Robert Taylor, the founder of the Bible Sabbath Association in the UK, was featured in a previous article here in November 2012. Bible Sabbath Association UK Founder Hearing Voices From His Computer .
Yesterday he contacted me with the following information about the continued harassment he is receiving from the UK government. Given the recent exposure of the spying scandal here in the US by the government, this may not be as far fetched as it sounds.
Here is what he wrote:
A short article followed by my story is in theDo Not Call it Kosher articleThe people now use a laser beam and send me voices daily, they were convinced I was a candidate for one of the Two Witnesses based on my numerical chart where the number 10 would keep turning up, and my name adding up to 1947, the year Israel was created.RegardsRobert
There is now a laser beam on me, with voices coming from the sky, then voices to the skull with a litany of abuse having to endure on a daily basis, for two months enduring death threats. This started soon after studying the occult and secret societies for research purposes, visiting occult bookstores (for research). The voices and laser beam came soon after studying occult knowledge. There are also "microwaves" -- it is satellite surveillance which is covered by Dr Robert Duncan in his book: Project Soul Catcher.
It is satellite surveillance. The US and UK governments have secret programmes which use mind control against their own people. The US, has 2000 mind control projects, the UK has 70. They use technology originally created by the Russians, and further developed by the United States, to monitor, track, harass and torture people around the world. People are secretly put into programmes against their will. They use satellite surveillance which uses laser beams, microwaves, software capable of reading human minds through EEG brain mapping. They read electric impulses of the brain and convert it to thought and sound. The software so fantastically wicked, they can hack into human minds and bodies, with the eyes and hears turning into cameras and microphones. Voices, can be placed into people's head through voice to skull technology sending people mentally insane. So, sophisticated are these weapons, they can induce heart attacks, strokes, cause depression and many other medical problems.
The Satellite Surveillance
For over 3 months or more, I have been followed by laser beams, began hearing voices from the sky, receiving threats on a daily basis, to name but some of the nightmare. The people doing this believed I was one of the Two Witnesses, but quickly labelled me the Antichrist. The electrics starting blowing out in the car, the computer can be hacked into without internet access, they can remotely hack into the CCTV camera, and hack into the tape recorder if they want to prevent me listening to a tape.
You can read more of Robert's ordeal and other writings here: Bible Sabbath Association UK