The Lord (Delays His Coming) Of Restored Church of God Castle Progresses Sorta
Castles are spiffy things. While we may say "a man's home is his castle," there is nothing in this world like actually having and living in one. I do hear they are hard to heat and winters can be difficult with a certain dankness and chill in every room. But if you stand close enough to the fire, I suppose you are well warmed and filled. As long as the Lord of the castle can order that whole forests with all their trees be sent in to fuel the warmth, beauty and construction needs of the Lord of the Castle, all is well. The peasants can also expect most of their crops to be sent to the Lord as well. I also suppose the royal and loyal troops can also be sent out from time to time to enforce the laws of the Castle Master upon those who fail to send in all the trees and crops on their land as instructed. Castles are high maintenance and can leave the peasant landscape a bit tohu and boo hoo at times. (Let him who reads understand)
Castles are actually places to hide and fear based constructs. Water filled moats to slow the advance of any wanting to get in serve as the first line of defense against intruders real or imagined. Very high walls are next and put the intruder at a distinct disadvantage. It is simply impossible to climb a vertical wall in soggy wet clothes or armor. The only way you could ever get in once you got into that mess was for the Lord to lower you a rope, after careful scrutiny, and haul you up. You would then be interrogated as to why you did not show up at the narrow gate and slender bridge for questioning in the first place and go by the rules of the Lord. Scriptures about trying to climb in ways other than those allowed would be read to you and you would probably be put in the prison cell until you could prove your sincerity. If you had nothing to offer the Lord of the Castle, or were deemed a threat, out you go. The Lord would mark you and throw you off the walls back into the moat to swim home if you did not drown.
Only the chosen and special people to the Lord get to live and abide in the Castle. After all, the purpose of a castle is to keep the peasants (pagans) out and preserve the wealth and ideas of the Lord. The are meant to insulate those within from those without. The Lord of the Castle meets with only those he agrees to let in. He only has to take counsel and advice from the few trusted knights that already abide in the castle by his good graces. They know they will be on the outside looking in with all the rest of the peasants should they displease the Lord of the Castle or offer advice and counsel counter to the already preordained and acceptable answers. And there are many preordained and acceptable answers to be memorized and agreed with, at least outwardly.
"Agreeth thou I am the Lord of the Castle and that my Castle, my moat, my walls and myself were spoken of by our fathers long dead?""Oh yes, yes my Lord. Agreeth I do! Truly this place was spoken of in times gone by and would be built by another Sir Lancelot to come, which is you!""Well, spoken Knight......abide ye yet more as long as ye seeth the truth"
Castles can be a bit limiting as one's access to the countryside is limited. The peasants, who are free of the Lord's limited views and not bound by the views of the ONE, often have much more fun and live a larger life than those trapped in the security of the castle. Oh the Lord has his own servants do the quick run out and back to get supplies or to meet with peasants who admire his Castle to see if perchance they may have something the Lord might need, but over all it is a dull and boring existence waiting for the enemy which seems to be everywhere and nowhere to be found.
To face this boredom the Lord has limited access camps, within the walls for Children of the Knights and Approved Peasants. Archery, boiling oil pouring, catapulting and pushing wall climbers backwards skills are taught to the young. A great time is had by all. The highlight is when the Lord visits the campers. He rides in with his Knights, armored up on the best horse in the land. Dressed in the official "ME" youth shirts and uniforms and they chant "Awesome, Awesome, Awesome...My World is Gyrating" as the Lord of Restored passes to review the progress of the children. Outside the walls, the non-chosen peasant children are fishing, laughing their butts off and fighting with wooden swords and riding on branches and jousting with brooms. "Ok, you're the crazy Lord of the Castle this time.... " "Awwwwww...I always have to be him!" "I got you..." "Did not..." "Did too..."
SEP (Send Everything Posthaste) Camp 2013
There are leadership classes, Knights Clubs, lead by the Lord to give the appearance of intellectual stimulation and proper delivery of the ideas approved by the Lord. And of course there are Peasant Picnics and jousting tournaments. When the Lord comes on the course to joust with a chosen knight, the Lord always wins. It is just better that way for all concerned.
Specifically, the Lord (and there are many Lords of other castles) of Restored Castle has issued a degree that all other Lords must come to his castle and bring the peasants with them or risk death by decree. The Lord of Restored wants this done by the Fall harvest because this was revealed to him four years ago but only now revealed it and why would it be later than this Fall if God reveals it now to him? One very stupid peasant raised his hand and asked the Lord of Restored why he waited four years to reveal this and would not God have wanted him to reveal it then as it was given to him then? The Lord said, "Well wise one....with observations like that you will really go up in my kingdom." Next we knew he was standing at the bottom of the stairs to the gallows and the Lord of Restored said.."Up you go young man." There were no more questions.
The Lord of Restored and the Castle of God, as he now calls it, gave many sound proofs as to why all these things must be and shortly come to pass. Secretly he is training Pipers to lead the people back to the Lord of Restored Castle this Fall. Pipers may also be picked from the Lords of other castles who have lived in shame and ignorance of the true Lord of all Castles until now and deeply repent. There will be difficult hoops to jump through to qualify for this that position. One Piper named Peter was too busy picking pecks of pickled peppers to respond and scoffed at this crazy decree. Neither he nor his pickled peppers have been heard from again.
I personally would not wish to live in a castle. Impressive places yes, but they are designed to keep only the few small minded and subservient agreers inside and the wonder of the whole wide world out. I admit, I am not much of a Lord of Restored or any other castle fan. I would not do well sitting for hours having the Lord of Restored or the lords of any other castles school me on what to think, what to believe and how everything should and is going to go as if the Lord of Restored or others really knew. I have known other Lords of Castles who tried to give that impression to the chosen peasants and knights and....well....they are all dead and gone and the beat goes on.
The Lord of Restored has been so long behind the walls of his castle that the light of the world cannot penetrate and illuminate anything. Soooo serious and limited in his understanding of science and theology done well, the Lord of Restored Castle seems off into strange and weird ideas that he hopes you never question him on. He once said he was not going anywhere with strange ideas...but if this not going anywhere, I'd hate to think where the Lord of Restored thought he'd have to go to be strange. But, he has assured the peasants that this is not what he meant and they should have no concerns...whew! Are you listening brethren....
Ultimately, castles are not happy places. They are dank and chilly or humid and hot depending on the season. They scarf up an inordinate amount of resources just to keep it going and often the Lord of the Castle requires the work of the castle bound be done for free as a sign of dedication to the Lord. Those paid by the Lord know their horse and armor can be taken away anytime they get off track and on some other page than the page of the Lord. Always living in fear with guilt and shame to keep the peasants in place is not my idea of living. Personal progress and growth never happens in castles, Castles are too small and cover such a limited area of territory to be of any real value. The confine people, ideas and learning, which is what they are meant to do. Castles are where one lives to stay the same, learn nothing new, never step outside the box provided by the Lord of the Castle and quietly wonder if maybe there isn't more to life and learning than this.
There is......wonderful things...
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