Dingy Wade Cox and his tiny band of followers looking forward to destroying...
With so many end time prophets, guru's and leaders of the church that foolishly believe themselves to God's spokesman in this end times, it is hard to pick and choose which one should be followed....
View ArticleWade Mohammed Cox Prophetic Timeline Starting in 2024
If you thought the batshit crazy prophets of the Church of God could not get any crazier, then check out Wade Mohammad Cox.Besides dreaming up idiotic reasons as to why the Koran and Mohammad are...
View ArticleGhastly Days Linus! Guess Who Is The Latest To Start A Broadcast...
It is not as if the Church of God needs ANOTHER bumbling idiot putting his message on YouTube as a warning to the church and the world, but there is. Another bellowing, shouting, wildly gesturing and...
View ArticleNot So Fast! I'm Dreaming!
This afternoon, during a nice nap, I had one of those “Church of God” Dreams that most people who grew up or were in the Worldwide Church of God often seem to have.In this dream, I was led in the back...
View ArticlePCG Wants To start A College In Jerusalem
The Philadelphia Church of God, known today as the death church, is wanting to drag more youth of the church into its unaccredited "college" that it now wants to open in Jerusalem. It is using as a...
View ArticleWould God Really Call You Into One Of The Saddest COG's Ever To Exist?
Would that trickster god of so many in the Church of God really "call" you into joining up with one of the silliest and unnecessary Churches of God ever to come into existence? Has there ever been a...
View ArticleGCI: Passing the Baton of Presidency
A new era for Grace Communion International.Passing the GCI presidency baton Posted by GCI Update on October 9, 2018 under GCI News | 14 Comments to ReadAn important event in GCI history will occur...
View ArticleI am simply indignant to all of this UNCHRISTIAN hostility!
graphic: SHTDoes anyone today believe that if HWA were still alive that he would be defending bellowing fools like James Malm or crybaby-whiners like Bob Thiel? Can you imagine what he would do with...
View ArticleI am commissioned to BLOT OUT the spots and iron out the wrinkles in the...
submitted by SHTSo lets get this straight. Herbert saw it as his commision to BLOT out any COG member that did not follow HIS edicts, especially those not tithing 10%. That became a MAJOR SIN in...
View ArticleWhy is it not ok to dehumanize your neighbor but ok to dehumanized church...
The Philadelphia Church of God has the following article, by Brad McDonald, on their website: The Fatal Consequences of Dehumanizing Your Neighbor. This is coming from a church that regularly...
View ArticleBob Thiel - The Supposed Modern Day Prophet
For those who can't sit through the original. Aside from the awful presentation style, this shorter video calls out three points in his message that render his church effectively dead.
View ArticleFeast of Tabernacles Butt-numbing Sermons
The Dr. watching Fatima with some Mayan fairies fly around him during his sermonAnyone who has ever attended a large Feast of Tabernacles site will have to acknowledge that at times there were "some"...
View ArticleNEW!!! Ezekiel Church of God
NEW!!! Ezekiel Church of GodIt has come to my attention as Pastor General and Apostle that there is a grievous mistranslation of our great commission.Matthew 28:18-20 King James Version (NKJV)18 And...
View ArticleGOVERNMENT in the ACOGs
GOVERNMENT in the ACOGsEvery form of government the ACOGs have tried has failed.WCG – top guy changed all the doctrines and kept all the money.GCG – tried one man with a board that could throw him out....
View Article"To say Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong is NOT a Saint, is kin to the UNPARDONABLE...
The Kitchen clan have a bizarre posting up on Facebook concerning HWA and the unpardonable sin.A person that one of the Kitchen's had attempted to "friend" on Facebook rejected his friendship when she...
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