Davie Joshua C Pack is back today with his latest missive where he says he will reveal who Joshua is. He starts off with his usual complaint. No on in the splinter groups listens to him. Oh boo hoo!
His weak impotent god is getting ready to "reinstate" thousands of COG members around world back into the one true church.......IF......they mend their ways and grovel at Dave's feet with great weeping and knashing of teeth.
Most in the splinters are not yet reading these announcements. The Haggai prophecy actually shows that this would be the case, but also that it would change. (My two final announcements will explain this.) God, through His Spirit, is about to begin communicating individually with these thousands currently cut off from Him. His Spirit now lies dormant in them because, having left His Church, they have for over 20 years been unwilling to “consider their ways” (Hag. 1:5, 7). God had to put them out of His Church—disfellowship them (I Cor. 5:5; I Tim. 1:20)—until they had learned bitter lessons, and until He was ready to address them. Much like people who broke the Sabbath, stole God’s tithes, skipped the Feast of Tabernacles or committed adultery, God is preparing to “reinstate” thousands of people at the same time IF they consider their ways—their false doctrines, traditions, behavior and worldly standards.