of LCG members with Herbert Armstrong's silly money grubbing tithe of the tithe. We are getting close to Feast time in the COG's and it is vitally...
View ArticleLCG Disgusted With the Water Bucket Challenge...and NOT for the Reason You...
Why is it that the Churches of God feel that they have to weigh in on every single thing that goes on in society? As dumb as the water bucket challenge is, what business is it of ANY COG to stick...
View ArticleNew Book by Monte Wolverton: Living 120: A Story of Good, Faith, Fraud and...
Chasing 120 on AmazonMonte Wolverton has a new book out that is very loosely based on Armstrongism.It is fiction but based on his experiences growing up in the old WCG. I think you'll recognize many of...
View ArticlePat Roberstson and David C Pack: Two Malignant Frauds
Its easy for us to mock Pat Robertson here as he tells an 80 year-old women who cant afford to fix her car to go out and sell her possession eBay and to look for a job while she is still expected to...
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