Good ol'Bob, fresh back from Jerusalem, or was that his back yard with a Jerusalem green screen, is letting the world know that he is the ONE TRUE COG leader. Unlike LCG, UCG, PCG, and others that are run by robots or automatron's, Thiel is the REAL thing! It's true! He says so!
As most readers now know, I am the physical leader of a group called the Continuing Church of God.
Bob then goes on to compare himself to Polycarp. Polycarp was a real leader in the Christian church unlike Bob Thiel who is a self appointed wanna-be upstart that has become the laughing stock of COGland.
A few of the beliefs that Thiel claims he holds as did the early church are these:
- God’s Six Thousand Year Plan for humankind to rule itself was believed by early professors of Christ.
- The Ten Commandments were observed by the apostolic and true post-apostolic Christians–and in the order that the Church of God claims they are in.
- Tithes and Offerings were given to support the ministry, the churches, the needy, and evangelical travels and proclamation.
- Tradition had some impact on the second century Christians, but was never supposed to supercede the Bible.
- The Virgin Birth was acknowledged by all true ante-Nicene Christians.
Thiel then says this:
A bastardized "gospel" message, such as what Thiel proclaims, that is unfaithful, denies Jesus, grace, justification, and mercy is not worthy of being followed.
We in the Continuing Church of God are striving to best represent the most faithful remnant of the original Church of God that began on Pentecost in Acts 2 (c. 31 A.D.) and we believe and teach the doctrines of the original apostolic and faithful post-apostolic Church of God, and in particular, the Philadelphia-era of the Church of God.