Are Church Members Loosing Their Ability To Buy, Sell and Hold Jobs
Life is really tough for the Kitchen clan right now. The world is conspiring against them to prohibit their ability to buy things, sell things and to even hold a job! That is all pretty interesting...
View ArticleRon Weinland: My Mind Has Undergone A Metamorphosis; I Can See Clearly Now
Ron Weinland claims his mind has been transformed into the mind that all people will be given in the millennium. As God's most important brain ever to lead a Church of God, Weinland has been blessed...
View ArticleRon Weinland: Eight-track Tape Player Beat Me Up And Knocked Some Sense Into Me
Now we know the reason why Ron Weinland has so many mental issues. It seems that he was in a car wreck where his car struck a bridge, which his god apparently saved him from, but not before his...
View ArticleRon Weinland: People Hate Because I Am An Apostle - Like HWA and Paul
As God's only end-time apostle (sorry Almost-ordained Bob Thiel!) Ron Weinland is mocked and ridiculed on the internet by evil nasty people. Just as Paul and HWA were mocked, Weinland claims it as a...
View ArticleUCG: In the world, but not of it
It is that time of year when United Church of God faithful and the not so faithful make their annual pilgrimage to Great Wolf Lodge for their Christmas week of fun time. Like any good COG...
View ArticleRon Weinland: "I am the counterpart of John who wrote the Book of Revelation"
Where would the Church of God be without all of its apostles" and "prophets?" They somehow believe their god has appointed them to this position, but each and every one of them has self-appointed...
View ArticleCOGWA Upset Over New Years
The Church of God a Worldwide Association has an article up in their latest Discern (November/December 2017) magazine concerning New Years. Like any good Church of God, they have to find everything...
View Article63,000 Church of God Members Will Be Given One Last Chance...
God's only prophet says:The Church knew that in time God would provide two prophets for the end-time who would be known as the two end-time witnesses. Back in the 1970s, it was speculated that those...
View ArticleWhy Does This Have To Be So Complicated?
I know there is a way that seems right unto a man but the ways thereof are death, God does not see as a man sees and the wisdom of man is foolishness with God.....but which concept would seem like it...
View ArticleDoor For Tribulation Opened On September 11, 2001.
Our ONLY Church of God prophet has this to say about the tribulation.This Sixth Seal was opened on September 11, 2001. Everyone in the world should be familiar with the expression “9/11.” This opening...
View ArticleI Am Never Wrong! God Keeps Changing His Mind As To The Final Day of End Time
It is interesting how when Church of God leaders make such horrendous predictions that never happen they never admit that they were wrong, but that their god had changed its mind. None of our Church...
View ArticleWhen Christ Returns There Will Be 50 Days Of Pure Hell
The convoluted mind of the Only True Church of God prophet knows no end to the idiocy that comes out of his mouth:On the day that Jesus Christ begins his return to this earth, he will become manifest...
View ArticleGod Work's With Me Through "Progressive Revelation"
Church of God prophets and apostles have always believed in "progressive revelation." God supposedly reveals deeper and darker secrets to them as they become more enlightened. We forever heard, "here a...
View ArticleCOG's Turning Blind Eye To Assisting Those In Need
Bill Goff is one of the few COG members who seem to be actually doing a physical work, by putting his faith into practice, in taking care of the orphans and destitute in rural Africa. He has been...
View ArticleMaybe Someone Will Lead Us Astray Before We Get There
The fate of so many in the Church of God
View ArticleThe Church of God has Rejected the Real Prophet and the Two Witnesses
The Two Witless WitnessesThe Church knew that in time God would provide two prophets for the end-time who would be known as the two end-time witnesses. Back in the 1970s, it was speculated that those...
View Article90% Of Puerto Rico Destroyed, But Every Single LCG Members Home Left Unscathed
Greetings from Charlotte, Most members have returned from the Feast and reports indicate that God blessed our Festival sites this year. Panama City, Florida, was threatened by Hurricane Nate, but it...
View ArticleCOG Members Will Make It Into Kingdom ONLY If They Listen To The True Apostle
Indeed, the first four seals of Revelation resulted in a great number of spiritual casualties in God’s Church. All that remains out of nearly 96,000 baptized people that experienced the Apostasy is...
View ArticleHow Dare Potential LCG Members Worship God In Their Own Way!
An LCG member went this to me. Apparently, an LCG minister was visiting a potential group who wanted to join the Living Church of God and was doing some things that LCG did not approve of. How dare...
View ArticleDoes the Living Church of God Have A “more sure word of prophecy”?
Living Church of God is making the claim that they have a better understanding of prophecy than any other Church of God out there. Given how horrendous the track record of the entire COG movement has...
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