Dave Pack: Wadsworth's Most Electrifying Man
Never has the Armstrong Church of God ever had such an electrifying man in a leadership position as it has in Dave Pack. Even Herbert Armstrong, James Malm and Bob Thiel cannot even come close to this...
View ArticleACOG Zealot wants to force ACOG members into attending 7-day Unleavened Bread...
Never one to stop frothing at the mouth at all of the perceived backslidings of the Armstrong Churches of God, the Chief Pharisee is on his kitchen throne handing out new decrees that ACOG members...
View ArticleRCG: When you keep the ACOG Passover you improve your credit score
Who would have ever thought the Armstrong version of Passover would ever be equated with credit scoring? Oh but wait, this is a Armstrong Church of God after all which is totally focused upon...
View ArticleIs St. Patrick's Day a Christian Holiday?
There are those who will dismiss this holiday as a relic of our pagan or Roman Catholic past. They will also point to the drinking and partying associated with it as further evidence that the day...
View ArticleThe Rotten Fruit of the Armstrong Churches of God
"While ministers claim they are speaking godliness, truth, life, and hope, 70 years of historical fact and evidence has proven it has been a volatile, cancerous mass of lies, deceptions, greed, and...
View ArticleRestored Church of God: Are You A Maggot Like Jesus?
It is Passover time in the various Armstrong Churches of God. It is a time to face the fact you are a worthless piece of garbage in God's sight, so much so that you are nothing more than a maggot....
View ArticleLCG Mentioned In Article on "War on Religion"
Jonathan Madison, in an article for The Daily Journal, out of San Mateo, CA, mentions the Living Church of God in an article about attacks on places of worship. The mass killings at the mosque in New...
View ArticleWhy Do The COG's Continue To Allow False Prophets In Their Midst?
This is a reposting of a 2013 blog entry, by request. Almost seven years later and the various ACOG leaders still do not speak out against ACOG leaders who are abusive and liars, like Pack, Flurry,...
View ArticlePhiladelphia Church of God: Is An Upcoming Split Of The Church In The Works?
Church of God News has a post up from a group that split off from Gerald Flurry's Philadelphia Church of God.This group is the Armstrong Remembrancers and Keepers of God Foundation. They have had...
View ArticleWhy Is This Time Of Year So Discouraging To Church of God Members?
It is rapidly approaching the Armstrongite version of Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread. Members will be taking stock of their sinful lives as they scour their homes, cars and lives of...
View ArticleThe King of Self Deception Warns ACOG Member To Not Allow Themselves To Be...
It is time for another doozy from the Self-appointed, almost arrested but not arrested, Elijah, Elisha, Joshua, Second Witless Witness, Chief Overseer and eternally Bitter Bob Thiel. Has the church...
View ArticleRCG: Future Homemakers of RCG Make Dinner For Select RCG Ministers
The women of the Home Economics Department gained experience for their role as a proper helpmate for their future husbands by fixing dinner for their adored Pastor General Dave Pack. Nothing could...
View ArticleGCI tells Bob Thiel NO! and he says he will do it anyway!
One thing that has always amazed by about so many of the current splinter cults of the Armstrongite Church of God, is that while claiming to be commandment keepers they STEAL WCG/GCI owned works for...
View ArticleBob Thiel Releases First Set Of Youth Lessons
Humiliated that Grace Communion International refused his request to republish the Youth Lessons from days gone by, Bawana Bob has just released his first set of lessons:Lesson 1: How to Recognize...
View Article"Ah..(city/town of your choice).......We got a problem"
The Controlling, Narcissist Leader/Pastor http://setfree0408.blogspot.com/2015/11/the-controlling-narcissist-leaderpastor.html*I am bringing back this post that I originally wrote on...
View ArticleGerald Weston Says We Push As Far As We Can...But...
Living Church of God, serving Wimpy Burgers daily.One thing that Herbert Armstrong taught his loyal evangelists was that God's word was all-powerful and necessary to get out to the world as a witness...
View ArticlePCG: As Income Plummets, Flurry Declares Fast To Force His "god" Into Making...
Gerald Flurry is scrambling to browbeat his declining membership into sending in more money to keep the Flurry family empire and jet functioning. With is concert series in the Herbert W Armstrong...
View ArticleIn the Church of God, Respect was never earned, nor built as trust is.
I can remember very clearly the adoration and respect I, at one time had for ministers of the Worldwide Church of God. When Raymond F. McNair - the very one who began the generations of Worldwiders in...
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