Just a reminder, as Spring approaches, and we get treated to how God and Christ now are bringing the Haggai/Dave Pack prophecy to pass, of the kind of reasoning that went into the first run at getting it all wrong. All events on the planet during 2014 that occur both good and evil are not connected to Dave Pack. "The Prophecy" is off, not on, because it was never on and no book, prophet or scripture in the Bible has ANYTHING to do with David C. Pack or the Deplored Church of God
Disclaimer: IMHO
Why Reunification THIS YEAR! (2013)
By David C. Pack
.......................The first thing the thoughtful reader understands is that this prophecy has nothing to do with any year in the reign of a king that lived over 2,500 years ago! Sure it did. So the fulfillment comes in a year that can be known in OTHER WAYS. Thus, the day and month are seen to be easier to know than which YEAR it will happen.
Not Setting Dates Sure you did
The dates revealed in Haggai have nothing whatsoever to do with any decision that I made. God decided that this prophecy would be fulfilled after planning it over 3,000 years ago (it is referenced in several Psalms). I am not so arrogant as to decide what God must do and when. Even though you are about to give 24 ridiculous reasons as to what God must do and when. I repeat again, these events in NO WAY parallel the Return of Jesus Christ. This prophecy is directly tied to a date. You should be able to clearly see this. The reader will see in subsequent parts of the last of these Friday announcements that there is more information than I can share in one announcement. It must appear in its own context in the next few weeks. Once you see the evidence laid out, you will understand the last statement...........................
.............The Time Is NOW!
1) Understanding the meaning of the prophecy, starting with Haggai 1:2, automatically carries the requirement of taking a position on it. This cannot be avoided after one learns it. Think about this. The position of the remnant is that “the time is not come” to rebuild God’s House. Are they right or wrong? God indicts their thinking, meaning they are wrong! If the prophecy is not now, the net effect would be that God agrees with the remnant’s view. Worse, so should those currently in God’s one Church because they now know the meaning of the prophecy. Think this through. One does or does not agree with the remnant. God does not—and we do not. The time is now! Let’s go further.
Evidently there is more time for new and expansive elements God forgot about.
3) Also related, if God waited 2,500 years to reveal the prophecy’s meaning (3,000 years when various related much older Psalms are considered), is not His waiting done? Does His revealing it not signal that He has reached the time to fulfill it rather than having reached a point one, two or three years out? Nope
4) Next, why would God wait longer? What would He wait for? The remnant is absolutely ripe for deliverance.
Ripe is relevant to distance to the market5) Internally, and this is no small thing, God’s Church is truly ready to expand the Work in a BIG WAY. The prophecy features this as the MAIN PURPOSE of the remnant returning! Without the prophecy’s fulfillment, this expansion would be delayed one year—or more! Why would God notify His Church of the prophecy’s existence at the very same time our staff is ready, our websites are ready, our literature is ready and even God’s college is ready for more students if the prophecy were not imminent? Why would God notify His Church if HE were not ready?But is is delayed one year now anyway and I suspect even a bit more...
6) Related to this, the buildings on our campus can very soon handle significantly more staff than we have now. This is already true without the other two buildings scheduled for completion in the late fall. However, this extra size works perfectly if the prophecy occurs this year.
Brilliant reasoning
7) Also related, but separate, our infrastructure is ready to receive and serve a much larger flock this fall! This includes field ministry being ready, but also other things.
Well there ya go! Makes perfect sense
(see last comment)
9) The Restored Church of God is experiencing an AWESOME period of growth and development at this time—in the runup period just prior to the prophecy’s fulfillment. This is putting it mildly! To us, this is powerful indication that we are on the right track for this year—that God is not only pleased with His Church, but that He is helping it get ready.
10) If the prophecy did not happen this year, the remnant would remain another year (or more) undergoing ever worsening false ways. Worse off, they would have a commensurate shorter time to spiritually recover before the Tribulation. Think worse condition, less time to recover.
Think reality, they are trying to recover from these reasonings
11) If reunification occurred next year (or any year after), those with God’s Spirit would have one more year cut off from God’s Church. This carries the potential for more to quench the Holy Spirit (I Thes. 5:19) and lose salvation.
Not to worry, they are safe
12) The readers of the Haggai prophecy announcements (this is #21) who believed them would be the most disillusioned and the biggest candidates to QUIT everything if God did not return His people to one House this year! This would work directly against what God is doing—directly opposite His overall purpose.
Got that right.
13) Further desolation (Hag. 1:11; 2:16-17) from God of the splinter “houses” would practically wipe out the few remaining senior leaders in them. This includes pastors and elders, all of whom are NEEDED TO CARRY OUT THE BIG WORK!
Which is now a problem isn't it... Making stuff up does this.
Did you guys learn anything about how to pursue spiritual matters from this mess? Any new and expansive elements on the topic?
Oh..so now we ARE setting dates about events. Ever think you got the wrong message to begin with?
You made that up!
19) Imagine God not revealing the year the remnant is coming—but only the day and month. Vast amounts of time would have been wasted by His leaders studying and preparing for something that was not imminent. Would God put His Church in such a position?
Evidently yes. God is messin' with ya
20) Of interest, God revealed to me during ELUL four years ago my role as the modern Joshua.
It would have been nice for you to have not kept this under your hat so long. If you knew then, why not reveal it then? How did it get revealed? Dreams? Visions? Wishful thinking?
Would your knowing 4 years earlier you were Joshua not be tied to revealing it the very next Sabbath?
And hows the wrong side of prophecy view looking for you over there now?
23) With God’s people split up, it is now almost impossible to do a powerful Work. (This might be the one area where the splinter leaders would agree.) God’s Church is largely stymied in working with both brethren and the world because of the confusion and deception from top leaders about where God’s Church is, who has the truth, who is carrying on after Mr. Armstrong, who is doing the true Work, etc. (Reread #22.) There is no other way to proceed than for God to remove leaders who have lulled with deceit many thousands who were blind (Rev. 3:17) to begin with.
Oh Sure there is
24) World conditions cry out for a big WorkNOW!!!—not one or more years from now.
World conditions always cry out
I repeat: There are many more reasons for a 2013 fulfillment, with a few of a personal nature—and others involving God moving miraculously to reveal crucial things at certain times within an extraordinarily complex prophecy that involves hundreds of verses. I have not included all of these reasons because others would likely not accept them as legitimate. They are, however, on MY much longer list (now 56 total). And these reasons stand on bedrock in the eyes of ALL our Headquarters ministers.
I'm suspecting this is no longer true...
.... Since God revealed the prophecy NOW, He clearly does NOT agree with the remnant NOW. If it were not to be fulfilled this year, He would essentially be agreeing with the very people He just commanded to change and come to work in His Temple. This would make revealing the meaning of Haggai pointless—because it would still not yet be time. Would God do this? No!
Evidently God changed his mind and does agree with the slackards
The timing of this reunification is wonderful news for you, but terrible news for the leaders of the large organizations. They must continue attacking and lampooning these announcements. It's just not difficult You may begin to see a new level of viciousness appear regarding the work of The Restored Church of God—or me.
Many reading the announcements are intrigued. Some are fascinated. Most are dismissive.
I think the intrigued and fascinated have slipped over to the dismissive camp.
I willa see-ah you in-ah da Spring!