Above is the first photo from Davey Pack's reeducation camp of a man who decided to join up with Davey. This is what happened when he lowered his standards and took Davey's 35 point test to determine if he was qualified to kneel at Davey's feet.
No man in his right mind would submit himself to Davey's 35 point questionnaire. No wife of a real man would ever let her husband do it either.
Byker Bob wrote:
This is self- defeating. He's just limited his pool of ministers to zero. I'm sure he will provide a path around the obvious for any high profile ministers from the past who could bring additional status to his organization.
We would hope this would be self defeating, but there will be some weak men who will lower their standards and let themselves be humiliated. That is what Armstrongism has taught them to do. They have no voice now and certainly will not when they jump over to Davey's side.
Dennis aptly wrote:
Dave has created a TERRIBLE Dilemma for any suck up fake minister that wants in. Now we know the process. He could have at least kept it to himself and in house but this will prove to be his biggest blunder of all. Well except from thinking he is spoken of in the Bible or Haggai had him in mind in the 500's BCE.
Dave wants the glory days back. This means that anyone that wants back also wants those days of pay, cars, respect not earned (there were many very sincere and respectable men and wives in WCG in my experience. You just never heard of them and they have since disappeard in disgust and lessons learned) and such.
I love "Are you willing to be an Associate Pastor?"
Dave was made an associate pastor under Steve Botha in NYC because of Dave's antics and offenses to people in Buffalo. Finally WCG had had enough of DCP. Ask Steve how well Dave was willing to be an Associate Pastor. Read Dave's won autobiography where he moans and bitches about his unfair reduction in RANK to an associate Pastor.
DAVE NEVER DID WHAT HE DEMANDS NOW OF OTHERS. I think his sub conscious mind wants revenge.
Steve told me when I asked how Dave was doing. He said, "Oh..fine...and he'll go back to his old ways when he gets free of this."
Prophecy comes alive.
I would like the names and phone numbers of any man who submits to this little exam. I'd like to meet a man who could share all their inner thoughts that no doubt they would be making up to appease the High Priest to get a job.
This really does limit Dave's ministerial options because now we all know what any man, falsely so called would have had to do to get back into David C Christ's good graces.
What a mockery of reality.