Glenn Washington: NPR's Great Black Hope
From The Atlantic:NPR’s Great Black HopeThe radio network’s stereotypical listener is a 50-something white guy. Can Glynn Washington, the fastest-rising public-radio star in memory, change that?Glynn...
View ArticleRestored Church of God: Dale Schurter Back In The Fold Ready To Minister To...
From the Church of God News:Dale Schurter was sidelined 18 months ago, but he has now been restored to the fold. David Pack began part 82 of his latest sermon series by announcing that: “Mr. Dale...
View ArticleRestored Church of God Former Staff Member: My Exit Story
I first began working for the Restored Church of God Headquarters at the age of 18. Prior to that, I had only been attending with the local congregation for about a year. As a young man, the idea that...
View ArticleA Tall Tale of "All things common...."
Dave Pack: "You Bring Your Assets, Don't Leave Home Without Them! No Salvation If You Don't!"Even as a child, the "Bible Story" of a husband and wife in the early church under Peter being killed for...
View ArticleArt Mokarow Dies
Art Mokarow, a one-time minister of the Worldwide Church of God has died. After his departure from WCG he went on to claim he was a successful business man, but could never break his ties to...
View ArticleDave Pack: "I’ve ordained a lot of men, who were as converted as turnips..."
Now we know what is wrong with Dave's 16 ministers that are supposedly his advisors. Yes men, all, and converted as turnips!I’ve struggled and struggled and struggled throughout my ministry, and it...
View ArticleDave Pack: No Man Has Ever Raised Up More Churches Than Me, Even After I...
God's greatest gift to humanity is none other than Dave Pack. No man in human history has ever been as awesome as he is, nor have run a church that is so superfantabulous!I’m going to get into some...
View ArticleDave Pack, The Cowardly Lion
Poor Dave Pack. Dave is more concerned about his personal welfare than he is boldly proclaiming his gospel to the world. Dave admits he will not go into certain neighborhoods. The only neighborhood...
View ArticleGod's ONLY True End Time Prophet Likes The Idea Of "Burkini's" For Women
Why is it that so many of the ministry of the Church of God are sexually titillated by women in such a way that they need to have women cover up every bare inch of skin so that they, the holy men of...
View ArticleIs It Profitable To Seek "Wise Counsel" From A COG Minister?
Living Church of God has a little blurb up by Doug Winnail about seeking "wise counsel" from the ministry and others instead of not relying upon your own intuition on some things.Given the abysmal...
View ArticleChurch of God Big Sandy Scandal Continues
Church of God Big SandyFrom a Texas source:Church of God Big Sandy Scandal Continues The situation in the Church of God Big Sandy continues to draw attention. And not just because David...
View ArticleThe World's Foremost Prophet and Trumpologist, Bob Thiel and the 101 Dalmatians
Oh, wait....wrong story!Almost arrested and jailed Bob Thiel is on his blog today bragging about how he has scored his 101st radio interview. The idea that any radio host would deem Thiel a legitimate...
View ArticleUCG and its leadership problems
Recently at a UCG conference, Vic Kubik made the following comment:Mr. Kubik showed his appreciation for the spirit of fellowship amongst the elders.He touched on the reasoning for the recent...
View ArticleRon Weinland: After Realizing His Members Are Not Sending In Enough Money, He...
Why is it that the Church of God has produced so many imbeciles pretending to be God's chosen vessels? Between Bob Thiel and Ron Weinland, I have to wonder if the Church of God has finally scraped the...
View ArticleWade Cox: Yes, I am truly this stupid when it comes to uttering prophecies
Another Church of God minister who has been an utter failure is Wade Cox. He has made so many prophecies that have failed that he, Bob Thiel and Ron Weinland are in competition to see who is the...
View ArticleAllie Dart Has Died
From CEMAllie Dart passed away this morning at 8:52, listening to Ron's sermon "A Good Marriage." She went peacefully with Sammie, her aide, by her side. Thanks for your prayers, flowers, and cards of...
View ArticleAmbassador Properties For Sale
Former faculty home: LaRavia's and Tkach Jr.Welcome to the Dr. Henry H. Sherk House. This is a unique opportunity to own a part of the Ross Grove Landmark District along the historic South Orange...
View Article"...And Knowledge Shall Be Increased" You Say That Like It's a Bad Thing
I believe most here can recall the great proofs that evolution could not possibly true because , well it just can't be true if Genesis is literally true. Top Church paleontologists like Herbert W....
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