Church of God Leaders: "How is it that they can seemingly be this incompetent?"
If you were any sort of corporate manager, you would have to look at the Church of God leadership (wherever they may be) and wonder to yourself a question: "Can they truly be this incompetent?"They...
View ArticleExclusive Update on Kevin Dean: Woman With Kevin When He Was Arrested Gives...
View ArticleWhen The Sabbath Was Fun
When The Sabbath Was FunI was born in the Truth in the mid-1950’s. Both my parents were baptized prior to my birth. Dad was a truck driver who was gone most of the week but, would always be home for...
View ArticleA "Clarion Call" :: The Pitfalls of Ministry and the Voices in Their Heads
Note Since I can see It Coming:"Why as an atheist would you care about people attending a healthy church?"Answer: Because, having been a naïve kid who went to what I thought was the most healthy...
View ArticleCOG Sex Therapist Slams Bob Thiel And Other COG's While Begging Church...
One of the main reasons so many of the splinter groups formed was to ensure money continued to flow into ministers pockets. Â It was not so much about doctrine than it was about money. Â Money still...
View ArticleHow We Were Manipulated By Herbert Armstrong
Techniques of Cult Figures1) Connection With a Mass Audience: This was Herbert Armstrong's uncanny personal talent, something no one else in Armstrongism has been able to replicate.2) Hope: The hook...
View ArticleUCG Still Struggling To Attract New Members
United Church of God has long been trying to be the most relevant Church of God splinter group out there. And yet, 25 years later they still cannot find their place. Even with having, what they claim...
View ArticleAdult Sabbath School: "The Problem is YOU never understood the Bible or Jesus"
My View is the Correct ViewIt's just that simple. Anonymous said..."The problem that I see with so many who were once part of the WCG experience is that yes, you all "soaked in it" but you didn't...
View ArticleAre We Capable of Causing People To Lose Their Faith?
One of the accusations that is frequently lobbed against us, by hit and run comments, is that we destroy peoples faith. Â Of course, that was the favorite mantra that the Church of God used to quell...
View ArticleHoly? In What Universe?
Looking back on my decades in Armstrongism, there is one question that looms louder than any other question: How could we possibly think we were keeping the Sabbath and the Holy Days, well, Holy??It's...
View ArticleLiving Church of God Still Trying To Control What Members Say
Wyatt CiesielkaFor many Living Church of God members, there is no love lost when it comes to Wyatt Ciesielka. He is intensely disliked by many in LCG.LCG has had a horrendous time keeping their...
View ArticleWhy Are LCG Members Still Not Respecting Authority?
Check out the latest from Doug Winnail on how disrespectful people are to authority anymore.  He starts off with how disrespectful the world is today to those in authority (who usually people who are...
View ArticleRichard Pinelli (COGWA)
I have been getting several reports over the last few days that Richard Pinelli of Church of God, a Worldwide Association (COGWA) has died.On several exCOG Facebook pages, Pinelli is NOT getting any...
View ArticleThe Playboy Sin & Beast at the Feast
I learned about 13 you couldn't trust church kids. Never knew who would betray you. I got ratted on twice by people I thought were friends. Thought I had a good church friend once. He came over for a...
View ArticleA Helping Tool of Recovery: Radical Acceptance
Every once in a while, for the sake of pure nostalgia, or for self-healing methods, I will go back in time and play some of the Dwight Armstrong hymns of the old Purple Hymnal of generations past....
View ArticleWhy You Are NOT Christian Millionaire?
Lord have mercy! Just what we need...a self-appointed, self-righteous Armstrongite splinter group leader lecturing us on why there are no Christian millionaires in the church.Once more the African...
View ArticleFormer Church of God Member Is Michelle Obama's Official Portraitist
There was an interesting story out today that's in VOGUE Magazine about a former Armstrongite and the journey she went on to become the official portrait of Michelle Obama.[Amy] Sherald, of course, is...
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