The failed prophet had his second witless witness wife post the following on his March 18th blog posting:
Once God’s Church entered this prophetic day, the year of the Eternal, on Pentecost of 2012, Pentecost of 2013 seemed so far away. Our hearts had been set on the return of Christ to occur on May 27, 2012, but that did not happen. Then God quickly and mercifully revealed that His Son would not return until the following Pentecost of May 19, 2013.
The the king of idiotic prophecy uttered that
On Pentecost we learned why Christ had not yet returned, as we had entered a prophetic day in which God’s judgment would be executed. It would not be executed throughout that day, but within that day.
The only judgement that happened in this past year was that the Weinerdude found himself in court several times and then convicted for tax evasion. The judgement handed down to him was 3 1/2 years in prison.
Like any great Church of God Apostle or Prophet the Weinerdude gives himself an out realizing he may just be full of gas once again.
Time will soon reveal if God will now bring such judgment upon the world within this time period of Passover to Pentecost or if there is more to be learned that has not yet been given for us to see. If we do not yet have a completely clear picture of the timing of these end-time events, then we will humble ourselves before God and seek to learn what we do not know. God’s people can see no more than what God gives to be seen, and God has given us much!
I can guarantee you right now that Jesus will NOT return on May 13th and that Weinerdude will still be in prison. He will then claim they have another year because things were not ready. Either the dumb brethren were doubtful or God has a purpose in delaying the return of Weinerdude's christ. We have heard it all before. Idiot's all.