Is it any wonder that Ted rebelled against his dad when his father made these asinine statements? Imagine having a father that compares you to Jesus and expects you to be submissive in all things.
UNDERSTAND this! If we are led by the Spirit of God we shall enter into His Kingdom of God at the time of Christ's coming and the resurrection. Will GOD'S Kingdom be divided?
Again, we are, so to speak, in the process of being trained for entrance into the Kingdom of God, where WE SHALL JUDGE ANGELS (I Cor. 6:3).
A kingdom or a house divided against itself cannot stand! Even two cannot walk together except they be agreed! (Amos 3:3).
A few years ago, when I had high hopes that my son, Garner Ted, might qualify in God's sight for very high office in God's Kingdom, I said to him, "Ted, I often think of you and me as a father-and-son team, and how wonderful it would seem if we could be like the Father-and-Son divine Team that heads the entire universe! But to walk together as God and Christ do, we would have to remember that the Son agreed completely with the Father in all things. He said, ‘I have not spoken of myself; the Father which sent me, he gave me a commandment what I should say'" (John 12:49).
But as soon as I mentioned that the Divine Son was in total agreement with His Father, Ted would immediately change the subject. Good News April 1979