Now we get to Davey's most important reason for this!
Davey is moving into the 21st century and open plate offerings are soooooooooooooooooo passe. Davey will be using electronic transfers for all tithes and offerings. That way he has immediate access to your money. No more long delays for checks to clear or credit card companies transfer payment. It's Davey's money and he want sit NOW!
Finally, all must know where to send tithes and offerings. This must be understood from “day one.” Exact details will be worked out when the time comes, but here are some overall points. For those living in the United States or Canada, an online banking bill pay option is available. Upon reunification, brethren may also contact our Headquarters for wire transfer information. For international brethren, The Restored Church of God has some regional offices around the world. These offices can be used as a hub to receive tithes and offerings—Canada, S. Africa, Nigeria and the United States. At least four other countries are in the process of seeing corporate entities come into existence. Again, additional details regarding electronic wire details and banking information for our regional offices will be made available.
Many of our donors, co-workers and members use various online options (for instance, PayPal), which can be made available in the future to others. It is also common for members to deposit funds directly into the Church’s bank accounts.