I don't care what your thoughts are on Obama, Dankenbring's article is racist to the core, AND it is not an isolated case in the Church of God.
From: Will the Antichrist Be Born of a Harlot?
Says Alexander Hislop,
“Now Nimrod, as the son of Cush, was black, in other words, was a negro, ‘Can the Ethiopian change his skin?’ is in the original, ‘Can the Cushite’ do so? Keeping this, then, in mind, it will be seen that in that figure disentombed from Nineveh . . . ‘the seed of the prophet Cush,’ and the real original of the black Adversary of mankind, with horns and hoofs” (p.34).
Stanley Ann DunhamNow let us skip over to the present day and age – the end of this age of mankind. Today, we see another “Nimrod”—the name in Hebrew comes from a root marad, meaning “he rebelled”-bestriding the earth, the leader of the world’s single last superpower, end-time “Babylon the Great.” He is also leading the world in rebellion against the God of heaven.He is also a black man. His name is Barack Hussein Obama. His white mother was Stanley Ann Dunham, a young teenager at the time of his conception. Was his mother, like that of the original Nimrod, also a “whore”?
Lawyer Stephen Pidgeon, in his riveting book The Obama Error, states unequivocally: “Stanley Ann Dunham, Obama’s mother, was the daughter of two members of the Communist party, and there is reason to believe that her father had betrayed the US during WWII by selling B-29 plans to the Germans. The family hatedthe US, but lived here for the prosperity of it all. . . .
“As a teen, Stanley Ann was a progressive Marxist, who preferred men of color and men who were most certainly Muslim” (p.11).
Pidgeon declares, “Stanley Ann was also promiscuous. She posed nude for some cheap publisher of cheap pornography around 1959 (at the age of 16) and these photos have survived to this day. The photos are not relevant; the fact that she was willing to pose gives you some idea of her mindset at that time” (ibid.).
Notice! Obama’s mother was a Marxist. She was promiscuous (another way of saying she was a “whore,” having many male companions. And she favored black men, and Muslim men!