Why is Living Church of God HQ Such A Den of Backbiters and Cutthroats?
A reader here had this observation about Living Church of God's Charlotte HQ.My husband worked there for over 5 years and he never saw a bigger group of backbiters and cut-throats. Rod Meredith...
View ArticleJust Curious: The Story of Adam and Eve is Literally True?
Please cut and paste your answer in the comments without commentaryYes, The Story of Adam and Eve is literally trueNo, The Story of Adam and Eve is not literally true
View ArticleLCG to start enforcing pre-engagment "counseling"
Several LCG members have commented to me about how appalling they think this invasion into their lives is. It is all about control. Members are still too stupid to make good decisions on their...
View ArticleGerald Weston: Satan Attacking Church in UK and Australia
Every time the Living Church of God thinks they are proclaiming a "forceful" message, Satan steps in and makes life difficult. Gerald is not too happy that the LCG broadcast has been censored in the...
View ArticleLCG members now being accused of "walking in darkness" Can LCG members ever...
Can the leadership of the Living Church of God EVER say anything positive to the membership without denigrating them, week after week? Once more, LCG members are doing things wrong. It is never the...
View ArticleLCG Sermonette Topic List
An LCG member sent me this. It is a list of possible sermonette topics for speakers in LCG to talk about. For a church that claims to follow Jesus Christ there is verily a scant reference to Jesus...
View ArticleThe Dangers in The Ring Mastered Church
Before the age of television and radio, a charismatic minister, one who by the power of his own personality, ego and even his mental quirkiness or illnesses, tended to influence a relatively few people...
View ArticleUPDATED: Improperly Named COG Hiding Behind Holistic Pill Peddling Sign
This is the world headquarters of the improperly named "continuing" Church of "god"Why is it that so many of the COG's out there have to hide their churches from the world? They claim they are God's...
View ArticleI am such an amazing hard working man that I have no need to associate with...
Can you imagine being ensconced in your cult compound for several months and never venturing outside it because you are such a superfantabulous man who works every single day for the "work?"This is...
View ArticleWarning to LCG, PCG, UCG, COGWA: Take heed! Your Friends Will Be Butchered...
Why is it that so many of the COG leadership have to wallow in fear-mongering? Where would the church be without famine, disease, pestilence, war and death? Where would Rod Meredith be without his...
View ArticleBy merely hearing my voice and being faithful to me, you too can escape!
Superfantabulous Dave has the power to save you! We just had a family of five come with us from Sardis. It’s an interesting discussion—the promise God makes to Sardis. If people from the Sardis—a...
View ArticleGCI Purchases New HQ Building in Charlotte, North Carolina
See story here: New Home Office purchasedGrace Communion International has purchased a building in Charlotte, North Carolina for their new HQ building. Located close to the Charlotte-Douglas...
View ArticleOn a Personal Note
Indulge me a bit in sharing how one can go from being a minister in WCG, or any church for that matter, to an informed skeptic and I suppose now atheist which simply means, to me, one who does not...
View ArticleFollow Gerald Flurry As He Flies Around The World Wasting PCG Members Tithe...
FlightAwareSit back and relax as you follow ALL of Gerald Six-Pack Flurry flights with his new Gulfstream jet as he continues his quest to imitate everything Herbert Armstrong did. Will he soon have...
View ArticleDid God Let HWA Preach Incorrect Information Just So Pack, Flurry, Malm and...
A question was asked that pretty much sums up the current state of affairs with the various self-appointed, lying false prophets of Armstrongism who claim their god has revealed specially hidden...
View ArticleGerald Weston Mocks Christians
Gerald Weston has a letter up on the Tomorrow's World website that starts off with this blurb about Rod Meredith:Longtime readers of Tomorrow’s World have read and become familiar with these...
View ArticleBob Thiel Has Another Meltdown: I am NOT a Fake Theologian!!!!!! Rod Meredith...
I can feel the butthurt from Bob Thiel all the way down here in Pasadena!Almost-arrested Elisha, Elijah, Amos, Joshua, doubly blessed, self-appointed, world renown Mayan authority, and certified false...
View ArticleWhy Scooby-Doo Was A Threat To The Church of God
The post below was on a Facebook page recently and shows just how controlling the chruch was in telling members what to do.I have permission to repost this by its author:My momster would never let me...
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