God's greatest living apostle (after Dave Pack, of course) is James Malm. He has declared that the TRUE Feast of Trumpets will begin at sunset on Saturday, September 7th and go through Sunday, September 8th. It is also very important that all TRUE followers of Malm have adequate food and drink on hand because they will not be able to prepare any food for the feast because it is a double sabbath weekend. Only heathen God haters would dare go out to a restaurant on these two days!
Notice all the legalistic bullshit that Malm has to go through in order to keep the one true day:
The Feast of Trumpets this year will begin at sunset on Saturday September 7, 2013 and continue until sunset on Sunday September 8, 2013.Make sure that you are prepared and have enough food and whatever else you may need, for the Sabbath and the immediately following High Day.The new moon will not even be potentially visible in Judea on Friday evening, Visibility is impossible from Israel on September 6, 2013 .
The new moon will be easily visible from Israel on Saturday night September 7, 2013; making Sunday the Feast of Trumpets.
Also the last new moon was sighted from Israel on Thursday night August 8, 2013. This makes Saturday night September 7 the 31st evening from the previous sighting. Since a lunar month can only be 29 or 30 days long, Saturday night has to be the Feast of Trumpets by default, whether or not the moon is actually sighted.
Friday night: there will only be 21 minutes lagtime from sunset ;with 1.58% illumination. the moon will not be seen over Judea in any case since its limit of visibility is south of Judea.
Saturday night: 58 minutes lagtime; 5.17% illumination and a more northerly position, makesa sighting of the first visible light in Judea very easy.