Davey is trying sooooooo hard to live in the past. To him, the Worldwide Church of God prior to 1986 was the most fabulous era of Christianity. Over 1,800 men were ministers in the Church. Now due to deaths and apostasy the COG is a do-nothing church with do-nothing ministers. Only the Restored Church of God and its ministers who are doing any work worthwhile.
He whines that those 40 and under have no idea of the past and apparently don't care enough to find out.
The group this announcement addresses should most be able to recognize the fingerprints of God working in His Church. It was the ministry—1,855 ministers and elders the day I was terminated in March 1993—that helped build, lead and manage God’s Work for decades under Mr. Armstrong’s leadership. With the passing of time since his death, this number has of course dwindled (and many never left the WCG), with groups having ordained many “replacements” who have no sense or knowledge of the ministry as it existed under Mr. Armstrong. So many today simply can no longer recognize God’s Church and Work when they see it. This includes ministers and laymembers alike. (A note to ministers under 40: You have not really seen what God’s Church is supposed to look like. Those under 30 have never seen it. GRASP THIS before proceeding!)
This is what Davey hopes to resurrect in August when his angry god kills the leadership of LCG, PCG and UCG. The glory days are more important than remagining the church so that it relates to the 21st century realities. The 1950's, 60's 70's and 80's will never be recaptured and are eras filled with disgusting actions by the COG leadership, its ministers and it's membership. It certainly is NOT something to be proud of. Sexual scandals, murders, suicides, rapes, destroyed marriages, child molestations, rampant alcoholism, and countless other deviant acts make up our history. Who in their right mind wants to relive that?